11 research outputs found

    Creative Economy-Feasible Option for România

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    The paper’s objective is the scientific foundation of the necessity to implement the topic of creative economy in Romania. The term of creative economy is widely used in the context of the knowledge-based society. Its importance to sustainable development, wealth and prosperity is commonly recognised mostly due to the amplified crisis effects. The creative communities and industries have moved from the fringes to the mainstream. The special needs of creative industries are reflected more in policy development at national, regional and microeconomic levels. The paper presents part of the results obtained within the research project “IDEI 1224”: “The creative economy and knowledge-based society. Challenges and opportunities for Romania” The general perspective of this paper is aimed at presenting our vision regarding the most important challenges and opportunities for Romania on its road towards a knowledge-based society and creative economy. Creative economy is crucial for Romania while it is facing the global crisis. In order to manage the current crisis (its complex nature derives from the fact that it is much more than just an economic crisis) in a competent way we have to seriously take into account the opportunities creative economy can provide. According to the authors’ vision, creative economy is a feasible option for Romania. The creative economy has to foster a holistic vision of development including socio-cultural, economic and environmental dimensions, offering new opportunities for Romania on its road towards a knowledge-based society.creative economy, creative class, creative communities, creative cities


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    The paper debates the topics of intercultural competences and intercultural dialogue. The main research whose results are being disseminated through this paper are part of a national research project, "Equality of chances and intercultural dialogue", project granted by competition and which benefits from the expertise of a dynamic team of University Professors and lecturers as well as enthusiastic PhD students. The authors present the results of their academic and research activities involving students (both Romanian and foreign) studying Economics in foreign languages (at the Faculty of Business Administration taught in foreign languages, English section within the Bucharest University of Economics).intercultural dialogue, intercultural competence, intercultural sensitivity, knowledge-based society


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    Nowadays, in the economic theory and practice, there's commonly held idea that the primary objective of monetary policy should be price stability. However, the possibility of achieving this goal depends on the development and stability of the financial system. Even though financial stability represents a prerequisite for reaching the objective of price stability, the relationship manifests itself in reverse also. In the long term, the two objectives support and reinforce each other, but in the short term, there may occur certain incompatibilities, thus resulting in the central bank's dilemma of abandoning one in favor of the other. This paper aims to investigate precisely the circumstances in which the policies pursued to ensure price stability can cause or worsen financial stability.price stability, financial stability, central bank, monetary policy, National Bank of Romania

    FLAMINGO – Fulfilling enhanced location accuracy in the mass-market through initial GalileO services

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    This paper discusses FLAMINGO, an initiative that will provide a high accuracy positioning service to be used by mass market applications. The status and future for the initiative are discussed, the required accuracies and other location parameters are described, and the target applications are identified. Finally, the currently achieved accuracies from today’s Smartphones are assessed and presented. FLAMINGO (Fulfilling enhanced Location Accuracy in the Mass-market through Initial GalileO services), part funded through the European GNSS Agency, is a collaborative venture comprising NSL (as lead organization), Telespazio France, University of Nottingham, Rokubun, Thales Alenia Space France, VVA, BQ, ECLEXYS and Blue Dot Solutions. The initiative is developing the infrastructure, solutions and services to enable the use of accurate and precise GNSS within the mass-market, thereby operating predominantly in an urban environment. Whilst mass-market receivers are yet to achieve accuracies below one metre for standard positioning, the introduction of Android raw GNSS measurements and the Broadcom dual frequency chipset (BCM47755), has presented the devices such an opportunity. FLAMINGO will enable and demonstrate the future of high accuracy positioning and navigation information on mass-market devices such as smartphones and Internet of Things (IoT) devices by producing a service delivering accuracies of 50cm (at 95%) and better, employing multi-constellation, PPP and RTK mechanisms, power consumption optimisation techniques. Whereas the Galileo High Accuracy Service targets 10cm precision within professional markets, FLAMINGO targets 30-50cm precision in the mass-market consumer markets. By targeting accuracies of a few decimetres, a range of improved and new applications in diverse market sectors are introduced. These sectors include, but are not limited to, mapping and GIS, autonomous vehicles, AR environments, mobile-location based gaming and people tracking. To obtain such high accuracies with mass market devices, FLAMINGO must overcome several challenges which are technical, operational and environmental. This includes the hardware capabilities of most mass-market devices, where components such as antennas and processors are prioritised for other purposes. We demonstrate that, despite these challenges, FLAMINGO has the potential to meet the accuracy required. Tests with the current Smartphones that provide access to multi-constellation raw measurements (the dual frequency Xiaomi Mi 8 and single frequency Samsung S8 and Huawei P10) demonstrate significant improvements to the PVT solution when processing using both RTK and PPP techniques


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    Nowadays, in the economic theory and practice, theres commonly held idea that the primary objective of monetary policy should be price stability. However, the possibility of achieving this goal depends on the development and stability of the financial system. Even though financial stability represents a prerequisite for reaching the objective of price stability, the relationship manifests itself in reverse also. In the long term, the two objectives support and reinforce each other, but in the short term, there may occur certain incompatibilities, thus resulting in the central banks dilemma of abandoning one in favor of the other. This paper aims to investigate precisely the circumstances in which the policies pursued to ensure price stability can cause or worsen financial stability


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    The paper debates the topics of intercultural competences and intercultural dialogue. The main research whose results are being disseminated through this paper are part of a national research project, Equality of chances and intercultural dialogue, project granted by competition and which benefits from the expertise of a dynamic team of University Professors and lecturers as well as enthusiastic PhD students. The authors present the results of their academic and research activities involving students (both Romanian and foreign) studying Economics in foreign languages (at the Faculty of Business Administration taught in foreign languages, English section within the Bucharest University of Economics)

    Enabling High Accuracy Dynamic Applications in Urban Environments Using PPP and RTK on Android Multi-Frequency and Multi-GNSS Smartphones

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    In recent months, smartphones and IoT devices have become the leading products of mass-market GNSS. However, they are still limited in their positioning capability and, even with the release of Android raw measurements in late 2016, the use of PPP and RTK processing is still yet to be optimised. Smartphones are not ideal GNSS receivers, their measurements suffer from interference and multipath effects due to the multi-purpose nature of the antenna, shared with other systems such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The Xiaomi Mi 8 represented a milestone within the GNSS mass-market, offering improved accuracies with the multi-frequency GNSS Broadcom BCM47755 chipset. The additional L5/E5 signals improve the resilience, but not immunity, to multipath effects in urban environments. This work is completed through the FLAMINGO initiative (Fulfilling enhanced Location Accuracy in the Mass-market through Initial GalileO services) which endeavours to facilitate mass-market devices to achieve sub-metre accuracies by using raw GNSS measurements and advances in GNSS hardware, systems and infrastructure. The PPP and RTK accuracies achievable in urban areas are evaluated through a field test within a varied semi-open sky and sub-urban environment. Objects have been identified with a FLAMINGO target accuracy, allowing evaluation of the positioning accuracy achievable in variious test scenarios. The results obtained highlight the sensitivity of the smartphone to multipath effects, especially in the sub-urban scenario. Furthermore, the use of L5/E5 observations increases the final accuracy, but the use of an ionosphere-free combination does not always provide the best results due to increased noise

    Grèce-Roumanie II : histoires mêlées et regards croisés au XXe siècle

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    Le dossier de ce numéro complète celui du numéro 42 en offrant les contributions apportées lors de la deuxième journée d’étude consacrée aux relations roumano‑grecques, organisée à l’Inalco avec le soutien du CREE en juin 2014. Constatant, à l’issue de la première rencontre, que les travaux, fort nombreux sur les liens unissant Grecs et Roumains, se faisaient plus rares au sujet du XXe siècle, c’est sur cette période plus proche que nous avons souhaité centrer cette seconde journée également pluridisciplinaire, qui vient compléter les apports de la première, majoritairement consacrés aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Issus de la décomposition de l’Empire ottoman, les deux États‑nations abordent le XXe siècle en poursuivant chacun leur destin historique, mais sans pouvoir faire abstraction ni de leur ancrage balkanique commun ni de leurs héritages culturels mêlés. Sans vouloir suivre la piste d’un parallélisme étroit et artificiel, il nous a semblé fécond d’interroger ces deux parcours qui répondent à des problématiques géopolitiques marquées par des soubresauts et revirements propres à la région, mais aussi peut‑être par quelques intérêts historiques communs. Comme chaque numéro, celui-ci comprend également des contributions distinctes (les varia) concernant les Balkans et la Grèce, et, plus exceptionnellement, la géopolitique de l'Albanie contemporaine