5 research outputs found

    Antraknoza - nova bolest jagode u Srbiji i njena kontrola fungicidima

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    Anthracnose is a destructive disease of strawberry fruits in warm and continental climate. During 2004, in the vicinity of Valjevo, there were severe losses in two strawberry plantations due to fruit anthracnose. Two fungal isolates, GG-6A and GG-JUP were recovered from strawberry stolons and fruits showing severe anthracnose symptoms. Based on morphological and pathological characteristics, and PCR analyses with specific primers of reference species, isolate GG-6A was identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and GG-JUP isolate as C. acutatum. This is the first identification of C. acutatum in strawberry in Serbia. In order to control strawberry anthracnose, five fungicides and their combinations were applied four times during the flowering. The best fruit protection was achieved by fungicides Metiram + piraclostrobin (Cabrio top), Captan FL and Fludioksinil + ciprodinil (Swich). Less effective were Benomil (Benlate) and Krezoksim-metil (Stroby). Pathogen is transmitted by planting material, so phytosanitary measures are extremely important in preventing the disease.Antraknoza je destruktivna bolest plodova jagode u toplim i kontinentalnim klimatskim uslovima. Tokom 2004. godine, na 2 plantaže jagoda u blizini Valjeva, bilo je velikih gubitaka prouzrokovanih antraknozom. Dva izolata gljiva GG-6A i GG-JUP su izolovana iz stolona jagode, i plodova sa izraženim simptomima antraknoze. Na osnovu morfoloŔkih i patoloŔkih karakteristika, i PCR analize sa specifičnim prajmerima za referentne vrste, izolat GG-6A je identifikovan kao Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, a izolat GG-JUP kao C. acutatum. Ovo je prvi nalaz C. acutatum na jagodi u Srbiji. U cilju kontrole antraknoze jagode pet fungicida i njihovih kombinacija su primenjeni 4 puta tokom cvetanja. Najbolja zaŔtita plodova jagode je postignuta primenom fungicida Metiram + piraclostrobin (Cabrio top), Captan FL i Fludioksinil ciprodinil (Swich). Manje efektivni su bili Benomil (Benlate) i Krezoksim-metil (Stroby). Patogen se prenosi sadnim materijalom pa su fitosanitarne mere veoma važne u prevenciji bolesti

    Anthracnose: A new strawberry disease in Serbia and its control by fungicides

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    Anthracnose is a destructive disease of strawberry fruits in warm and continental climate. During 2004, in the vicinity of Valjevo, there were severe losses in two strawberry plantations due to fruit anthracnose. Two fungal isolates, GG-6A and GG-JUP were recovered from strawberry stolons and fruits showing severe anthracnose symptoms. Based on morphological and pathological characteristics, and PCR analyses with specific primers of reference species, isolate GG-6A was identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and GG-JUP isolate as C. acutatum. This is the first identification of C. acutatum in strawberry in Serbia. In order to control strawberry anthracnose, five fungicides and their combinations were applied four times during the flowering. The best fruit protection was achieved by fungicides Metiram + piraclostrobin (Cabrio top), Captan FL and Fludioksinil + ciprodinil (Swich). Less effective were Benomil (Benlate) and Krezoksim-metil (Stroby). Pathogen is transmitted by planting material, so phytosanitary measures are extremely important in preventing the disease

    Nova bolest jagode u Srbiji

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    New strawberry disease known as anthracnosis had been recently discovered in Serbia. Anthracnosis is a destructive disease of strawberry fruits in warm and continental climate areas. In Serbia anthracnosis was first discovered near Valjevo in 2004. In some fields damage was so severe that plots had to be plowed. A fungus was isolated from diseased fruits and stolones. On the basis of morphological and pathogenic characteristics and PCR analyses using specific primers we were able to identify two species of fungies. First, isolated from stolones was identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and second one, isolated from fruits, as C. acutatum. This is the first report of C. acutatum on strawberry in Serbia. C. acutatum is a quarantine pathogen in EU and it is listed on A2 quarantine pathogen list. After itā€™s detection in Serbia the pathogen has been transferred from A1 to A2 list. The pathogen is transmitted by diseased propagating material and phytosanitary measures are of extreme importance for prevention of the pathogen.Nova bolest jagode, opisana pod nazivom antraknoza, odnedavno je prisutna i u naÅ”oj zemlji. Antraknoza je destruktivna bolest plodova jagode u toplim i kontinentalnim klimatskim uslovima. Kod nas je prvi put zabeležena 2004. godine u okolini Valjeva. Na dve plantaže bilo je velikih gubitaka, te su morale biti preorane. Gljiva je izolovana iz zaraženih plodova i stolona. Na osnovu morfoloÅ”kih i patogenih odlika i PCR analize sa specifičnim prajmerima za referentne vrste, sa jagode su izolovane i identifikovane dve vrte gljiva. Izolat sa stolona je identifikovana kao Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, a sa plodva kao C. acutatum. Ujedno, ovo je prvi nalaz C. acutatum na jagodi u Srbiji. C. acutatum je karantinski patogen u zemljama EU i nalazi se na A2 listi. Nakon otkrića kod nas, ovaj patogen je sa A1 prebačen na A2 karantinsku listu. Patogen se prenosi sadnim materijalom, te su fitosanitarne mere veoma važne u prevenciji bolesti

    Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus - Potato Cultivar Susceptibility and Tuber Transmission

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    Tomato spotted wilt virus is an economically important pathogen in several potato producing areas in the world. Although natural infections of potato in Serbia have not been detected, two TSWV isolates from tobacco, with different biological features were compared based on NSm gene sequence analysis and they were used for mechanical and graft inoculations to evaluate the susceptibility of five popular potato cultivars: 'Riviera', 'Arnova', 'Curoda', 'Kondor' and 'Aladin'. Both TSWV isolates infected all tested potato cultivars. Statistical analyses showed that the rate of TSWV transmission from infected foliage to tubers and from infected tubers to progeny plants was affected by cultivars, while virus transmission efficiency was independent of investigated isolates. Different potato tissues used for sample preparation did not influence virus detection by ELISA, but composite sampling from six different tuber parts is recommended since it was the most reliable