16 research outputs found

    The Role of Online Shopping in the Republic of Serbia During COVID‐19

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    This paper investigates the role of online shopping during severe COVID-19. The main aim is to see whether this virus and implemented measures of reducing the spread of contagion brought by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, resulted with changes in consumer behaviour. The data was collected from 408 respondents from the Republic of Serbia using an online questionnaire. The questionnaire lasted from 07th April until 04th May. Data were analysed using the Chi-Square test. Results of this study revealed that there is a significant association between purchasing online before and after the appearance of the COVID-19. Also, the authors conclude that there is no significant association between gender and the decision to purchase after the appearance of the COVID-19. The main three motives for online shopping in the period during COVID-19 were that too many stores are working only online, reducing health risk, and saving time. The most frequently online bought products by the respondents, were food (groceries), medicines and books (magazines, newspapers). The contribution of this paper, even though the analysed sample is not national representative, lays in the fact that there is almost none research of this topic in our country

    E-učenje-stanje i perspektive u Republici Srbiji

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    Sa razvojem tehnologije došlo je do mnogobrojnih inovacija koje su dovele do toga da se transformiše sistem i prilagodi trenutnim potrebama. Ovaj rad baziran je na pregledu trenutnog stanja e-obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji. Podaci prikazani u radu su najvećim delom preuzeti iz zvaničnih dokumenata zemlje, kao i radova čija je osnova ova tematika. U narednom periodu istraživanja će biti usmerena ka testiranju određenih inovacija i njihovom uticaju na obrazovanje studenata

    Društvena trgovina kao alternativa "klasičnoj" elektronskoj trgovini

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    Društvene mreže, kao vid posredovanja, pomažu kupcima da se povežu i da komuniciraju na ličnom nivou, omogućavajući im da dele iskustva o različitom sadržaju. Neki od tih iskustava usmereni su ka robi koja je deo ponude elektronske i društvene trgovine. Kupci iz Srbije su takođe deo tog globalnog fenomena i u tom kontekstu, ovaj rad pruža pregled referentne literature i ukazuje na trenutno stanje inovativnih trgovina u svetu i Republici Srbiji

    Evaluation of the Human Development Index (HDI) Using the Methods of Sample Theory

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    This paper aims to determine which of the two sample plans, i.e., a simple random sample without replacement, or a stratified sample, gives a more accurate estimate of the feature's mean. The feature that was the subject of this research is the human development index in 2018. The analysis included 189 countries globally, classified into specific categories according to the United Nations development classification. The research results showed that a more accurate estimate of the mean of the human development index was obtained by applying a stratified sampling since the mean of the human development index is close to the population mean. Also, the variance of the sample mean is lower than the value obtained by applying a simple random sampling without replacement. Therefore, it was justified to approach stratification, which indicates that in the case of conducting research, the use of a stratified sampling should be considered since it provides a more precise estimate of the mean

    DigComp okvir - metodološki okvir za merenje digitalnih kompetencija

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    Ovaj pregledni rad baziran je na desk istraživanju okvira digitalne kompetentnosti ,,Digital Competence Framework - DigComp’’ koji je razvijen od strane Evropske Komisije. Okvir je nastao na osnovu rezultata istraživanja uzorka populacije Evropske Unije, koji su pokazali da veliki procenat ima nerazvijene digitalne veštine. Cilj ovog rada je pregled trenutnog stanja literature koja je zasnovana na postojećem okviru DigComp, njegovim oblastima i veštinama unutar tih oblasti, nastale na teritoriji Republike Srbije i drugih zemalja. Uz pregled, urađeno je poređenje određenih oblasti okvira DigComp 2.0 sa prethodnim (DigComp 1.0), kao i kratko osvrtanje na njihovu primenu u praksi. Ustanovljeno je da postoji prostor za dodatno proučavanje ove tematike, te je to doprinelo identifikaciji pravaca budućih istraživanja koji će biti usmereni na merenje digitalnih veština studenata

    Digital Competences Performance of Serbian Female Entrepreneurs

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    This paper aims to examine Serbian female entrepreneurs’ performance related to digital competences based on real-life scenario questions. The research was conducted on a sample of 114 female entrepreneurs. The method used for collecting data was an online survey (Google form). The survey questions were based on Digital Competence Framework (DigComp) focusing on the first two areas, “Information and data literacy” and “Communication and collaboration”. The results showed that the female entrepreneurs in Serbia achieved better performance (i.e., answered the questions correctly) in the area “Information and data literacy” especially in the segment “Browsing, searching, and filtering data, information and digital content”. On the other side, lower performance of Serbian female entrepreneurs was achieved in the area “Communication and collaboration”, where nine questions from thirteen were not answered correctly. Segments “Engaging in citizenship through digital technologies”, “Collaborating through digital technologies” and “Netiquette” were identified as the most problematic because there was no correct answer. The authors can conclude that skills incorporated in the segments of the second area need to be improved and boosted to be in line with market demands

    Nivo digitalnih kompetencija žena preduzetnica u Republici Srbiji

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    Pojava pandemije COVID19 promenila je način funkcionisanja kako privatnog, tako i poslovnog života, gde se sa fizičkog prelazi na distancirano (onlajn) okruženje. S tim u vezi, informaciono�komunikacione tehnologije (IKT) postaju nezaobilazni faktor uspešne poslovne komunikacije. Paralelno sa tim, povećava se tražnja za derivatima IKT, što posledično dovodi do disperzije neophodnih kompetencija za njihovo korišćenje. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrde nivoi digitalnih kompetencija žena preduzetnica, na osnovu dve oblasti okvira digitalnih kompetencija-DigComp, kao metodološkog okvira. Uz to, identifikovane su kompetencije žena preduzetnica koje bi trebalo unaprediti, kako bi bile u skladu sa zahtevima poslovnog tržišta, ali i tržišta rada. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 114 preduzetnica u periodu februar-maj 2021 godine u Srbiji. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je najveći jaz između postojećih i potrebnih digitalnih kompetencija kod srpskih preduzetnica u interakciji sa trećim licima putem digitalnih tehnologija. Naime, potrebna je dodatna edukacija preduzetnica u Srbiji u segmentu „Komunikacija i kolaboracija“ u digitalnom okruženju

    Is there a Gender Gap in Financial Inclusion Worldwide?

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    This paper aims to examine the differences between men and women in 7 segments related to financial inclusion: 1) owning an account with a financial institution; 2) savings at a financial institution; 3) borrowing from a financial institution; 4) owning a credit card, 5) using a mobile phone or the Internet to access an account; 6) using the Internet to pay bills or to buy something online; 7) making or receiving digital payments. The research is based on the Global Findex Database 2017. The sample comprises 144 countries worldwide. The authors applied the nonparametric Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks test using a 95% confidence interval. The Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks test showed statistically significant differences between men and women in all segments related to financial inclusion. Regarding this, policymakers of individual countries, especially Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Turkey, Hong Kong, Italy, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, and Bahrain, should develop financial inclusion strategies by focusing on measures to increase and improve women’s financial inclusion, especially in the segments related to making or receiving digital payments and owning an account with a financial institution

    Is There a Relationship Between Country Development and Citizens’ Level of Digital Skills?

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    This paper examines the relationship between citizens' level of digital skills and country development. Country development is measured by Gross National Income per capita (GNI p.c.), while digital skills are measured by the World Economic Forum. Data were gathered from the World Bank databases for 2019 from 135 countries worldwide. Correlation analysis was used for the analysis. The results of the correlation analysis show a significant strong positive linear relationship between digital skills and GNI p.c., indicating the importance of country development in developing adequate levels of the crucial skills of the 21st century – digital skills and vice vers

    The Impact of Socio-Demographic Characteristics on Students’ Perception of Identification of Opportunities: A Case Study from Kuwait and Serbia

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    Digital transformation has increased the necessity of digital entrepreneurial competences (DEC). This paper investigates the impact of socio-demographic characteristics on the student’s perception as one of the DEC components, named Identification of opportunities. The authors collected the data with the online survey and distributed it in Kuwait and Serbia in the 2021/2022 academic year. The tests used were T-test, F-test, and factor analysis. The T-test results showed that gender was statistically insignificant in most questions, but employment showed as opposite. The F-test showed that degree level and field of study were statistically significant. With factor analysis, four factors were identified. Paper’s results highlight the significance of measuring the DEC and the impact of socio-demographics on them. Despite that, it serves as an excellent base for further research