15 research outputs found

    Geological-hydrogeochemical characteristics of a "silver spring" water source (the Lozovy ridge)

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    Geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the Lozovy ridge (Southern Primorye) are studied, as far as karst phenomena are widely distributed within its boundaries. Water-bearing rocks of the karst water source "Silver Spring" ("Serebryany Klyuch"), which is located near the bottom of the "Bear's fang" ("Medvezhiy klyk") cave, are investigated. It is found that karst rocks are presented by calcite (CaCO[3]), and an accessory mineral is barite (BaSO[4]). It is determined that among the trace elements forming the composition of carbonate water-bearing rocks the maximum concentrations are typical for Sr, Ba, Fe, Al, Za, Mn, Cu, and Ni. Also, the chemical composition of the waters taken from the "Silver Spring" water source is studied. These waters are fresh, hydrocarbonate, calcium, and weakly alkaline. Among the elements of the spring, such elements as Sr, Ba, Fe, Al, Zn, Mn, Cu, and Ni have the maximum concentration. The other elements have concentrations less than 1 [mu]g/l

    Can MOOC help to prepare a well-trained specialist for aerospace industry?

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    Digitalization of education is the main trend of modern society. The ideology of education "lifelong learning" invests the opportunity to improve skills and develop competencies without leaving home. The article discusses the possibility of using MOOC for training specialists in the aerospace industry. The analysis of the MOOC and specialized courses developed and followed in the TPU, as well as analyzed the education of students is done

    Preliminary studies of surface water quality in Damodar River basin (West Bengal, India)

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    The purpose of the research was to study the main parameters of the chemical composition of surface water and its quality in the Damodar River basin near the Durgapur city where the surface water is used for water supply of the local community. During fieldwork water of the Damodar River, its tributaries (Tamla River and small streams - receivers of industrial wastewater and drainage water) and the Maithon Reservoir was sampled from the layer 0.1-0.5 m. Preliminary studies have shown that the main pollutants in the study area are organic compounds, ammonium, phosphate and fluoride ions. Deterioration of water quality in some sampling points is connected with a low content of dissolved oxygen and high concentrations of nitrite, chloride and sulfate ions

    Preliminary studies of surface water quality in Damodar River basin (West Bengal, India)

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    The purpose of the research was to study the main parameters of the chemical composition of surface water and its quality in the Damodar River basin near the Durgapur city where the surface water is used for water supply of the local community. During fieldwork water of the Damodar River, its tributaries (Tamla River and small streams - receivers of industrial wastewater and drainage water) and the Maithon Reservoir was sampled from the layer 0.1-0.5 m. Preliminary studies have shown that the main pollutants in the study area are organic compounds, ammonium, phosphate and fluoride ions. Deterioration of water quality in some sampling points is connected with a low content of dissolved oxygen and high concentrations of nitrite, chloride and sulfate ions

    Modification of stainless steel based on synergistic of low-energy high-intensity ion implantation and high-current electron beam impact on the surface layer

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    The results of experiments on low-energy implantation of AISI 321 stainless steel by nitrogen ions are presented. The treatment was carried out by a pulsed beam of nitrogen ions obtained using a ballistic ion focusing system. The surface modification occurs with the formation of a two-layer structure, which is typical for ion-plasma nitriding processes of stainless steels. The thickness of the modified layer can reach 27 ?m after 1 hour of ion-plasma treatment. The influence of subsequent modification of the ion-doped layer by the action on the surface of the pulsed high-current electron beam of microsecond duration is studied. The work presents the results of the studying the regularities of changes in the depth distribution of dopants, microstructure and phase composition of the modified and matrix layers by optical metallography, diffraction analysis and transmission electron microscopy


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    The article analyzes various attitudes to military toys, both positive and negative, existing in Russia and abroad. Toy weapons are viewed as a separate type of military toy. The study looks at the impact of military toys on children’s emotions and personality. The study looks at how children play games on their own and the way they organize them. We have conducted an experiment where three types of toys were used – military toys, soft toys and objects that act as toy substitutes. The study of games and the roles children took showed their poor playing skills. The research has detected existing connection between imagination and thinking ability and the children’s play activity. None of the children took the role of ‘the defender of the weak’ or ‘Patria’s defender’, which contradicts the results of an opinion survey of children’s parents who think that military toys help to develop ‘patriotism’, ‘courage’, and ‘teach to protect the weak’.Repeated observation of the way the same children play with military toys has shown that they take the role of defenders of the motherland or the weak only after watching TV-programmes or fiction films which show male characters defending their motherland or the weak using weapons, which shows that children’s games have social character.The experiment’s results detected what activity adults, who are concerned with the young generation’s attitude to weapons and violence, should perform. It is vital to strengthen children’s moral, ethical and cognitive spheres first, and only in second place fight against sales of military toys both in Russia and abroad.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12731/2218-7405-2013-8-53В статье анализируется различное – позитивное и негативное - отношение к военной игрушке, имеющее место в нашей стране и за рубежом. Как на особый вид военной игрушки выделяется игрушечное оружие. Акцентируется внимание на том, что влияние игрушки на эмоционально-личностную сферу ребенка необходимо рассматривать через изучение игровой деятельности с данной игрушкой. Основным  методом исследования выбрано изучение уровня способности к индивидуальному построению игровой деятельности. Для проведения эксперимента использовались три различных набора игрушек – военная игрушка, мягкая игрушка и предметы-заместители реальных игрушек. Анализ игровых действий и ролей, которые брали на себя дети, показал низкий уровень развития игровой деятельности. Установлена взаимосвязь уровня игровой деятельности с низким уровнем развития воображения и мышления. Никто из детей не взял на себя  роль «защитника слабых» или «защитника Родины», что не совпадает с результатами опроса родителей этих детей, которые считают, что военная игрушка помогает воспитывать «патриотизм», «мужество», «помогают защищать слабого».Повторные наблюдения за игровой деятельностью этих же детей с военной игрушкой показало, что они берут роли защитников Родины после просмотра по ТВ передач, художественных фильмов, где мужчина с оружием в руках является защитником Родины или защитником слабых, что доказывает социальную природу детской игры.Результаты эксперимента позволили определить направления деятельности взрослых, кому небезразлично отношение подрастающего поколения к оружию и насилию: она должна быть связана, в первую очередь, с формированием нравственных качеств ребенка и развитием познавательной сферы и только во вторую очередь с борьбой с игрушечным оружием, которая проводится как у нас в стране, так и за рубежом.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12731/2218-7405-2013-8-5

    Structural group composition of dissolved organic matter in waters of thermokarst lakes of Bolshezemelskaya tundra

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    The relevance of the research is related to the intensive economic development of the Arctic part of the European North of Russia, which entails a sharp increase in anthropogenic pressure on vulnerable ecosystems of the Far North. At climate warming, melting of permafrost can provoke the formation of new thermokarst lakes and subsidence, which in its turn facilitates the removal of organic matter from peat into natural environments. The main aim is to reveal the features of composition of dissolved organic matter and its possible sources in the waters of thermokarst lakes of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra (near Naryan-Mar), with different water-mirror areas and at different stages of evolution. Methods. Analysis of the dissolved organic matter content in the waters of thermokarst lakes was carried out in the laboratory of georesources and the environment of Toulouse by the method of complete burning of dissolved organic carbon. In the laboratory of physicochemical methods of analysis of the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of the SB RAS (Tomsk), by a three-step extraction at various pH the chloroformed concentrates were obtained. They contain dissolved organic matter. Organic structures were studied by Infrared spectroscopy. The structural-group composition of dissolved organic matter was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method. Results. Organic compounds in the waters of thermokarst lakes of Bolshezemelskaya tundra are mainly represented by hydrocarbons of aliphatic structure, carboxylic acid esters and aromatic compounds belonging to three homologous series. It was found, that low-molecular n-alkanes predominate in the small acid lake BZ-12, the main sources are bacteria, lower plants (unicellular algae) and phytoplankton. In the more mature and less acidic lake BZ-13, the main contribution belongs to higher terrestrial plants and coast marine algae. Phytoplankton also plays an important role in enriching water with dissolved organic matter. Accordingly, with evolution of the lake ecosy stem during recycling of a layer of peat sediments, the organic matters in waters are changed from the autochthonous to the allochthonnous

    Structural group composition of dissolved organic matter in waters of thermokarst lakes of Bolshezemelskaya tundra

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    Актуальность исследования связана с интенсивным хозяйственным освоением арктической части Европейского Севера России, которое влечет за собой резкое увеличение антропогенной нагрузки на уязвимые экосистемы Крайнего Севера. В условиях потепления климата таяние вечной мерзлоты может провоцировать образование новых термокарстовых озер и просадок, что в свою очередь способствует выводу органического вещества из торфа в поверхностные воды. Цель исследования: выявление особенностей состава растворенного органического вещества и его возможных источников в водах термокарстовых озер, расположенных на одном из ключевых участков исследований Большеземельской тундры (вблизи г. Нарьян-Мар), имеющих разные площади водного зеркала и находящихся на разных этапах развития. Методы. Анализ содержания растворенного органического углерода в водах термокарстовых озер был выполнен в лаборатории георесурсов и окружающей среды г. Тулузы методом полного сжигания растворенного органического углерода. В лаборатории физико-химических методов исследования Института химии нефти СО РАН (г. Томск) методом трехступенчатой экстракции при различных рН были получены хлороформные концентраты, содержащие растворенные органические вещества. Концентраты изучались методом инфракрасной спектроскопии для установления условного содержания структур органических веществ. Методом хромато-масс-спектрометрии был определен структурно-групповой состав растворенных органических веществ. Результаты. Органические соединения в водах термокарстовых озер Большеземельской тундры представлены в основном углеводородами алифатического строения, сложными эфирами карбоновых кислот и ароматическими соединениями, принадлежащими трем гомологическим рядам. Установлено, что в малом кислом озере BZ-12 преобладают низкомолекулярные н-алканы, основными источниками которых являются низшие растения (одноклеточные водоросли) и фитопланктон. В более зрелом и менее кислом озере BZ-13 н-алканы представлены длинными молекулярными цепями, характерными для высших наземных растений и прибрежно-морских водорослей. Установлено, что с развитием экосистемы озера при переработке слоя торфяных осадков в водах озер происходит смена органического вещества с автохтонного на аллохтонное.The relevance of the research is related to the intensive economic development of the Arctic part of the European North of Russia, which entails a sharp increase in anthropogenic pressure on vulnerable ecosystems of the Far North. At climate warming, melting of permafrost can provoke the formation of new thermokarst lakes and subsidence, which in its turn facilitates the removal of organic matter from peat into natural environments. The main aim is to reveal the features of composition of dissolved organic matter and its possible sources in the waters of thermokarst lakes of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra (near Naryan-Mar), with different water-mirror areas and at different stages of evolution. Methods. Analysis of the dissolved organic matter content in the waters of thermokarst lakes was carried out in the laboratory of georesources and the environment of Toulouse by the method of complete burning of dissolved organic carbon. In the laboratory of physicochemical methods of analysis of the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of the SB RAS (Tomsk), by a three-step extraction at various pH the chloroformed concentrates were obtained. They contain dissolved organic matter. Organic structures were studied by Infrared spectroscopy. The structural-group composition of dissolved organic matter was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method. Results. Organic compounds in the waters of thermokarst lakes of Bolshezemelskaya tundra are mainly represented by hydrocarbons of aliphatic structure, carboxylic acid esters and aromatic compounds belonging to three homologous series. It was found, that low-molecular n-alkanes predominate in the small acid lake BZ-12, the main sources are bacteria, lower plants (unicellular algae) and phytoplankton. In the more mature and less acidic lake BZ-13, the main contribution belongs to higher terrestrial plants and coast marine algae. Phytoplankton also plays an important role in enriching water with dissolved organic matter. Accordingly, with evolution of the lake ecosy stem during recycling of a layer of peat sediments, the organic matters in waters are changed from the autochthonous to the allochthonnous

    Chemical and microbiological composition of groundwaters of decentralized water supply of southern and central districts of Tomsk region

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    Relevance of the research is caused by the necessity of assessing the quality of drinking water, consumed by the population, in the conditions of decentralized water supply. The aim of research consists in studying chemical and microbiological composition of groundwater which is formed in a natural environment. Methods of research. Chemical and microbiological compositions of water were investigated in the Problem research hydrogeochemical laboratory (TPU), which is registered in the System of analytical laboratories of Gosstandart of Russia. To carry out the full chemical analysis the authors applied the traditional methods. The microbiological analysis was carried out after sampling, as a rule, during the day, while the samples were kept in the cooler bag. To identify the microorganisms the authors used liquid and firm elective nutrient mediums. The trace elements were determined by mass-spectrometer method with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) on the device Elan 6000 (Perkin Elmer) in Geo assets and environment laboratory of Toulouse (CNRS, France). Results. The data of chemical and microbiological compositions of drinking groundwater of Quaternary, Neogene, Paleogene and Cretaceous sediments shown that water is epidemiologically safe (Escherichia coli is not detected), while they often are not suitable for drinking water supply by chemical composition on such components as Fe, Mn, COD, Si, NO2-, NH4+, trace elements - Ba, B and Li. Excess of these elements reflects natural background of the territory and they are typical of the whole region. The microbial flora reflects the geochemical environment, rich in organic matter, but poor in mineral substances