108 research outputs found

    О размерностях контрпримеров к гипотезе Борсука на сферах малого радиуса

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    In this article there are constructions of counterexamples to the Borsuk's conjecture defined, which are sets laying on spheres of small radii. This work shows how the dimension of a counterexample depends on the radius of the covering sphere.В данной статье воспроизведены конструкции различных контрпримеров к гипотезе Борсука, которые представляют собой множества, лежащие на сфере малого радиуса. В работе отражено, как зависит размерность контрпримера от радиуса сферы, на которой он построен

    О хроматических числах R2 и R3 с интервалами запрещённых расстояний

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    In this article there defined one of generalization of classical notion of chromatic number of a plane or a space defined, that is chromatic number with an interval of forbidden distances. Some upper bounds are obtained for this value with different intervals and the method of finding these results are described.В данной статье представлено одно из обобщений классического понятия хроматического числа плоскости, или пространства, а именно, хроматического числа с интервалом запрещённых расстояний. Были получены верхние оценки для введённой величины при различных интервалах и описан метод получения подобных результатов

    Nonresonant Three-body Decays of D and B Mesons

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    Nonresonant three-body decays of D and B mesons are studied. It is pointed out that if heavy meson chiral perturbation theory (HMChPT) is applied to the heavy-light strong and weak vertices and assumed to be valid over the whole kinematic region, then the predicted decay rates for nonresonant charmless 3-body B decays will be too large and especially B^- --> pi^- K^+ K^- greatly exceeds the current experimental limit. This can be understood as chiral symmetry has been applied there twice beyond its region of validity. If HMChPT is applied only to the strong vertex and the weak transition is accounted for by the form factors, the dominant B^* pole contribution to the tree-dominated direct three-body B decays will become small and the branching ratio will be of order 10^{-6}. The decay modes B^- --> (K^- h^+ h^-)_{NR} and bar{B}^0 --> (bar{K}^0 h^+h^-)_{NR} for h = pi, K are penguin dominated. We apply HMChPT in two different cases to study the direct 3-body D decays and compare the results with experiment. Theoretical uncertainties are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures. New experimental results of direct 3-body D decays as Reported at ICHEP2002 are included. To appear in Phys. Re

    Coherent QCD phenomena in the Coherent Pion-Nucleon and Pion-Nucleus Production of Two Jets at High Relative Momenta

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    We use QCD to compute the cross section for coherent production of a di-jet (treated as a qqˉq\bar q moving at high relative transverse momentum,κt\kappa_t ). In the target rest frame,the space-time evolution of this reaction is dominated by the process in which the high κt\kappa_t qqˉq\bar q component of the pion wave function is formed before reaching the target. It then interacts through two gluon exchange. In the approximation of keeping the leading order in powers of αs\alpha_s and all orders in αsln(κt2/k02),\alpha_{s}\ln(\kappa_{t}^2/k_{0}^2), the amplitudes for other processes are shown to be smaller at least by a power of αs\alpha_{s}. The resulting dominant amplitude is proportional to z(1z)κt4z(1-z) \kappa_t^{-4} (zz is the fraction light-cone(+)momentum carried by the quark in the final state) times the skewed gluon distribution of the target. For the pion scattering by a nuclear target, this means that at fixed xN=2κt2/sx_{N}= 2\kappa_{t}^2/s (but κt2\kappa_{t}^2\to \infty) the nuclear process in which there is only a single interaction is the most important one to contribute to the reaction. Thus in this limit color transparency phenomena should occur.These findings are in accord with E971 experiment at FNAL. We also re-examine a potentially important nuclear multiple scattering correction which is positive and A1/3/κt4\propto A^{1/3}/\kappa_t^4. The meaning of the signal obtained from the experimental measurement of pion diffraction into two jets is also critically examined and significant corrections are identified.We show also that for values of κt\kappa_t achieved at fixed target energies, di-jet production by the e.m. field of the nucleus leads to an insignificant correction which gets more important as κt\kappa_t increases.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    An attempt to understand exclusive pi+ electroproduction

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    Hard exclusive pi+ electroproduction is investigated within the handbag approach. The prominent role of the pion-pole contribution is demonstrated. It is also shown that the experimental data require a twist-3 effect which ensues from the helicity-flip generalized parton distribution H_T and the twist-3 pion wave function. The results calculated from this handbag approach are compared in detail with the experimental data on cross sections and spin asymmetries measured with a polarized target. It is also commented on consequences of this approach for exclusive \pi^0 and vector-meson electroproduction.Comment: 35 pages, 12 figures, using Latex, a number of additional comments have been included in the text, e.g. in paragraph above (3) or at end of sect.

    Nonleptonic Weak Decays of Bottom Baryons

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    Cabibbo-allowed two-body hadronic weak decays of bottom baryons are analyzed. Contrary to the charmed baryon sector, many channels of bottom baryon decays proceed only through the external or internal W-emission diagrams. Moreover, W-exchange is likely to be suppressed in the bottom baryon sector. Consequently, the factorization approach suffices to describe most of the Cabibbo-allowed bottom baryon decays. We use the nonrelativistic quark model to evaluate heavy-to-heavy and heavy-to-light baryon form factors at zero recoil. When applied to the heavy quark limit, the quark model results do satisfy all the constraints imposed by heavy quark symmetry. The decay rates and up-down asymmetries for bottom baryons decaying into (1/2)++P(V)(1/2)^++P(V) and (3/2)++P(V)(3/2)^++P(V) are calculated. It is found that the up-down asymmetry is negative except for Ωb(1/2)++P(V)\Omega_b \to (1/2)^++P(V) decay and for decay modes with ψ\psi' in the final state. The prediction B(ΛbJ/ψΛ)=1.6×104B(\Lambda_b \to J/\psi\Lambda)=1.6 \times 10^{-4} for Vcb=0.038|V_{cb}|=0.038 is consistent with the recent CDF measurement. We also present estimates for Ωc(3/2)++P(V)\Omega_c \to (3/2)^++P(V) decays and compare with various model calculations.Comment: 24 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. Uncertainties with form factor q^2 dependence are discusse

    Constraining fundamental constants of physics with quasar absorption line systems

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    We summarize the attempts by our group and others to derive constraints on variations of fundamental constants over cosmic time using quasar absorption lines. Most upper limits reside in the range 0.5-1.5x10-5 at the 3sigma level over a redshift range of approximately 0.5-2.5 for the fine-structure constant, alpha, the proton-to-electron mass ratio, mu, and a combination of the proton gyromagnetic factor and the two previous constants, gp(alpha^2/mu)^nu, for only one claimed variation of alpha. It is therefore very important to perform new measurements to improve the sensitivity of the numerous methods to at least <0.1x10-5 which should be possible in the next few years. Future instrumentations on ELTs in the optical and/or ALMA, EVLA and SKA pathfinders in the radio will undoutedly boost this field by allowing to reach much better signal-to-noise ratios at higher spectral resolution and to perform measurements on molecules in the ISM of high redshift galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Negative Kaons in Dense Baryonic Matter

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    Kaon polarization operator in dense baryonic matter of arbitrary isotopic composition is calculated including s- and p-wave kaon-baryon interactions. The regular part of the polarization operator is extracted from the realistic kaon-nucleon interaction based on the chiral and 1/N_c expansion. Contributions of the Lambda(1116), Sigma(1195), Sigma*(1385) resonances are taken explicitly into account in the pole and regular terms with inclusion of mean-field potentials. The baryon-baryon correlations are incorporated and fluctuation contributions are estimated. Results are applied for K- in neutron star matter. Within our model a second-order phase transition to the s-wave K- condensate state occurs at rho_c \gsim 4 \rho_0 once the baryon-baryon correlations are included. We show that the second-order phase transition to the p-wave KK^- condensate state may occur at densities ρc3÷5ρ0\rho_c \sim 3\div 5 \rho_0 in dependence on the parameter choice. We demonstrate that a first-order phase transition to a proton-enriched (approximately isospin-symmetric) nucleon matter with a p-wave K- condensate can occur at smaller densities, \rho\lsim 2 \rho_0. The transition is accompanied by the suppression of hyperon concentrations.Comment: 41 pages, 24 figures, revtex4 styl

    Energy and decay width of the pi-K atom

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    The energy and decay width of the pi-K atom are evaluated in the framework of the quasipotential-constraint theory approach. The main electromagnetic and isospin symmetry breaking corrections to the lowest-order formulas for the energy shift from the Coulomb binding energy and for the decay width are calculated. They are estimated to be of the order of a few per cent. We display formulas to extract the strong interaction S-wave pi-K scattering lengths from future experimental data concerning the pi-K atom.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures, uses Axodra