9 research outputs found

    Causes of admissions and mortality in patients of a wildlife rehabilitation centre in Bulgaria

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    Wildlife rescue centres are specialised units with ecological, conservational and veterinary medical activities, which include treatment, rehabilitation, breeding and releasing rare and endangered wild animals into their natural habitat, as well as environmental education. These centres provide an opportunity to monitor ongoing ecological changes in wildlife, environmental pollution and emerging diseases. With the present study, we aimed to analyse the causes and conservation status of the largest wildlife rehabilitation centre in Bulgaria. A total of 18,720 patients, from 26 orders with various conservation statuses and different etiology, have been admitted to the rehabilitation centre for over 25 years. The summarised results showed that 40% of the patients were admitted with an unknown etiology and the proportion of anthropogenic causes was 18%. Natural factors related to incidents with wild animals were 32%, while a share of 10% of the wildlife which resided at the WRBC referred to a part of re-introduction programmes. This type of analysis of wildlife rehabilitation centres could provide useful information about the status of populations and ecosystems, as well as support conservation practices

    Comparison of blood biochemical parameters of four species of vultures

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    Vultures play a very important role in ecosystems by feeding on dead animals and preventing the spread of pathogens. In the mid-20th century in Bulgaria, all species of vultures experienced a rapid population decline and conservation measures include captive breeding and release via adaptation aviaries. Knowledge of the baseline blood biochemical parameters is crucial for the care, rehabilitation and prior to the release of endangered birds of prey. Plasma levels provide valuable information for the evaluation of the physical condition of animals.Between 2020 and 2022, we took blood samples from captive Bearded, Griffon, Cinereous and Egyptian Vultures in Bulgaria (n = 118). We determined the values of 18 parameters - alanine transaminase, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, aspartate transaminase, calcium, chloride, cholesterol, creatine kinase, creatinine, glucose, lactate dehydrogenase, magnesium, phosphorus, total bilirubin, total protein, triglycerides and uric acid. This research determined the mean blood biochemical indices for aviary Bearded, Griffon, Cinereous and Egyptian Vultures in Bulgaria and compared the values amongst the four vulture species, to serve in determining clinical pathology and nutrition for scavenger birds of different species, age groups and genders in the country.The results of this study suggested that there are significant differences between many of the indicators of the four vulture species. There are fewer differences in the indicators of different ages of birds of a given species and almost no differences are found between the two sexes of a species. These values could be used by scientists, veterinary pathologists, wildlife rehabilitation centres and other researchers. Furthermore, the use of such parameters in assessing population health may enable conservationists to further research environmental conditions affecting the vultures’ reproduction and survival

    Re-introduction of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in Bulgaria - preliminary results from the ongoing establishment phase by 2020

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    Considered extinct as breeding species in the early 2000s, the Saker Falcon was recovered when the first active nest from the new history of the species in Bulgaria was discovered in 2018, formed of two birds that were re-introduced back in 2015. Currently, there is only one confirmed wild breeding pair in the country - the male from 2015 with a female changed in 2020, released again as a part of the programme, in 2016. This is a report on the preliminary results and analysis of the ongoing establishment phase of the re-introduction of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in Bulgaria - first ever performed for this species in the country and globally. The period studied is 2015-2020. Following the re-introduction activities started in 2011, the current phase is defined by standardised methodology and a unified approach. Analysed and presented are methods for captive breeding and hacking, the breeding performance of the falcons, the number of released individuals, data from the post-fledging dependence period and a model of population growth

    Basic blood biochemical parameters of wild common ravens (Corvus corax)

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    Baseline haematological and biochemical blood parameters in healthy wild birds are key to managing wild populations and to saving critically ill individuals. This knowledge is crucial for the care, rehabilitation and the release of birds after treatment in wildlife rescue centres. Plasma levels provide valuable information for the evaluation of the physical condition of animals. The objective of this study was to obtain reference values of some basic biochemical blood parameters of wild common ravens (Corvus corax). Between 2020 and 2023, we took blood samples from the wild population of common ravens in Bulgaria (n = 36). We determined the values of 18 parameters - alanine transaminase (ALT, U/I), albumin (g/l), alkaline phosphatase (ALP, U/I), amylase (U/I), aspartate transaminase (AST, U/I), calcium (mmol/l), chloride (mmol/l), cholesterol (mmol/l), creatine kinase (CK, U/I), creatinine (ÎĽmol/l), blood glucose (mmol/l), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, U/I), magnesium (mmol/l), phosphorus (mmol/l), total bilirubin (ÎĽmol/l), total protein (g/l), triglycerides (TG, mmol/l) and uric acid (ÎĽmol/l). We made a comparative analysis including the regions in which the groups were sampled and the time of year. Most of the presented results were comparable to published values of other species from the Corvidae family and some were higher (ALP, amylase, AST, CK, total protein and uric acid levels). Most of these could be explained by the capture- and handling stress. This is the first report in official literary sources presenting some basic biochemical blood parameters of healthy wild common ravens in Bulgaria. The results may be of use to scientists, veterinarians and other researchers in rescue and rehabilitation centres and they can provide the basis for further studies with regards to animal welfare and health assessment of the species

    Comparison of blood biochemical parameters of four species of vultures

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    Vultures play a very important role in ecosystems by feeding on dead animals and preventing the spread of pathogens. In the mid-20th century in Bulgaria, all species of vultures experienced a rapid population decline and conservation measures include captive breeding and release via adaptation aviaries. Knowledge of the baseline blood biochemical parameters is crucial for the care, rehabilitation and prior to the release of endangered birds of prey. Plasma levels provide valuable information for the evaluation of the physical condition of animals.Between 2020 and 2022, we took blood samples from captive Bearded, Griffon, Cinereous and Egyptian Vultures in Bulgaria (n = 118). We determined the values of 18 parameters - alanine transaminase, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, aspartate transaminase, calcium, chloride, cholesterol, creatine kinase, creatinine, glucose, lactate dehydrogenase, magnesium, phosphorus, total bilirubin, total protein, triglycerides and uric acid. This research determined the mean blood biochemical indices for aviary Bearded, Griffon, Cinereous and Egyptian Vultures in Bulgaria and compared the values amongst the four vulture species, to serve in determining clinical pathology and nutrition for scavenger birds of different species, age groups and genders in the country.The results of this study suggested that there are significant differences between many of the indicators of the four vulture species. There are fewer differences in the indicators of different ages of birds of a given species and almost no differences are found between the two sexes of a species. These values could be used by scientists, veterinary pathologists, wildlife rehabilitation centres and other researchers. Furthermore, the use of such parameters in assessing population health may enable conservationists to further research environmental conditions affecting the vultures' reproduction and survival

    Main mortality factors for the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca Savigny, 1809) in Bulgaria

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    The Eastern Imperial Eagle is a globally threatened species, represented with not more than 35–40 pairs in Bulgaria. As a facultative scavenger feeding on carcasses and parts of dead domestic and wild animals, this species is extremely vulnerable to poisonous baits and toxic agents, intentionally or accidentally set up in its food. The present study identified electrocution and poisoning as the main mortality factors for the eagles in Bulgaria. We analysed a total of 56 cases among which 44 cases were related to the mortality of non-territorial eagles in different age classes, and we found 12 dead or distressed territorial birds recorded between 1992–2019. The main mortality factor was electrocution, accounted for 30.4% of fatalities. The poisoning was the cause of mortality in 12.5% of the non-territorial and 10.7% of the breeding birds. Some of the cases were laboratory confirmed as intoxication, while the others, based on the history, clinical symptoms and field evidence, indicated poisoning. The most commonly used toxic agents were anticholinesterase’s inhibitors. As a result of a timely therapy applied to the live birds found in distress with symptoms of poisoning, six eagles were successfully treated and released back in the wild. We found that mortality of eagles depended on the age of birds, breeding or dispersal grounds, while season had no significant effect

    Development of N,N-Dimethylglycine-Amantadine for Adjunctive Dopaminergic Application: Synthesis, Structure and Biological Activity

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    N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor blockade can improve L-DOPA (l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine)-induced dyskinesias in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. Amantadine is a well-tolerated and effective antiparkinsonian agent, recently found to possess NMDA antagonistic properties. Oxidative damage may contribute to dopaminergic (DAergic) neurodegeneration in the substantia nigra of patients with PD. N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG) (also known as vitamin B15 or pangamic acid) acts as an antioxidant, extending the lifespan of animal cells through protection from oxidation. In this study, we synthesized and tested in vivo the newly obtained compound N,N-dimethylglycine-amantadine (DMG-Am) for antiparkinsonian activity. MPTP (1-methyl-4–phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine) is a widely used neurotoxin to induce an experimental model which mimics Parkinson disease-like symptoms. The neuroprotective capacity of the new amantadine derivative DMG-Am was evaluated by its potential to ameliorate the neuromuscular coordination and behavioral changes worsened by the toxin. Our experimental results showed that DMG-Am applied for 12 consecutive days, 5 days simultaneously and 7 days after MPTP, restored motor and memory performance of the animals to the control level, indication of beneficial protective effect of this compound. In summary, our results reveal the potential of newly synthesized DMG-Am as promising antiparkinsonian agent