63 research outputs found

    Androgens in women: Establishing reference intervals for dehydroepiandrostenedione sulphate and androstenedione on the Roche Cobas

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    IntroductionImmunoassays are the most common method in routine practice for measuring androgens in women. Study’s aim was to establish new population specific indirect reference intervals (RI) for dehydroepiandrostenedione sulphate (DHEAS) and for new androstenedione test available on automated Roche Cobas electrochemiluminescent immunoassay method. Materials and methodsFrom extracted laboratory records, testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin and follicle-stimulating hormone were used as reference tests to exclude possibly diseased women. After the data selection steps, the study included 3500 subjects for DHEAS and 520 for androstenedione aged 20-45 years. To evaluate the need for age partitioning, we calculated standard deviation ratio and bias ratio. For each hormone, 90% and 95% RIs were calculated with appropriate statistical method. ResultsTotal age group (20-45 years) 95% RIs were: 2.77-11.50 µmol/L for DHEAS and 2.48-8.89 nmol/L for androstenedione. Age-stratified 95% RIs for DHEAS were: 3.65-12.76 µmol/L (20-25 years); 2.97-11.50 µmol/L (25-35 years) and 2.30-9.83 µmol/L (35-45 years). Age-stratified 95% RIs for androstenedione were: 3.02-9.43 nmol/L (20-30 years) and 2.23-7.75 nmol/L (30-45 years). ConclusionNew RIs for DHEAS were slightly wider for age group 20-25 and 35-45, while the differences in the age group 25-35 years were more pronounced. Androstenedione RI showed significantly higher concentrations than the manufacturer’s. Age-related decrease of androgens should be considered when calculating RIs. We propose population specific, age-stratified RIs for DHEAS and androstenedione on electrochemiluminescent method, which should improve test interpretation in women of reproductive age

    Prvi rezultati telemetrijskog praćenja zmijara Circaetus gallicus u Hrvatskoj

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    Zmijar Circaetus gallicus je gnjezdarica selica Europe koja zimuje u sjevernim tropima Afrike, južno od Sahare. Većina jedinki na migraciji bira glavne selidbene puteve, preko Gibraltara i Sueskog kanala. Kako bi saznali kojim se selidbenim putem služe ptice hrvatske populacije, obilježili smo mladog zmijara GPS uređajem 27.7.2017. u Parku prirode Telašćica. Zmijar je na selidbu krenuo 18.9.2017. i u idućih 25 dana je preletio 6054 kilometara, birajući istočni selidbeni put preko Grčke, Turske, Sirije, Libanona, Jordana, Egipta i Čada, sve do Sudana gdje je zimovao

    Nutritivni i socioekonomski status slučajnog uzorka ispitanika koji žive u Jugoistočnoj Srbiji - u smeru strategija personalizovane ishrane

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    South-Eastern Serbia is with traditionally acknowledged intake of spicy and energy-dense food. For the purposes of this study we presented official socio-economic determinants for the three counties within South-Eastern Serbia: jablanički, niški and pirotski. The objective of this study was to assess nutritional status of randomly selected 40 subjects (11-74 years) residing in South Eastern Serbia within the counties. By means of validated food and dietary data methodology, we interviewed subjects and analyzed in a cross-sectional design. Our data indicate low-carbohydrate-high-fat like dietary pattern within the subjects, irrespective of age and gender in the region. Demonstrated likely improper nutritional status of sodium, calcium, vitamins A, C, D and B9 (folate) warrants public health initiatives towards optimization of the intake within the region. Our results indicate inadequate micronutrient intake within the adolescent group. Overall our results underline the necessity of raising education and awareness of healthy nutrition benefits and sustainable food choices within South Eastern Serbia and foster the necessity of implementation of an individualized approach in nutrition healthcare in this middle-income country.U jugoistočnoj Srbiji se tradicionalno konzumira začinjena i energetski bogata i jaka hrana. Za potrebe ove studije, prikazali smo zvanične socioekonomske pokazatelje kroz tri okruga jugoistočne Srbije: jablanički, niški i pirotski. Cilj ove studije bio je evaluacija nutritivnog statusa slučajnog uzorka 40 ispitanika (11-74 godine) koji žive unutar pomenuta tri regiona jugoistočne Srbije. Korišćenjem validiranih metodoloških alata o prikupljanju podataka o kvalitetu ishrane i učestalosti konzumiranja namirnica, intervjuisali smo ispitanike i analizirali metodama studije preseka. Naši podaci ukazuju na dijetarni obrazac u regionu koji teži nižem unosu ugljenih hidrata i povišenom unosu masti, nezavisno od pola i starosne dobi. U našem radu ukazano je i na mogući neadekvatan unos mikronutrijenata u regionu, uključujući natrijum, kalcijum, vitamine A, C, D i B9 (folat), podatak koji zahteva inicijative javnog zdravlja u regionu. Naši podaci ukazuju da je neadekvatan unos mikronutrijenata prvenstveno prisutan u grupi adolescenata. Uopšte uzev, naši rezultati ukazuju na neophodnost podsticanja obrazovanja i podizanja svesti o značaju zdrave, adekvatne i balansirane ishrane kao i održivih izbora hrane i grupa hrane u okviru jugoistočne Srbije. Naši podaci ističu neophodnost implementacije individualizovanog pristupa u nutritivnim i dijetarnim strategijama i dijetnim planovima zemlje u razvoju kakva je Srbija

    Morfološke osobine ploda nekih F1 hibrida breskve

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    Results of the most important morphological properties of the fruit and stone in four promising peach hybrids of late ripening time in the two-year period of research (2010- 2011) are shown in this paper. Selected hybrids obtained from the crossing combination Flaminia x Summerset. All of the traits of the examined hybrids were compared with a standard cultivar -Summerset. Statistically significant differences between investigated hybrids were found in terms of morphometric properties of the fruit and stone. Fruit weight ranged from 96.41 g (hybrid FS4) to 167.25 g (hybrid FS2). Stone weight was related to fruit weight, and stone share in the fruit weight ranged from 5.87% (hybrid FS2) to 8.24% (hybrid FS6). In terms of descriptive properties of fruit investigated hybrids are mainly exceeded the standard cultivar. Based on the late ripening time, weight and color of fruit, hybrids FS2 and FS3 were selected, which may be of interest as candidates for the recognition of new peach cultivars or further breeding work.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati dvogodišnjih istraživanja (2010-2011) najvažnijih morfoloških osobina ploda i koštice kod četiri perspektivna hibrida breskve poznog vremena sazrevanja. Izdvojeni hibridi dobijeni su iz kombinacije ukrštanja Flaminia x Summerset. Sve osobine ispitivanih hibrida upoređivane su sa standard sortom - Summerset. Između proučavanih hibrida utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u pogledu morfometrijskih osobina ploda i koštice. Masa ploda se kretala u intervalu od 96,41 g (hibrid FS4) do 167,25 g (hibrid FS2). Masa koštice je bila povezana sa masom ploda, a udeo koštice u masi ploda je varirao od 5,87% (hbrid FS2) do 8,24% (hibrid FS6). U pogledu opisnih osobina ploda proučavani hibridi su uglavnom prevazišli sortu standard. Na osnovu poznog vremena sazrevanja, mase i obojenosti ploda izdvojili su se hibridi FS2 i FS3, koji mogu biti interesantni kao kandidati za priznavanje novih sorti breskve ili dalji oplemenjivački rad

    Optimizing laboratory defined macroprolactin algorithm

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    Introduction: Macroprolactinaemia is a well-known analytical problem in diagnostics of hyperprolactinaemia usually detected with polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation method. Since there is no harmonization in macroprolactin detection and reporting results, this study proposes and evaluates the usefulness of in-house developed algorithm. The aims were to determine the most suitable way of reporting results after PEG treatment and the possibilities of rationalizing the precipitation procedure. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study based on extracted data for 1136 patients. Prolactin concentrations were measured before and after PEG precipitation on Roche cobas e601. Macroprolactinaemia was defined by percentage recovery and post-PEG prolactin concentrations. Results: Prevalence of macroprolactinaemia using recovery criteria of ≤ 40%, ≤ 60%, and post-PEG prolactin concentrations was 3.3%, 8.8% and 7.8%, respectively. Raising the cut-off value from the upper limit of the manufacturer’s reference interval to 32.9 μg/L does not drastically change detected macroprolactinaemia with recovery criteria. Post-PEG prolactin concentrations showed more than half of the patients with macroprolactinaemia would be overlooked. Regardless of the criteria, a cut-off of 47.0 μg/L would miss most of the macroprolactinaemic patients. Repeated recovery measurements of follow-up patients showed there is a significant difference with mean absolute bias of 9%. Conclusions: Post-PEG prolactin concentration with corresponding reference interval is the most suitable way of reporting results. All samples with prolactin concentration above the upper limit of the manufacturer’s reference interval should be submitted to PEG precipitation. Follow-up period could be prolonged since the difference between the recoveries of repeated measurements is not clinically significant

    Establishing paediatric reference intervals for thyroid function tests in Croatian population on the Abbott Architect i2000

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    Evaluation of thyroid function is often requested and therefore defining paediatric reference intervals (RIs) is of vital importance. Currently, there is a distinct lack of paediatric RIs for thyroid function tests in Croatia. Thus, we established RIs for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), total triiodothyronine (TT3), total thyroxine (TT4), free triiodothyronine (FT3) and free thyroxine (FT4) in the Croatian paediatric population. Reference intervals were calculated from 397 apparently healthy children, aged from 2 days to 0.3. All thyroid function tests required age partitioning, confirmed by SDR above 0.3. There was no need for sex partitioning, confirmed by SDR below 0.3. Still, FT3 was partitioned due to visually noticeable sex related difference for the oldest group (12 years to < 19 years). This is the first study to establish RIs for thyroid function tests in the Croatian paediatric population. We propose RIs for widely used Abbott platform, thus giving laboratories method- and population-specific paediatric RIs for thyroid function tests that should improve clinical test interpretation

    Hemijski sastav jezgre genotipova badema selekcionisanih na lokalitetu Slankamenački breg

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    The paper presents the results of three year (2004-2006) study of chemical composition in 19 almond genotypes, selected from Slankamen hill. The aim of this work was selection of the genotypes having high kernel quality. The lowest total dry matter was established for genotype 1/03 (92.64%), and highest for genotype 29/03 (94.44%). Significant variability was obtained for content of oil (45.82% to 56.14%) and of crude protein (20.94 do 26.85%). Mineral matter in kernel varied from 3.21% to 4.33%. Considering nutritive value, the most interesting are genotypes with high kernel oil content (over 55%) 10/03, 11/03, 17/03 as well as genotypes 18/03, 19/03, 22/03 having crude protein content of more than 25%. .U radu su prikazani rezultati trogodišnjeg (2004-2006) ispitivanja hemijskog sastava 19 genotipova badema koji su selekcionisani na području Slankamenačkog brega. Cilj rada je bio izdvajanje genotipova koji se odlikuju visokim kvalitetom jezgre. Najmanji sadržaj suvih materija utvrđen je za genotip 1/03 (92,64%), a najveći za genotip 29/03 (94,44%). Značajna variranja utvrđena su za prosečan sadržaj ulja (45,82% do 56,14%) i za prosečan sadržaj sirovih proteina (20,94 do 26,85%). Prosečan sadržaj mineralnih materija bio je u intervalu od 3,21% do 4,33%. Sa aspekta nutritivne vrednosti izdvajaju se genotipovi 10/03, 11/03 i 17/03 sa visokim sadržajem ulja u jezgri (preko 55%) kao i genotipovi 18/03, 19/03, 22/03 sa sadržajem sirovih proteina preko 25%.

    Serum ske razine Anti-Müllerova hormona u žena s redovitim menstruacijskim ciklusom

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    Antimüllerian hormone (AMH ) is produced by Sertolli cells of the testes and granulosa cells of the ovaries. Recent studies have indicated that AMH may be a novel measure of ovarian reserve. Also, earlier reports have presented minimal fluctuations of AMH levels throughout the menstrual cycle. The aim of this preliminary study was to demonstrate the relation of serum AMH levels and age in women with regular menstrual cycles and normal hormonal regulation of ovarian function. The study included 35 women divided into two groups of women aged 30 or younger and those older than 30. Hormone concentrations were assessed by measurements of lutropin (LH ), follitropin (FSH), estradiol (E2), testosterone (T), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and AMH on cycle day 3-5 (follicular phase); and LH , FSH and E2 on cycle day 13-15 (ovulation). Progesterone level was determined on cycle day 19-23 (luteal phase). Median age differed significantly between the two groups of study subjects (p=0.001). Study results confirmed regular ovarian response to physiological gonadotropin stimulation, which is the assumption for normo-ovulatory cycles. Some decrease in the mean serum AMH levels was recorded in women over 30 years of age, although the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.0693). There was no statistically significant difference in serum AMH concentrations between follicular phase and ovulation in study women (p=0.3124). Our preliminary results, although obtained in a limited number of women, support the diagnostic value of AMH as a reliable marker of ovarian reserve.Anti-Müllerov hormon (AMH ) sintetizira se u Sertolijevim stanicama testisa u muškaraca i granuloza stanicama jajnika u žena. Dosadašnje studije dokazale su važnost određivanja anti-Müllerovog hormona kao novog biljega u procjeni ovarijske rezerve. Također, ranije objavljeni rezultati pokazali su neznačajnu promjenjivost koncentracija AMH u serumu tijekom menstruacijskog ciklusa. Cilj ovoga preliminarnog istraživanja bio je ustanoviti odnos koncentracije AMH u žena s redovitim ciklusima i normalnim hormonskim statusom u odnosu na njihovu dob. Uključeno je 35 žena podijeljenih u skupine od 30 godina i mlađih te starijih od 30 godina. Hormonsku regulaciju menstruacijskog ciklusa smo potvrdili određivanjem koncentracija lutropina (LH ), folitropina (FSH), estradiola (E2), ukupnog i slobodnog testosterona (T), proteinskog nosača spolnih hormona (SHBG) te AMH u folikularnoj fazi ciklusa (3.-5. dan). U ovulacijskoj fazi (13.-15. dan) određivali smo koncentracije LH , FSH, E2 i AMH , odnosno progesterona (P) u luteinskoj fazi (20.-23. dan). Medijani dobi u mlađoj i starijoj skupini bili su statistički značajno različiti (p=0,001). Rezultati su potvrdili urednu hormonsku regulaciju djelovanja osovine hipofiza-jajnici u izabranih ispitanica. Ustanovili smo relativno niže koncentracije AMH u žena iznad 30 godina u usporedbi sa skupinom mlađih, iako razlika nije bila statistički značajna (p=0,0693). Također, prosječne koncentracije AMH u folikularnoj fazi i ovulaciji nisu bile statistički značajno različite (p=0,3124). Preliminarni rezultati ovoga istraživanja, iako na ograničenom broju ispitanica, podupiru dijagnostičku važnost AMH kao osjetljivog biljega u procjeni ovarijske rezerve

    Nemjerljiva razina serumskog anti-müllerova hormona u žene sa sindromom hiperstimulacije jajnika tijekom in vitro fertilizacije i uspješan ishod trudnoće: prikaz slučaja

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    We report a unique case of undetectable serum levels of anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who developed ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) during in vitro fertilization (IVF). A case is described of a 28-year-old woman with clinical symptoms of PCOS and AMH serum level below analytical sensitivity (<1.0 pmol/L). After undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation, the patient developed OHSS. After follicle aspiration, seven oocytes were recovered. Three of them were used for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and fertilized, but with unsuccessful pregnancy outcome. A successful pregnancy was achieved in the second IVF/ICSI cycle with six oocytes retrieved and three embryos transferred. At 39 weeks of gestation, the patient delivered a healthy baby weighing 3930 g and 50 cm long. In conclusion, although AMH is considered a useful tool in ovarian reserve assessment and in predicting response to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, the case presented shows that AMH should not be used as an independent ovarian marker.Opisan je jedinstven slučaj nemjerljive serumske razine anti-Müllerova hormona (AMH) u žene sa sindromom policističnih jajnika (PCOS) koja je razvila sindrom hiperstimulacije jajnika (OHSS) tijekom in vitro oplodnje (IVF). Prikazujemo slučaj 28-godišnje žene s kliničkim simptomima PCOS-a i razine AMH u serumu ispod analitičke osjetljivosti (<1,0 pmol/L). Nakon što je prošla kroz kontroliranu stimulaciju jajnika, bolesnica je razvila OHSS. Aspiracijom folikula dobiveno je sedam jajnih stanica. Tri su oplođene metodom intracitoplazmatskog ubrizgavanja spermija (ICSI), ali s neuspješnim ishodom trudnoće. Do trudnoće je došlo u drugom ciklusu IVF/ICSI sa šest oocita i tri prenesena zametka. U 39. tjednu trudnoće žena je rodila zdravo dijete teško 3930 g i dugo 50 cm. U zaključku, iako se AMH smatra korisnim testom u procjeni rezerve jajnika i u predviđanju odgovora na kontroliranu hiperstimulaciju jajnika, ovaj slučaj pokazuje da se AMH ne smije rabiti kao samostalan test procjene rezerve jajnika