44 research outputs found

    Koncentracije ostataka veterinarskih lijekova u mlijeku s individualnih farmi u Hrvatskoj

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    A total of 119 raw milk samples collected at individual small milk-producing facilities and collection tanks of milk routes from five counties of east and north continental Croatia were examined for chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, gentamicin, streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin, flumequine and enrofloxacin from January to March of 2011. Immunoassay methods used for drug determination were validated according to the guidelines laid down by European Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. Data indicated that the methods are appropriate for the detection of antibiotics measured. Measured mean values (μg L-1) of antibiotics were: 0.005 for chloramphenicol, 3.67 for sulfonamides, 2.83 for tetracyclines, 1.10 for gentamicin, 2.64 for streptomycin, 7.67 for dihydrostreptomycin, 10.4 for flumequine and 4.11 for enrofloxacin. None of samples analyzed showed the presence of veterinary drug residues above the maximum residues levels (MRLs) established by European Union and Croatian legislation. The calculated estimated daily intakes (EDIs) for the average daily milk consumption of 300 mL for an adult in Croatia for examined antibiotics showed levels 20 to 1640 times lower than the values of acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) fixed by European Medicines Agency and World Health Organization. This suggested that toxicological risk associated with the consumption of analysed milk could not be considered a public health issue with regards to these veterinary drugs.Tijekom 3 mjeseca analizirano je ukupno 119 uzoraka mlijeka na veterinarske lijekove: kloramfenikol, sulfonamide, tetraciklin, gentamicin, streptomicin, dihidrostreptomicin, flumekin i enrofloksacin. Imunoenzimske metode korištene za određivanje veterinarskih lijekova validirane su prema odredbama propisanim Odlukom Europske komisije 2002/657/ EC. Rezultati validacije metoda pokazuju da su primijenjene metode prikladne za tu namjenu. Ni u jednom uzorku mlijeka nije utvrđena koncentracija ostataka veterinarskih lijekova iznad najviših dopuštenih količina (NDK) utvrđenih Europskom legislativom. Izračunate procjene unosa određivanih lijekova mlijekom su za 20 do 1640 puta niže od zadanih prihvatljivih dnevnih količina unosa. Prema dobivenim rezultatima može se zaključiti da određivani veterinarski lijekovi ne predstavljaju toksikološki rizik za potrošače s obzirom na rezultate analize mlijeka na ostatke antibiotika s malih farmi

    Koncentracije ostataka veterinarskih lijekova u mlijeku s individualnih farmi u Hrvatskoj

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    A total of 119 raw milk samples collected at individual small milk-producing facilities and collection tanks of milk routes from five counties of east and north continental Croatia were examined for chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, gentamicin, streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin, flumequine and enrofloxacin from January to March of 2011. Immunoassay methods used for drug determination were validated according to the guidelines laid down by European Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. Data indicated that the methods are appropriate for the detection of antibiotics measured. Measured mean values (μg L-1) of antibiotics were: 0.005 for chloramphenicol, 3.67 for sulfonamides, 2.83 for tetracyclines, 1.10 for gentamicin, 2.64 for streptomycin, 7.67 for dihydrostreptomycin, 10.4 for flumequine and 4.11 for enrofloxacin. None of samples analyzed showed the presence of veterinary drug residues above the maximum residues levels (MRLs) established by European Union and Croatian legislation. The calculated estimated daily intakes (EDIs) for the average daily milk consumption of 300 mL for an adult in Croatia for examined antibiotics showed levels 20 to 1640 times lower than the values of acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) fixed by European Medicines Agency and World Health Organization. This suggested that toxicological risk associated with the consumption of analysed milk could not be considered a public health issue with regards to these veterinary drugs.Tijekom 3 mjeseca analizirano je ukupno 119 uzoraka mlijeka na veterinarske lijekove: kloramfenikol, sulfonamide, tetraciklin, gentamicin, streptomicin, dihidrostreptomicin, flumekin i enrofloksacin. Imunoenzimske metode korištene za određivanje veterinarskih lijekova validirane su prema odredbama propisanim Odlukom Europske komisije 2002/657/ EC. Rezultati validacije metoda pokazuju da su primijenjene metode prikladne za tu namjenu. Ni u jednom uzorku mlijeka nije utvrđena koncentracija ostataka veterinarskih lijekova iznad najviših dopuštenih količina (NDK) utvrđenih Europskom legislativom. Izračunate procjene unosa određivanih lijekova mlijekom su za 20 do 1640 puta niže od zadanih prihvatljivih dnevnih količina unosa. Prema dobivenim rezultatima može se zaključiti da određivani veterinarski lijekovi ne predstavljaju toksikološki rizik za potrošače s obzirom na rezultate analize mlijeka na ostatke antibiotika s malih farmi

    Control of chloramphenicol in samples of meat, meat products and fish

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    Sažetak U svrhu kontrole ilegalne uprabe te kontrole ostataka kloramfenikola tijekom 2010. godine sakupljani su uzorci mišićnog tkiva peradi (n=33), goveda (n=109) i svinja (n=46), mesnih proizvoda (n=21) i ribe (n=7), iz svih područja Republike Hrvatske. Koncentracije kloramfenikola određene su orijentacijskom ELISA metodom, te potvrdnom metodom tekućinske kromatografije-tandemske spektometrije masa (LC-MS/MS). Validacijom metoda dokazana je njihova sposobnost kvantifikacije ispod zadane vrijednosti najmanje zahtjevane učinkovitosti izvedbe metode od 0,3 μg/kg. Određivane koncentracije kloramfenikola u mesu goveda, svinja, peradi, mesnim proizvodima te ribi kretale su se u rasponu od minimalne vrijednosti od 0,177 do najviše vrijednosti od 202,9 ng/kg. Najniža srednja koncentracija od 3,54 ng/kg utvrđena je u mesnim proizvodima, a najviša 15,8 ng/kg u mesu goveda. Niti u jednom uzorku kontoliranog mesa i ribe nisu utvrđene koncentracije iznad 300 ng/kg. S obzirom na utvrđene niske koncentracije kloramfenikola može se zaključiti da je meso kontoliranih životinja prikladno za konzumaciju odnosno sukladno tome da se u Republici Hrvatskoj poštuje zabrana uporabe tog antibiotika. Sukladno utvrđenim slučajevima povišenih koncentracija u mesu, ribi te škampima podrijetlom iz Azije, potrebna je stalna kontrole uvoznih pošiljaka iz zemalja tog dijela svijeta.In the goal of controlling the illegal use and the control of chloramphenicol remains, during the year 2010 there were collected samples of muscle tissue of poultry (n=33), bovine (n=109) and pigs (n=46), meat products (n=21) and fish (n=7), from all areas of the Republic of Croatia. Concentrations of chloramphenicol were determined by the screening ELISA method and confirmatory method of liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Validation of methods proved their quantification capability below minimum required performance limit of method performance of 0.3 μg/ kg. The determined concentrations of chloramphenicol in bovine, pig and poultry meat, meat products and fish were in the range of minimum value of 0.177 to the highest value of 202.9 ng/ kg. The lowest mean concentration of 3.54 ng/ kg was determined in meat products and the highest of 15.8 ng / kg in bovine meat. There were no determined concentrations over 300 ng/ kg in any sample of the controlled meat and fish. Considering the determined low concentrations of chloramphenicol, it can be concluded that the meat of controlled animals is safe to consume. That means that the prohibition on use of that antibiotic is respected in the Republic of Croatia. In accordance with the determined cases of increased concentrations in meat, fish and shrimps originating from Asia, a constant control of imported shipments from the countries of that part of the world is necessary

    Kontrola ostataka levamisola u mlijeku primjenom validirane metode tekućinske kromatografije-tandemske-spektrometrije masa

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    Concentrations of the anthelmintic agent levamisole were measured in a total of 85 raw cow milk samples collected during 2014 from dairy farms across Croatia. The liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method used for levamisole quantification was validated according to the criteria set by Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. The following validation parameters were determined: limit of decision (CCα) 0.55 μg kg-1, detection of capability (CCβ) 0.59 μg kg-1, limit of detection (LOD) 0.06 μg kg-1, limit of quantification (LOQ) 0.22 μg kg-1, precision and accuracy (expressed as recovery) 97.3-100 %, intra-laboratory reproducibility (RSD) 4.2-5.6 %. Levamisole levels for 45 of the total of 85 samples were below the LOD value (0.06 µg kg-1). In the remaining 40 milk samples, levamisole was measured in the range from 0.061 to 0.142 µg kg-1 and the mean value was 0.092 µg kg-1. Accordingly, all concentrations analysed were below the LOQ value (0.22 µg kg-1) and limit of decision (CCα) of the method used.Koncentracije anthelmintika levamisola određene su u ukupno 85 uzoraka sirovog kravljeg mlijeka prikupljenih tijekom 2014. na mliječnim farmama iz cijele Hrvatske. Za kvantifikaciju levamisola korištena je metoda tekućinske kromatografije-tandemske- spektrometrije masa (LC-MS/MS) koja je validirana u skladu s kriterijima utvrđenim Odlukom Komisije 2002/657/EZ. Utvrđeni su sljedeći parametri validacije: granična koncentracija određivanja (CCα) 0,55 ug kg-1, sposobnost dokazivanja (CCβ) 0,59 ug kg-1, granica određivanja (LOD) 0,06 ug kg-1, granica kvantifikacije (LOQ) 0,22 ug kg-1, preciznost i točnost (izraženi kao iskorištenje) 97,3- 100,0 %, unutarlaboratorijska obnovljivost (RSD) 4,2- 5,6 %. Koncentracije levamisola za 45 od ukupno 85 uzoraka bile su ispod vrijednosti LOD (0,06 ug kg-1). U preostalih 40 uzoraka mlijeka, levamisol je izmjeren u rasponu od 0,061 do 0,142 ug kg-1, a srednja vrijednost je bila 0,092 ug kg-1. Zaključno, sve koncentracije analizirane su ispod LOQ vrijednosti (0,22 ug kg-1) i CCα, granične koncentracije metode

    Ispitivanje patvorenja komercijalnih mesnih proizvoda validiranom ELISA-metodom

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    The aim of this study was to develop and validate an ELISA method for determining the type of meat in meat and meat products and its application in the detection of species adulteration in commercial meat products from retail chains in the Republic of Croatia. The developed method showed 100% specificity towards cattle, pig, sheep and poultry proteins and no cross-reaction with non-target food type antibodies, and was able to rapidly and reliably detect a given meat species in cooked meat samples at a 2% level of contamination. The analysis of meat products collected from various retail chains and butchers in the period from 2012 to 2022 showed satisfactory agreement with the declared species in 95.7% of cases. Canned pork products contained the least amount of potentially mis-declared products. Further, 35% of sudjuk samples, contained pork in addition to declared beef, while 26.7% of chicken sausages contained undeclared pork. Given that deviations of meat products from the declaration were determined in 4.3% of the total analysed samples, the importance of systematic prevention and detection of food fraud is emphasised through the establishment of a regular and effective system of supervision and control.Cilj je ovog rada razvoj i validacija ELISA-metode za određivanje vrste mesa u mesu i mesnim proizvodima i njezina primjena u utvrđivanju autentičnosti i patvorenja komercijalnih mesnih proizvoda iz maloprodajnih lanaca u Republici Hrvatskoj. Razvijena metoda je pokazala 100 % specifičnost prema proteinima: goveda, svinja, ovca i peradi, bez unakrsne reakcije s antitijelima neciljnih vrsta hrane. Utvrđeno je da je metoda sposobna brzo i pouzdano detektirati 2 % proteina goveda, ovaca, peradi i svinja u uzorcima kuhanog mesa. Analiza mesnih proizvoda koji su prikupljeni iz različitih trgovačkih lanaca i mesnica u razdoblju od 2012. do 2022. pokazala je zadovoljavajuću podudarnost s deklariranim vrstama u 95,7 % slučajeva. Najmanje potencijalno pogrešno deklariranih proizvoda utvrđeno je kod konzerviranih svinjskih proizvoda. Čak je 35 % sudžuka, osim deklarirane govedine, sadržavalo i svinjetinu, dok je 26,7 % pilećih hrenovki sadržavalo nedeklariranu svinjetinu. S obzirom da su u 4,3 % ukupno analiziranih uzoraka utvrđena odstupanja mesnih proizvoda od navedenog na deklaraciji ističe se važnost sustavne prevencije i otkrivanja prijevara s hranom kroz uspostavu redovitog i učinkovitog sustava nadzora i kontrole

    Razlike u koncentracijama esencijalnih elemenata u mlijeku kobila hrvatskih hladnokrvnjaka i primorsko-dinarskih magarica

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    The concentrations of essential elements in the milk of Croatian Coldblood mares and Littoral- Dinaric donkey were measured. The mean element contents in horse milk were (mg/kg): Ca 687.1, Mg 72.1, K 637.7, Na 143.5, Cu 0.126, Fe 0.235, Se 0.01, Zn 2.06, Mn<0.01. In donkey milk, the mean element contents were (mg/kg): Ca 815.4, Mg 80.8, K 887.7, Na 217.6, Cu 0.027, Fe 0.196, Zn 2.36, Mn 0.016. In horse milk, moderate correlations were found between the elements: Ca-K, Mg-Se, Mg-K, Mg-Cu, Se-Cu, Se-Fe, Mn-K. Strong correlations were found among elements in donkey milk: Ca-Na, Ca-K, Ca-Cu, K-Na, K-Cu, Cu-Mn. Significant differences between Na, K and Cu concentrations were obtained between the two species. Other elements concentrations were similar in both species.Određene su koncentracije esencijalnih elemenata u mlijeku kobila hrvatskih hladnokrvnjaka i primorsko-dinarskih magarica. Srednje vrijednosti koncentracija elemenata u mlijeku kobila su (mg/ kg): Ca 687,1; Mg 72,1; K 637,7; Na 143,5; Cu 0,126; Fe 0,235; Se 0,01; Zn 2,06; Mn<0,01. U mlijeku magarica određene su srednje koncentracije elemenata (mg/kg): Ca 815,4; Mg 80,8; K 887,7; Na 217,6; Cu 0,027; Fe 0,196; Zn 2,36; Mn 0,016. U mlijeku kobila utvrđena je srednja korelacija između elemenata: Ca-K, Mg-Se, Mg-K, Mg-Cu, Se-Cu, Se-Fe, Mn-K. U mlijeku magarica utvrđena je jaka korelacija između elemenata: Ca-Na, Ca-K, Ca-Cu, K-Na, K-Cu, Cu-Mn. Statistički značajne razlike u koncentracijama Na, K i Cu utvrđene su u mlijeku tih dviju vrsta. Koncentracije drugih elemenata su slične u obje vrste

    Mechanism of activity, biosynthesis and identification of beta-lactam antimicrobial drugs

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    Antimikrobni lijekovi su kemoterapeutici koji imaju široku primjenu u humanoj, veterinarskoj i stočarskoj praksi. Beta-laktamski su najraširenija skupina antimikrobnih lijekova koja se zbog vrlo snažnog antimikrobnog djelovanja i vrlo niske toksičnosti najčešće koristi u humanoj i veterinarskoj medicini u liječenju bakterijskih infekcija. Dijele se u skupine penicilina, cefalosporina i monobaktama. Penicilini se dobivaju iz filtrata kulture plijesni Penicillium notatum i Penicillium chrysogenum, a cefalosporini iz filtrata kulture aktinomiceta (Cephalosporium acremonium). Istraživanja su omogućila otkrića aktivne skupine, 6-amino-penicilanske kiseline čijim je izdvajanjem omogućena proizvodnja polusintetskih penicilina koji su nadišli ograničenja prirodnog penicilina G. Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva beta-laktama mogu se mijenjati supstitucijom vodika u karboksilnoj skupini penicilina, odnosno modifikacijom bočnog lanca cefalosporina. Time se povećala otpornost na djelovanje β-laktamaza i proširen spektar djelovanja. Beta-laktami u terapijskim koncentracijama djeluju baktericidno inhibirajući sintezu stanične stijenke bakterija. Penicilini su važni za antibakterijsku kemoterapiju, često u kombinaciji s drugim antimikrobnim lijekovima. Cefalosporini se primjenjuju kao zamjena za peniciline u liječenju infekcija uzrokovanih gram-negativnim bakterijama te u profilaksi pri kirurškim zahvatima. Primjena beta-laktama u životinja koje se koriste kao hrana može dovesti do ostataka tih lijekova u mesu i mesnim prerađevinama, te mlijeku i jajima. Unošenje antimikrobnih lijekova u ljudski organizam hranom, osobito je opasno zbog njihove direktne toksičnosti odnosno kancerogenosti, utjecaja na sastav crijevne mikroflore, mogućih alergijskih reakcija, te pojave otpornosti pojedinih patogenih mikroorganizama, te je njihovo određivanje nužno. Obzirom da se puno koriste u tretmanu mastitisa najčešće su utvrđeni antimikrobni lijekovi u mlijeku. U svrhu određivanja ostataka beta-laktama u hrani životinjskog podrijetla primijenjuju se screening mikrobiološke metode, a identifikacija i kvanifikacija danas se provodi najčešće tekućinskom kromatografijiom tandemskom spektrometrijom masa.Antimicrobal drugs are chemotherapeutics with a wide spectrum of use in human and veterinary medicine and livestock practice. Beta-lactams are the most widespread group of antimicrobal drugs and are most often used in human and veterinary medicine in the treatment of bacterial infections due to their powerful antimicrobial activity and very low toxicity. They are divided into the groups of penicillins, cefalosporins and monobactams. Penicillins are obtained from the filtrate of the mould cultures Penicillium notatum and Penicillium chrysogenum, while cefalosporins are obtained from the filtrate of the actinomycete cultures (Cephalosporium acremonium). Research has lead to the discovery of active groups of 6-amino-penicillin acids, whose isolation has made it possible to produce semi-synthetic penicillins that have surpassed the limitations of natural penicillin G. The physico-chemical properties of the beta-lactams can be altered by substituting hydrogen in the carboxyl group of penicillins, i.e. in modifying the side chain of cefalosporin. This increases the resistance to the activity of β-lactamase and expands the spectrum of activity. Beta-lactams, in therapy concentrations, act as a bacteriocide by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial cell walls. Penicillins are important for antibacterial chemotherapy, often in combination with other antimicrobal drugs. Cefalosporins are usually used as a replacement for penicillin in treating infections caused by gram-negative bacteria and in prophylaxis for surgery. The use of beta-lactams in animals used for food can result in the residues of these drugs in meat and meat products or milk and eggs. The introduction of antimicrobal drugs in the human body via food is particularly dangerous due to their direct toxicity or carcinogenicity, influences on the composition of the intestinal microflora, possible allergic reactions in sensitive people, and the appearance of resistance of individual pathogenic microorganisms, and therefore their determination is necessary. Considering that they are widely used in the treatment of mastitis, they are the most commonly determined antimicrobal drugs in milk. For the purpose of determining the residues of beta-lactams in food of animal origin, microbiological screening methods are used, and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry is most often used for identification and quantification

    Controllo del verde di malachite nei prodotti di acquacoltura

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    Sažetak Malahitno zelenilo (MZ) se tradicionalno koristi kao trifenilmetanska boja u tekstilnoj industriji, kao pigment te kao prehrambeni aditiv. U uzgoju riba koristi se kao vrlo učinkovit fungicid, parasiticid, antiprotozoan i bacteriocid. U organizmu ribe MZ se metabolizira u leukomalahitno zelenilo (LMZ) koji se zbog svojih lipofilnih svojstava zadržava u masnom tkivu kroz duže vrijeme. Brojna istraživanja in vitro i in vivo pokazala su citotoksična, te karcinogena, mutagena i teratogena svojstva MZ i LMZ. Zbog toga je primjena MZ zabranjena u životinjskih vrsta namijenjenim ishrani u Sjedinjenim Državama odnosno zemljama Europske Unije. Usprkos zabrani MZ se još uvijek koristi u intenzivnom ribnjačarstvu te su ostaci MZ i LMZ najčešći u incidenciji nedozvoljenih tvari u proizvodima akvakulture. Zbog toga je Europska Unija propisala granicu najmanje zahtjevane učinkovitosti izvedbe metoda (MRPL, eng. minimum required performance limit) od 2 μg/kg za određivanje MZ i LMZ. Danas se za kvanifikaciju ostataka MZ i LMZ u tkivima riba primjenjuju metode tekućinske kromatografije i tekućinske kromatografije tandemske spektrometrije masa. Usprkos zabrani korištenja u zemljama Europske Unije sustavno se pronalaze povišene koncentracije MZ i LMZ u svim vrstama ribe i ribljih proizvoda. U periodu od 2002. do 2011. godine sustavom brzog uzbunjivanja za hranu i hranu za životinje (RASFF, eng. Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) povišene koncentracije MZ i LMZ utvrđene su u 123 uzorka riba i proizvoda. Najveći broj od 50 uzorka zabilježen je 2005. godine. U ukupnom broju pozitivnih uzoraka 47 uzoraka podrijetlom je iz Vijetnama, 12 iz Indonezije, 10 iz Kine i 3 iz Tailanda odnosno 58,5 % uzoraka podrijetlom je iz Azije. Prema tome kontrola MZ i LMZ je izrazito važna za zaštitu zdravlja potrošača.Malachite green (MG) is traditionally used as a triphenylmethane dye in the textile industry, as a pigment and a food additive. In fish breeding, it is used as a very effective fungicide, parasiticide, antiprotozoic and bacteriocide. In fish, MG is metabolised to leucomalachite green (LMG) which, due to its lipophilic properties, is retained in fat tissues over longer periods of time. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies have indicated the cytotoxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic properties of both MG and LMG. For this reason, the use of MG is prohibited in animal species intended for human consumption in the US and EU Member States. Despite this ban, MG is still in use in intensive fish farming, and residues of MG and LMG are the most frequently prohibited substances found in aquaculture products. For that reason, the European Union has prescribed a minimum required performance limit (MRPL) of 2 μg/kg for the methods used for determination of MG and LMG. MG and LMG residues in fish tissue are quantified using liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Despite the ban in EU Member States, increased concentrations of MG and LMG are systematically found in all species of fish and fish products. In the period from 2002 to 2011, the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) confirmed increased MG and LMG concentrations in 123 samples of fish and fish products. The highest number, 50 samples, was reported in 2005. Of the total number of positive samples, 27 samples originated from Vietnam, 12 from Indonesia, 10 from China and 3 from Thailand, i.e. 58.5% of samples with residues originated in Asia. Therefore, controls of MG and LMG are important to protect consumer health.Zusammenfassung Das Malachitgrüne (MG) wird traditionell als Tryphenilmetanfarbe in Textilindustrie, als Pigment und als Nahrungsadditiv benutzt. In der Fischzucht wird es als wirkungsvolles Fungizid, Parisitizid, Antiprotosoan und Bakteriozid benutzt. Im Fischorganismus metabolisiert sich das MG in Leukomalachitgrüne (LMG), das wegen seiner lipophylen Eigenschaften eine längere Zeit im Fettgewebe anhält. Zahlreiche Untersuchungen in vitro und in vivo zeigten zytotoksische, kanzerogene, mutagene und teratogene Eigenschaften von MG und LMG vor. Deshalb ist die Anwendung von MG verboten bei Tierarten, die für die menschliche Nahrung bestimmt sind, u.zw. in den USA und in der EU. Trotzdem wird das MG immer noch in der intensiven Fischerei benutzt, so befinden sich Reste von MG und LMG am häufigsten in Inzidenz der nicht erlaubten Substanzen in den Erzeugnissen der Aquakultur. Die EU hat deshalb die Grenze der mindest erforderlichen Wirksamkeit der Methodendurchführung MRPL (engl. minimum required performance limit) von 2 μg/kg für die Bestimmung von MG und LMG vorgeschrieben.Heutzutage werden für die Quantifikation von MG und LMG im Fischgewebe Methoden der Flüssigkeitschromatographie und Flüssigkeitschromatographie der Tandemspektomektrie der Massen verwendet. Trotz des Verbotes in den Ländern der EU werden systematisch erhöhte Konzentrationen von MG und LMG in allen Fischen und Fischerzeugnissen vorgefunden. In der Zeitspanne von 2002 und 2011 wurden durch die schnelle Warnung für Nahrung und Tiernahrung RASFF ( engl. Rapid Alert System for Food und Feed) erhöhte Konzentrationen von MG und LMG bei 123 Fischarten und Fischerzeugnissproben vorgefunden. Die höchste Zahl von 50 Proben wurde im Jahr 2005 notiert. In der Gesamtzahl der Muster waren 47 Muster aus Vietnam, 12 aus Indonesien, 10 aus China und 3 aus Thailand, bzw. 58,5 % der Muster stammte aus Asien. Demzufolge ist die Kontrolle der MG und LMG außerordentlich wichtig für den Gesundheitsschutz der Verbraucher.Sommario Il verde di malachite (VM) di solito si usa come il colore trefenilmetanico nell’industria tessile, come il pigmento e anche come l’additivo alimentare. Nell’allevamento di pesci viene usato come un fungicido molto efficiente, parasiticide, antiprotosoico e batterocido. Nell’organismo del pesce il VM si metabolizza nel verde leucomalachite (VLM) che, per le sue caratteristiche lipofili, si mantiene nel tessuto grasso per un periodo più lungo. Numerose ricerche in vitro hanno dimostrato le caratteristiche citotossiche, cancerogene, mutagene e taretogene del VM e del VLM. Perciò l’uso del VM è proibito dalle sorte alimentari destinate all’alimentazione umana negli Stati Uniti e nell’Unione europea. Nonostante questa proibizione il VM si usa ancora nell’intensa pesca negli stagni ed i residui di VM e VLM appaiono più spesso nell’incidenza delle materie non permesse nei prodotti dell’acquacoltura. Perciò l’Unione europea ha prescritto il limite della meno richiesta efficienza di esecuzione di metodi (MRPL, in inglese minimum required performance limit) di 2 μg/kg per determinare i VM e VLM. Oggi per quantificare i residui di VM e VLM nei tessuti del pesce si applicano i metodi della cromatografia di liquidi e della cromatografia di liquidi di spettrometria delle masse. Nonostante il divieto dell’uso negli paesi dell’Unione europa si scoprono sistematicamente le percentuali aumentate dei VM e VLM in tutti i tipi del pesce e dei prodotti di pesce. Nel periodo dal 2002 al 2011 tramite il sistema dell’allarme urgente per gli alimentari e gli alimentari per gli animali (RASFF, in inglese Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) le percentuali aumentate dei VM e VLM sono state determinate in 123 campioni del pesce e dei prodotti di pesce. Il numero più grande di 50 campioni è stato registrato nel 2005. Dal numero totale di campioni positivi 47 di loro sono di Vietnam, 12 di Indonesia, 10 di Cina e 3 di Tailanda, cioè il 58,5% di campioni provengono dall’Asia. Da questo segue la conclusione che il controllo dei VM e VLM è importantissimo per la protezione sanitaria di consumatori

    Salicylic acid - a medicine with various healing properties

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    Salicilati predstavljaju skupinu najčešće korištenih lijekova za ublažavanje boli, snižavanje temperature te smanjenje upale. Najvažniji predstavnik ove skupine je proizvedeni salicilat acetilsalicilna kiselina poznatiji pod nazivom AspirinTM, jedan od najprodavanijih lijekova na tržištu. Osnovna supstanca salicilata je salicilna kiselina koja je pronađena u kori vrbe, ali i u drugim biljkama poput prave končare te u voću, povrću, začinima i slično. Salicilna kiselina je biljni hormon i nalazi se u biljci u dva različita oblika: slobodni i vezani. Sudjeluje u različitim procesima (fotosinteza, klijanje, cvjetanje, respiracija, starenje, obrana biljke i slično). Koristi se u farmaceutskoj industriji u pripremi acetilsalicilne kiseline i kozmetičkoj industriji u kremama za liječenje bradavica, žuljeva, akni i različitih drugih kožnih promjena. Uvelike se primijenjuje kao antiseptik i keratolitik. Zajedno s ostalim salicilatima može se naći u različitim prehrambenim proizvodima. Salicilna kiselina se često može naći u mlijeku i mliječnim proizvodima gdje se koristi kao konzervans. Sirovo meso ima vrlo nisku razinu salicilata dok u jajima nisu pronađeni salicilati. Međutim, većina žitarica sadržava znatne količine salicilata. Ustvrđeno je da kuhanje ima znatan utjecaj na sadržaj salicilata u prehrambenim proizvodima. Kuhanjem graha, brokule ili cvjetače ustvrđen je znatno manji sadržaj salicilata nego u sirovom povrću.Salicylates are among the most commonly used drugs for pain relief, lowering fever and reducing inflammation. The most important representative of this group is the salicylate acetylsalicylic acid, also known as AspirinTM, one of the best-selling drugs on the market. The basic substance of salicylate is salicylic acid, which is found in the willow bark and other plants such as meadowsweet, and in fruits, vegetables, spices, etc. Salicylic acid is a plant hormone that is present in the plant in two different forms: free and bound. It participates in various processes (photosynthesis, germination, flowering, respiration, aging, plant protection, etc.). It is used in the pharmaceutical industry in the preparation of acetylsalicylic acid and also in the cosmetic industry in creams for the treatment of warts, thumps, acne and various other skin changes. It is widely used as an antiseptic and keratolytic. Along with other salicylates, it can be found in various food products, such as milk and dairy products where it is used as a preservative. Raw meat has a very low salicylate level while no salicylates have been detected in eggs. Most cereals contain substantial contents of salicylates. Cooking has a significant effect on salicylates content in food products, i.e. substantially lower salicylic levels were found in cooked beans, broccoli or cauliflowers than in raw vegetables