Control of chloramphenicol in samples of meat, meat products and fish


Sažetak U svrhu kontrole ilegalne uprabe te kontrole ostataka kloramfenikola tijekom 2010. godine sakupljani su uzorci mišićnog tkiva peradi (n=33), goveda (n=109) i svinja (n=46), mesnih proizvoda (n=21) i ribe (n=7), iz svih područja Republike Hrvatske. Koncentracije kloramfenikola određene su orijentacijskom ELISA metodom, te potvrdnom metodom tekućinske kromatografije-tandemske spektometrije masa (LC-MS/MS). Validacijom metoda dokazana je njihova sposobnost kvantifikacije ispod zadane vrijednosti najmanje zahtjevane učinkovitosti izvedbe metode od 0,3 μg/kg. Određivane koncentracije kloramfenikola u mesu goveda, svinja, peradi, mesnim proizvodima te ribi kretale su se u rasponu od minimalne vrijednosti od 0,177 do najviše vrijednosti od 202,9 ng/kg. Najniža srednja koncentracija od 3,54 ng/kg utvrđena je u mesnim proizvodima, a najviša 15,8 ng/kg u mesu goveda. Niti u jednom uzorku kontoliranog mesa i ribe nisu utvrđene koncentracije iznad 300 ng/kg. S obzirom na utvrđene niske koncentracije kloramfenikola može se zaključiti da je meso kontoliranih životinja prikladno za konzumaciju odnosno sukladno tome da se u Republici Hrvatskoj poštuje zabrana uporabe tog antibiotika. Sukladno utvrđenim slučajevima povišenih koncentracija u mesu, ribi te škampima podrijetlom iz Azije, potrebna je stalna kontrole uvoznih pošiljaka iz zemalja tog dijela svijeta.In the goal of controlling the illegal use and the control of chloramphenicol remains, during the year 2010 there were collected samples of muscle tissue of poultry (n=33), bovine (n=109) and pigs (n=46), meat products (n=21) and fish (n=7), from all areas of the Republic of Croatia. Concentrations of chloramphenicol were determined by the screening ELISA method and confirmatory method of liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Validation of methods proved their quantification capability below minimum required performance limit of method performance of 0.3 μg/ kg. The determined concentrations of chloramphenicol in bovine, pig and poultry meat, meat products and fish were in the range of minimum value of 0.177 to the highest value of 202.9 ng/ kg. The lowest mean concentration of 3.54 ng/ kg was determined in meat products and the highest of 15.8 ng / kg in bovine meat. There were no determined concentrations over 300 ng/ kg in any sample of the controlled meat and fish. Considering the determined low concentrations of chloramphenicol, it can be concluded that the meat of controlled animals is safe to consume. That means that the prohibition on use of that antibiotic is respected in the Republic of Croatia. In accordance with the determined cases of increased concentrations in meat, fish and shrimps originating from Asia, a constant control of imported shipments from the countries of that part of the world is necessary

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