4 research outputs found

    Readiness of Roma children for reading and writing acquisition in the croatian language ā€“ an equal starting point for all?

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    U Republici Hrvatskoj živi viÅ”e od 16 tisuća pripadnika romske nacionalne manjine. Budući da nemaju standardiziran vlastiti jezik i pismo, djeca Romi Å”koluju se po redovnom planu i programu na hrvatskome jeziku. To podrazumijeva i usvojenost predvjeÅ”tina čitanja i pisanja prije polaska u prvi razred. Cilj je ovoga rada ispitati razinu usvojenosti predvjeÅ”tina čitanja i pisanja kod djece Roma te utvrditi razlikuju li se djeca Romi (N = 56, 62,5 % dječaka, M = 6 god., 8 mj., SD = 0,46) i djeca čiji je materinski jezik hrvatski (N = 55, 50,9 % dječaka; M = 6 god., 8 mj., SD = 0,4) u razvijenosti pojedinih sastavnica predvjeÅ”tina čitanja i pisanja. Ispitivanje je provedeno odabranim zadacima iz Testa za procjenu predvjeÅ”tina čitanja i pisanja (PredČip test, Kuvač Kraljević i Lenček, 2012). Rezultati su očekivani i ukazuju na to da djeca Romi na većini ispitanih varijabli odstupaju od urednoga postignuća. U odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu sudionika istraživanja djeca Romi pokazuju statistički značajno niže rezultate na gotovo svim testiranim varijablama (izuzev mjera slogovnog i fonemskog stapanja). Dobiveni rezultati pokazatelj su nedovoljne usvojenosti pojedinih sastavnica predvjeÅ”tina čitanja i pisanja na hrvatskome jeziku te nedostatno razvijenih vizualno-perceptivnih sposobnosti. Budući da su predvjeÅ”tine čitanja i pisanja važan preduvjet za usvajanje tečnoga čitanja i pisanja, kao i akademskih postignuća, vidljivo je da djeca Romi nisu spremna za Å”kolu i već u samome početku ne mogu održati korak sa svojim vrÅ”njacima. Samim time potrebno je sustavno mijenjati sustav predÅ”kolskoga i Å”kolskoga odgoja i obrazovanja kada je u pitanju ova posebno ranjiva skupina djece.Over 16,000 people belong to the Roma national minority in the Republic of Croatia. Given the fact that they do not have their own standardised language and orthography, Roma children attend regular schools and regular curriculum in the Croatian language. This also implies the acquisition of reading and writing prerequisites prior to enrolment into first grade. The aim of this paper is to examine the level of acquisition of reading and writing prerequisites in Roma children and to determine whether Roma children (N = 56, 62.5% of boys, M = 6 years, 8 months, SD = 0.46) differ from children whose first language is Croatian (N = 55, 50.9% of boys; M = 6 years, 8 months, SD = 0.4) in the development of individual components of reading and writing prerequisites. Testing was performed through selected tasks from the Test for the assessment of reading and writing prerequisites (PredČip test, Kuvač Kraljević & Lenček, 2012). The results were as expected and indicate that Roma children deviate from regular achievement on most of the examined variables. In comparison to the control group of participants, Roma children demonstrated significantly lower results on almost all tested variables, apart from syllable and phonemic blending. The obtained results are an indicator of insufficient acquisition of certain components of reading and writing prerequisites in the Croatian language and insufficiently developed visual perceptual abilities. Considering that reading and writing prerequisites are the important precondition for fluent reading and writing, it is clear that Roma children are not prepared for school education and that they demonstrate difficulties in keeping up with their peers at the beginning of formal school education. This implies the need for a systematic change of the preschool and school system with regards to this especially vulnerable group of children

    Socioeconomic characteristics and language abilities of children from rural areas attending a preschool programme

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    Dječji vrtić priprema djecu za kasnije formalno obrazovanje te pozitivno utječe na njihov kognitivni i socioemocionalni razvoj. Nažalost, u Hrvatskoj, osobito u ruralnim područjima, nisu sva djeca u mogućnosti polaziti vrtić pa se uvođenjem obaveznog i besplatnog predÅ”kolskog programa nastojalo doskočiti tom problemu. Međutim, do tada ta djeca nisu bila uključena u predÅ”kolski odgoj i nisu im pruženi isti poticaji za razvoj jezičnih sposobnosti koje se od njih očekuju u osnovnoj Å”koli. Niz istraživanja navodi da djeca roditelja nižeg socioekonomskog statusa pokazuju loÅ”ije jezične sposobnosti u odnosu na djecu roditelja viÅ”eg socioekonomskog statusa. Uzimajući u obzir dosadaÅ”nje spoznaje, ovim se radom željelo utvrditi postižu li predÅ”kolska djeca, polaznici redovnog vrtića, bolje rezultate na probirnom testu jezičnih sposobnosti od djece polaznika isključivo predÅ”kolskog programa. Isto tako, cilj je bio utvrditi postoji li značajna razlika u socioekonomskom statusu obitelji između ove dvije kategorije djece predÅ”kolske dobi. Uzorak ispitanika uključivao je 93 djece i njihove roditelje. Djeca su ispitana Probirnim testom jezičnih sposobnosti, a socioekonomski status ispitan je anketom kreiranom isključivo za ovo istraživanje. Rezultati na Probirnom testu jezičnih sposobnosti pokazali su značajnu razliku između djece u dječjem vrtiću i obaveznom predÅ”kolskom programu u korist polaznika dječjeg vrtića. Pokazalo se kako su roditelji djece uključene u vrtić viÅ”eg stupnja obrazovanja, čeŔće zaposleni i imaju veće prihode po članu kućanstva. Iz rezultata se iŔčitava potreba za dodatnom potporom djeci koja iz predÅ”kolskog programa ulaze u sustav osnovnog Å”kolstva.Attending a preschool programme prepares children for later formal education and has a positive impact on their cognitive and socio-emotional development. Unfortunately, in Croatia, not all children have an opportunity to attend a preschool programme. This is especially true in rural areas. In order to solve this problem, the government has introduced an obligatory kindergarten programme that is free of charge for all children. However, because these children have not previously attended any form of early-childhood education programme, they have not received equal support in the development of the language skills expected of them by the time they reach elementary school. A number of studies have suggested that children from families with a higher socioeconomic status have better language skills than children from families with a lower socioeconomic status. Taking all this into account, the aim of this study is to determine whether preschool-aged children who attend a preschool programme achieve better results on the Screening test of language abilities (Probirni test jezičnih sposobnosti) than children who only attend kindergarten. In addition, this study aims to determine whether there is a significant difference in the socioeconomic status between the families of preschool-aged children who attended preschool and those who attended kindergarten. The sample included 93 children and their parents. Children were assessed using a Screening test of language abilities. Socioeconomic status was determined via a questionnaire made for the purposes of this study. The results on the Screening test of language abilities indicated a significant difference between children in preschool and those in obligatory kindergarten programmes, where children attending preschool demonstrated higher language ability. Moreover, this study demonstrated that the parents of children attending a preschool programme are more educated, more often employed and have a higher income per household member. Based on these results, it can be argued that there is a need to provide additional support for children from kindergarten programmes as they enter elementary schools

    Language screening for preschool children: Individual or group testing?

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    Rani jezični razvoj složen je proces koji se događa u korak s brojnim drugim procesima poput fizičkog i kognitivnog razvoja te razvoja socijalizacije. Upravo složenost djetinjstva kao razvojnog razdoblja može rezultirati različitim odstupanjima od očekivanih normi u jezičnom razvoju. Probirni ili trijažni testovi uobičajen su postupak za rano prepoznavanje odstupanja u jezičnom razvoju. U hrvatskoj logopedskoj praksi ne postoji standardizirani instrument za probir jezičnih sposobnosti kod djece predÅ”kolskog uzrasta, već se u praksi najčeŔće provodi neformalno ispitivanje grupnim probirnim postupkom koji nije sadržajno kontroliran niti objektivan u provedbi. Cilj je istraživanja analiza metrijskih obilježja instrumenata za individualni i grupni probir jezičnih sposobnosti za djecu predÅ”kolske dobi (5 i 6 godina) te njihova međusobna usporedba, kako bi se otkrile prednosti i nedostaci obaju načina probira radi određivanja objektivnije metode. Istraživanje je ostvareno u sklopu projekta Prerequisites for academic equality: early recognition of language disorders (IPA, u kojem su razvijena dva instrumenta: instrument za individualni te instrument za grupni probir jezičnih sposobnosti za dob 5 i 6 godina. Konstrukcija i analiza probirnih instrumenata provedena je na osnovi rezultata dobivenih na stratificiranom uzorku od 457 ispitanika (244 petogodiÅ”njaka (M=133 i Ž=111) i 213 Å”estogodiÅ”njaka (M=96 i Ž=117). Rezultati su pokazali kako su metrijske karakteristike, kao i karakteristike primjene instrumenta za individualni probir jezičnih sposobnosti bolje od karakteristika instrumenta za grupni probir, Å”to instrument za individualni probir čini pouzdanijom i objektivnijom metodom probira. U skladu s tim podatkom proizlazi izravna preporuka za logopedski rad o primjeni individualnog probira, i to isključivo s pouzdanim i objektivnim instrumentom.Early language development is a complex process that occurs alongside a number of other processes, including physical and cognitive development and socialization. The complexity of childhood as a developmental period can contribute to various deviations from the established norms in language development. The use of screening tests is a standard procedure in the early detection of clinical problems, including difficulties in language development. At present, there are no standardized instruments for screening the language skills of preschool children in Croatian speech-and-language practice. Instead, informal group screening is typically used in practice. The aim of this research was to construct and compare instruments for the individual and group screening of language abilities among preschool children (aged five and six years). Furthermore, this study aimed to discover the advantages and disadvantages of both methods and to establish differences between the language proficiencies of five- and six-year-olds. Finally, this study aimed to define an objective screening method. This research was conducted within the project Prerequisites for academic equality: early recognition of language disorders (IPA Two instruments aimed at screening the language skills of children aged five and six years were constructed: one for individual screening and one for group screening. The construction and analysis of the screening instruments was conducted based on the results of a stratified sample of 457 children: 244 five-year-olds (M=133 and F=111) and 213 six- year-olds (M=96 and F=117). The results demonstrated that the psychometric features of the individual language skills screening instrument is better than the group screening tool. In other words, the individual language skills screening instrument is a more reliable and objective method. In line with these findings, an explicit recommendation for individual language screening with a reliable and valid instrument in speech-and-language practice can be defined

    Socioeconomic characteristics and language abilities of children from rural areas attending a preschool programme

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    Dječji vrtić priprema djecu za kasnije formalno obrazovanje te pozitivno utječe na njihov kognitivni i socioemocionalni razvoj. Nažalost, u Hrvatskoj, osobito u ruralnim područjima, nisu sva djeca u mogućnosti polaziti vrtić pa se uvođenjem obaveznog i besplatnog predÅ”kolskog programa nastojalo doskočiti tom problemu. Međutim, do tada ta djeca nisu bila uključena u predÅ”kolski odgoj i nisu im pruženi isti poticaji za razvoj jezičnih sposobnosti koje se od njih očekuju u osnovnoj Å”koli. Niz istraživanja navodi da djeca roditelja nižeg socioekonomskog statusa pokazuju loÅ”ije jezične sposobnosti u odnosu na djecu roditelja viÅ”eg socioekonomskog statusa. Uzimajući u obzir dosadaÅ”nje spoznaje, ovim se radom željelo utvrditi postižu li predÅ”kolska djeca, polaznici redovnog vrtića, bolje rezultate na probirnom testu jezičnih sposobnosti od djece polaznika isključivo predÅ”kolskog programa. Isto tako, cilj je bio utvrditi postoji li značajna razlika u socioekonomskom statusu obitelji između ove dvije kategorije djece predÅ”kolske dobi. Uzorak ispitanika uključivao je 93 djece i njihove roditelje. Djeca su ispitana Probirnim testom jezičnih sposobnosti, a socioekonomski status ispitan je anketom kreiranom isključivo za ovo istraživanje. Rezultati na Probirnom testu jezičnih sposobnosti pokazali su značajnu razliku između djece u dječjem vrtiću i obaveznom predÅ”kolskom programu u korist polaznika dječjeg vrtića. Pokazalo se kako su roditelji djece uključene u vrtić viÅ”eg stupnja obrazovanja, čeŔće zaposleni i imaju veće prihode po članu kućanstva. Iz rezultata se iŔčitava potreba za dodatnom potporom djeci koja iz predÅ”kolskog programa ulaze u sustav osnovnog Å”kolstva.Attending a preschool programme prepares children for later formal education and has a positive impact on their cognitive and socio-emotional development. Unfortunately, in Croatia, not all children have an opportunity to attend a preschool programme. This is especially true in rural areas. In order to solve this problem, the government has introduced an obligatory kindergarten programme that is free of charge for all children. However, because these children have not previously attended any form of early-childhood education programme, they have not received equal support in the development of the language skills expected of them by the time they reach elementary school. A number of studies have suggested that children from families with a higher socioeconomic status have better language skills than children from families with a lower socioeconomic status. Taking all this into account, the aim of this study is to determine whether preschool-aged children who attend a preschool programme achieve better results on the Screening test of language abilities (Probirni test jezičnih sposobnosti) than children who only attend kindergarten. In addition, this study aims to determine whether there is a significant difference in the socioeconomic status between the families of preschool-aged children who attended preschool and those who attended kindergarten. The sample included 93 children and their parents. Children were assessed using a Screening test of language abilities. Socioeconomic status was determined via a questionnaire made for the purposes of this study. The results on the Screening test of language abilities indicated a significant difference between children in preschool and those in obligatory kindergarten programmes, where children attending preschool demonstrated higher language ability. Moreover, this study demonstrated that the parents of children attending a preschool programme are more educated, more often employed and have a higher income per household member. Based on these results, it can be argued that there is a need to provide additional support for children from kindergarten programmes as they enter elementary schools