8 research outputs found

    Identification and mapping of Natura 2000 forest habitat types in Croatia (I) – 91E0*alluvial forest with black alder Alnus glutinosa and common ash Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)

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    U radu je opisano 16 šumskih stanišnih tipova iz Nacionalne klasifikacije staništa Republike Hrvatske koji su obuhvaćeni stanišnim tipom 91E0* Natura 2000. On je prioritetni europski stanišni tip, a odnosi se na močvarne, povremeno poplavne i vlažne šumske zajednice. Od drveća prevladavaju – ovisno o tipu – uskolisne vrbe, bijela i crna topola, bijela i crna joha, poljski i obični jasen. U prizemnom su sloju glavne higrofilne vrste uz veći ili manji udjel biljaka iz okolnih šuma viših položaja. U članku je europski stanišni tip 91E0* detaljnije prikazan, a svaki stanišni tip iz nacionalne klasifikacije predstavljen je kratkim opisom s arealom i dijagnostičkim pokazateljima. Također su navedeni i njegovi povezani tipovi, odgovarajući kôd prema EUNIS-ovoj klasifikaciji i literatura u kojoj je podrobnije opisan. Članak ima praktičnu važnost jer pomaže u prepoznavanju i kartiranju šumskih stanišnih tipova, a ti se zadaci upravo provode u hrvatskom šumarstvu.Habitat type 91E0 in Croatia extends to approximately 80,000 ha. It contains 16 types according to the National habitat classification of Croatia (NHC). They are based on phytosociological principles and are aligned with the level of association. They are:E.1. Riparian alluvial willow forests (Salicion albae Soó 1930), poplar (Populion albae Br.-Bl. 1931) and white alder forests (Alnion incanae Pawl. in Pawl. et al. 1928)                 Riparian alluvial willow and poplar forests (Salicion albae, Populion albae)                E.1.1.1. – Salicetum albae-fragilis Soó (1930) 1958                E.1.1.2. – Salicetum albae Isller 1926                E.1.1.3. – Salici-Populetum nigrae (R. Tx. 1931) Meyer Drees 1936                E.1.2.1. – Populetum albae (Br.-Bl.) Tchou 1947                 E.1.2.2. – Populetum nigro-albae Slavnić 1952                Alluvial white alder forests (Alnion incanae)                E.1.3.1. – Equiseto hyemali-Alnetum incanae M. Moor 1958                 E.1.3.2. – Lamio orvalae-Alnetum incanae Dakskobler 2010E.2. Floodplain forests of pedunculate oak, black alder and narrow-leaved ash (Alnion glutinosae Malcuit 1929, Alnion incanae)                Swamp and floodplain forests of black alder narrow-leaved ash (Alnion glutinosae)                E.2.1.4. – Frangulo-Alnetum glutinosae Rauš (1971) 1973                E.2.1.6. – Carici elongatae-Alnetum glutinosae W. Koch 1926 ex Tx. 1931                E.2.1.7. – Leucojo-Fraxinetum angustifoliae Glavač 1959                 E.2.1.9. – Carici acutiformis-Alnetum glutinosae Scamoni 1935                Alluvial and wetland forests of black alder, elms, narrow-leaved and common ash (Alnion incanae)                 E.2.1.1. – Fraxino angustifoliae-Ulmetum laevis Slavnić 1952                 E.2.1.2. – Carici remotae-Fraxinetum excelsioris W. Koch 1926 ex Faber 1936                E.2.1.3. – Carici brizoidis-Alnetum glutinosae Horvat 1938                E.2.1.5. – Pruno-Fraxinetum angustifoliae Glavač 1960                E.2.1.8. – Stellario nemorum-Alnetum glutinosae Lohmayer 1957             The article contains a description, area of distribution in Croatia, and diagnostic indicators for each type. For each type related types are listed, the corresponding code according to EUNIS-classification, and literature in which is described in more detail. This article has practical importance because it helps in the identification and mapping of forest habitat types, and these tasks are currently being implemented in the Croatian forestry

    Biomass Yield and Fuel Properties of Different Poplar SRC Clones

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    The goal of the research was to determine the biomass yield and fuel properties of ten different poplar clones. The research was conducted in an experimental plot established in Forest Administration Osijek, Forest Office Darda, in the spring of 2014. The layout of the plot consisted of three repetitions per clone with 40 plants per repetition in spacing 3x1 m. Based on the DBH distribution, in the early spring of 2018, one sample tree of an average DBH per repetition was selected, thus forming a sample of 30 trees. Average survival rate of the investigated trees after four vegetation periods was 74.54 ±13.85% ranging from 52.08% (Koreana) to 91.67% (SV885 and SV490). Average DBH of the sample trees was 8.2 ±1.9 cm, height 9.3 ±1.8 m and root collar diameter 10.7 ±1.9 cm. Moisture content in fresh state (just after the felling) ranged from 51.6% (Hybride 275) to 55.9% (SV885). Bark content averaged 18.4%, from 15.4% (Baldo) to 21.1% (V 609). Average nominal density of the sampled trees amounted to 383.5 ±35.9 kg/m3. Bark ash content was on average ten times higher (6.44 ±0.65%) than wood ash content (0.64 ±0.07%) resulting in average ash content of 1.7 ±0.1% (taking the bark content into account). The clone SV490 showed the highest biomass yield with 15.8 t/ha/year, while the lowest biomass yield was recorded for the clone Hybride 275 with 2.8 t/ha/year. High inter-clonal productivity variation stresses the importance of selection work to find the most appropriate clones with the highest productivity potential for the given area where the poplar SRC plantations are to be established. Due to high initial moisture content, if direct chipping harvesting systems are preferred, wood chips could be efficiently used in CHP (Combined Heat and Power) plants that operate on the principle of biomass gasification (where a gasifier is coupled to a gas engine to produce electric power and heat). In several CHP gasification plants operating in Croatia, wood chips with high initial moisture content (from traditional poplar plantations) are used as a feedstock that has to be pre-dried using the surplus heat. In this respect SRC poplar wood chips could make an ideal feedstock supplement

    Mikroklimatske različitosti degradacijskih stadija šuma hrasta crnike (Quercus ilex L.)

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    Maquis and garrigue are the most common degradation stages of Holm oak forests in Croatia. Disorganized and uncontrolled cutting degrades forests and changes their microclimates. Measurements were conducted in a Holm oak forest in the maquis and garrigue degradation stages, and in an Aleppo pine forest with Holm oak. The highest variations of microclimate elements were measured in the degradation stages of Holm oak. The average air and soil temperatures, precipitation, and potential evapotranspiration were highest in the garrigue stage and lowest in the maquis stage. The average volumetric soil water content was highest in the maquis stage (14.28%) and lowest in the garrigue stage (9.46%). The dry season water deficit was highest in the garrigue stage (-73.95 mm) and lowest in the maquis (-60.38 mm). Microclimate conditions in the garrigue degradation stage are less favorable for the growth and development of Holm oak than in high forest stands. The average values of microclimate elements in the Aleppo pine forest stand with Holm oak were within the average range of the microclimate elements of garrigue and maquis.Hrast crnika (Quercus ilex L.) je temeljna autohtona šumska vrsta eumediteranskog područja Hrvatske. Hrast crnika pridolazi u svim uzgojnim oblicima i degradacijskim stadijima, a makije i garizi su najčešći degradacijski stadiji crnikovih šuma. Nekontroliranim sječama sastojina sjemenjača i njihovim prevođenjem u degradacijske stadije, mijenjamo mikroklimu određene sastojine. Mikroklimatska istraživanja obavljena su na području otoka Mljeta. Mjerenja su obavljena u šumi hrasta crnike, u degradacijskim stadijima makija i garig te u šumi alepskog bora s hrastom crnikom. Tijekom dvije godine mjerena je temperatura zraka (°C), temperatura tla (°C), oborine (mm), relativna vlaga zraka (%) te volumetrijska vlaga tla (%). Potencijalna evapotranspiracija je izračunata prema metodi Blanea i Criddle. Vodni deficit tijekom sušnog perioda izračunat je kao razlika mjesečne količine oborine (mm) i potencijalne evapotranspiracije (mm). Najveća kolebanja mikroklimatskih elemenata su izmjerena u degradacijskim stadijima hrasta crnike. Najveća apsolutna maksimalna temperatura zraka izmjerena je u stadiju garig, a najveća minimalna u stadiju makije.Prosječne vrijednosti temperatura zraka i tla, oborine i potencijalne evapotranspiracije su bile najveće u stadiju gariga, a najmanje u stadiju makije. Prosječna vrijednost relativne vlage zraka je imala najveću vrijednost u visokoj šumi hrasta crnike. Prosječna volumetrijska vlaga tla je bila najveća u makiji (14,28 %), a najmanja u stadiju gariga (9,46 %). Vodni deficit u sušnom peridou bio je najveći u stadiju gariga (-73,95 mm), a najmanji u stadiju makije (-60,38 mm). Mikroklimatske prilike u degradacijskom stadiju gariga su nepovoljne za rast i razvoj hrasta crnike u odnosu na mikroklimatske prilike u sastojini visokog uzgojnog oblika. Prosječne vrijednosti mikroklimatskih elemenata u sastojini alepskog bora s hrastom crnikom bile su između prosječnih vrijednosti mikroklimatskih elemenata sastojine gariga i makije. Analiza ovih podataka mikroklime služi boljem poznavanju ekoloških prilika šumskih staništa

    Black alder forests (type 91E0* Natura 2000 type E.2.1.9. NHC) in the Plitvice Lakes National Park

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    U članku su prikazani prvi rezultati monitoringa stanišnoga tipa 91E0* Natura 2000 u Nacionalnom parku Plitvička jezera. Taj se stanišni tip prostire u šumama crne johe (Alnus glutinosa /L./ Gaertn.) u kojima je postavljeno i snimljeno dvadeset ploha, dok pet snimaka potječe iz prijašnjih istraživanja. Istraživane sastojine imaju intenzivan sukcesijski razvoj, bogat florni sastav, veliku pokrovnost vrsta, prevlast higrofita uz slabiji udjel mezofita. Sintaksonomski pripadaju razredu Alnetea glutinosae i njegovim nižim jedinicama.The paper presents the first results of monitoring Natura 2000 habitat type 91E0*in the Plitvice Lakes National Park (Croatia). This type is represented in black alder forests (Alnus glutinosa /L./ Gaertn.) on an area of 44 ha. There, following the Braun-Blanquet method (1964), 25 plots were set up and relevés made, with 175 species of higher plant species recorded. Their environmental and sociological features suggest wetland and periodically flooded habitats with high ground water levels throughout the year, hence hygrophytes are decisive for the community structure. In addition, there is a moderate share of mesophilic species that are not present in the wetland black alder forests along the Sava and Drava rivers in the lowland part of northern Croatia.A comparison of black alder forests of the Plitvice Lakes NP with other black alder syntaxa in Croatia (Figure 2, Table 3) demonstrates that, together with other alder stands in the Dinaric region of Croatia, they belong to the group of wetland forests of the alliance Alnion glutinosae. Their differentiating species with regard to other syntaxa of the alliances Alnion glutinosae and Alnion incanae in Croatia are Fraxinus excelsior, Daphne mezereum, Viburnum lantana, Cirsium oleraceum, Crepis paludosa, Equisetum arvense, Paris quadrifolia, Thalictrum aquilegifolium, Valeriana dioica, Veratrum album, Acer pseudoplatanus, Chaerophyllum hirsutum, Lonicera xylosteum, Filipendula ulmaria, Knautia drymeia, Cruciata glabra. In addition, the researched stands in the Plitvice Lakes NP demonstrate individuality with regard to other stands of the Croatian Dinarides through the differentiating species of Phalaris arundinacea, Dactylorhiza maculata, Cirsium arvense, Primula vulgaris, Listera ovata, Carex acutiformis, C. paniculata, Succisa pratensis, Gentiana asclepiadea.Black alder forests in the Plitvice Lakes NP were created by successive processes in non-forest areas after their fall out of use (Figure 1). They grow by watercourses in karst depressions with occasionally stagnant surface water. Here the river courses are slowed down and distanced from the slopes and surrounding massifs, hence zonal forests do not have a dominant influence on the floral composition.The researched forests are classified in the class Alnetea glutinosae Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943, order Alnetalia glutinosae Tx. 1937, and alliance Alnion glutinosae Malcuit 1929. They exhibit greatest similarity to the Central European association Carici acutiformis-Alnetum glutinosae. However, these results should not be generalized for the entire Dinaric region of Croatia. Detailed studies of black alder forests in the Dinarides are pending and their results will determine their nomenclature and syntaxonomic character

    Ecological and vegetation characteristics of forest habitat types of the City of Zagreb covered by the ecological network Natura 2000

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    Natura2000 temeljna je ekološka mreža zaštite i očuvanja prirodnih stanišnih tipova u Europskoj uniji. Ona na području Grada Zagreba obuhvaća približno 8 300 ha šumske površine, na kojoj je snimljena 101 fitocenološka ploha. Nakon obrade prema Braun-Blanquetovoj metodologiji (1964) utvrđeno je 14 šumskih asocijacija, koje su prema Nacionalnoj klasifikaciji staništa Republike Hrvatske iz 2014. godine svrstane u 14 prirodnih šumskih stanišnih tipova. Uz njih je ustanovljeno i 10 antropogeniziranih šumskih stanišnih tipova. U odnosu na dosadašnja fitocenološka istraživanja i kartografske prikaze šumske vegetacije istraživanoga područja, dva su prirodna šumska stanišna tipa ustanovljena prvi put (E.2.1.3. i E.3.1.6), a kod ostalih dvanaest znatno je dopunjeno njihovo poznavanje. Također su prvi put definirani antropogenizirani šumski stanišni tipovi. U radu su podrobno opisani prirodni šumski tipovi: njihov florni sastav, ekološki uvjeti, areal na području Grada Zagreba, sindinamski uvjeti, očuvanost, povezani tipovi, kategorizacija prema Natura 2000 i EUNIS-ovoj klasifikaciji te druge značajke. U analizi je za sve tipove utvrđeno 128 dijagnostičkih vrsta i 23 strogo zaštićene biljne vrste. Istraživanja su provedena prema propisanim načelima koja vrijede i u ostalim europskim državama, a rezultati su primjenjivi i usporedivi sa šumskom vegetacijom jugoistočne Europe.Natura 2000 is a basic ecological network for protection and conservation of natural habitat types in the European Union. On the territory of the City of Zagreb it covers approximately 8 300 hectares of forest area, on which 101 relevés were recorded. After processing the results, according to the Braun-Blanquet methodology (1964), 14 forest associations were identified, which, according to the National Habitat Classification of the Republic of Croatia from 2014, were classified into 14 natural forest habitat types. Along with them, 10 anthropogenized forest habitat types have been identified. Compared to the previous phytocenological research and cartographic representations of the forest vegetation of the study area, two natural forest habitat types were established for the first time (E.2.1.3 and E.3.1.6), and in the other twelve, their knowledge has been substantially supplemented. Anthropogenized forest habitat types were also defined for the first time. In doctoral thesis natural forest types are described in detail: their floral composition is described, also ecological conditions, areal within the City of Zagreb, syndinamic conditions, conservation, related types, categorization according to Natura 2000 and EUNIS classification and other features are described. In the analysis, 128 diagnostic species and 23 strictly protected plant species were identified for all types. The survey was conducted according to the prescribed principles which are valid in other European countries

    Ecological and vegetation characteristics of forest habitat types of the City of Zagreb covered by the ecological network Natura 2000

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    Natura2000 temeljna je ekološka mreža zaštite i očuvanja prirodnih stanišnih tipova u Europskoj uniji. Ona na području Grada Zagreba obuhvaća približno 8 300 ha šumske površine, na kojoj je snimljena 101 fitocenološka ploha. Nakon obrade prema Braun-Blanquetovoj metodologiji (1964) utvrđeno je 14 šumskih asocijacija, koje su prema Nacionalnoj klasifikaciji staništa Republike Hrvatske iz 2014. godine svrstane u 14 prirodnih šumskih stanišnih tipova. Uz njih je ustanovljeno i 10 antropogeniziranih šumskih stanišnih tipova. U odnosu na dosadašnja fitocenološka istraživanja i kartografske prikaze šumske vegetacije istraživanoga područja, dva su prirodna šumska stanišna tipa ustanovljena prvi put (E.2.1.3. i E.3.1.6), a kod ostalih dvanaest znatno je dopunjeno njihovo poznavanje. Također su prvi put definirani antropogenizirani šumski stanišni tipovi. U radu su podrobno opisani prirodni šumski tipovi: njihov florni sastav, ekološki uvjeti, areal na području Grada Zagreba, sindinamski uvjeti, očuvanost, povezani tipovi, kategorizacija prema Natura 2000 i EUNIS-ovoj klasifikaciji te druge značajke. U analizi je za sve tipove utvrđeno 128 dijagnostičkih vrsta i 23 strogo zaštićene biljne vrste. Istraživanja su provedena prema propisanim načelima koja vrijede i u ostalim europskim državama, a rezultati su primjenjivi i usporedivi sa šumskom vegetacijom jugoistočne Europe.Natura 2000 is a basic ecological network for protection and conservation of natural habitat types in the European Union. On the territory of the City of Zagreb it covers approximately 8 300 hectares of forest area, on which 101 relevés were recorded. After processing the results, according to the Braun-Blanquet methodology (1964), 14 forest associations were identified, which, according to the National Habitat Classification of the Republic of Croatia from 2014, were classified into 14 natural forest habitat types. Along with them, 10 anthropogenized forest habitat types have been identified. Compared to the previous phytocenological research and cartographic representations of the forest vegetation of the study area, two natural forest habitat types were established for the first time (E.2.1.3 and E.3.1.6), and in the other twelve, their knowledge has been substantially supplemented. Anthropogenized forest habitat types were also defined for the first time. In doctoral thesis natural forest types are described in detail: their floral composition is described, also ecological conditions, areal within the City of Zagreb, syndinamic conditions, conservation, related types, categorization according to Natura 2000 and EUNIS classification and other features are described. In the analysis, 128 diagnostic species and 23 strictly protected plant species were identified for all types. The survey was conducted according to the prescribed principles which are valid in other European countries

    Ecological and vegetation characteristics of forest habitat types of the City of Zagreb covered by the ecological network Natura 2000

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    Natura2000 temeljna je ekološka mreža zaštite i očuvanja prirodnih stanišnih tipova u Europskoj uniji. Ona na području Grada Zagreba obuhvaća približno 8 300 ha šumske površine, na kojoj je snimljena 101 fitocenološka ploha. Nakon obrade prema Braun-Blanquetovoj metodologiji (1964) utvrđeno je 14 šumskih asocijacija, koje su prema Nacionalnoj klasifikaciji staništa Republike Hrvatske iz 2014. godine svrstane u 14 prirodnih šumskih stanišnih tipova. Uz njih je ustanovljeno i 10 antropogeniziranih šumskih stanišnih tipova. U odnosu na dosadašnja fitocenološka istraživanja i kartografske prikaze šumske vegetacije istraživanoga područja, dva su prirodna šumska stanišna tipa ustanovljena prvi put (E.2.1.3. i E.3.1.6), a kod ostalih dvanaest znatno je dopunjeno njihovo poznavanje. Također su prvi put definirani antropogenizirani šumski stanišni tipovi. U radu su podrobno opisani prirodni šumski tipovi: njihov florni sastav, ekološki uvjeti, areal na području Grada Zagreba, sindinamski uvjeti, očuvanost, povezani tipovi, kategorizacija prema Natura 2000 i EUNIS-ovoj klasifikaciji te druge značajke. U analizi je za sve tipove utvrđeno 128 dijagnostičkih vrsta i 23 strogo zaštićene biljne vrste. Istraživanja su provedena prema propisanim načelima koja vrijede i u ostalim europskim državama, a rezultati su primjenjivi i usporedivi sa šumskom vegetacijom jugoistočne Europe.Natura 2000 is a basic ecological network for protection and conservation of natural habitat types in the European Union. On the territory of the City of Zagreb it covers approximately 8 300 hectares of forest area, on which 101 relevés were recorded. After processing the results, according to the Braun-Blanquet methodology (1964), 14 forest associations were identified, which, according to the National Habitat Classification of the Republic of Croatia from 2014, were classified into 14 natural forest habitat types. Along with them, 10 anthropogenized forest habitat types have been identified. Compared to the previous phytocenological research and cartographic representations of the forest vegetation of the study area, two natural forest habitat types were established for the first time (E.2.1.3 and E.3.1.6), and in the other twelve, their knowledge has been substantially supplemented. Anthropogenized forest habitat types were also defined for the first time. In doctoral thesis natural forest types are described in detail: their floral composition is described, also ecological conditions, areal within the City of Zagreb, syndinamic conditions, conservation, related types, categorization according to Natura 2000 and EUNIS classification and other features are described. In the analysis, 128 diagnostic species and 23 strictly protected plant species were identified for all types. The survey was conducted according to the prescribed principles which are valid in other European countries

    Identification and mapping of Natura 2000 forest habitat types in Croatia (II) – 91F0, riparian mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis, Ulmus minor and Fraxinus angustifolia; 91L0, Oak-hornbeam forests of the illyrian area

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    U članku je opisano 11 šumskih stanišnih tipova iz Nacionalne klasifikacije staništa Republike Hrvatske, koji su inače svrstani u stanišne tipove 91F0 i 91L0 Natura 2000. Prvi tip u Hrvatskoj obuhvaća povremeno poplavne i mokre šume hrasta lužnjaka u kojima prevladavaju higrofilne vrste, a tip 91L0 obuhvaća šume hrasta lužnjaka i običnoga graba na mikrouzvisinama nizinskoga područja i šume hrasta kitnjaka i običnoga graba u brežuljkastom vegetacijskom pojasu. U njima izostaju higrofiti, a velik je udio mezofilnih vrsta među kojima se u kitnjakovo-grabovim šumama ističu one ilirskoga flornoga geoelementa. Svaki je tip iz Nacionalne klasifikacije staništa kratko opisan uz navod dijagnostičkih pokazatelja važnih za njegovu identifikaciju i razgraničenje od povezanih tipova. Naveden je i odgovarajući kôd prema EUNIS-ovoj klasifikaciji i literatura u kojoj je podrobnije opisan.The article describes the 91F0 and 91L0 Natura 2000 habitat types in Croatia. It containes 11 types according to the National Habitat Classification of Croatia (NHC).The 91E0 habitat type extends to northern Croatia, in the river valleys of Sava and Drava, to approximately 100,000 ha. It consists of forests dominated by Quercus robur in admixture with Fraxinus angustifolia, Alnus glutinosa and Ulmus minor. Carpinus betulus and mesophilic species are absent. The habitat is wet, with a high level of groundwater. Floods are periodic and do not last long.According to the NHC, type 91F0 includes phytocenoses:                E.2.2.1. Genisto elatae-Quercetum roboris caricetosum remotae Horvat 1938                 E.2.2.2. Genisto elatae-Quercetum roboris caricetosum brizoides Horvat 1938                E.2.2.3. Genisto elatae-Quercetum roboris aceretosum tatarici Rauš 1975                E.2.2.4. Genisto elatae-Quercetum roboris carpinetosum betuli Glavač 1961Habitat type 91L0 comprises of two groups of syntaxons: pedunculate oak and hornbeam communities and sessile oak and and hornbeam communities. Pedunculate oak and hornbeam forests grow on the highest parts of the lowlands of Croatia. The ground is fresh, the groundwater level is lower than in the 91F0 type, and in floral composition there is a significant share of Central European mesophilic species. Sessile oak and hornbeam communities grow in hilly belt of continental Croatia, predominantly in brown forest soils of neutrophil character. The main tree species are Quercus petraea, Carpinus betulus, Acer campestre, Prunus avium and Fagus sylvatica. Within the shrub and herb layer the Illyrian floral element is significant, with species Lonicera caprifolium, Staphylea pinnata, Epimedium alpinum, Erythronium dens-canis, Helleborus atrorubens, Vicia oroboides and others.According to the NHC, type 91L0 includes phytocenoses:Pedunculate oak and hornbeam communities (Carpinion betuli)                E.3.1.1. Carpino betuli-Quercetum roboris typicum Rauš 1975                E.3.1.2. Carpino betuli-Quercetum roboris fagetosum Rauš 1975                 E.3.1.3. Carpino betuli-Quercetum roboris quercetosum cerris Rauš 1971                E.3.1.4. Carpino betuli-Quercetum roboris tilietosum tomentosae Rauš 1971Sessile oak and and hornbeam communities (Erythronio-Carpinion)                E.3.1.5. Epimedio-Carpinetum betuli /Ht. 1938/ Borhidi 1963)                E.3.1.6. Festuco drymeiae-Carpinetum Vukelić ex Marinček 1994)                E.3.1.7. Anemone nemorosae-Carpinetum Trinajstić 1964 This article contains a description, area of distribution in Croatia, and diagnostic indicators for each habitat type. For each type related types are listed, the corresponding code according to EUNIS-classification, and literature in which is described in more detail. The article is intended for forestry experts, for identification and mapping of forest habitat types