10 research outputs found

    Rapid Drop in Coronary Heart Disease Mortality in Czech Male Population—What Was Actually behind It?

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    The high mortality of coronary heart disease (CHD) among Czech men—one of the highest worldwide—began to decline in 1991 soon after the abolition of government subsidies to all foodstuffs rich in animal fat. As participants in the WHO MONICA Project, we were able to analyze the CHD risk factors just before and after this major economic change. We had previously documented that the originally subsidized prices decreased animal fat consumption and consequently non-HDL cholesterol concentrations in the population. By the early 1990s, no progress had been made in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction, statins were unavailable as was not the currently more effective antihypertensive therapy. Our recent research proved a close relationship between cholesterolemia and proinflammatory macrophages in adipose tissue and accelerated macrophage polarization with increased palmitate and palmitoleate contents in cell membrane phospholipids. By contrast, the proportion of proinflammatory macrophages decreases with increasing presence of n-3 fatty acids in the cell membrane. The combination of non-HDL cholesterol drop and a decreased proportion of proinflammatory macrophages due to replacement of alimentary fat decreased CHD mortality immediately

    Polarization of Macrophages in Human Adipose Tissue is Related to the Fatty Acid Spectrum in Membrane Phospholipids

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    Residential macrophages in adipose tissue play a pivotal role in the development of inflammation not only within this tissue, but also affect the proinflammatory status of the whole body. Data on human adipose tissue inflammation and the role of macrophages are rather scarce. We previously documented that the proportion of proinflammatory macrophages in human adipose tissue correlates closely with non-HDL cholesterol concentrations. We hypothesized that this is due to the identical influence of diet on both parameters and decided to analyze the fatty acid spectrum in cell membrane phospholipids of the same individuals as a parameter of the diet consumed. Proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory macrophages were isolated from human adipose tissue (n = 43) and determined by flow cytometry as CD14+CD16+CD36high and CD14+CD16−CD163+, respectively. The spectrum of fatty acids in phospholipids in the cell membranes of specimens of the same adipose tissue was analyzed, and the proportion of proinflammatory macrophage increased with the proportions of palmitic and palmitoleic acids. Contrariwise, these macrophages decreased with increasing alpha-linolenic acid, total n-3 fatty acids, n-3/n-6 ratio, and eicosatetraenoic acid. A mirror picture was documented for the proportion of anti-inflammatory macrophages. The dietary score, obtained using a food frequency questionnaire, documented a positive relation to proinflammatory macrophages in individuals who consumed predominantly vegetable fat and fish, and individuals who consumed diets based on animal fat without fish and nut consumption. he present data support our hypothesis that macrophage polarization in human visceral adipose tissue is related to fatty acid metabolism, cell membrane composition, and diet consumed. It is suggested that fatty acid metabolism might participate also in inflammation and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease

    High Prevalence of Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Autoantibodies in Infants with Food Protein-Induced Proctitis/Proctocolitis: Autoimmunity Involvement?

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    Background. Food protein-induced proctitis/proctocolitis (FPIP) is the most common noninfectious colitis in children in the first year of life. Along with the overall clinical symptoms, diarrhoea and rectal bleeding are the main manifestations of the disease. There is no routine noninvasive test that would be specific for this type of colitis. The aim of our study was to find a noninvasive laboratory test or tests that may be helpful in differential diagnosis of food protein-induced proctitis/proctocolitis. Methods. ANA, ANCA, ASCA, a-EMA, a-tTg, specific IgE, total IgE, IgG, IgA, IgM, and concentration of serum calprotectin were measured in a group of 25 patients with colitis and 18 children with other diagnoses. Results. Atypical-pANCA antibodies of IgG isotype were detected in the sera of 24 patients by the method of indirect immunofluorescence, and 5 patients showed also the positivity of IgA isotype. In control samples these autoantibodies were not detected. Other autoantibodies were not demonstrated in either patient or control group. Conclusions. Of the parameters tested in noninfectious colitis, atypical-pANCA on ethanol-fixed granulocytes appears to be a suitable serological marker of food protein-induced proctitis/proctocolitis and suggests a possible involvement of an autoimmune mechanisms in the pathogenesis of this disease

    Statins Directly Influence the Polarization of Adipose Tissue Macrophages: A Role in Chronic Inflammation

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    Statins represent one of the most widely used classes of drugs in current medicine. In addition to a substantial decrease in atherogenic low density lipoprotein (LDL) particle concentrations, several large trials have documented their potent anti-inflammatory activity. Based on our preliminary data, we showed that statins are able to decrease the proportion of pro-inflammatory macrophages (CD14+16+CD36high) in visceral adipose tissue in humans. In the present study including 118 healthy individuals (living kidney donors), a very close relationship between the pro-inflammatory macrophage proportion and LDL cholesterol levels was found. This was confirmed after adjustment for the most important risk factors. The effect of statins on the proportion of pro-inflammatory macrophages was also confirmed in an experimental model of the Prague hereditary hypercholesterolemia rat. A direct anti-inflammatory effect of fluvastatin on human macrophage polarization in vitro was documented. Based on modifying the LDL cholesterol concentrations, statins are suggested to decrease the cholesterol inflow through the lipid raft of macrophages in adipose tissue and hypercholesterolemia to enhance the pro-inflammatory macrophage phenotype polarization. On the contrary, due to their opposite effect, statins respond with anti-inflammatory activity, affecting the whole organism