13 research outputs found

    Those Who Come After Us: The Features of Youth Engagement in Croatia

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    U ovom su radu terminologijom društvenoga angažmana operacionalizirani stavovi i prakse mladih u Hrvatskoj u spektru održivosti, ekologije i socijalne zauzetosti. Podatci su prikupljeni anketnim istraživanjem 2020. godine (N = 348) u sklopu projekta CRO Laudato si’ — O brizi za naš dom. Analizom je utvrđeno da mladi prepoznaju vrijednost društvenoga angažmana, ali ga nesustavno provode na razini vlastitoga životnoga stila, što prolongira trend ekološke krize kao opće društvene krize i globalne ugroze ljudskoga dostojanstva i socijalne pravde.Within the framework of the generational approach which looks at the specificpatterns of youth in a particular sociocultural context the attitudes and practicesof young people in croatia are operationalized here, by means of social engagementterminology, within the spectrum of ecology, sustainability and social involvement. Data were collected in a survey in 2020 (n=348) which was part of a project calledcro laudato si about caring for our home. The analysis found that youngpeople value the features of social engagement which they pursue unsystematically intheir daily lives, and they demonstrate on a regular basis an openness to reducing theuse of plastic, water and electricity and not wasting food; furthermore, they are opento volunteer work, humanitarian work and refraining from shopping on sundays. The readiness detected in young people for a change in lifestyle in regard to increasingactive social engagement underlines the need to address these topics in a dedicatedsocial and scientific manner, such that young people in structural support step out oftheir declarative engagement and into the practical sphere. Thus, they would directtheir potential as generators of social trends towards ecological conversion and takea practical approach to the ecological crisis as a current global social crisis threateninghuman dignity and social justice

    Sociological Overview of the Determinants of Internet Purchase among Students in Croatia

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    Valorizirajući internetsko kupovanje kao aktualan fenomen koji je zadnjih godina u globalnom porastu, ovim radom se ukazuje na deficit društvenih, napose socioloških, analiza na temu u kontekstu hrvatskog društva. Pregledom literature o profilima internetskih kupaca postavljen je okvir za ispitivanje studentske populacije koja je prepoznata kao predvodnik suvremenih potrošačkih i tehnoloških trendova. Operacionalizacijom viševrsnih forma kapitala uz varijable demografije, tehnoloških resursa i praksi, ispitane su odrednice studentskoga internetskog kupovanja u Hrvatskoj (N= 1094). Izvorni empirijski nalazi prikupljeni metodom ankete pokazuju da studentsko internetsko kupovanje najpouzdanije predviđaju posjedovani tehnološki resursi, tehnološke vještine i interesi na način da su ispitanici opremljeniji novim tehnologijama s izraženijim tehnološkim vještinama i interesom za praćenjem tehnoloških trendova vjerojatniji internetski kupci. Aspekti tehnoloških resursa i praksi udruženi s ekonomskim kapitalom utvrđeni su značajnima i kod razlikovanja studenata koji (ne)kupuju putem interneta, što je podcrtalo višerazinske nejednakosti u perspektivi studentskog internetskog kupovanja. Izražena zabrinutost oko online rizika te tradicionalna (ne)vezanost za fizičku kupovinu ispostavili su se glavnim razlozima neprakticiranja internetskog kupovanja iz perspektive ispitanika, što je razvojnu dinamiku same prakse zaokružilo temama društvene nejednakosti i nepovjerenja.Valorising Internet purchase as a current phenomenon that has recently been rapidly growing worldwide, this paper points to the lack of social, especially sociological, analysis of the topic in the context of Croatian society. By reviewing the literature about Internet buyers’ profiles, a research framework has been developed for conducting a survey among students, who are recognised as the anticipators of contemporary consumer and technological trends. Using operationalised multiple forms of capital with demographic variables and variables of technological resources and practices, the analysis of the determinants of Internet purchase among students in Croatia (N = 1094) has been conducted. Original empirical survey findings showed that students’ Internet purchase is predicted most reliably by their technological resources, technological skills and interest in such a way that students better equipped with new technologies, with pronounced technological skills and an interest in following technological trends are more likely to be Internet consumers. The aspects of technological resources and practices combined with economic capital have been affirmed as significant factors in distinguishing students who are (not) buying via the Internet, which underlined multilevel inequalities within the perspective of students’ Internet purchase. A prominent concern about online risks and traditional attachment to physical consumption turned out to be the respondents’ main reasons not to buy via the Internet, which encompassed its developmental dynamics within the topics of social inequality and distrust

    Consumption and new technologies among youth in Croatia : analysis of consumption styles and practices among students at the University of Zadar and Zagreb

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    Središnja tema ovog doktorskog rada jest potrošnja i nove tehnologije među mladima u Hrvatskoj. S obzirom da su mladi, napose studenti, prepoznati vodećim korisnicima i anticipatorima potrošačkih i tehnoloških trendova, provedeno je anketno istraživanje 2016. godine među studentima Sveučilišta u Zadru i Zagrebu (N=1094). Suprotstavljajući različite pristupe potrošnji, kao što su homologija, individualizacija i teza o svejedima i jednojedima, istraživanjem se nastojalo utvrditi koji najbolje reprezentira potrošnju ispitanih studenata. Rezultati su pokazali da je njihova potrošnja sistematizirana ekonomskim i kulturnim kapitalom sukladno pristupu homologije, ali i rodno profilirana prema pristupu individualizacije. Uz to je na pojedinim potrošačkim stilovima detektiran profil svejeda kao njihove hibridne spojnice. Time se uvidjelo da je potrošnja ispitanih studenata složena praksa u kojoj se suodnose elementi vertikalnih stratifikacija i horizontalnih diferencijacija. Zamjetna stilska unisonost i pasivnost potrošnje studenata se interpretirala sociokulturno specifičnom jer generalno odstupa od potrošačkih karakteristika mladih iz drugih zemalja koji su bliže postmodernoj retorici potrošačkih ambivalencija. Stoga se dobivenim nalazima podcrtala važnost (post)tranzicijskog konteksta modernizacijski nedovršenog hrvatskog društva u razumijevanju studentskih potrošačkih stilova i praksi. U odnosu ispitanih studenata i novih tehnologija su se potvrdile različite slojevitosti referentne na fenomenologiju digitalne podjele. Manje prihvaćanje novih tehnologija uz nižu opremljenost ekonomskim i kulturnim kapitalom, manju potrošačku participaciju i ženski rod je naznačilo obrazac studentske isključenosti iz tehnološki posredovanih globalnih kulturnih tokova. Istodobno se u ovom istraživanju doznalo da studenti prate aktualne potrošačke i tehnološke trendove u većini kupujući putem Interneta. Radi se o povremenim, štedljivim i praktično orijentiranim Internet potrošačima koji tako kupuju kada određenog predmeta nema u fizičkim trgovinama čime su na primjeru ispitanih studenata demantirane teze o privatizaciji i virtualizaciji potrošnje. Zaključilo se da Internet potrošnja ispitanih studenata ne funkcionira autoreferentno u virtualnom okolišu, već je komplementarna s obrascima njihove fizičke potrošnje što je uputilo na daljnju problematizaciju teme u sociologiji i interdisciplinarnim radovima.The thesis is focusing on consumption and new technologies among youth in Croatia. The survey was conducted in the year 2016 among students of the University of Zadar and Zagreb (N=1094), hypothesizing that youth, and amongst them students in particular, are recognized as prominent users and anticipators of consumer and technological trends. The goal of the research was to determine which one best represents the students’ consumption, by opposing different approaches to consumption: such as the homology argument, individualization and omnivore-univore theory. It was found that the consumption is conditioned by economic and cultural capital in accordance with the homology argument, but that it was also gender profiled according to the individualization argument. In addition, in the consumption styles of the students in this research, the univore profile was detected as the hybrid compound. Thus, it was recognized that the students’ consumption is a highly complex practice with the evident interaction of both elements of vertical stratifications and horizontal differentiations. The unison and passive consumption of the students in this research is perceived as socio-culturally specified, as it generally differs from consumption characteristics of youth from other countries that are more related to the postmodern consumeristically ambivalent rhetorics. Therefore, results from this research highlight the importance of the (post)transition context and the incomplete modernization of the Croatian society in understanding the consumption styles and students’ practices. Multiple stratifications referential to the phenomenology of digital divide have been confirmed in relating students to the new technologies. Lesser acceptance of new technologies with lower percentage of economic and cultural capital, lower consumer participation and female gender, have indicated the pattern of students’ exclusion from the technologically mediated global cultural flows. Also, research results showed that students participate in current consumption and technological developments by mostly buying online. It was found that most of them are occasional, thrifty and practically oriented Internet consumers who buy online when a particular item is not available in physical stores, thus challenging the theses about the consumption privatization and virtualization. The general conclusion of this research is that the Internet consumption of the students does not function autoreferentially in virtual space, but is complementary to their physical consumption patterns, indicating the potential for further problematization of this topic in sociology and interdisciplinary works

    On Working on Sunday from the Perspective of Students in Croatia

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    Baveći se temom rada nedjeljom trgovina u Hrvatskoj, ovaj rad donosi originalne empirijske podatke prikupljene metodom ankete u 2016. godini. S obzirom na deficit istraživanja o radu nedjeljom iz perspektive mladih kao nositelja društvenih trendova, predmet analize je njihova specifična grupacija, odnosno, studenti u Hrvatskoj (N=1094). Na osnovu četiriju koncipiranih modela postavljene hipoteze uglavnom su potvrđene. Tako se unutar socioobrazovnog modela pokazalo da su ispitanici s višim prihodima i obrazovanijim roditeljima skloniji podržavanju rada nedjeljom od ispitanika u kategoriji nižih prihoda i slabijeg obrazovanja roditelja. Potvrđene su tri od četiriju hipoteza kod modela potrošnje prema kojem hedonistički potrošači više podržavaju rad nedjeljom od onih koji ne prate trendove u potrošnji, ne opuštaju se u kupovini i ne odlaze u kupovinu kada imaju loš dan. Ujedno su potvrđene sve hipoteze unutar modela religioznosti, što znači da su ispitanici koji se identificiraju religioznima i koji redovito pohađaju vjerske obrede skloniji protivljenju radu nedjeljom od ateista i ispitanika koji ne pohađaju vjerske obrede. Uz iznimku interneta, kod modela povjerenja utvrdilo se da ispitanici s većim institucionalnim povjerenjem daju veću podršku neradnoj nedjelji, i to u slučaju Sabora, policije, sindikata i Crkve. Usprkos ograničenjima realiziranoga neprobabilističkog uzorka, temeljni nalaz ovog rada je da većina ispitanih studenata podržava slobodnu nedjelju, što korespondira s tendencijama opće populacije. S obzirom na to da se to pitanje nastojalo zakonski regulirati u više ciklusa, inicijativa slobodne nedjelje naznačuje možebitni vrijednosni konsenzus u hrvatskom društvu.This article deals with the issue of working on Sunday in Croatia and presents original empirical data gathered via the method of questionnaire in 2016. Considering the deficit of research on working on Sunday from the perspective of the youth as the bearer of social trends, the object of analysis is this group, i.e., students in Croatia (N=1094). On the basis of four conceptualised models, the set hypotheses were largely confirmed. For instance, the socio -educational model showed that examinees with higher income and more educated parents have a higher tendency to support working on Sunday than those examinees who are in the category of lower income and less educated parents. Three out of four hypotheses set within the model of consumption have been confirmed. According to this model, hedonistic consumers will support working on Sunday more than those who do not follow consumer trends, do not find shopping to be relaxing, and do not go shopping when they had a bad day. All hypotheses set within the model of religiosity have been confirmed. This means that examinees who identify themselves as religious and who regularly attend religious rituals are more likely to oppose working on Sunday than atheists and examinees who do not attend religious rituals. With the exception of the Internet, the model of trust confirmed that examinees with higher institutional trust show larger support for non -working Sunday when it comes to the Parliament, police, unions, and the Church. Despite limitations of the realised non -probabilistic sample, the most fundamental finding of this article is that the majority of those who participated in the questionnaire supports free Sunday, which corresponds with tendencies in the general population. Given the fact that there were attempts to regulate the issue legally in a number of cycles, the initiative of free Sunday indicates a possible value consensus in the Croatian society

    Sunday Capitalism as an Ideological Model of Work on Sunday in Croatia. Research Notes from the Project CRO Laudato si’

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    Kronologija rada nedjeljom u sektoru trgovina proteklih desetljeća u Hrvatskoj te argumentacije njezinih zagovornika upućuje nas na tezu da je riječ o uspostavi idealtipskog narativa imenovanog kao nedjeljni kapitalizam. Razumijevamo ga kao ideološki obrazac kojim se parcijalni interesi određenih društvenih skupina podvlače pod realni i isključivi. Također je i naturalistički model ekonomskog razvoja, dok se slobodna nedjelja veže uz najave gospodarskog nazadovanja, otpuštanja radnika i u konačnici opće društvene krize. S time su se povezali podatci iz znanstvenog projekta CRO Laudato si’ provedenog s ciljem istraživanja profila ispitanika (N=1324) koji zagovaraju rad nedjeljom, odnosno koji se protive radu nedjeljom u privrednom sektoru trgovine u Hrvatskoj s obzirom na njihove stavove i prakse o tome pitanju. Analize pokazuju da zagovornici rada nedjeljom učestalije kupuju nedjeljom, obrazlažući to nuždom uz preferiranje liberalnijeg modela rada nedjeljom koju ponajprije razumijevaju u kontekstu slobode tržišta dok su protivnici rada nedjeljom skloniji naglašavati opću dobrobit i model reguliranja, odnosno ograničavanja rada nedjeljom. Iako je u Hrvatskoj zadnjih godina zapažen trend deregularizacije radnog vremena trgovina, autori ovog rada korištenjem metafore nedjeljnog kapitalizma zaključuju kako cjelokupna hrvatska tradicija i kultura ne može biti reducirana na jednostranu verziju kapitalizma u kojoj je slobodna nedjelja adresirana kao gospodarski rizik i trošak, a ne društvena vrijednost i civilizacijska stečevina koju treba (o)čuvati.The chronology of work on Sunday in the sector of retail shops in the last few decades in Croatia as well as the arguments of proponents of such work indicate that an attempt to establish an ideal type of narrative called Sunday capitalism is at hand. The authors of this article interpret Sunday capitalism as an ideological form that establishes partial interests of some social groups as only ones that are real and exclusive, as well as a naturalistic model of economic development, while free Sunday is related to economic regression, letting go of workers, and, finally, to general social crisis. Bearing in mind that understanding, the authors relate it to data from the scientific project CRO Laudato Si’ with the purpose of researching profiles of participants (N=1324) who support or oppose work on Sunday in Croatia in relation to their attitudes and practices in terms of this issue. Analyses show that proponents of work on Sunday go shopping more often on Sundays, while justifying their behaviour with necessity and preferring a more liberal model of work on Sundays that they mostly understand in the context of free market. The opponents of work on Sunday tend to emphasise the common good and the model of regulation or limiting work on Sunday. Although there is a trend of deregulating working hours of retail stores in Croatia in the last few years, by using the metaphor of Sunday capitalism, the authors of this article conclude that the whole Croatian tradition and culture cannot be reduced to a one-sided version of capitalism in which a free Sunday is addressed as an economic risk and expense, as opposed to being a social value and an achievement of civilisation that needs to be preserved

    Subjective Experience of Place and Non-Place on the Research Example of the Bowling Club and McDonald’s in Karlovac

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    Ovaj rad donosi empirijske uvide o prostornim kategorijama mjesta i nemjesta iz iskustvene perspektive sudionika dviju fokus-grupa provedenih 2020. godine. Istraživanjem se utvrdilo da je Kuglana u Domu HV Zrinski u Karlovcu korespondentna ideji mjesta, dok McDonald’s odražava karakteristike nemjesta sukladno stajalištima autora Relpha i Augéa, koja su predstavljala temeljni konceptualni okvir rada. Sudionici su portretirali Kuglanu kao mjesto od osobnoga i zajedničkoga značenja, s kojim su se emotivno povezali na razini uspomena, aktivnosti i uloga opisujući je kao dom gdje se osjećaju pripadno, sigurno i opušteno, odnosno kao insajderi. McDonald’s je pak opisan kroz odsutnost dubljih značenja i uspomena te minimalne socijalne odnose, potvrđujući nemjesto kao neosobnu kategoriju u kojoj sudionici funkcioniraju kao autsajderi. Kritički iskazi sudionika istraživanja istodobno su nadišli idealtipske konceptualizacije istraživanih primjera (ne)mjesta te su ukazali na trend virtualizacije prostora na primjeru McDonald’sove fleksibilne implementacije novih tehnologija, konkretno internetskih platformi za dostavu hrane za vrijeme pandemije bolesti COVID-19. Sukladno istaknutim nalazima, ovaj je rad aktualizirao slabije istraženu temu u sociologiji i društvenim znanostima ukazavši na potrebu njenih daljnjih istraživačkih produbljivanja s osvrtom na suvremene teorijske pristupe.This paper provides empirical insights about spatial categories of places and non-places from the experiential perspective of participants of two focus groups examined in 2020. Research has shown that the Bowling Club in the HV Zrinski Home in Karlovac corresponds to the idea of place, while McDonald’s reflected the characteristics of non-place in accordance with the views of the authors Relph and Augé, which represented the basic conceptual framework of this paper. Participants portrayed the Bowling Club as a place of personal and communal significance, with which they have emotionally connected at the level of memories, activities and roles, describing it as a home where they feel belonging, safe and relaxed, that is, as insiders. McDonald’s, on the other hand, is addressed through the absence of deeper meanings and memories and minimal social relationships, confirming the non-place of an impersonal category in which participants function as outsiders. At the same time, participants’ critical statements surpassed the ideal-type conceptualizations of researched (non)places and pointed to the trend of virtualization of space due to McDonald’s flexible implementation of new technologies by switching to online food delivery services during the COVID-19 pandemic. In accordance with the highlighted findings, this paper has actualized a less researched topic in sociology and social sciences, pointing to the need for its further in-depth exploration with reference to more modern theoretical approaches


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    Brzi razvoj interneta omogućio je razvoj videoigara koje su u internetskom prostoru postale globalno dostupne korisnicima. Danas su videoigre postale sve češći oblik provođenja slobodnog vremena kod djece. Ulaženje u virtualni svijet djeci predstavlja prostor za druženje sa svojim vršnjacima i izvor zabave. Potražnja na tržištu videoigara postala je sve veća, ali i dostupnija široj publici radi razvoja različitih konzola za igranje i brojnih zanimljivih žanrova, čije najosjetljivije potrošače predstavljaju upravo djeca. U radu je ponuđen kratki pregled definicija, žanrova i potrošačkih odrednica videoigara, nakon čega se videoigre razmatraju kao suvremeni socijalizacijski čimbenik. Iznesen je pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja pozitivnih i negativnih strana igranja videoigara. Empirijski dio rada odnosi se na rezultate anketnog istraživanja iz 2023. godine, provedenog s 53 roditelja djece sedmih i osmih razreda osnovne škole u Dubrovniku. Cilj je istraživanja utvrditi mišljenje roditelja o pozitivnim i negativnim socijalizacijskim posljedicama igranja videoigara kod njihove djece. Većina roditelja se slaže da videoigre pružaju zabavu te da pomažu u učenju stranih jezika. S druge strane, većina roditelja dijeli mišljenje i kako igranje videoigara dovodi do manjeg druženja s prijateljima uživo.The rapid development of the internet enabled the development of video games that became globally available to users in the Internet space. Today, video games have become an increasingly common way of spending free time among children. Entering the virtual world is a space for children to socialize with their peers and a source of entertainment. The demand in the video game market has become more significant and accessible to a broader audience due to the development of various gaming consoles and numerous interesting genres, the most sensitive consumers of which are children. The paper offers a brief overview of definitions, genres, and consumer determinants of video games, after which video games are described as modern agents of socialization. An overview of the previous research on the positive and negative aspects of playing video games was presented. The empirical part of the paper refers to the results of a 2023 survey conducted with 53 parents of children in the seventh and eighth grades of elementary school in Dubrovnik. The research aims to determine parents\u27 opinions about video games\u27 positive and negative socialization consequences. Most parents agree that video games provide entertainment and help with foreign language learning. On the other hand, most parents also believe that playing video games leads to less socializing with friends in person

    Im Gewirr der (Post)modernität: schneller und ethischer Modeverbrauch aus der Studentenperspektive

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    Ovaj rad tematizira nedovoljno istraženu modnu potrošnju iz hrvatskoga konteksta. S obzirom na to da je u referentnoj literaturi istaknut aktivni modni interes studenata, njih 24 uključeno je u provedbu kvalitativnoga istraživanja metodom fokus grupe održane u četiri navrata sredinom 2020. Opći cilj bio je istražiti studentske modne prakse u svakodnevici s posebnim osvrtom na principe brze i etičke modne potrošnje kako bi se utvrdilo prema kojem se modelu profiliraju. Iako sudionici istraživanja nisu raspolagali s konkretnim saznanjima o (ne)etičnim praksama modnih trgovina te su u pravilu konzumirali brzu modu, iskazali su otvorenost naspram etičkih proizvoda smatrajući kako moda ne bi trebala biti platforma ugnjetavanja uključenih aktera. Nalazima je detektirano i postojanje (post)modernoga potrošačkoga sukoba tako što su se sudionici okarakterizirali modnim individualistima koji su istodobno slijedili modne trendove uz opće negiranje utjecaja na vlastite potrošačke izbore dok su se u većini inspirirali modnim sadržajima s društvenih mreža, iz okoline te iz različitih medija. Razvivši listu modnih ulaganja kombinirali su kvalitetu i kvantitetu, nerijetko se otkrivajući masovnim ekskluzivistima. Pokazana slojevitost i hibridnost studentske modne potrošnje u konačnici je interpretirana u kontekstu (post)moderne životno-stilske ambivalentnosti te je ukazana potreba za većom edukacijom i društvenim angažmanom studenata na ovu temu.This research aims to fill the gap in the existing literature on fashion consumption by looking at the Croatian context. As referential literature shows that students have particularly active fashion interests, our qualitative research focused on the student population by using the method of focus groups with a total of 24 students over 4 meetings in mid-2020. The general goal was to examine students’ fashion practices in their everyday lives, with the emphasis on the principles of fast and ethical fashion consumption, to determine their dominant profiles/models. Although the research participants were not provided with specific information about the (non)ethical practices of fashion stores and generally consumed fast fashion, they were open to ethical products, believing that fashion should not be a source for the oppression of the actors involved. The findings also revealed the existence of a (post)modern consumer conflict, with participants characterizing themselves as fashion individualists who followed the fashion trends (most were inspired by fashion content from their surrounding as well as various media and social networks), while at the same time denying any influence on their consumer choices. In developing their lists of fashion investments, they balanced between quality and quantity, often revealing themselves as mass exclusivists. The demonstrated complexity and hybridity of students’ fashion consumption was interpreted in the context of (post)modern lifestyle ambivalence and we indicate the need for better education and social engagement of students on this topic.Diese Arbeit thematisiert den nicht genug erforschten Modeverbrauch im kroatischen Kontext. Da in der Referenzliteratur ein aktives Interesse der Studenten an der Mode hervorgehoben wurde, wurden Mitte 2020 vier Male 24 Studenten in eine qualitative Forschung mit der Methode der Fokusgruppe einbezogen. Ein allgemeines Ziel war es, Modepraxen von Studenten in ihrem Alltag zu erforschen, besonders hinsichtlich der Prinzipien des schnellen und ethischen Modeverbrauchs, um festzustellen, nach welchem Modell sie profiliert werden. Obwohl die Forschungsteilnehmer über keine konkreten Erkenntnissen über die (nicht)ethischen Praxen von Modegeschäften verfügten und in der Regel schnelle Mode konsumierten, haben sie sich ethischen Produkten gegenüber offen gezeigt und fanden, dass Mode keine Unterdrückungsplattform der involvierten Akteure sein sollte. Es wurde das Bestehen eines (post)modernen Verbraucherkonflikts belegt, indem die Teilnehmer sich selbst als Modeindividualisten sahen, aber zugleich den Modetrends folgten und dabei Einflüsse auf die eigene Verbraucherwahl negierten, die meisten inspirierten sich von Modeinhalten auf sozialen Netzwerken, aus der Umgebung und aus verschiedenen Medien. Sie haben Qualität und Quantität kombiniert, nicht selten als Anhänger der Massenexklusivität. Die gezeigte Stratifizierung und Hybridität des studentischen Modeverbrauchs wurde schließlich im Kontext der (post)modernen Ambivalenz des Lebens und des Stils interprätiert und es wurde darauf hingewiesen, dass bei Studenten ein Bedarf nach einer besseren Eduzierung und mehr Einsatz hinsichtlich dieses Themas besteht

    About the Profile of Interested Aestheticians or Students of the City of Zagreb Open to Aesthetic Surgery

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    Estetska kirurgija globalno je popularni fenomen u kojemu ogledamo transformativni potencijal ljudskoga tijela ne samo kao biološke, već i sociokulturne kategorije. Uvidjevši manjak srodnih tematizacija, cilj rada bio je utvrđivanje profila studenata grada Zagreba zainteresiranih za estetsku kirurgiju u svrhu poboljšanja vlastitog izgleda u širini njihovih identitetskih atribucija. Na prigodnom uzorku anketiranih studenata (N=218) utvrđeno je da se njihov interes za estetskom kirurgijom profilira na razini spola, religioznosti, odnosa naspram starenja i novih tehnologija. Tako su se studentice te nereligiozniji, tehnooptimističniji studenti sa stavom da starenje treba tehno-znanstveno dokinuti iskazali zainteresiranijima za estetskom kirurgijom od muških kolega, religioznijih, tehnopesimističnijih i indiferentnih prema pitanju dokidanja starenja. K tome, trećina ispitanih studenata pokazala se otvorenima za vlastite estetske zahvate u budućnosti, uglavnom navodeći dva ili više (ne)invazivna zahvata. Dobiveni profil takozvanih zainteresiranih estetičara naznačio je potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjem teme s poželjnim interdisciplinarnim pristupom u kontekstu hrvatskog društva.Aesthetic surgery is a globally popular phenomenon in which the transformative potential of the human body reflects not only as a biological, but also as a sociocultural category. Noticing the lack of related research, the aim of this paper was to determine the profile of students of the city of Zagreb interested in aesthetic surgery in order to improve their own appearance in the breadth of their identity attributions. Based on the convenient sample of surveyed students in the city of Zagreb (N= 218), it was determined that their interest in aesthetic surgery is profiled at the level of gender, religiosity, attitudes towards aging and new technologies. Therefore, female students, more non-religious students, more techno-optimistic students, conformed with the attitude that aging should be techno-scientifically terminated, were more interested in aesthetic surgery then their male colleagues, who appear to be more religious, techno-pessimistic, and were indifferent on the issue of anti-aging. In addition, a third of the surveyed students were open to their own aesthetic procedures in the future, mostly stating two or more (non)invasive procedures. The obtained profile of so-called interested aestheticians indicated the need for further research in this topic with a desirable interdisciplinary approach in the context of Croatian society