8 research outputs found

    Relationship between IDEA scores and Emotional Eating in Eating Disorders patients (n: 250): moderating effect of <i>FTO</i> genotypes.

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    <p><b>Statistics:</b> Tables report General Linear Models <i>FTO</i> by IDEA interaction. The first models tested the effects of IDEA scores on Emotional Eating, entering age, and BMI. In the second step <i>FTO</i> genotype interaction was added. Tables showed the increasing effect of different FTO genotypes (<i>AA</i>, <i>AT</i>, <i>TT</i>).</p

    Motor deficits were ameliorated in the AFS cell-transplanted stroke animals.

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    <p>Results revealed that all animals exhibited no detectable bias in swing activity at baseline (p>0.05) (A) and all animals learned to balance on the rotating rod for 60 seconds (p>0.05) (B). EBST revealed a significant biased swing activity on day 2 post-MCAo. EBST conducted on day 60 post-stroke detected a significant decrease in swing bias in the AFS cell-transplanted stroke animals compared to the vehicle-infused stroke animals (*p<0.0001) (A). Rotarod test revealed significant deterioration in motor coordination on day 2 post-MCAo, but on day 60 post-MCAo revealed that the AFS cell-transplanted stroke animals exhibited significantly increased time spent balancing on the rotating rod compared to the vehicle-infused stroke animals (*p<0.0001) (B). Bars represent the mean ± SEM.</p

    Enhanced endogenous cell proliferation and neuronal differentiation in the SVZ and DG following AFS cell transplantation.

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    <p>Ki67 (A, E, I, M) and MAP2 (B, F, J, N) staining revealed an apparent increase in the number of positive cells in the SVZ (A-H) and DG (I-P) of the AFS cell-transplanted stroke animals (E-H, M-P) compared to the vehicle-infused stroke animals (A-D, I-L). Ki67 and MAP-2 double-positive cells are shown in panels: D, H, L, and P. Green: Ki67, Red: MAP2, Blue: Hoechst. Scale bar  = 75 µm.</p

    Quantification of cell proliferation and neuronal differentiation in the SVZ and DG.

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    <p>The number of cells labeled with Ki67 (A) and MAP2 (B) were significantly increased in the SVZ and DG of AFS cell-transplated stroke animals compared to vehicle-infused stroke animals (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ****p<0.0001) (A, B, D, E). While there was a trend towards increased Ki67/MAP2 double-positive cells in the SVZ (p = 0.0946) (C), the number of cells labeled with both Ki67 and MAP2 were significantly increased in the DG of AFS cell-transplated stroke animals compared to vehicle-infused stroke animals (***p<0.001) (F). Bars represent the mean ± SEM.</p

    Experimental design is shown.

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    <p>Rats were subjected to a 60 minute transient MCAo and received intravenous transplants of AFS cells or vehicle. After behavioral evaluations, all rats were euthanized for immunohistochemical evaluations. EBST: elevated body swing test; MCAo: middle cerebral artery occlusion.</p

    Reference memory, but not spatial navigation, is rescued by AFS cell transplantation.

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    <p>Results revealed that there were no significant differences in cumulative search error and total distance swam between the two treatment groups (A,B), indicating that spatial navigation was not improved in the AFS cell-transplanted stroke animals compared to the vehicle-infused stroke animals (p>0.05) (A). In contrast, reference memory was significantly improved in AFS cell-transplanted stroke animals compared to vehicle-infused stroke animals (C). Twenty-four hours after training in the MWM, rats were tested in a probe trial in which the platform was missing. Results revealed that AFS cell-transplanted stroke animals spent significantly more time in the target quadrant compared to vehicle-infused stroke animals (*p<0.05). Bars represent the mean ± SEM.</p