62 research outputs found
U radu se ispituju specifi čnosti organizacijske kulture komercijalnih
zastupnika u djelatnosti komercijalnog zastupanja prehrambenih proizvoda i robe široke potrošnje na hrvatskom tržištu. Organizacijska kultura poduzeća mora biti usklađena sa zahtjevima djelatnosti komercijalnog zastupanja da bi se njome moglo koristiti kao instrumentom poticanja uspješnosti komercijalnih zastupnika. Svrha je istraživanja analizirati, ali i produbiti spoznaje o organizacijskoj kulturi u poslovima komercijalnog zastupanja u gospodarskom i kulturnom kontekstu u Republici Hrvatskoj, da bi navedeno istraživanje dalo smjernice pri kreiranju i unapređivanju organizacijske kulture u poduzećima s djelatnošću komercijalnog
zastupanja. Anketa je provedena, u vremenu od 01.06.2001. do 31.12.2001., na 200 komercijalnih zastupnika, najznačajnijih proizvođačkih ili zastupničkih poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj, koji rade na području Primorskogoranske, Istarske i Ličko-senjske županije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da komercijalni zastupnici djeluju kao individualci u radu, da su orijentirani prema svojoj osnovnoj radnoj funkciji - prodaji robe zbog ostvarivanja što je moguće veće vlastite plaće i skloni su precjenjivati vlastiti doprinos poslovnom rezultatu poduzeća. Komercijalni zastupnici izražavaju pripadnost poduzeću, često posjećuju kupce i provode veliki dio vremena s kupcima, jer smatraju da to utječe na radni rezultat. Oni posvećuju mnogo pažnje vlastitom osobnom imidžu i to kako u izgledu, tako i u stručnosti. Imaju sklonost prema obrazovanju i usavršavanju svojih radnih vještina, a istovremeno ne vole da ih nadziru i kontroliraju.In this study we investigate specifi c organisational culture of commercial agents in the activity of commercial representation of the foods and consumer goods on the Croatian market. Organisational culture in the company should be harmonised, coordinated with
requests of activities in the commercial representation, with a purpose of using it as an instrument for stimulation efficiency of commercial agents. The aim of the study is to analyze and intensify perception of organisational culture in the activity of commercial
representation in economical and cultural context in the Republic of Croatia. This study may give lines of direction and improvement of organisational culture in companies with the activity of commercial representation. The survey was carried out from June 1st, 2001 to December 31, 2001, in 200 commercial agents of most important producers and representative companies in the Republic of Croatia, situated in county of Primorje-Gorski kotar, county of Istria, county
of Lika-Senj. The results indicate that commercial agents are individual persons in their work, oriented to their primary work function, selling goods with a purpose of realisation as much as possible high salary, because they show tendency to overestimate their contribution to business results of company. The commercial agents express belonging to company, very often visit customers, and implement great part of time with customers because they think
that behaviour has great infl uence on working results. They pay much attention to personal image, appearance, and show tendency to education and improving their skills, but in the same time they don’t like to be supervised and controlled
Löhne, Organisationskultur und Managerstil zum Zwecke eines erfolgreichen Managements der Verkaufskräfte
Poduzeće ima za cilj prodati što veću količinu svojih proizvoda na
tržištu. Za to je potrebna prodajna sila. Za uspješno upravljanje
prodajnom silom potrebno je utvrditi motivacijsku osnovu zbog
koje je prodajna sila spremna obavljati poslove utvrđene tehnologijom
organizacije prodaje. Provedena je metodom anketiranja
na 200 zaposlenika prodajne sile u proizvođačkim i zastupničkim poduzećima, u djelatnosti prehrane i robe široke potrošnje
na području Republike Hrvatske. Anketa je provedena od 1. lipnja
2001. godine do 31. prosinca 2001. godine te se došlo do
sljedećih zaključaka: Motivacija prodajne sile osnovni je pokretač
djelovanja prodajne sile i najvažniji činitelj uspješnosti poslovanja
poduzeća. Zaposlenici prodajne sile prilagođuju svoje radno ponašanje načinima ponašanja i rezultatima koji se bolje plaćaju.
Oni promatraju plaću kao osnovnu i najvažniju komponentu motivacijske kompenzacije. Plaća prodajne sile nije dovoljna komponenta motivacijske kompenzacije za postizanje uspješna i kvalitetna rada. Zbog toga menadžment poduzeća uvodi u motivacijski sustav komponente motivacijske kompenzacije, koje se prema većinskom utjecaju vezuju za organizacijsku kulturu i menadžerski stil. Sustav motivacijske kompenzacije služi kao poduzetnička tehnologija u upravljanju prodajnom silom poduzeća.The aim of the company is to sell the highest rate of the products
on the market. The sales force has a principal role in this process.
Relevant characteristics and factors of motivate compensation
that influence sales force motivation in performing their
organizational function in the company are studied in the paper.
To achieve successful sales force management, it is necessary to
determine the motivational basis due to which the sales force is
prepared to perform the jobs determined by the sales organization
technology. The survey was carried out from June 1st,
2001 to December 31st, 2001, including 200 sales force employees
of important producers and representative companies, in
the field of sales and consumer goods, in the Republic of Croatia.
Sales force motivation is the main originator of sales force
performance and an important factor of successful company
business. Research results have shown that sales force employees
regard the salary as the basic and most important component of
motivate compensation. However, the salary of the sales force is
not a sufficient component for successful quality work. Because of
the above mentioned, the company management is introducing
components of motivate compensation in the motivation system,
which relate to the organizational culture and management style
according to the majority influence. As a result of the research, a
motivate compensation model with three component groups
clustered around salary, organizational culture and management
style has been set up. The purpose of motivate compensation is
to serve as an entrepreneurial technology in the company\u27s sales
force management.Ein Unternehmen hat das Ziel, eine größtmögliche Menge
seiner Erzeugnisse auf dem Markt zu verkaufen, was über
die Verkaufskräfte getätigt wird. Um in diesem Bereich für ein erfolgreiches Management zu sorgen, muss eine
Motivationsgrundlage ermittelt werden, die die
Einsatzbereitschaft des Verkaufspersonals gewährleistet. Zu
diesem Zweck wurde zwischen dem 1.6. und dem
31.12.2001 eine Umfrage durchgeführt, an der 200
Verkaufskräfte teilnahmen, die in Produktions- sowie
Vertreterfirmen des Bereichs der Lebensmittel- und
Verbrauchsgüterherstellung auf dem Gebiet der Republik
Kroatien eingestellt sind. Die Umfrage ergab, dass die
Motivation der wichtigste Auslöser für den Einsatz der
Verkaufskräfte und ein wesentlicher Faktor für den
Geschäftserfolg eines Unternehmens ist. Die Verkaufskräfte
passen ihr Arbeitsverhalten besser bezahlten
Verkaufsstrategien und -ergebnissen an. Nach Meinung der
Verkaufskräfte stellen die Löhne die Grund- und
Hauptkomponente einer motivierenden
Leistungskompensierung dar. Jedoch sind die Löhne von
Verkaufskräften als Komponente einer motivierenden
Leistungskompensierung nicht ausreichend, um andererseits
auch eine gute und durchschlagende Arbeitsqualität zu
sichern. Daher führen Unternehmensmanagements in ihre
Kompensierungssysteme Komponenten ein, die hinsichtlich
ihrer Hauptauswirkungen mit der Schaffung einer neuen
Organisationskultur und der Durchsetzung des "Managerstils"
verbunden sind. Das System der Motivationskompensierung
hat die Rolle einer Unternehmenstechnologie im
Management der Verkaufskräfte
In the present paper, a short description is offered of the professional
activities of Dr. Ivan Majnari6 (1882-I953) from the island of
Krk. In the first half of the 20th century, Dr. Majnari6 was engaged
in the eradication of malaria, collaborating with Dr. Trausmiler, the
author of the book entitled "Malaria on the island of Krk" (1927).
About the mid of the 20th century, Dr. Majnari6 distinguished himself
as a promoter of health tourism and the founder of the Society
for the Embellishment of Malinska (Krk). After the 4WII, Dr. Majnarić
was active in Zagreb and Crikvenica as a hospital director
This review is in memory of brothers Ivan and Mate Sobol; who were the role models
as fine physicians; public figures and antifascists.
Doctor Ivan Sobol (1885-1941) graduated from the Medical School in Prague and
changed several Croatian towns before he settled in Crikvenica in 1912; where he
worked until his death. The townsfolk remembered him by skilful practice; then by his
activity in promoting health tourism in Crikvenica and especially in promoting collaboration
and friendship with other nations, Czechs and Slovaks in particular. When
WW2 broke out; Ivan Sobol worked under cover for the antifascist movement, but was
betrayed and shot by Italian fascists with a group of hostages.
Like his elder brother, doctor Mate Sobol (1904-1943) graduated in Prague and practiced
medicine in his own office and then as a navy physician in Selce. After Italian
occupation and the execution of his brother in 1941, he joined the partisan movement.
He mostly practiced in a partisan hospital in DreŽnica. During an enemy offensive in
1943, he had to hide with his sick and wounded patients and suffer extreme conditions.
He died of typhus the same year. In memory of the Sobol brothers Rijeka General Hospital bore their name for a number of years
In the present paper, a short description is offered of the professional
activities of Dr. Ivan Majnari6 (1882-I953) from the island of
Krk. In the first half of the 20th century, Dr. Majnari6 was engaged
in the eradication of malaria, collaborating with Dr. Trausmiler, the
author of the book entitled "Malaria on the island of Krk" (1927).
About the mid of the 20th century, Dr. Majnari6 distinguished himself
as a promoter of health tourism and the founder of the Society
for the Embellishment of Malinska (Krk). After the 4WII, Dr. Majnarić
was active in Zagreb and Crikvenica as a hospital director
This review is in memory of brothers Ivan and Mate Sobol; who were the role models
as fine physicians; public figures and antifascists.
Doctor Ivan Sobol (1885-1941) graduated from the Medical School in Prague and
changed several Croatian towns before he settled in Crikvenica in 1912; where he
worked until his death. The townsfolk remembered him by skilful practice; then by his
activity in promoting health tourism in Crikvenica and especially in promoting collaboration
and friendship with other nations, Czechs and Slovaks in particular. When
WW2 broke out; Ivan Sobol worked under cover for the antifascist movement, but was
betrayed and shot by Italian fascists with a group of hostages.
Like his elder brother, doctor Mate Sobol (1904-1943) graduated in Prague and practiced
medicine in his own office and then as a navy physician in Selce. After Italian
occupation and the execution of his brother in 1941, he joined the partisan movement.
He mostly practiced in a partisan hospital in DreŽnica. During an enemy offensive in
1943, he had to hide with his sick and wounded patients and suffer extreme conditions.
He died of typhus the same year. In memory of the Sobol brothers Rijeka General Hospital bore their name for a number of years
In the present paper, a short description is offered of the professional
activities of Dr. Ivan Majnari6 (1882-I953) from the island of
Krk. In the first half of the 20th century, Dr. Majnari6 was engaged
in the eradication of malaria, collaborating with Dr. Trausmiler, the
author of the book entitled "Malaria on the island of Krk" (1927).
About the mid of the 20th century, Dr. Majnari6 distinguished himself
as a promoter of health tourism and the founder of the Society
for the Embellishment of Malinska (Krk). After the 4WII, Dr. Majnarić
was active in Zagreb and Crikvenica as a hospital director
Continuous monitoring of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in municipality Sombor - EuReCa_Srbija
Aims: Epidemiological follow up of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in Municipality Sombor in period of 1st of January 2016 until 1st of June 2017. With focus on OHCA quality management. METODOLOGIJA: The project EuReCa is a part of a metacentric, observational, prospective study of an observational trail of the European Resuscitation Council registered Clinical Trial NCT02236819 and approved by the US healthcare authorities. The EuReCa_Srbija project is conducted by the Serbian Resuscitation Council, based on collaboration with the European Resuscitation Council with support of the Section of Emergency Medicine - Serbian Physicians Society. The data's from the Serbian cardiac arrest registry has been collected and analyzed via www.eureca.rs application. Results: Emergency medical service (EMS) in Sombor covers 85.900 citizens. In observed period 119 (138,5/100.000) OHCA's were registered. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was applied 94 (109,4/100.000) cases. Gender distribution shows that 58 OHCA occurred in male and 36 in female population. The most common etiological cause of OHCA had cardiac background in 61 (71/100.000) patinets. Home is the most common place where OHCA occurred in 69 cases with incidence 80,3/100.000). Witness was present 61 OHCA (71/100.000), and lay-person CPR was performed in 19 (22/100.000) patients until the arrival of the EMS. TeleCPR by the dispatcher was registered in 14 (16,2/100.000) cases. The initial shockable rhythm (pulseless ventricular tachycardia pVT /ventricular fibrillation VF) was observed in 30 (34,9/100.000) patients, and nonshockable rhythm (asistoly/ PEA) in 64 (74,5/100.000). Automated external defibrillator (AED) was never used. Return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) was achieved in 51 (59,3/100.000) cases. At circadian ROSC distributionROSC was most commonly achieved in period between 6-14 hours. Hospital OHCA discharge survival was 6 (6,9/100.000), and the 30-days survival rate is 4 (4,6/100.000). Conclusion: By observing the epidemiological parameters of the OHCA, quality management related points were highlighted. The analyzed data's points to the fact that there is a higher incidence of almost all parameters included in the study protocol compared to previous period. Further observation and analysis will contribute to overall deeper insight of each observed segment that contributed to better and improved outcome with aim to continue the trend of positivity
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