38 research outputs found

    Calcium regulates acid-sensing ion channel 3 activation by competing with protons in the channel pore and at an allosteric binding site

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    The extracellular Ca2+ concentration changes locally under certain physiological and pathological conditions. Such variations affect the function of ion channels of the nervous system, and consequently also neuronal signalling. We investigated here the mechanisms by which Ca2+ controls the activity of acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC) 3. ASICs are neuronal, H+-gated Na+ channels involved in several physiological and pathological processes, including the expression of fear, learning, pain sensation and neurodegeneration after ischemic stroke. It was previously shown that Ca2+ negatively modulates the ASIC pH dependence. While protons are default activators of ASIC3, this channel can also be activated at pH7.4 by removal of the extracellular Ca2+. Two previous studies concluded that low pH opens ASIC3 by displacing Ca2+ ions that block the channel pore at physiological pH. We show here that an acidic residue, distant from the pore, controls, together with pore residues, the modulation of ASIC3 by Ca2+. Our study identifies a new regulatory site in ASIC3 and demonstrates that ASIC3 activation involves an allosteric mechanism together with Ca2+ unbinding from the channel pore. We provide a molecular analysis of a regulatory mechanism found in many ion channels

    PRZEDRUK POLSKIEGO T艁UMACZENIA ARTYKU艁U ZA ZGOD膭 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF PAIN (IASP) - PAIN 154 (2013) 2775-2781 Warto艣膰 rokownicza strategii radzenia sobie z b贸lem w wybranej z populacji pr贸bie os贸b z przewlek艂ymi objawowymi zmianami zwyrodnieniowymi staw贸w kolanowych

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    Radiographic knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a highly prevalent condition that has been the focus of a number of studies identifying factors that are prognostic of continued or worsening pain and function. Although prior prognostic studies have identified a number of demographic, physical, and psychological factors that are predictive of outcome, minimal focus has been placed on pain coping skills as prognostic factors, despite crosssectional evidence suggesting that pain coping skills are associated with pain and function in knee OA. The present study reports on the use of pain coping skills as prognostic factors for changes in pain and/or function over a 1-year period. Participants were drawn from the Osteoarthritis Initiative, a prospective longitudinal cohort study of persons recruited from the community who either had knee OA or were at high risk for developing knee OA. Data from the Coping Strategies Questionnaire were compared against 1-year change in pain, function, or both, using established criteria for defining whether the patient got better, worse, or stayed the same over the 1-year period. Results revealed a significant effect for praying/hoping, increased behavioral activities, and pain catastrophizing as prognostic of pain outcomes; ignoring pain and praying/hoping were prognostic of function outcomes; and increased behavioral activities and pain catastrophizing were prognostic of a combined pain and function outcome. The findings provide important new evidence regarding the potential clinical relevance of a number of pain coping responses hypothesized to influence future pain and function in persons with arthritis.Stwierdzane radiograficznie zmiany zwyrodnieniowe staw贸w kolanowych to schorzenie bardzo cz臋ste i b臋d膮ce przedmiotem licznych bada艅, w kt贸rych identyfikowano czynniki rokownicze utrzymuj膮cego si臋 lub narastaj膮cego b贸lu i zaburze艅 czynno艣ci. We wcze艣niejszych badaniach dotycz膮cych rokowania zidentyfikowano liczne czynniki demograficzne, fizyczne i psychologiczne, kt贸re s膮 predyktorami wyniku leczenia, ale niewiele uwagi po艣wi臋cono umiej臋tno艣ciom radzenia sobie z b贸lem jako czynnikowi rokowniczemu, pomimo danych pochodz膮cych z bada艅 przekrojowych, kt贸re wskazuj膮, 偶e umiej臋tno艣ci te wi膮偶膮 si臋 z b贸lem i z funkcjonowaniem w chorobie zwyrodnieniowej staw贸w kolanowych. W bie偶膮cym badaniu opisujemy zastosowanie umiej臋tno艣ci radzenia sobie z b贸lem jako jednym z czynnik贸w rokowniczych zmian w zakresie b贸lu i/lub funkcjonowania w ci膮gu rocznej obserwacji. Uczestnicy badania pochodzili z Osteorthritis Initiative, prospektywnego pod艂u偶nego badania kohortowego os贸b rekrutowanych ze spo艂eczno艣ci, kt贸re mia艂y chorob臋 zwyrodnieniow膮 staw贸w kolanowych lub by艂y obci膮偶one du偶ym ryzykiem rozwoju tego schorzenia. Dane z Coping Strategies Questionnaire por贸wnano z rocznymi zmianami w zakresie b贸lu, czynno艣ci lub obu tych zmiennych, za pomoc膮 okre艣lonych kryteri贸w definiuj膮cych zmian臋 stanu klinicznego pacjenta na lepszy, gorszy lub bez zmian w ci膮gu roku. Wyniki wskaza艂y na istotne efekty modlitwy/nadziei, zwi臋kszonej aktywno艣ci behawioralnej i my艣lenia katastroficznego na temat b贸lu, jako czynnik贸w rokowniczych wyniku leczenia; ignorowanie b贸lu oraz modlitwa/nadzieja by艂y czynnikami prognostycznymi wyniku leczenia w zakresie funkcjonowania; zwi臋kszona aktywno艣膰 behawioralna i my艣lenie katastroficzne na temat b贸lu by艂y czynnikami rokowniczymi odnosz膮cymi si臋 艂膮cznie do wynik贸w leczenia b贸lu oraz funkcjonowania. Wyniki dostarczaj膮 istotnych nowych danych naukowych odno艣nie do potencjalnego klinicznego znaczenia wielu reakcji radzenia sobie z b贸lem, kt贸re przypuszczalnie mog膮 wp艂ywa膰 na przysz艂y b贸l i funkcjonowanie os贸b z chorob膮 zwyrodnieniow膮 staw贸w

    Calcium regulates acid-sensing ion channel 3 activation by competing with protons in the channel pore and at an allosteric binding site

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    The extracellular Ca; 2+; concentration changes locally under certain physiological and pathological conditions. Such variations affect the function of ion channels of the nervous system and consequently also neuronal signalling. We investigated here the mechanisms by which Ca; 2+; controls the activity of acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC) 3. ASICs are neuronal, H; +; -gated Na; +; channels involved in several physiological and pathological processes, including the expression of fear, learning, pain sensation and neurodegeneration after ischaemic stroke. It was previously shown that Ca; 2+; negatively modulates the ASIC pH dependence. While protons are default activators of ASIC3, this channel can also be activated at pH7.4 by the removal of the extracellular Ca; 2+; . Two previous studies concluded that low pH opens ASIC3 by displacing Ca; 2+; ions that block the channel pore at physiological pH. We show here that an acidic residue, distant from the pore, together with pore residues, controls the modulation of ASIC3 by Ca; 2+; . Our study identifies a new regulatory site in ASIC3 and demonstrates that ASIC3 activation involves an allosteric mechanism together with Ca; 2+; unbinding from the channel pore. We provide a molecular analysis of a regulatory mechanism found in many ion channels