70 research outputs found

    A Hoard of Byzantine Gold Coins from Narona

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    U radu se obrađuje ostava bizantskih zlatnika pronađena 1901. godine u selu Vidu, antičkoj Naroni.Ostavu, koja je osim zlatnika sadržavala i zlatni kasnoantički nakit, objavio je 1902. godine donFrane Bulić. Revizijom ostave utvrđeno je da od 65 primjeraka bizantskih zlatnika (53 solida i 12tremissisa) i dva brončana novca (Proba i Maksimijana Herkulija), koje je Bulić publicirao, nedostajejedan solid Justina II. i 2 tremissisa Tiberija II., ali su u ostavu naknadno uvrÅ”teni solid MauricijaTiberija kao i 2 tremissisa Antemija i Zenona, koje autor donosi na kraju kataloga (br. 65-67). Autoru radu ispravlja neke Bulićeve pogreÅ”ne atribucije novca pojedinim vladarima, koje su se provlačilenadalje u literaturi. Osobito je značajan ispravak atribucije tremissisa Mauricija Tiberija, koji je prijebio pripisivan Tiberiju II. Vladavina Mauricija Tiberija (582.-602.) ujedno je i terminus post quem non zauniÅ”tenje Narone.A hoard of Byzantine gold coins found in 1901 in the village of Vid, Roman Narona, is signifi cant forexplaining the turbulent period on the eastern coast of the Adriatic at the turn of the 7th century.According to the letters kept in the archives of the Archaeological Museum in Split, the hoard wasfound accidentally within the walls of Narona, in the remains of the Roman architecture near forum.The hoard, which also had among the Byzantine coins some golden jewellery from the Late Antiquity,was published in 1902 by don Frane Bulić.While revising the hoard, it was established that out of 65 examples of Byzantine gold coins(53 solidi and 12 tremisses) and two bronze coins (Probus and Maximianus Herculius) that werepublished by Bulić, there were one solidus of Justin II and two tremisses of Tiberius II missing. Asolidus of Mauricius Tiberius and two tremisses of Anthemius and Zeno were later added to the hoardas uncertain, and are noted at the end of the catalogue (no 65 ā€“ 67). Some incorrect attributionsby Bulić to certain Byzantine emperors that have been present in the literature ever since, werecorrected by the coin analysis. It has been established that the solidi of Justinian I (527 ā€“ 565) arethe earliest coins from the hoard, and not the tremisses of Justin I (518 ā€“ 527) that were incorrectlyattributed by Bulić as tremisses of Justin II (565 ā€“ 578). The latest coin is a tremissis of MauriciusTiberius (582 ā€“ 602) that was attributed to Tiberius II (578 ā€“ 582). The hoard has coins of the Byzantineemperors: 24 solidi of Justinian I, 23 solidi and 6 tremisses of Justin II, 5 solidi and 3 tremisses ofTiberius II and 1 tremissis of Mauricius Tiberius. Only two solidi (Justinian I and Justin II) were mintedin Rome and one in Ravenna (Tiberius II), while all the rest of the coins come from the Constantinoplemint. The hypothesis is that the coins were brought from Constantinople to some offi cial of theByzantine administration or the military commander of an army unit situated in or near Narona, afterthe fall of Sirmium under the Avar invasion in 582. The reign of Mauricius Tiberius is also the terminuspost quem non for the destruction of Narona

    Jama u podumcima

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    Lokalitet Jama, pećina u Podumcima, južno od DrniÅ”a, jedina je dosad poznata pećina u jadranskom zaleđu i priobalju u kojoj su se jedno duže vrijeme obavljala pokapanja u vidu inhumacije ili incineracije. Tijekom vremena Å”to arheolozi Å”to speleolozi ili ljubitelji zanimljivosti kraÅ”kog terena ili znatiželjnici obilazili su pećinu i sakupljali razne arheoloÅ”ke ostatke, koji su većim dijelom nestali, a manjim dospjeli u ArheoloÅ”ki muzej u Splitu, ArheoloÅ”ku zbirku Franjevačkog samostana u Sinju i u Muzej grada Å ibenika. Koliko je poznato, jedino je neumorni prirodoslovac iz Splita prof. U. Girometta u pećini obavljao istraživanja kojih je on objavio rezutate

    Methodology for Developing Hydrological Models Based on an Artificial Neural Network to Establish an Early Warning System in Small Catchments

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    In some situations, there is no possibility of hazard mitigation, especially if the hazard is induced by water. Thus, it is important to prevent consequences via an early warning system (EWS) to announce the possible occurrence of a hazard. The aim and objective of this paper are to investigate the possibility of implementing an EWS in a small-scale catchment and to develop a methodology for developing a hydrological prediction model based on an artificial neural network (ANN) as an essential part of the EWS. The methodology is implemented in the case study of the Slani Potok catchment, which is historically recognized as a hazard-prone area, by establishing continuous monitoring of meteorological and hydrological parameters to collect data for the training, validation, and evaluation of the prediction capabilities of the ANN model. The model is validated and evaluated by visual and common calculation approaches and a new evaluation for the assessment. This new evaluation is proposed based on the separation of the observed data into classes based on the mean data value and the percentages of classes above or below the mean data value as well as on the performance of the mean absolute error

    Evaluation of muscle mechanical characteristics of legs and arms under different levels of effort

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    Procena mehaničkih karakteristika miÅ”ića kao Å”to su sila (F), brzina (V) i snaga (P) su od velikog značaja za razumevanje funkcije i građe lokomotornog aparata. OpÅ”te je poznato da laboratorijski i terenski testovi koji se koriste za procenu mehaničkih karakteristika miÅ”ića (MKM) najčeŔće zahtevaju maksimalno voljno naprezanje (MVN) kako bi rezultati bili validni i pouzdani. Međutim, postavlja se pitanje kako se menjaju rezultati različitih motoričkih testova ukoliko ispitanik iz voljnih ili nevoljnih razloga ne može ili ne sme da ispolji MVN? Uticaj umanjenog napora na ispoljavanje MVN je neminovan, međutim njegovi efekti na procenjivane MKM, kao i mogućnost upotrebe dobijenih rezultata iz različitih motoričkih zadataka, joÅ” uvek nisu dovoljno poznati. Predmet ove disertacije je uticaj umanjenog napora na mehaničke karakteristike miÅ”ića. Cilj disertacije je bio da se istraže efekti umanjenog napora na mehaničke karakteristike miÅ”ića nogu i ruku pri različitim nivoima opterećenja. U skladu sa predmetom istraživanja, planirana su i sprovedena dva eksperimenta. Eksperiment 1 ā€“ Procena mehaničkih karakteristika miÅ”ića nogu pri različitim nivoima napora Test vertikalni skok u sportu i sportskoj medicini je opÅ”te prihvaćen i veoma rasprostranjen. Međutim, i dalje nije poznato kako voljno umanjen napor utiče na rezultate testa skoka iz polu-čučnja (SJ). Cilj ove studije je bio da istraži uticaj umanjenog napora na MKM nogu dobijene iz SJ testa pri različitim opterećenjima. Dvanaest ispitanika muÅ”kog pola, studenata Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja (21.1 Ā± 1.1 godina) je izvodilo SJ test po 2 pokuÅ”aja pri 3 nivoa napora (100%, 75% i 50% od maksimalnog napora) i 4 nivoa opterećenja (0, 20, 40 i 60 % 1-RM čučnja). Podaci brzine (VN), sile (FN) i snage (PN) miÅ”ića nogu dobijeni su obradom podataka sa platformi sile. Rezultati pokazuju da se sve tri apsolutno izvedene MKM značajno smanjuju pod uticajem umanjenog napora (p < .01) na svakom nivou opterećenja, sa najviÅ”om razlikom između 100% i 50% napora (p < .001). Međutim, značajne i velike razlike između opterećenja su pronađeni u VN i FN (p .1). Takođe, značajne i velike razlike su pronađene i u relativnom padu napora između PN sa VN (p < .01) i FN (p < .01). Relativni pad u PN pri naporu od 75% usrednjen kroz sva opterećenja je bio u proseku 34,1 Ā± 6.2 (p < .01), i pri naporu od 50% je bio 38.1 Ā± 4% (p < .01). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da ispoljena snaga najbolje opisuje efekte voljno umanjenog napora u SJ testu. Takođe, s obzirom da nema interakcija između napora i opterećenja u relativnom padu snage rezultati se uklapaju u teoriju da motorne komande upravljaju osećajem napora nezavisno od osećaja težine i miÅ”ićne tenzije. Ovi rezultati su od značaja za upotrebu SJ testa u kliničke svrhe, sugeriÅ”ući da se snaga nogu može koristiti za opis neuromiÅ”ićnih kapaciteta u uslovima kada ispitanik ne sme ili ne može da ispolji maksimalno voljno naprezanje...Assessing of muscle mechanical characteristics such as force (F), velocity (V) and power (P) are of essential importance for understanding the function and structure of human locomotor system. It is generally known that laboratory and field tests used to assess the muscle mechanical characteristics (MMC) most often require maximum voluntary exertion to produce valid and reliable results. However, the question that arises is how a results of various motor tests change if the subject due to some voluntary or unvoluntary reasons cannot or must not generate maximum exertion? However, the effects of submaximal effort on the manifestation of maximum voluntary exertion are inevitable, but it is still unknown what MMC are the most sensible under voluntary reduced effort in various motor tasks. The subject of this dissertation is the influence of reduced effort on the mechanical characteristics of muscles. The aim of this dissertation was to investigate the effects of voluntary reduced effort on the mechanical characteristics of the leg and arm muscles at different levels of external load. In accordance with the subject of the dissertation, two experiments were planned and conducted. Experiment 1 - Evaluation of mechanical characteristics of leg muscles at different levels of effort The vertical jump test is generally accepted and very widespread in sports and clinical testing. However, it is still not known how the voluntarily reduced effort affects the results of the squat jump test (SJ). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of reduced effort on the MMC of legs obtained from the SJ test under different load conditions. Twelve male students of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education (21.1 Ā± 1.1 years) have performed SJ test 2 times at 3 levels of effort (100%, 75% and 50% of maximum effort) and 4 levels of load (0, 20, 40 and 60% 1-RM). Velocity (V), force (F) and power (P) of leg muscles were recorded with force platform. The results show that all three absolute leg MMC variables decreased significantly under the influence of reduced effort (p < .01) at each load level, with the highest important difference found between 100% and 50% of voluntary effort (p < .001). Differences between loads were found for V and F (p .1). Also, differences were found within relative fall of effort between P with V (p < .01) and F (p < .01). The relative fall of P at 75% of effort was in average 34.1 Ā± 6.2% (p < .01), and at 50% of effort was 38.1 Ā± 4% (p < .01). These results show that power could describe the best effects of voluntary reduce effort in SJ test. Also, since there was no interaction between effort and load within relative fall of P, the results are supporting the theory that motor commands control the perception of effort independently of the perception of weight and muscle tension..

    Aucissa Fibulae with Inscriptions Kept in the Archaeological Museums in Zagreb, Zadar and Split

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    Od cjelokupnog fundusa aucissa fi bula iz zbirki arheoloÅ”kih muzeja u Zagrebu, Zadru i Splitu, kojibroji nekoliko stotina primjeraka, autor je izdvojio one ukraÅ”ene pečatima s natpisima. S obzirom narazličite natpise na pečatima, fi bule su podijeljene u petnaest skupina.Fibule s natpisom aucissa javljaju se krajem 1. st. pr. Kr., a najviÅ”e su u uporabi u vrijemeFlavijevaca. Pretpostavlja se da su se izrađivale u radionicama sjeverne Italije. Većina ih je pronađenau priobalnom području, a po broju prednjače one pronađene u Saloni jer je Salona u 1. polovici1. st. posl. Kr. najznačajnije ishodiÅ”te za rimske prodore i zauzimanje slobodnog ilirskog područja.U Dalmaciji je nađen veliki broj aucissa fi bula s teÅ”ko čitljivim natpisima u dva reda, kod kojih jepečat većinom bio naknadno utisnut, pa se može pretpostaviti proizvodnja u lokalnim radionicama(Narona, Salona, Jader).Najveći broj fi bula potječe iz onih mjesta u kojima su istražene nekropole, kao u Ninu, ili gdje jebila razvijena intenzivna zemljoradnja (Asserija i Gardun).From the total sum of the few hundred examples of the Aucissa fi bulae kept in the collections ofthe archaeological museums in Zagreb, Zadar and Split, we have selected the ones with mouldedinscriptions. According to diff erent inscriptions, the fi bulae have been organized in fi fteen groups.Inscribed Aucissa fi bulae can be found towards the end of the 1st century BC and were mostfrequently used in the time of the Flavians. They were probably produced in the workshops of thenorthern Italy. Most of them were found in the area along the coast, the largest number near Salona,because Salona was in the fi rst half of the 1st century the most important starting point for Romanattacks and conquests of the free Illyrian territory. For the fi rst time an inscription was noticed on twoexamples PVATTR, which considering the name TRā€¦ can be explained as an Illyrian name TRito orTRosius. That would be the fi rst example of Illyrian name on Aucissa fi bulae. A large number of fi bulaewith fairly illegible inscriptions in two lines were found in Dalmatia. The stamp was mostly addedlater, so we can assume that they were produced in some local workshop on the east Adriatic coast, inNarona, Salona or Iader.The largest number of Aucissa fi bulae comes from the places that have researched necropolis,such as Nin, or the ones with strong agriculture such as Aseria or Gardun.The problematics of the Aucissa fi bulae could be clarifi ed exclusively by the archaeologicalresearch of the earliest Roman necropolises, especially the ones in Salona and Gardun

    The Coinage of Romanos III Argyros in the Archaeological Museum in Split

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    Ovaj članak obrađuje 59 histamenona bizantskog cara Romana III. Argira iz Numizmatičkog kabinetaArheoloÅ”kog muzeja u Splitu. Autor ističe pojavu različitih oblika grafi ta na velikom broju obrađenognovca. Na isti način upozorava na činjenicu da je velika količina takvoga novca pronađena napodručju starohrvatske države, te njegovu pojavu objaÅ”njava kao rezultat pojačane gospodarskeaktivnosti u toj državi tijekom 11. stoljeća.A large number of histamenoi (59 coins) of Romanos III Argyros in the Numismatic cabinet of theArchaeological Museum in Split has inspired the author to examine and publish them for the fi rst time.The introductory part gives the survey of numerous gold coinage of the Byzantine emperors from thedestruction of Salonae, i.e from Heracliusā€™ rule to and including the short rule of Romanos III Argyros (1028ā€“ 1034).Comparing the large quantity of Romanosā€™ histamenoi in the AMS with other collections in the world suchas Dumbarton Oaks, BibliothĆØque nationale Paris, British Museum, the author implies the collection of the AMSCabinet to be the largest one concerning the examples of the aforementioned emperor.The information in the AMS about the sites is truly modest; there is actually only one hoard of 23 coinsfrom Klobuk near LjubuÅ”ki. Individual fi nds come from Zagvozd, Čaporice, Dugopolje and vicinity of Narona,while for the majority the site is unknown (32). More coins belonging to this emperor were found in theinland Dalmatian area (Ogorje Gornje, Jabuka, Osoj), as well as other places, but they were not purchased bythe AMS (note 14).Examining the coins, the author draws attention to the num ber of dots on loros and gives the surveyof the ones that have 8 dots, 6, 5, 4 or even 3 dots, which is according to the available literature the onlyexample known so far.As far as size and weight are concerned, it can be stated that the largest number of the coins in Splitcollection have diameter between 23,5 and 25 mm, while their weight ranges from 4,31 to 4,40 gr., whichcoresponds well to the coins kept in other museums.As far as dies used for minting of these coins are concerned, the author has labeled them with letters (A-Z,A/A ā€“ O/O), and it can be presumed that 39 diff erent dies were used.The author has, according to the possibilities, tried to show as accurately as possible, diff erent forms ofthe letters A, M and w. Also, he has brought to attention the artistic representation of the throne as well as itsvertical surfaces with diff erent number of dots, which gave basis for determining the number of used dies.Particular characteristic of hisamenoi of Romanos III Argyros is that there is a large number that havegraffi ti on them. They can be seen on 44 histamenoi, 25 of them have graffi ti on both sides, 10 only onobverse and 9 on reverse. 15 examples have no graffi ti.Large number of graffi ti on these histamenoi raise a lot of questions: are they perhaps simultaneousto the emission, thus denoting the workshop or perhaps the quality of gold used for minting; or were theymarked later by certain merchants in order to systematize their funds or denote the quality of coins (quantityof copper or silver in them)? For the time being, these questions cannot be answered defi nitely or precisely.The coinage of Romanos III Argyros has exclusively appeared along the coast of the Eastern Adriatic coastor in its hinterland or the part of Herzegovina west of the southern Neretva, starting with BaÅ”ka on Krk to theunknown site in southern Dalmatia, probably near Dubrovnik. The coinage appears in 28 sites, whether as anindividual fi nd or in a larger group as a hoard. (See the map). According to the available data, the fi nal sumof the found (but not preserved) histamenoi in Croatia and Herzegovina would be 463 coins, but in Croatianmuseums only 81 example is kept (note 32).Histamenon of Romanos III Argyros (1028 ā€“ 1034), in the mediaeval documents known as romanatus,was highly valued at that time all over the world as well as within the Croatian state (notes 33-36). However,during the 11th century social and economic circumstances in Croatia greatly improved, which may beone of the reasons why such a large quantity of gold coins from that period could be preserved in diff erentareas (notes 37 ā€“ 42). Therefore three groups of sites where coins of this emperor were found, can be formedaccording to their geografi c location: a) around Zadar, b) between the rivers of Krka and Cetina and c) west ofthe southern Neretva which is the area where the largest number of Romanosā€™ histamenoi were found

    Planning support concept to implementation of sustainable parking development projects in ancient Mediterranean cities

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    This paper proposes a planning support concept (PSC) to implementation of sustainable parking development projects (SPDP) in ancient Mediterranean cities. It is conceptualized by the logic of decision support systems and a multicriteria analysis approach. The purpose of the concept is to support setting of implementation priorities for subprojects (construction of new and/or improvement of existing parking) within a SPDP. Analysing the existing and a planned state of parking within the city a goal tree is established. Subprojects are defined accordingly. Objectives from the last hierarchy level within the goal tree are used as criteria for assessment of defined subprojects. Representatives of stakeholders provided criteria weights by application of AHP and SAW methods. PROMETHEE II was used for priority ranking and PROMETHEE V ensured a definition of projectā€™s implementation phases. The result of the presented concept is the implementation plan for such projects. The concept is tested on the city of Trogir

    GIS-based Decision Support Concept to planning of land acquisition for realization of Urban Public Projects

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    Planning of the land acquisition is a complex task and integral part of the planning phase within management of large scale construction projects especially of public projects in urban areas. This paper describes research on the establishment of GIS-based Decision Support Concept (DSC) to planning of land acquisition for realization of urban public projects that can be useful to project managers. It is focused on establishment of concept that supports identification, selection and priority ranking of spatial units whose acquisition enables further realization of commenced project. The complexity of such task arises from the dynamics of the project and its subprojects, a large number of diverse spatial and other data to be taken into account, several stakeholders groups with different opinions (providing diverse and often conflicting criteria to evaluate alternative spatial units). The concept is based on the SDSS logic and multicriteria analysis. Applying a family of PROMETHEE Methods and AHP Method comparison of selected spatial units according to priority for acquisition is provided in a form of priority ranking list. Insights obtained by analysis of these results as well as other influential factors (such as strategies and plans of a higher order, active contracts, etc.) are then used as the basis for design of additional spatial-functional constrains by decision-maker introduced trough PROMETHEE V method which ensured definition of the first acquisitionā€™s implementation phase defining a set of spatial units that are recommended for acquisition within next investment/project cycle. The proposed concept was tested on planning of land acquisition for realization of the University Campus Project in Split, Croatia

    Barrows in Bajagić (Dalmatia)

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    Dva vrča pronađena na groblju u Laterzi koja se čuvaju u Muzeju Barija u Italiji potaknula su autorana raspravu o vezama i utjecajima između dviju obala Jadrana. Vrčevi su po fakturi, obliku i ukrasugotovo istovjetni s jednim vrčem pronađenim u gomili u Bajagiću kod Obrovca na području Sinja, kojipripada kulturnom facijesu cetinske kulture. Ta kultura ranog brončanog doba bila je proÅ”irena nasrediÅ”njem dijelu istočne obale Jadrana i otocima, a seže i do srediÅ”nje Bosne i istočne Hercegovine.Način ukopa u gomilama cetinske kulture može biti spaljivanje ili inhumacija pokojnika u zgrčenompoložaju unutar sanduka načinjenog od kamenih ploča. Osim u gomilama, tragove cetinske kulturenalazimo u Å”piljama (Å karin Samograd, zapadno od UneÅ”ića) i na otvorenim staniÅ”tima, kao Å”to jegradina Pod kod Bugojna u srediÅ”njoj Bosni. U cetinskoj kulturi jaki su utjecaji posuda s područjaKampaniji, pa autor pretpostavlja da će do sličnih otkrića doći i na daunskom prostoru. DrÅ”kesubapeninskog tipa nalaze se na različitim položajima od istočnojadranskih otoka do srediÅ”nje Bosne.UzevÅ”i u obzir ove rane veze, postaje jasniji i vrlo blizak odnos između dviju obala u rano željeznodoba.Two jugs found in the cemetery in Laterza kept in the Bari Museum in Italy have inspired the authorto discuss the ties and connections between the two Adriatic coasts. The jugs are almost the samein surface, shape and decoration as one jug found in barrow in Bagajić near Obrovac in Sinj territory,which belongs to the cultural area of the Cetina culture. That Early Bronze Age culture spread alongthe central part of the east Adriatic coast and the islands, all the way to central Bosnia and eastHerzegovina. The mode of burial in barrows of the Cetina culture can be cremation or laying thedeceased in bent position within the coffi n constructed of stone slabs. Besides in barrows, the tracesof Cetina culture can be found in caves (Å karin Samograd, west of UneÅ”ić) and the open settlements,such as hill-fort Pod near Bugojno in central Bosnia. Cetina culture has strong infl uences of the vesselsfrom the Campania area, so the author assumes that the same will be discovered for the Daun area.The handles of the sub-apenine type can be found in diff erent sites from the east Adriatic islands tocentral Bosnia. Considering these early connections, the close relationship between the two coasts inthe Early Iron Age becomes more evident
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