16 research outputs found

    Korelacija arterijskih kalcifikacija dojke na mamogramu s čimbenicima rizika povezanim s načinom žiovta

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the association between some lifestyle-attributable risk factors of atherosclerosis, such as body mass index (BMI), oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, smoking and alcohol consumption with breast arterial calcification (BAC) and its intensity on mammograms, and to assess the impact of these lifestyle risk factors on mammography findings of BAC. This prospective study included 300 women aged 47-69, i.e. a group of 149 women with BAC on mammograms and control group of 151 women without BAC. Self-reported BMI, use of oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, smoking and alcohol consumption were recorded by medical interview. The presence of BAC and its intensity on mammography was compared according to the presence of high BMI and use of hormone therapy, smoking and alcohol consumption. The results showed the highest proportion of smokers (28.9%) in the group with mild BAC as compared with the groups without calcification (14.6%) and with intense calcification (12.1%). Women taking oral contraceptives had a higher level of calcified breast arteries but no significant between-group difference was found for high BMI, hormone therapy and alcohol consumption. Thus, study results showed the mammographic finding of BAC to be inadequate to identify women with some lifestyle-attributable risk factors such as BMI, hormone replacement therapy, smoking and alcohol consumption.Istraživala se povezanost određenih čimbenika rizika ateroskleroze povezanih s načinom života poput indeksa tjelesne mase (ITM), uzimanja oralnih kontraceptiva, hormonske nadomjesne terapije, puÅ”enja i konzumiranja alkohola s arterijskim kalcifikacijama dojke i njihovim stupnjem intenziteta na mamografiji. Ova prospektivna studija je uključila 300 žena u dobi od 47 do 69 godina, od kojih je skupina od 149 žena imala arterijske kalcifikacije dojki na mamografiji, a druga kontrolna skupina od 151 žene je bila bez arterijskih kalcifikacija. Medicinskim intervjuom dobiveni su podaci o tjelesnoj težini i visini ispitanica, prema kojima se izračunao ITM te anamnestički podaci o prethodnoj uporabi oralnih kontraceptiva, hormonske nadomjesne terapije, puÅ”enju i konzumiranju alkohola. Uspoređen je nalaz arterijskih kalcifikacija dojki i njihovog stupnja na mamografiji s ITM-om i uporabom hormonske terapije te puÅ”enjem i konzumiranjem alkohola. U skupini žena s blažim kalcifikacijama dojki bio je najveći udio puÅ”ača (28,9%) u odnosu na skupinu bez kalcifikacija (14,6%) ili skupinu s intenzivnim kalcifikacijama (12,1%). Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajnu povezanost arterijskih kalcifikacija dojki s oralnom kontracepcijom, dok nije nađena statistički značajna povezanost između arterijskih kalcifikacija dojki na mamogramu i uporabe hormonske nadomjesne terapije, ITM-a, puÅ”enja i konzumiranja alkohola. Dakle, mamografski nalaz arterijskih kalcifikacija dojki nije dostatan za identificiranje žena s nekim čimbenicima rizika ateroskleroze povezanim s načinom života, odnosno nalaz istih na mamogramu ne upućuje na čimbenike rizika na koje se može utjecati, kao Å”to su visok ITM, uporaba hormonske terapije, puÅ”enje i konzumiranje alkohola

    Outdoor Activities and Visitor Risk Management in Protected Areas

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    Članak se osvrće na stvaranje sigurnog i svjesnog rekreacijskog prostora u zaÅ”tićenim područjima prirode. Definiraju se rizici i odgovornosti uprava zaÅ”tićenih područja za njihove posjetitelje i sudionike rekreacijskih aktivnosti. Raspravlja se o osnovnim elementima žvisitor risk managementaā€™ ā€“ otkrivanje i procjenu rizika, određivanje sigurnosnih i kontrolnih mjera, financijski i legislativno glediÅ”te rizika. Posebno se obrazlažu faze u procesu procjenjivanja rizika te određivanje njegove razine pri čemu se stavlja u odnos vjerojatnost aktualizacije opasnosti i težina moguće posljedice. U cilju smanjenja rizika iznose se legislativne, organizacijske i kadrovske pretpostavke i preporuke za razvoj integriranog programa upravljanja rizicima u hrvatskim nacionalnim parkovima i parkovima prirode. Ključnim se drži propisom jasno odrediti razinu brige parkovnih uprava za posjetitelje, pri čemu valja voditi računa da bi previsok standard odgovornosti parkovnih uprava mogao ugroziti njihovo funkcioniranje.The article deals with the establishment of safe recreational zones in protected areas of nature. Risks to visitors and participants in outdoor recreation activities and responsibilities of protected area managements are defined. The basic elements of ā€œvisitor risk managementā€ ā€“ identifying and assessing risks and selecting safety and control measures are discussed, and so are the financial and legislative aspects of risks. Special focus is placed on the phases in the risk assessment process and the identification of their levels. The likelihood of risk actualization and the severity of possible consequences are juxtaposed. With the view of reducing risks, legislative, organizational and personnel principles are presented and proposals for the development of an integral risk management program in Croatian national parks and nature parks are given. Clearly regulated levels of care by park managers towards visitors are considered the key issue. However, an overly high standard of responsibility of park managers could jeopardize their functioning

    Magnetska rezonancija u dijagnostici zloćudnih tumora maksilofacijalnog područja

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a radiological imaging method that has not yet found routine application in the detection and assessment of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region. The aim of this study was to evaluate MRI in the detection, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region. This prospective study included 42 patients with clinically confirmed malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region. All patients were examined by MRI. This imaging method was evaluated for the ability to detect tumor location and to analyze dimensions and structure of the tumor, bone involvement, effect on neurovascular structures and extension to soft tissues. MRI results were compared with histopathologic and intraoperative findings as the ā€˜gold standardā€™ methods. MRI identified all of the clinically confirmed tumors. The sensitivity for tumor location was 94.4%, tumor necrosis 93%, hemorrhage 93.3% and bone involvement 91.4%. The specificity for tumor location was 84%, tumor necrosis 92.8%, hemorrhage 92.8% and bone involvement 85.7%. In the evaluation of soft tissue tumor extension to bone structures, MRI sensitivity and specificity was 94.4% and 88.2%, respectively. The sensitivity for perineural infiltration and tumor involvement of vascular structures was 91% and 91.6%, respec-tively. The specificity for perineural infiltration was 96.7% and for tumor involvement of vascular structures 88%. MRI sensitivity and specificity for intracranial extension, intraorbital propagation, extension to pterygopalatine fossa and other surrounding anatomic spaces was 93.5% and 90.9%, respectively. MRI proved advantageous for the ability to distinguish neurovascular structures from adjacent soft tissues without the use of intravenous contrast media. Study results demonstrated MRI to provide valuable information in the analysis of tumor structure, bone involvement and extension to soft tissues of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region.Magnetska rezonancija (MRI) je radiologijska slikovna metoda koja joÅ” uvijek nije pronaÅ”la rutinsku primjenu u otkrivanju i procjeni malignih tumora maksilofacijalnog područja. Svrha ove studije je bila pokazati vrijednost MRI u otkrivanju, dijagnostici i diferencijalnoj dijagnostici malignih tumora maksilofacijalnog područja. Ova prospektivna studija uključila je 42 bolesnika s klinički potvrđenim zloćudnim tumorom maksilofacijalnog područja. Svi bolesnici su bili obrađeni pomoću MRI. Analizirala se lokalizacija, dimenzije i struktura tumora, zahvaćenost koÅ”tanih struktura, utjecaj naneurovaskularne strukture, proÅ”irenost na okolne mekotkivne strukture i prostore. Rezultati su se uspoređivali s patohistologijskim i intraoperacijskim nalazom kao ā€žzlatnimā€œ standardom. MRI je prikazao sve klinički potvrđene tumore. U procjeni lokalizacije tumora osjetljivost je bila 94,4%; zone nekroze 93%; zone krvarenja 93,3%; te promjene koÅ”tane strukture 91,4%. U procjeni lokalizacije tumora specifičnost je bila 84%; zone nekroze 92,8%; zone krvarenja 92,8%; te promjene koÅ”tane strukture 85,7%. U procjeni zahvaćenosti koÅ”tanih struktura mekotkivnim tumorskim procesom osjetljivost MRI je bila 94,4%, a specifičnost 88,2%. Osjetljivost kod procjene perineuralne infiltracije je bila 91%, a utjecaja tumora na vaskularne strukture 91,6%. Specifičnost kod procjene perineuralne infiltracije je bila 96,7%, a utjecaja tumora na vaskularne strukture 88%. MRI je pokazao osjetljivost od 93,5% i specifičnost od 90,9% za intrakranijsku i intraorbitalnu propagaciju,prodor u pterigopalatinalnu udubinu i druge okolne anatomske prostore. Prednost MRI je u sposobnosti razlikovanja neuralnih i vaskularnih struktura bez primjene intravenskog kontrastnog sredstva. NaÅ”i rezultati su potvrdili vrlo važnu ulogu MRI u procjeni strukture tumora, koÅ”tanih promjena i proÅ”irenosti tumora u okolne strukture i prostore

    Analysis of patients with thyroid cancer treated at the Department of nuclear medicine, radiation protection and pathophysology over the period 1968 - 1998

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    Cilj studije je bio izvrÅ”iti analizu oboljelih od karcinoma Å”titnjače u razdoblju od 1968. do 1998. godine, koji su liječeni u Centru za bolesti Å”titnjače Odjela za nuklearnu medicinu, zaÅ”titu od zračenja i patofiziologiju KB Osijek. Liječenje ukupno 281 bolesnik od karcinoma Å”titne žlijezde. Najmlađi bolesnik imao je 7 godina, a najstariji 82 godine u momentu postavljanja dijagnoze. Srednja dob je bila 45 godina. NajviÅ”e je bilo papilamih (N=156), folikulamih (N=56), medulamih (N=28), a zatim slijede Hurthle (N=16), anaplastični (N=5) i ostali (N=5). ČeŔće obolijevaju žene (N=226) nego muÅ”karci (N=55), a pojava bolesti je najveća u 4, 5. i 6. desetljeću života. Tumor se javlja najčeŔće kao solitami čvor (N=106), te difuzna ili nodozna struma (N=132), a u 31 oboljelog kao povećani limfni čvor na vratu. Analizirana je važnost scintigrafije u postavljanju sumnje na karcinom Å”titnjače. Također su uspoređeni nalazi citoloÅ”ke punkcije sa definitivnom histoloÅ”kom dijagnozom. Uspoređen je opseg operacijskoga liječenja te liječenja radiojodom. Prikazanje i mortalitet od karcinoma Å”titnjače kroz tridesetogodiÅ”nje razdoblje.The purpose of the study was to analyse patients treated for thyroid cancer at the Centre for thyroid diseases, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Protection and Pathophysiology, Osijek Clinical Hospital over the period 1968-1998. The total of 281 patients with thyroid cancer were treated. The youngest patient was 7 and the oldest one 82 years old at the time the diagnosis was verified. The mean age was 45. They were diagnosed as follows: papillary cancer (N=156), follicular (N=56), medullar (N=28), Hurthle (N=16), anaplastical (N=5) and other (N=5). The disease occurred more often in females (N= 226) than in males (N=55). The frequency of the disease is the highest in the 4th, 5th and 6th decades of life. The tumours mostly presented as a solitary node (N=106) and as diffuse or nodular goiter (N=132). In 31 patients, the disease appeared as an enlarged lymph node on the neck. The value of the scintigraphy in suspected thyroid cancer was analysed. Also, the results of cytological punction and final pathohistological diagnoses were compared. The extent of surgical treatment and treatment with radioiodine was compared. Mortality rate of thyroid cancer in the 30-year period was present


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    Working as a team with patients who are also recreational runners and managing a running school in the City of Mostar had made us thinking on how recreational running affects the mental health in individuals. Previous literature is pretty old dated, so we found this even more interesting. We have wondered why there is no more recent literature on this subject. So, while working on this mini review and discussing on this subjects we came up with an idea on a research about self esteem and life quality of individuals pre and post running school experience. Previous studies show that consistent running results in a number of positive psychological changes among diverse populations. In a study of Kenneth E.C. ordinary nonprofessional runners were surveyed about the psychological aspects of running. Many of the respondents had started running to improve their health, and almost all noted mental and emotional benefits including relief of tension, improved self-image, and better mood. Considering therapeutic effects of running Greist et al. define running as not expensive, and unlike sorne other treatments, it has beneficiai physical side effects. Their results compare favorably with those of patients in psychotherapy and have persisted for at !east one year in follow-up. Taking in mind all of the previously published research it can be concluded that running can be a therapeutic tool for a sereies of negative psychological conditions, such ass depression, anxieta, tension, mood changes, low self esteem etc. Although, these research are a few decades old there is still no recipe or dosage for running, especially in the area of physical ilness prevention. There is much to research and to be discovered in this field

    Multi-Level Sensing Technologies in Landslide Researchā€”Hrvatska Kostajnica Case Study, Croatia

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    In March 2018, a landslide in Hrvatska Kostajnica completely destroyed multiple households. The damage was extensive, and lives were endangered. The question remains: Can it happen again? To enhance the knowledge and understanding of the soil and rock behaviour before, during, and after this geo-hazard event, multi-level sensing technologies in landslide research were applied. Day after the event field mapping and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) data were collected with the inspection of available orthophoto and ā€œgeoā€ data. For the landslide, a new geological column was developed with mineralogical and geochemical analyses. The application of differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) for detecting ground surface displacement was undertaken in order to determine pre-failure behaviour and to give indications about post-failure deformations. In 2020, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in the landslide body was undertaken to determine the depth of the landslide surface, and in 2021 ERT measurements in the vicinity of the landslide area were performed to obtain undisturbed material properties. Moreover, in 2021, detailed light detection and ranging (LIDAR) data were acquired for the area. All these different level data sets are being analyzed in order to develop a reliable landslide model as a first step towards answering the aforementioned question. Based on applied multi-level sensing technologies and acquired data, the landslide model is taking shape. However, further detailed research is still recommended

    Multi-Level Data Analyses in the Gajevo Landslide Research, Croatia

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    The Gajevo landslide is located in a hilly area of northern Croatia, where numerous landslides endanger and damage houses, roads, water systems, and power lines. Nevertheless, available landslide data are relatively scarce. Therefore, the Gajevo landslide location was chosen for detailed research and the development of a typical landslide model for this area. During initial research, the geographical and geological settings were reviewed and historical orthophotos were analysed. Due to the complexity and vulnerability of the area, the location required detailed investigations and the integration of multi-level data: remote (based on high-resolution LiDAR data) and field landslide mapping were performed and a map of the landslide area was developed. Precipitation data were reviewed, while shallow boreholes with material sampling and geophysical measurements provided information on material characteristics and 3D (depth) insight. As a result, knowledge was gained about material resistivity and composition along with the depth of sliding surfaces, and an engineering geological map of the Gajevo landslide area with the landslide and directly endangered areas marked was developed to be used by the local community in landslide risk assessment. As it is reasonable to expect that an extreme rainfall event will occur in combination with snowmelt in the coming years, resulting in the reactivation of Gajevo landslide, further research and continuous landslide monitoring are recommended