Analysis of patients with thyroid cancer treated at the Department of nuclear medicine, radiation protection and pathophysology over the period 1968 - 1998


Cilj studije je bio izvršiti analizu oboljelih od karcinoma štitnjače u razdoblju od 1968. do 1998. godine, koji su liječeni u Centru za bolesti štitnjače Odjela za nuklearnu medicinu, zaštitu od zračenja i patofiziologiju KB Osijek. Liječenje ukupno 281 bolesnik od karcinoma štitne žlijezde. Najmlađi bolesnik imao je 7 godina, a najstariji 82 godine u momentu postavljanja dijagnoze. Srednja dob je bila 45 godina. Najviše je bilo papilamih (N=156), folikulamih (N=56), medulamih (N=28), a zatim slijede Hurthle (N=16), anaplastični (N=5) i ostali (N=5). Češće obolijevaju žene (N=226) nego muškarci (N=55), a pojava bolesti je najveća u 4, 5. i 6. desetljeću života. Tumor se javlja najčešće kao solitami čvor (N=106), te difuzna ili nodozna struma (N=132), a u 31 oboljelog kao povećani limfni čvor na vratu. Analizirana je važnost scintigrafije u postavljanju sumnje na karcinom štitnjače. Također su uspoređeni nalazi citološke punkcije sa definitivnom histološkom dijagnozom. Uspoređen je opseg operacijskoga liječenja te liječenja radiojodom. Prikazanje i mortalitet od karcinoma štitnjače kroz tridesetogodišnje razdoblje.The purpose of the study was to analyse patients treated for thyroid cancer at the Centre for thyroid diseases, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Protection and Pathophysiology, Osijek Clinical Hospital over the period 1968-1998. The total of 281 patients with thyroid cancer were treated. The youngest patient was 7 and the oldest one 82 years old at the time the diagnosis was verified. The mean age was 45. They were diagnosed as follows: papillary cancer (N=156), follicular (N=56), medullar (N=28), Hurthle (N=16), anaplastical (N=5) and other (N=5). The disease occurred more often in females (N= 226) than in males (N=55). The frequency of the disease is the highest in the 4th, 5th and 6th decades of life. The tumours mostly presented as a solitary node (N=106) and as diffuse or nodular goiter (N=132). In 31 patients, the disease appeared as an enlarged lymph node on the neck. The value of the scintigraphy in suspected thyroid cancer was analysed. Also, the results of cytological punction and final pathohistological diagnoses were compared. The extent of surgical treatment and treatment with radioiodine was compared. Mortality rate of thyroid cancer in the 30-year period was present

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