29 research outputs found
MaxCut Above Guarantee
In this paper, we study the computational complexity of the Maximum Cut problem parameterized above guarantee. Our main result provides a linear kernel for the Maximum Cut problem in connected graphs parameterized above the spanning tree. This kernel significantly improves the previous O(k?) kernel given by Madathil, Saurabh, and Zehavi [ToCS 2020]. We also provide subexponential running time algorithms for this problem in special classes of graphs: chordal, split, and co-bipartite. We complete the picture by lower bounds under the assumption of the ETH. Moreover, we initiate a study of the Maximum Cut problem above 2/3|E| lower bound in tripartite graphs
Hardness of Approximation for H-Free Edge Modification Problems: Towards a Dichotomy
For a fixed graph H, the H-free Edge Deletion/Completion/Editing problem asks to delete/add/edit the minimum possible number of edges in G to get a graph that does not contain an induced subgraph isomorphic to the graph H. In this work, we investigate H-free Edge Deletion/Completion/Editing problems in terms of the hardness of their approximation. We formulate a conjecture according to which all the graphs with at least five vertices can be classified into several groups of graphs with specific structural properties depending on the hardness of approximation for the corresponding H-free Edge Deletion/Completion/Editing problems. Also, we make significant progress in proving that conjecture by showing that it is sufficient to resolve it only for a finite set of graphs
Solving Target Set Selection with Bounded Thresholds Faster than 2^n
In this paper we consider the Target Set Selection problem. The problem naturally arises in many fields like economy, sociology, medicine. In the Target Set Selection problem one is given a graph G with a function thr: V(G) -> N cup {0} and integers k, l. The goal of the problem is to activate at most k vertices initially so that at the end of the activation process there is at least l activated vertices. The activation process occurs in the following way: (i) once activated, a vertex stays activated forever; (ii) vertex v becomes activated if at least thr(v) of its neighbours are activated. The problem and its different special cases were extensively studied from approximation and parameterized points of view. For example, parameterizations by the following parameters were studied: treewidth, feedback vertex set, diameter, size of target set, vertex cover, cluster editing number and others.
Despite the extensive study of the problem it is still unknown whether the problem can be solved in O^*((2-epsilon)^n) time for some epsilon >0. We partially answer this question by presenting several faster-than-trivial algorithms that work in cases of constant thresholds, constant dual thresholds or when the threshold value of each vertex is bounded by one-third of its degree. Also, we show that the problem parameterized by l is W[1]-hard even when all thresholds are constant
Parameterized Algorithms for Partitioning Graphs into Highly Connected Clusters
Clustering is a well-known and important problem with numerous applications. The graph-based model is one of the typical cluster models. In the graph model generally clusters are defined as cliques. However, such approach might be too restrictive as in some applications, not all objects from the same cluster must be connected. That is why different types of cliques relaxations often considered as clusters.
In our work, we consider a problem of partitioning graph into clusters and a problem of isolating cluster of a special type where by cluster we mean highly connected subgraph. Initially, such clusterization was proposed by Hartuv and Shamir. And their HCS clustering algorithm was extensively applied in practice. It was used to cluster cDNA fingerprints, to find complexes in protein-protein interaction data, to group protein sequences hierarchically into superfamily and family clusters, to find families of regulatory RNA structures. The HCS algorithm partitions graph in highly connected subgraphs. However, it is achieved by deletion of not necessarily the minimum number of edges. In our work, we try to minimize the number of edge deletions. We consider problems from the parameterized point of view where the main parameter is a number of allowed edge deletions. The presented algorithms significantly improve previous known running times for the Highly Connected Deletion (improved from cOsleft(81^kright) to cOsleft(3^kright)), Isolated Highly Connected Subgraph (from cOs(4^k) to cOsleft(k^{cOleft(k^{sfrac{2}{3}}right)}right) ), Seeded Highly Connected Edge Deletion (from cOsleft(16^{k^{sfrac{3}{4}}}right) to cOsleft(k^{sqrt{k}}right)) problems. Furthermore, we present a subexponential algorithm for Highly Connected Deletion problem if the number of clusters is bounded. Overall our work contains three subexponential algorithms which is unusual as very recently there were known very few problems admitting subexponential algorithms