7,075 research outputs found

    Stratifying ideals and twisted products

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    We study stratifying ideals for rings in the context of relative homological algebra. Using LU-decompositions, which are a special type of twisted products, we give a sufficient condition for an idempotent ideal to be (relative) stratifying.Comment: 14 page

    Business Models For Transport eBusiness

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    In this paper authors are presenting expectations from electronic commerce and its connotations on transport logistics. Based on trends, the relations between the companies in the international transport have to be strengthened using Internet business models. In the paper authors are investigating e-business information models for usage in transportbusiness models, eBusiness, digital economy, transport

    Urban spatial structure and suburbanisation. The case of the Barcelona Metropolitan

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    The metropolitan spatial structure displays various patterns, sometimes monocentricity and sometimes multicentricity, which seems much more complicated than the exponential density function used in classic works such as Clark (1961), Muth (1969) or Mills (1973) among others, can effectively represent. It seems that a more flexible density function,such as cubic spline function (Anderson (1982), Zheng (1991), etc.) to describe the density-accessibility relationship is needed. Also, accessibility, the fundamental determinant of density variations, is only partly captured by the inclusion of distance to the city centre as an explanatory variable. Steen (1986) has proposed to correct that miss-especification by including an additional gradient for distance to the nearest transportation axis. In identifying the determinants of urban spatial structure in the context of inter-urban systems, some of the variables proposed by Muth (1969), Mills (1973) and Alperovich (1983) such as city age or population, make no sense in the case of a single urban system. All three criticism to the exponential density function and its determinants apply for the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, a polycentric conurbation structured on well defined transportation axes.Suburbanisation, decentralisation, Barcelona

    Izazovi manipuliranja imunološkim sustavom u svrhu liječenja raka prostate

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    First cancer vaccine that was approved for routine therapy was sipuleucel-T for treatment of patients with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer. However, other immunotherapy drugs evaluated in prostate cancer, particularly immune checkpoint inhibitors, have failed to show therapeutic effect. There are several potential explanations for lack of response of prostate cancer to these drugs. These explanations, which are related to specific genetic (e.g. low mutational burden) and immunological (e.g. immunosuppressive tumor immune microenvironment) background of prostate cancer are discussed in this review. Also, new therapeutic strategies to overcome prostate cancer immunotherapy resistance and to select subgroups of patients that could benefit from immunotherapy are outlined.Prva vakcina za rak koja je odobrena za rutinsko liječenje bio je sipuleucel-T za liječenje bolesnika s metastatskim kastracijski rezistentnim rakom prostate. Međutim, drugi imunoterapijski lijekovi koji su bili istraživani u bolesnika s rakom prostate, posebno inhibitori imunološke kontrolne točke, nisu pokazali terapijski učinak. Nekoliko je mogućih objašnjenja za nedostatak terapijskog odgovora na ove lijekove kod raka prostate. Ta objašnjenja koja su vezana uz specifična genetička (npr. nisko mutacijsko opterećenje) i imunološka (npr. imunosupresivni tumorski imunološki mikrookoliš) obilježja raka prostate opisana su u ovom preglednom radu. Također, prikazane su nove terapijske strategije s ciljem prevladavanja otpornosti raka prostate na imunoterapiju i za odabir podskupina bolesnika u kojih se može očekivati korist od imunoterapije

    Financial Performance Analysis on KALBE FARMA Tbk as Compared to other national and International Pharmaceutical Companies

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    Indonesia is a very big nation. It consists of 13,466 islands, and currently being the 4th highest populated country in the world with a population number of over 238 million people. Even until today, the human race still cannot live disease-free. We still got diseases because viruses are also evolving, like us. This has created an opportunity for pharmaceutical industry to make profit from selling drugs and medicines. There are many pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia, consisting of national and multi-national companies. Kalbe Farma, which was created in 1966, is the one with the biggest market share in the Indonesian pharmaceutical industry currently.The formulation of the problem in this research is about how good is the Kalbe Farma’s financial performance, analyzed using financial ratios of the company which calculated based on their annual report, DuPont formula, and Compound Annual Groth Rate (CAGR), then compared to other companies from the similar industry, nationally and internationally.The research is aimed at finding out the performance of Kalbe Farma Pharmaceutical Company financially, and then to compare the result with other companies which are Tempo Scan, Kimia Farma, Merck Indonesia, Darya Varia (national) and Pfizer (international).Keywords: Pharmaceutical industry, financial ratios, DuPont formula, CAGR, financial performance

    Microfluidic tools and high-content imaging for cell therapy bioprocessing

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    Culture parameters including type of matrix, feeding regimes and media formulations have to be fine-tuned in order to obtain the desired cell quality attributes that will be the basis of large scale bioprocess development. Costly and time consuming screenings, usually performed in multi-well plates, are undertaken to obtain preliminary results. In contrast, microfluidics offers the possibility to perform studies of different parameters in an integrated manner, with high-throughput analysis, lower consumption of reagents and reduction in time. This approach has the possibility to unveil valuable information in early stages of process development that can reduce the risks associated with scale-up. In one working example, a range of process parameters were screened for the development of a microcarrier-based cell culture of a commercial cell line. Two different media flow rates and four different microcarrier substrates were assessed for their capacity to sustain cell growth and known markers of different stages of cell differentiation. It was possible to define combinations of parameters that yield very distinct outcomes in terms of cell number and identity. In a second working example, modular production of bone-like tissue using mesenchymal stem cells, different implantable biomaterial scaffolds and different culture media feeds was assessed. In situ analysis identified optimal combinations of parameters that maintained multipotency in Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and also combinations that promote MSCs maturation. Scaling up to 125 mL cultures enabled the production of large clusters of bone-like material

    Genomika raka prostate: klinička primjena i izazovi

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    The studying of prostate cancer genomics is important for understanding prostate cancer biology, it can provide clinically relevant stratification into subtypes, the development of new prognostic and predictive markers in the context of precision medicine, and the development of new targeted therapies. Recent studies have provided detailed insight into genomics, epigenomics and proteomics of prostate cancer, both primary and metastatic castration-resistant (mCRPC). Many mutations have been discovered, both those that occur early in the carcinogenesis and progression as well as those responsible for the resistance to therapy occurring later under the influence of treatment. A large number of characteristic mutated signaling pathways has been identified, e.g. the mutations in DNA repair pathway were found in 23% of mCRPC, which suggests potential response to PARP inhibitors. Multifocality and intralesional genomic heterogeneity of prostate cancer make the clinical application of genomics complicated. Although a great progress was made in understanding prostate cancer genomic, and clinical studies related to its routine application are ongoing, prostate cancer genomics still needs to find its standard wide routine application in patients with prostate cancer.Istraživanje genomike raka prostate je važno za razumijevanje biologije raka prostate, može omogućiti klinički relevantnu stratifikaciju u podtipove, razvoj novih prognostičkih i prediktivnih biljega u kontekstu precizne medicine i razvoj novih ciljanih terapija. Novija istraživanja omogućila su detaljan uvid u genomiku, epigenomiku i proteomiku raka prostate, i primarnog i metastatskog otpornog na kastraciju (mCRPC). Tako je otkriven velik broj karakterističnih mutacija, kako onih koje se događaju rano u nastanku i progresiji raka prostate, tako i onih koje nastaju kasnije pod utjecajem terapije i odgovorne su za rezistenciju na liječenje. Identificirani su signalni putovi karakteristično pogođeni mutacijama, npr. u 23% mCRPC nađene su mutacije u genima za popravak oštećenja DNA što ukazuje na moguć odgovor na liječenje PARP inhibitorima. Ono što komplicira kliničku primjenu genomike je multifokalnost te intralezijska i interlezijska genomska heterogenost raka prostate. Iako je ostvaren veliki napredak u razumijevanju genomike raka prostate i provode se klinička istraživanja vezana uz njenu rutinsku primjenu, genomika još treba naći svoju standardnu široku rutinsku primjenu u bolesnika s rakom prostate