4 research outputs found

    Linac failure diagnostics

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    The data processing subroutine from 60 discrete detectors is developed for the operating control system [1] of the technological linac. It uses a dialogue regime of work. This subroutine allows us to find a basic cause of linac failures in certain circuit, as well as the site of fault. Recommendations for repair are also given

    Control system of electron linac LU-40

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    The reconstruction of a two-section electron LU-40 linac was finished in 2004. The accelerator consists of two accelerating sections and an injector, the latter includes a diode electron gun, a klystron type buncher and an accelerating cavity. Pulse current at the accelerator exit is up to 200 µA, the beam energy is up to 100 MeV.В 2004 году закончена реконструкция двухсекционного линейного ускорителя электронов ЛУ-40. Ускоритель состоит из двух ускоряющих секций и инжектора, который включает в себя диодную электронную пушку, группирователь и ускоряющий резонатор. Импульсный ток на выходе ускорителя до 200 мА, энергия пучка до 100 МэВ.У 2004 році закінчено реконструкцію двохсекційного лінійного прискорювача електронів ЛП-40. Прискорювач складається з двох прискорюючих секцій та інжектора, який включає до себе діодну електронну гармату, груповач і прискорюючий резонатор. Імпульсний струм на виході прискорювача досягає 200 мА, енергія пучка − 100 МеВ

    Control system by the technological electron linac KUT-20

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    The high-power technological electron linac KUT-20 was developed at the Science Research Complex “Accelerator” of NSC KIPT. The linac consists of two 1.2 m length accelerating structures with a variable geometry and an injector. The latter comprises a diode electron gun, a klystron type buncher and an accelerating cavity. With a RF supply power at accelerating structure entries of 11 MW and with a current at the accelerator exit of 1 A, the beam energy will be up to 20 MeV. An average beam power is planned to be 20 kW [1]. All systems of the accelerator are controlled by a computerised control system. The program & technical complex consist of PC equipped with fast ADC, control console, synchronization unit, microprocessor-operated complexes

    Control system in the technological electron linacs

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    In recent years in the Science Research Complex "Accelerator" in NSC KIPT the power current technological electron linacs are developed and put into operation. Their energy varies from 8 MeV to 30 MeV, the pulse current does not exceed 1A and the operating frequency is 150-300 Hz. The one- section linacs, KUT and LU-10, and two- section linac EPOS are used primarily for technological aims. The technological object zone irradiated by accelerated electrons is created with the magnet scanning syste