32 research outputs found

    Predicting sulphur and nitrogen deposition using a simple statistical method

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    Data from 32 long-term (1994–2012) monitoring sites were used to assess temporal development and spatial variability of sulphur (S) and inorganic nitrogen (N) concentrations in bulk precipitation, and S in throughfall, for the Czech Republic. Despite large variance in absolute S and N concentration/deposition among sites, temporal coherence using standardised data (Z score) was demonstrated. Overall significant declines of SO4 concentration in bulk and throughfall precipitation, as well as NO3 and NH4 concentration in bulk precipitation, were observed. Median Z score values of bulk SO4, NO3 and NH4 and throughfall SO4 derived from observations and the respective emission rates of SO2, NOx and NH3 in the Czech Republic and Slovakia showed highly significant (p < 0.001) relationships. Using linear regression models, Z score values were calculated for the whole period 1900–2012 and then back-transformed to give estimates of concentration for the individual sites. Uncertainty associated with the concentration calculations was estimated as 20% for SO4 bulk precipitation, 22% for throughfall SO4, 18% for bulk NO3 and 28% for bulk NH4. The application of the method suggested that it is effective in the long-term reconstruction and prediction of S and N deposition at a variety of sites. Multiple regression modelling was used to extrapolate site characteristics (mean precipitation chemistry and its standard deviation) from monitored to unmonitored sites. Spatially distributed temporal development of S and N depositions were calculated since 1900. The method allows spatio-temporal estimation of the acid deposition in regions with extensive monitoring of precipitation chemistry

    Measurements of ground-level ozone in Czech mountain forests: what we have learnt from using diffusive samplers

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    Ground-level ozone (O3) is a key atmospheric constituent participating in many important atmospheric reactions, and has many negative effects both on human health and the environment. We have measured O3 ambient concentrations in four Czech rural areas of great natural value: the Orlicke hory Mts., Novohradske hory Mts., Česke Švycarsko and Jizerske hory Mts. For our measurement we used Ogawa diffusive samplers. The measurements were carried out during the vegetations seasons of 2004–2010, the samplers were exposed for two-weeks periods and the filters analyzed in the CHMI laboratory. The aim of this paper is to summarize the experience we have of using the diffusive sampling method in the field

    Ambient Air Quality in the Czech Republic

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    Ambient air quality in the present-day Czech Republic (CR), one of the two succession countries of Czechoslovakia post-1993, was perceived as a major problem with severe human health and environmental consequences, particularly between the 1970s and 1990s [...

    Ambient Air Quality in the Czech Republic: Past and Present

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    Based on an analysis of related core papers and reports, this review presents a historical perspective on ambient air pollution and ambient air quality development in the modern-day Czech Republic (CR) over the past seven decades, i.e., from the 1950s to the present. It offers insights into major air pollution problems, reveals the main hot spots and problematic regions and indicates the principal air pollutants in the CR. Air pollution is not presented as a stand-alone problem, but in the wider context of air pollution impacts both on human health and the environment in the CR. The review is arranged into three main parts: (1) the time period until the Velvet Revolution of 1989, (2) the transition period of the 1990s and (3) the modern period after 2000. Obviously, a major improvement in ambient air quality has been achieved since the 1970s and 1980s, when air pollution in the former Czechoslovakia culminated. Nevertheless, new challenges including fine aerosol, benzo[a]pyrene and ground-level ozone, of which the limit values are still vastly exceeded, have emerged. Furthermore, in spite of a significant reduction in overall emissions, the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen, in particular, remains high in some regions

    Znečištění ovzduší v oblasti Los Angeles

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    Mezinárodní konference ACID RAIN 2005

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    Přízemní ozon jako jeden z faktorů oxidativního stresu v horských lesích =Surface as one of several oxidative stress factors in mountain forests

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    Článek se zabývá vlivem přízemního ozonu (O3) na smrk ztepilý v horských lesích ČR. Imisní koncentrace O3 byly měřeny v Jizerských horách na 11 lokalitách v různých nadmořských výškách ve vegetačních sezónách 2006 a 2007. Pro měření O3 byly použity difuzní dozimetry Ogawa. Vliv O3 byl sledován na jehlicích smrku makroskopicky, mikroskopicky a biochemickou analýzou. Výsledky analýz ukázaly, že poškození jehlic souvisí s koncentracemi O3 a nadmořskou výškou. Významnou úlohu též hrála expozice svahu vůči slunečnímu záření. Nejvyšší poškození jehlic bylo zaznamenáno na lokalitě Předěl s jižní expozicí. Naproti tomu severně orientovaná lokalita Rybí loučky vykázala nejmenší poškození jehlic. Nejprůkazněji bylo poškození jehlic O3 prokázáno mikroskopickou analýzou.Our study examined the surface ozone (O3) impact on the Norway spruce in mountain forests of the Czech Republic. O3 levels were measured in the Jizerské hory Mts. at eleven sites of different altitudes. We measured during the 2006 and 2007 vegetation seasons, using diffusive samplers Ogawa. Three and four year old needles were sampled in the year 2009 and subsequently used for macroscopic, microscopic, and biochemical analyses. Association was found between altitude, O3 concentrations and needle injury. Appart from O3, the site exposition towards the solar radiation was another important factor. The most injured needles were found at the southern Předěl site. In contrast, the northern Rybí loučky site was the less injured. The microscopic analysis was apparently the most relevant for assessment of O3 induced oxidative stress injury.81

    Fytotoxický potenciál přízemního ozonu pro lesy v České republice =Ambient ozone phytotoxic potential for forests in the Czech Republic

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    Příspěvek hodnotí fytotoxický potenciál přízemního ozonu pro lesy v České republice za použití expozičního indexu AOT40F. Prezentovány jsou trendy AOT40F na vybraných regionálních stanicích národní monitorovací sítě AIM ČHMÚ za období 1994-2008 a mapy s odhadem prostoroveho rozložení AOT40F pro roky 2003, 2006 a 2007. Výsledky indikují vysoký fytotoxický potenciál pro značnou část území ČR. Ve vegetačních zónách s meteorologickými podmínkami příznivými pro vznik vysokých koncentrací ozonu, je kritická hodnota pro ochranu lesů 5 ppm.h překračována vícenásobně než ve vegetačních sezónách s meteorologickými podmínkami nepříznivými; od začátku měření přízemního ozonu v r. 1993 je však překračována každoročně a na všech měřicích stanicích. V extrémně teplém a suchém roce 2003 byla kritická hodnota pro ochranu lesů překročena na 31 % zalesněné plochy ČR dokonce více než 6 krát. Vůbec nejvyšší hodnoty expozičního indexu za celou dobu měření byly v národní monitorovací síti AIM ČHMÚ naměřeny na stanicích Souš v r. 1994 (39 ppm.h), na stanici Přebuz a Rýchory v r. 2003 (38 ppm.h) a na stanici Bílý Kříž v r. 1995 (37,7 ppm.h). Průběh nárůstu expozičního indexu AOT40F se v jednotlivých vegetačních sezónách významně liší v důsledku rozdílných meteorologických podmínek, kritická hodnota 5 ppm.h však bývá dosažena poměrně brzy, a to zpravidla již v průběhu května.The paper estimates the ambient ozone phytotoxic potential for forests in the Czech Republic using the AOT40F exposure index. The AOT40F trends for selected regional sites operated by the CHMI during 1994- 2008, and maps showing the AOT40F spatial distribution for 2003, 2006 and 2007 are presented. Our results indicate high phytotoxic potential for most of the CR. In vegetation periods with meteorological conditions conducive for ambient ozone formation, the critical level for forests - set up as 5 ppm.h - is exceeded more folds as compared to the vegetation periods with non-conducive conditions; nevertheless it is exceeded at all stations always since the very beginning of the ambient ozone monitoring in the CR in 1993. In extremely hot and dry 2003 vegetation season, the critical level for forests was exceeded through the 31 % of the Czech forested area even more than 6 times. The highest AOT40 values within the entire measuring period were recorded at the Souš site in 1994 (39 ppm.h), at the Přebuz and Rýchory sites in 2003 (38 ppm.h) and at the Bílý Kříž site in 1995 (37,7 ppm.h). The curve of AOT40F increase for individual vegetation seasons differs significantly regarding the meteorological conditions, the critical value of 5 ppm.h is usually exceeded rather early, in the beginning of the vegetation season, generally in May.737