17 research outputs found

    Hierarchical clustering of top ranked genes in both of the Rat models in vivo, in vitro.

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    <p>In red values with high MB statistic and in blue negative MB values. Rat in vitro (left) and Rat in vivo (right). Colored bar on the top shows DILI concern, black means unassigned or model compound, yellow indicates No DILI, orange Less DILI and red Most DILI.</p

    Hierarchical clustering of top ranked genes in Human in vitro model.

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    <p>In the x-axis the compounds are shown and in the y-axis the selected genes by MB and MAD. In red, values with high MB statistic and in blue negative MB values. Colored bar on the top shows DILI concern, black means unassigned or model compound, yellow indicates No DILI, orange Less DILI and red Most DILI. Gene set enrichment analysis (top-right) was done with pre-ranked GSEA. Marked with a green vertical bar are genes that remain significant across the majority of compounds and the list on the far right shows the list of compounds with the highest statistical significance.</p

    Time course approach on different compounds.

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    <p>(a) Carbon Tetrachloride on Human in vitro samples (b) Aspirin on Human in vitro samples and (c) Phenytoin on Rat in vitro samples. Colors are assigned by dose: Control(red), Low (green), Middle (blue), High (cyan). On the x-axis the time measurements 2hr, 8hr, 24hr; on the y-axis the gene expression values at each time point.</p

    Gene expression profiles through an unsupervised hierarchical clustering approach of differentially expressed genes in both, non-stimulated and LPG-stimulated NK cells.

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    <p>The heatmap shows expression patterns of genes involved in the activation of the immune response. Columns represent samples, color bars on the horizontal above the heatmap label the different groups: DCL in green, LCL in magenta and Controls in black. Each row represents gene expression level across samples. Heatmap colors show up-regulation in red and down-regulated genes in blue.</p

    Differentially expressed genes on all nine contrasts.

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    <p>Bars in green represent down-regulated genes and in red those up-regulated. The Y axis represents the number of differentially expressed genes. The last six bars on the far right (Inter) show the effect of LPG stimulation (6 h) on NK cells of controls, LCL and DCL patients, revealing an almost negligible effect in all three groups. Non-stimulated NK cells (NS), LPG-stimulated NK cells (LPG) and comparison between LPG <i>vs</i> NS (Inter). Healthy controls (C), localized cutaneous leishmaniasis patients (LCL), diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis patients (DCL).</p