3 research outputs found

    Analyse de la variabilité de l'écoulement liquide de la riviere Buzãu dans son secteur inférieur

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    Water flow analysis of the Buzau River in its inferior sector. Buzau River is one of the most important tributaries of Siret river. The lower section of Buzau river is situated in an area of low plain which undergoes an active subsidence. The characteristics of the river’s water flow were analysed on the period between 1956 and 2011, by considering the values of the mean flow measured at the two hydrometric stations situated in the river’s lower section, Banita and Racovita. Mean water flow variability analysis in the lower section of Buzau river shows its fluctuations on annual scale and the multiannual trends for a 56-year time lapse in a region that is vulnerable to the flood risk. The great flows variability is caused by the irregular rainfall distribution over time which is specific to the eastern part of the Romanian Plain. These oscillations are also reflected in the variation of Buzau river annual mean flows that present a drop for the analysed period. Although there is a strong correlation between the discharges measured at the two stations, a loss of water is observed downstream the Banita station, meaning a reduction of water resources in an area frequently affected by drought

    Les ressources en eau de la plaine de Braila (Roumanie) et leur valorisation économique

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    Water Resources in the Brăila Plain (Romania) and their economic capitalization. The aim of this study is to analyze the water resources in the Brăila Plain, in terms of temporal variability and of economic use of these natural assets. In the stu dy area, the water resources are represented by the natural lakes (Ianca, Plopu, Esna, Lutu Alb, Movila Miresii, Sărat - Brăila, Batogu), by the Călmățui river and also by the phreatic aquifers. This study is based on climatic data (annual rainfall amounts, potential evapotranspiration sums) and hydrological data (average discharges of Călmățui River, phreatic levels from three monitoring wells), that were analyzed through statistical methods. Thus, the temporal trends and statistical correlations between stu died parameters were obtained. Also, the water resources were assessed by applying the total economic value method. At multiannual scale, the quantitative reduction of water resources is observed both in the case of surface waters (decreasing trends of Căl mățui discharges) and of groundwater levels, with negative implications on the water resources future availability and on their long - term using potential