4 research outputs found

    Methodological Aspects in Randomized Clinical Trials of Nutritional Interventions

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    Nutrition is an essential component when promoting human health. Without a doubt, improving the quality of one’s diet can improve one’s quality of life as a whole and help postpone the onset or control of many chronic diseases. The volume of publications in this field has increased in recent years, in line with increased awareness of the importance of nutrition in health; however, the quality of the evidence on which most nutritional guidelines are based remains low, due to errors in conducting nutritional interventions or because the information is primarily derived from observational studies. To enhance the evidence supporting clinical guidelines in nutrition, the quality of randomized clinical trials (RCT) based on nutritional interventions must be improved; nevertheless, due to their heterogeneous nature and a lack of specific guidelines for designing, performing, documenting, and reporting on this type of intervention, conducting a nutritional intervention is a real challenge. Following a review of the literature on the methodological and ethical standards, as well as four extensions of the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) guidelines that should be considered when implementing a nutritional intervention, seven essential aspects were identified. The current narrative review includes definitions, examples, diagrams, and algorithms regarding aspects of the appropriate study design, the intervention of the control group, the randomization and blinding processes, the study population selection, as well as a description of the type of intervention and the personnel involved in carrying out the study in order to make the implementation of a nutritional intervention easier

    Loss of the Y Chromosome: A Review of Molecular Mechanisms, Age Inference, and Implications for Men’s Health

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    Until a few years ago, it was believed that the gradual mosaic loss of the Y chromosome (mLOY) was a normal age-related process. However, it is now known that mLOY is associated with a wide variety of pathologies in men, such as cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, and many types of cancer. Nevertheless, the mechanisms that generate mLOY in men have not been studied so far. This task is of great importance because it will allow focusing on possible methods of prophylaxis or therapy for diseases associated with mLOY. On the other hand, it would allow better understanding of mLOY as a possible marker for inferring the age of male samples in cases of human identification. Due to the above, in this work, a comprehensive review of the literature was conducted, presenting the most relevant information on the possible molecular mechanisms by which mLOY is generated, as well as its implications for men’s health and its possible use as a marker to infer age

    Association of the rs1966265 and rs351855 <i>FGFR4</i> Variants with Colorectal Cancer in a Mexican Population and Their Analysis In Silico

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    The aim of this study was to associate FGFR4 rs1966265 and rs351855 variants with colorectal cancer (CRC) in a Mexican population and to perform in silico analysis. Genomic DNA from 412 healthy individuals and 475 CRC patients was analyzed. In silico analysis was performed using the PolyPhen-V2, GEPIA, GTEx, and Cytoscape platforms. The GA genotype dominant model (GAAA) of rs1966265 and the AA genotype dominant and recessive models of rs351855 were identified as CRC risk factors (p p p p EFNA4, SLC3A2, and HNF1A share signaling pathways with FGFR4. Therefore, rs1966265 and rs351855 may be potential CRC risk factors