3 research outputs found

    Comparative study of spermatogenesis and nucleolar behavior in testicular lobes of Euschistus heros (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)

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    In some testicular lobes of the Pentatomidae there may be occurrence of atypical spermatogenesis or polymegaly, leading to the production of nonfertile sperm. The comparative analysis of spermatogenesis and nucleolar behavior in testicular lobes of Euschistus heros showed cells with polymegaly in lobes 4 and 6. Generally, when these lobes are present in the same individual, there is also the formation of atypical cells in the flanking lobe. Such characteristic was not seen in E. heros. However, differences regarding the concentration of heteropyknotic chromatin and silver-positive bodies in this lobe deserve attention. This study explored the literature and demonstrated the prevalence of some lobes in the formation of differentiated cells. It was also found in the literature that there is an association of the chromocenter with the nucleolus in several species of Pentatomidae, but in E. heros this association does not appear to occur. © 2010 Hederson Vinicius de Souza and Mary Massumi Itoyama

    Effects of caffeine on mitotic index in Drosophila prosaltans (Diptera)

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    O efeito de duas concentrações de cafeína (1500 e 2500 mg/ml) sobre o índice mitótico em Drosophila prosaltans foi analisado em células de gânglios cerebrais de larvas. Embora as diferenças detectadas entre células controle e tratadas não sejam significativas, as porcentagens obtidas poderiam ser sugestivas de algum efeito da cafeína ampliando a duração do processo de divisão celularThe effect of two concentrations of caffeine (1500 mg/ml and 2500 mg/ml) on mitotic indices of Drosophila prosaltans was analyzed in larval brain cells. Although the differences detected between treated and control cells were not significant, the percentages obtained suggest a possible effect of caffeine in slowing the process of cell divisio