68 research outputs found

    Repeated freeze–thaw cycles reduce the survival rate of osteocytes in bone-tendon constructs without affecting the mechanical properties of tendons

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    Frozen bone-patellar tendon bone allografts are useful in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction as the freezing procedure kills tissue cells, thereby reducing immunogenicity of the grafts. However, a small portion of cells in human femoral heads treated by standard bone-bank freezing procedures survive, thus limiting the effectiveness of allografts. Here, we characterized the survival rates and mechanisms of cells isolated from rat bones and tendons that were subjected to freeze–thaw treatments, and evaluated the influence of these treatments on the mechanical properties of tendons. After a single freeze–thaw cycle, most cells isolated from frozen bone appeared morphologically as osteocytes and expressed both osteoblast- and osteocyte-related genes. Transmission electron microscopic observation of frozen cells using freeze-substitution revealed that a small number of osteocytes maintained large nuclei with intact double membranes, indicating that these osteocytes in bone matrix were resistant to ice crystal formation. We found that tendon cells were completely killed by a single freeze–thaw cycle, whereas bone cells exhibited a relatively high survival rate, although survival was significantly reduced after three freeze–thaw cycles. In patella tendons, the ultimate stress, Young’s modulus, and strain at failure showed no significant differences between untreated tendons and those subjected to five freeze–thaw cycles. In conclusion, we identified that cells surviving after freeze–thaw treatment of rat bones were predominantly osteocytes. We propose that repeated freeze–thaw cycles could be applied for processing bone-tendon constructs prior to grafting as the treatment did not affect the mechanical property of tendons and drastically reduced surviving osteocytes, thereby potentially decreasing allograft immunogenecity

    A new technique for seeding chondrocytes onto solvent-preserved human meniscus using the chemokinetic effect of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2

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    Many investigators are currently studying the use of decellularized tissue allografts from human cadavers as scaffolds onto which patients’ cells could be seeded, or as carriers for genetically engineered cells to aid cell transplantation. However, it is difficult to seed cells onto very dense regular connective tissue which has few interstitial spaces. Here, we discuss the development of a chemotactic cell seeding technique using solvent-preserved human meniscus. A chemokinetic response to recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) was observed in a monolayer culture of primary chondrocytes derived from femoral epiphyseal cartilage of 2-day-old rats. The rhBMP-2 significantly increased their migration upto 10 ng/ml in a dose-dependent manner. When tested with solvent-preserved human meniscus as a scaffold, which has few interstitial spaces, rhBMP-2 was able to induce chondrocytes to migrate into the meniscus. After a 3-week incubation, newly-formed cartilaginous extracellular matrix was synthesized by migrated chondrocytes throughout the meniscus, down to a depth of 3 mm. These findings demonstrate that rhBMP-2 may be a natural chemokinetic factor in vivo, which induces migration of proliferative chondrocytes into the narrow interfibrous spaces. Our results suggest a potential application of rhBMP-2 for the designed distribution of chondrocytes into a scaffold to be used for tissue engineering

    Influence of internal fixator flexibility on murine fracture healing as characterized by mechanical testing and microCT imaging

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    Mechanically well-defined stabilization systems have only recently become available, providing standardized conditions for studying the role of the mechanical environment on mouse bone fracture healing. The aim of this study was to characterize the time course of strength recovery and callus development of mouse femoral osteotomies stabilized with either low or high flexibility (in bending and torsion) internal fixation plates. Animals were euthanized and femora excised at 14, 21, and 28 days post-osteotomy for microCT analysis and torsional strength testing. While a larger mineralized callus was observed in osteotomies under more flexible conditions at all time points, the earlier bridging of the mineralized callus under less flexible conditions by 1 week resulted in an earlier recovery of torsional strength in mice stabilized with low flexibility fixation. Ultimate torque values for these bones were significantly higher at 14 and 21 days post-osteotomy compared to bones with the more flexible stabilization. Our study confirms the high reproducibility of the results that are achieved with this new implant system, therefore making it ideal for studying the influence of the mechanical environment on murine fracture healing under highly standardized conditions

    Analysis of the factors of correct and non-responses answers of Japanese language open-ended questions in elementary school

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    本研究の目的は、小学校の国語における記述式問題の正答・無回答と関連する要因について検討することであった。そのために予備研究では、平成19年度から平成25年度までの全国学力学習状況調査B問題の記述式問題を詳細に分析することで、本研究の問題セットを作成した。その過程と、石井(2009) の結果を参考に記述式問題解決に求められる能力を5つに分類することができた。本研究においては、予備研究で作成した問題セットを児童に実施し、その結果の正答率と無回答率から5つの能力の難易度と各能力間の関連を検討した。その結果、相対的に正答率が高いにも関わらず無回答率が低い能力は「情報の取り出し」、正答率が低く無回答率の高い能力は「統合」と「統合+自分の考え」であることが明らかになった。また正答率全体との相関が高い能力は「統合」であることが明らかになった

    Histological and radiological characterisation of the MouseFix murine fracture model

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