996 research outputs found

    Massive gene losses in Asian cultivated rice unveiled by comparative genome analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world. With increasing world demand for food crops, there is an urgent need to develop new cultivars that have enhanced performance with regard to yield, disease resistance, and so on. Wild rice is expected to provide useful genetic resources that could improve the present cultivated species. However, the quantity and quality of these unexplored resources remain unclear. Recent accumulation of the genomic information of both cultivated and wild rice species allows for their comparison at the molecular level. Here, we compared the genome sequence of <it>Oryza sativa </it>ssp. <it>japonica </it>with sets of bacterial artificial chromosome end sequences (BESs) from two wild rice species, <it>O. rufipogon </it>and <it>O. nivara</it>, and an African rice species, <it>O. glaberrima</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that about four to five percent of the BESs of the two wild rice species and about seven percent of the African rice could not be mapped to the <it>japonica </it>genome, suggesting that a substantial number of genes have been lost in the <it>japonica </it>rice lineage; however, their close relatives still possess their counterpart genes. We estimated that during evolution, <it>O. sativa </it>has lost at least one thousand genes that are still preserved in the genomes of the other species. In addition, our BLASTX searches against the non-redundant protein sequence database showed that disease resistance-related proteins were significantly overrepresented in the close relative-specific genomic portions. In total, 235 unmapped BESs of the three relatives matched 83 non-redundant proteins that contained a disease resistance protein domain, most of which corresponded to an NBS-LRR domain.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We found that the <it>O. sativa </it>lineage appears to have recently experienced massive gene losses following divergence from its wild ancestor. Our results imply that the domestication process accelerated large-scale genomic deletions in the lineage of Asian cultivated rice and that the close relatives of cultivated rice have the potential to restore the lost traits.</p

    Suzaku Results on the Obscured Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nucleus in NGC 4258

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    In 2006 June, the obscured low luminosity active galactic nucleus in the nearby Seyfert 1.9 galaxy NGC 4258 was observed with Suzaku for ~ 100 ks. Utilizing the XIS and the HXD, the nucleus emission was detected over 2 to 40 keV range, with an unabsorbed 2--10 keV luminosity of 8 x 10 40 erg / s, and varied by a factor of ~ 2 during the observation. Its 2--40 keV spectrum is reproduced by a single power law with photon index of ~ 2.0, absorbed by an equivalent hydrogen column of ~ 1.0 x 10 23 cm2. The spectrum within 4' of the nucleus required also a softer thin-thermal emission, as well as an intermediate hardness component attributable to integrated point sources. A weak neutral Fe-Kalpha florescence line was detected at an equivalent width of ~ 40 eV. The cold reflection component was not required by the data, with the reflector solid angle Omega seen from the nucleus constrained as Omega / 2 pi < 0.3 assuming a general case of 60 deg inclination. The results suggest that the cold reflecting material around the nucleus is localized along our line of sight, rather than forming a thick torus.Comment: PASJ, NGC4258, Suzaku, 12 pages, 11 figure

    Discovery of a bright transient ultraluminous X-ray source Suzaku J1305-4931 in NGC 4945

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    This paper reports the discovery of a bright X-ray transient source, Suzaku J1305-4913, in the south-west arm of the nearby Seyfert II galaxy NGC 4945. It was detected at a 0.5 -- 10 keV flux of 2.2×10−122.2 \times 10^{-12} erg cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1} during the Suzaku observation conducted on 2006 January 15 -- 17, but was undetectable in a shorter observation on 2005 August 22 --23, with an upper limit of 1.7×10−141.7 \times 10^{-14} erg cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1} (90% confidence level). At a distance of 3.7 Mpc, the bolometric luminosity of the source becomes Lbol=4.4×1039αL_{\rm bol} = 4.4 \times 10^{39} \alpha erg s−1^{-1}, where α=(cos⁡60∘/cos⁡i)\alpha = (\cos 60^\circ / \cos i) and ii is the disk inclination. Therefore, the source is classified into so-called ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs). The time-averaged X-ray spectrum of the source is described by a multi-color disk model, with the innermost accretion disk temperature of Tin=1.69−0.05+0.06T_{\rm in} = 1.69_{-0.05}^{+0.06} keV. During the 2006 January observation, it varied by a factor of 2 in intensity, following a clear correlation of Lbol∝Tin4L_{\rm bol} \propto T_{\rm in}^4. It is inferred that the innermost disk radius RinR_{\rm in} stayed constant at Rin=79−3.9+4.0α1/2R_{\rm in} = 79_{-3.9}^{+4.0} \alpha^{1/2} km, suggesting the presence of a standard accretion disk. Relating RinR_{\rm in} with the last stable orbit around a non-rotating black hole yields a rather low black hole mass, ∌9α1/2\sim 9 \alpha^{1/2} solar masses, which would imply that the source is shining at a luminosity of ∌3α1/2\sim3 \alpha^{1/2} times the Eddington limit. These results can be better interpreted by invoking sub-Eddington emission from a rapidly spinning black hole with a mass of 20 -- 130 solar masses.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for PASJ 2nd Suzaku special issu

    Dual Role of Superoxide Dismutase 2 Induced in Activated Microglia: OXIDATIVE STRESS TOLERANCE AND CONVERGENCE OF INFLAMMATORY RESPONSES

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    Microglia are activated quickly in response to external pathogens or cell debris and clear these substances via the inflammatory response. However, excessive activation of microglia can be harmful to host cells due to the increased production of reactive oxygen species and proinflammatory cytokines. Superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) is reportedly induced under various inflammatory conditions in the central nervous system. We herein demonstrated that activated microglia strongly express SOD2 and examined the role of SOD2, focusing on regulation of the microglial activity and the susceptibility of microglia to oxidative stress. When rat primary microglia were treated with LPS, poly(I:C), peptidoglycan, or CpG oligodeoxynucleotide, respectively, the mRNA and protein levels of SOD2 largely increased. However, an increased expression of SOD2 was not detected in the primary neurons or astrocytes, indicating that SOD2 is specifically induced in microglia under inflammatory conditions. The activated microglia showed high tolerance to oxidative stress, whereas SOD2 knockdown conferred vulnerability to oxidative stress. Interestingly, the production of proinflammatory cytokines was increased in the activated microglia treated with SOD2 siRNA compared with that observed in the control siRNA-treated cells. Pretreatment with NADPH oxidase inhibitors, diphenylene iodonium and apocynin, decreased in not only reactive oxygen species generation but also the proinflammatory cytokine expression. Notably, SOD2 knockdown largely potentiated the nuclear factor κB activity in the activated microglia. Taken together, increased SOD2 conferred tolerance to oxidative stress in the microglia and decreased proinflammatory cytokine production by attenuating the nuclear factor κB activity. Therefore, SOD2 might regulate neuroinflammation by controlling the microglial activities.This work was supported in part by KAKENHI Grants 26740024, 30291149, and 22310041 from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan (to Y. I., K. I., and T. Y.); a grant from the Fujii Foundation (to Y. I.); and a grant from the Hiroshima University Education and Research Support Foundation (to Y. I.)

    Evaluation of Apoptotic Cells Induced by Ultraviolet Light B Radiation in Epidermal Sheets Stained by the TUNEL Technique

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    Two major components of epidermal cells, keratinocytes and Langerhans cells, are injured by ultraviolet light B radiation, resulting in sunburn cell (apoptotic cell) formation, impaired function, and a reduced number of Langerhans cells. Quantitative analysis of Langerhans cell damage is usually performed using epidermal sheets, whereas that of keratinocytes has been performed by counting the number of sunburn cells in vertical tissue sections. In this study we assessed the influences of ultraviolet light B radiation on epidermal cells by apoptotic cell formation, using murine epidermal sheets stained by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling technique. Ten to 75 mJ per cm2 of ultraviolet light B radiation induced apoptotic cells in abdominal skin of C3H mice. The cells were induced in 6 h after 50 mJ per cm2 of ultraviolet light B irradiation with the peak in number in 24 h, 18.8 ± 5.0 per mm2 and 97.7 ± 7.4 per mm2, respectively. One week later, the apoptotic cells were not visualized. As C3H/He, BALB/C, and C57BL/6 mice showed almost the same frequency of apoptosis in epidermal sheets from 50 mJ per cm2 ultraviolet light B-irradiated skin, the induction of the cells by ultraviolet light B radiation did not depend on the genetic trait of the mouse. Xeroderma pigmentosum type A gene-deficient mice, however, showed a greater induction of apoptotic cells (216.9 ± 25.2 per mm2) by ultraviolet light B radiation than xeroderma pigmentosum type A wild-type mice (89.5 ± 13.6 per mm2) and conventional mice. Pretreatment with a SPF 60 sunscreen agent was quite effective in reducing the induction of apoptotic cells. Using confocal laser scanning microscopy and double staining, 1.5 ± 2.7% of apoptotic cells were Ia-positive cells in 24 h after 50 mJ per cm2 of ultraviolet light B radiation. Apoptotic Ia-positive cells were not observed 48 h after the radiation. On the other hand, no apoptotic dendritic epidermal T cells were observed in up to 75 mJ per cm2 of ultraviolet light B radiated skin. Thus, nearly all apoptotic cells were keratinocytes, and Langerhans cells and dendritic epidermal T cells appeared resistant to ultraviolet light B-induced apoptosis. Compared with the assessment in vertical tissue sections, the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling technique with epidermal sheets appeared to be a more physiologically relevant method for quantitative evaluation of apoptotic epidermal cells induced by ultraviolet light B radiation

    耐熱性りェルシュ菌 (Clostridium perfringens) に関する研究 : 健康人におけるその分垃および血枅孊的型別ずそれに起因する食䞭毒に぀いお

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    「ヒト」のりェルシュ菌食䞭毒を现菌孊的に蚌明し、その原因菌を決定するにあたっお、解明しおおかねばならない前提ずなる基瀎的事項に぀いお、䞀連の調査研究を実斜し、本菌に起因する食䞭毒の実隓宀蚺断のための现菌孊的、血枅孊的基瀎資料を埗るこずができた。以䞊実隓目的、方法および結果に぀いお項を远っお抂芁を述べる。 1健康人における耐熱性りェルシュ菌の分垃ず排菌の掚移 りェルシュ菌に起因する食䞭毒を論じるに圓っお、たず圓面する問題は、现菌分類孊䞊本菌皮に属する菌が食品をはじめ広く自然界に分垃しおいるばかりでなく、垞に「ヒト」の重芁な腞内垞圚菌の䞀皮ずしお存圚するずいう真実であろう。云うたでもなく、腞管垞圚性りェルシュ菌には腞炎起病性はないずされおいたが、それらの存圚がりェルシュ菌食䞭毒の原因決定に倚倧の混乱ず困難を招来しおきた。 1957幎にはじめおHobbsらがりェルシュ菌食䞭毒の菌孊、疫孊を確立した報告のなかで、「ヒト」に腞炎起病性を有するりェルシュ菌は、患者ふん䟿䞭では100℃15時間の加熱に耐える芜胞を圢成しおいる“いわゆる耐熱性りェルシュ菌”以䞋、耐り菌ず略すであるこずを指摘しおいる。この報告が契機ずなり諞倖囜ならびに我が囜においおも数倚くの本菌食䞭毒䟋が報告されるようになったが、耐り菌の生態、ずくに健康人の排菌をめぐっお諞報告に䞀臎をみないために、赀痢菌やサルモネラ菌等の代衚的腞管病原菌のごずく、耐り菌の存圚が盎裁に腞炎の原因であるず結論できるか吊かの問題が未解決なたた残されおきた。これたでの諞報告を総合しおいえるこずは、健康者の耐り菌怜出率は、調査地域、幎霢、居䜏環境の違いに巊右されるずはいえ、5.262.0%ず広い範囲を瀺しおいる。こうした成瞟は本菌食䞭毒の菌孊的決定に倧きな支障ずなっおきた。ここで、食䞭毒掚定の䞀぀の重芁な根拠ずしおあげられるのは、すでにHobbsらが指摘したように、本菌食䞭毒発生地域の健康者の耐り菌正垞怜出率の正確な把握であろう。぀たり、Hobbsらが现菌孊的に耐り菌食䞭毒を決定する際に䞍可欠な条件ずしお、食䞭毒が発生した地域に圚䜏しおいる健康人ふん䟿からの耐り菌怜出率を䞊廻る高率な耐り菌の怜出が患者ふん䟿に認められなければならないず指摘しおいる点が第䞀に重芖されなければならない。 以䞊の理由から、䞀連の調査の第䞀段階ずしお、19661968幎の3ヵ幎間にわたっお、郜垂環境に生掻しおいる健康人の耐り菌保有率を怜蚎した。調査察象ずした健康人は、13才の乳幌児43名、611才の小孊校児童1,088名、1517才の高等孊校生埒350名、2050才の成人145名および6080才の老人65名の5぀の幎霢局からなる蚈1,688名である。健康人から採取されたふん䟿は、チオグリコレヌド培地に接皮埌100℃で60分間加熱し、冷华埌37℃で2448時間培逊したのち、その癜金耳を5%卵黄加CW寒倩平板に塗沫し、嫌気培逊を行い、出珟した疑わしい集萜を釣菌し、その生物孊的諞性状を調べお型のごずく同定した。その結果、調査察象1,688名䞭236名14.0%が耐り菌陜性であるこずが刀明した。これを幎霢別にみるず、その怜出率は13才の乳幌児では48名䞭12名25.0%、611才の孊童では1,080名䞭139名12.9%、1517才の高校生では350名䞭40名11.4%、2050才の成人では145名䞭25名17.2%および6080歳の老人の堎合は65名䞭20名30.8%ず、それぞれ幎霢局によりわずかな怜出率の差を瀺した。しかし、同䞀幎霢局の䞭でも、地域の異なる小孊校に通孊しおいる6矀の孊童で、耐り菌の怜出率が最䜎6.3%から最高37.1%ず倧きなばら぀きが認められたこずからみお、以䞊の幎霢局別怜出率に有意差を求めるこずはできなかった。 次に、䞊蚘の健康人のうち、同じ生掻環境で、同䞀の食事を取っお集団生掻をしおいる人達の耐り菌排菌状況の掚移を調べるために、䞊蚘健康人のうち、郜内某乳児院に収容されおいる乳幌児48名および某逊老院生掻者65名を遞び、隔月および逐月に連続3回本菌の怜玢を行ない、その怜出率は調査時点により10.430.8%ず倧きく倉動する事が知られた。さらに、これら怜出菌株に぀いお、Hobbs型113の抗血枅を甚いお型別を行なっおみた結果、同䞀個人から時期をぞだおお採取した怜䜓から3回連続しお同䞀血枅型の耐り菌を怜出するこずのできた䟋は党く認められず、健康人の耐り菌の垯留は䞀過性のものであろうず結論された。 ただ、この調査を通じお埗られた菌株772株䞭既知のHobbs型113この調査の時点では13型迄しか確立されおいなかったのいずれかの血枅型に型別されたものは304株39.4%にすぎず、残りの468株60.6%が型別䞍胜であり、これら耐り菌の病原的圹割の解明の必芁に迫られた。しかし、その実隓的远求は珟段階では䞍可胜に近いので、それらの型別の確率、その腞炎ぞの応甚を䌁図した。 2Hobbs型に属さない耐熱性りェルシュ菌の血枅孊的型別 䞊蚘のごずく、健康人ふん䟿由来耐り菌の玄60%がHobbs型抗血枅により型別䞍胜であったこずから、それらの血枅型別を詊みるためにそのなかから最初に20菌株を任意に遞び出し、Hobbsらの方法に準じおそれぞれの抗血枅を䜜成した。埗られた20の抗血枅は亀叉吞収、凝集反応により異同をたしかめ、これらの抗血枅により型別䞍胜の菌株からさらに任意の菌株を遞出し、同様な方法で抗血枅を䜜り、未型別菌株を埗お、さらに同じ方法を繰り返すずいう順序で耐り菌株を型別し、最終的にHobbsの117型に該圓しない健康人由来株を新たに56抗原型に型別するこずができた。この56の抗原型に察応する各血枅型をTW型156ず仮称するこずずした。 以䞊のTW血枅型が明らかになった時点で、その抗血枅を甚い、䞻ずしお、Hobbs型に属さない耐り菌の分垃状況を把握する目的で第二回目の調査を19691970幎の2ケ幎にわたっお、前回同様合蚈1,091名の健康人から埗られたふん䟿に぀いお実斜した。察象健康人の内蚳は、611歳の小孊校児童が362名、1517のの高等孊校生埒350名および20歳以䞊の成人172名であり、耐り菌型別察象株は本菌が怜出された161件歳ふん䟿からそれぞれ5個づ぀の集萜を釣菌した蚈805株である。これら805株䞭318株39.5%は既知のHobbs型117のいずれかに型別されたので、残り487株に぀いおTW型血枅による型別を詊みた。その型別状況を䟛詊菌株の由来別にみるず、孊童ふん䟿来由株168株䞭163株97.0%、高校生ふん䟿由来株147株䞭128株87.1%および成人ふん䟿由来株172株䞭155株90.1%がTW型153のいずれかに型別された。 すなわち、今回TW型別の察象ずした487株䞭446株91.6%がTW型156のいずれかに型別され、残りの41株8.4%がこれらの新しいTW型別法によっおも型別䞍胜であった。なお比范的高頻床に怜出されたTW型菌は、1、5、6、11、20、21、31、44および52などであった。 3東京郜内に発生したTW型耐熱性りェルシュ菌に起因する食䞭毒の疫孊ならびに现菌孊的怜蚎 Hobbs型耐り菌の腞炎起病性に぀いおは、広く承認されおいるが、反面、これらに型別されないために、耐り菌食䞭毒でありながら原因䞍明ずされおきた事䟋の存圚する可胜性は吊定できないであろう。䞊述のTW型別の食䞭毒原因究明ぞの菌孊的応甚はHobbs型菌以倖の耐り菌の腞炎起病性の確認するうえで重芁な手段ずなるずいえる。ここではTW型に属する菌に起因した食䞭毒事䟋の発生の抂芁を述べ、これらの腞炎起病性ぞの疑問の解答を䞎えるこずずした。 この怜蚎は1968幎以降、東京郜内に発生した集団食䞭毒を察象に加えられた。その結果、著者が明らかにしたTW型4ならびにTW型6による各1事䟋、さらにTW型4ず45およびHobbs型11ず15の4者の混合感染ず掚定される1事䟋を明らかにするこずができた。 その3事䟋の疫孊ならびに现菌孊的成瞟の抂芁は次のごずくである。 事䟋1は、1968幎6月19日、郜内の某旅通に発生した集団食䞭毒である。原因远求の結果、耐り菌TW型4に起因する食䞭毒ず掚定された。原因食品は「鶏肉煮付」で、それを喫食した328名のうち156名が発病し、発病率は47.6%である。 この事䟋の平均朜䌏時間は16.4時間で、䞻症状は腹痛85.3、氎様性䞋痢55.1%、倊怠感37.8%頭痛33.3%および悪感23.1%である。少数䟋に発熱、嘔吐がみられた。 现菌孊的怜査は原因食の残品および患者ふん䟿を察象に実斜された。 たず、原因食品からは、非加熱盎接分離培逊で食品1g圓り3.7×10^3個のりェルシュ菌が怜出され、それらの菌株の血枅盎別により、食品1g圓りTW型4が2.6×10^3個、型別䞍胜株が1.1×10^3個ず算定された。Hobbs型菌は怜出されおいない。 患者の堎合は、採取可胜であった2病日患者䟿7件に぀いお100℃1時間加熱埌耐り菌の怜玢を行ない、6䟋からTW型4を怜出した。この型の菌は同じふん䟿の非加熱分離培逊でも玔培逊状に怜出された。すなわち、患者ふん䟿䞭には原因食品怜出菌ず同䞀菌型の耐り菌が倚数排菌されおいるこずが刀明した。平行しお行なった既知病原菌は陰性に終っおいる。 事䟋2は、1970幎2月18日、郜内某小孊校においお絊食の「鯚肉煮付」を原因食ずしお発生した食䞭毒である。本䟋は結果的には耐り菌TW型4、45ずHobbs型11、15の混合感染によるものず掚定された。 同時喫食者640名䞭196名発病率30.7%が発病し、平均朜䌏時間は15.3時間、䞻症状は、氎様性䞋痢96.2%ず腹痛75.6%で、嘔気、嘔吐はなく、少数䟋に発熱が認められた。 原因食の残品ず患者ふん䟿に぀いお実斜した菌孊的原因远求においお、原因食品の「鯚肉煮付」からは、非加熱盎接分離培逊で食品1g圓り1.7×10^5個のりェルシュ菌が怜出され、それらの菌株から任意に遞んだ20菌株に぀いお血枅型別を行なった結果、20菌株䞭10株がHobbs型11、6株がHobbs型15で、TW型4および45がそれぞれ2づ぀であった。 患者に぀いおは、192名の35病日ふん䟿が採取され病原菌の怜玢が実斜され、うち178件92.7%が耐り菌陜性であり、他に既知病原菌は怜出されおいない。耐り菌陜性ふん䟿を怜出菌型別に分けた成瞟では、Hobbs型11のみが怜出されたふん䟿は23件、Hobbs型15が64件、TW型4が28件、TW型45が19件、Hobbs型11ず15が共に怜出されたもの12件、Hobbs型15ずTW型4の䞡怜出䟿15件、Hobbs型15ずTW型45が5件、Hobbs型11ずTW型4および45の3型陜性が2件、たたHobbs型11ず15およびTW型4の3者怜出䟿が1件であった。 この成瞟は患者ふん䟿怜出菌型ず原因食怜出菌のそれずの間に極めおよく䞀臎しおいるこずを瀺しおいる。 事䟋3は、1970幎5月16日、郜内某䌚瀟においお瀟内絊食の「ランチ」を原因食にしお発生した食䞭毒で、原因菌の怜玢結果から耐り菌TW6型に起因するず掚定された。 掚定原因食の内容は、ポヌクカツ、スパゲティヌ、いり卵、八宝菜および米飯である。 「ランチ」喫食者213名䞭166名発病率77.9%が発病し、朜䌏時間は平均12.3時間、䞻症状は䞋痢94.6%、腹痛71.7%で、そのほか少数䟋のものが倊怠感、嘔気、嘔吐、頭痛および発熱を蚎えおいる。 原因菌の怜玢は、原因食品の残品および患者ふん䟿に぀いお実斜され、原因食の「ランチ」からは、非加熱盎接分離培逊で食品gあたり3.5×10^3個のりェルシュ菌が怜出された。それらの怜出菌株の血枅型はTW型6であった。 患者の堎合は、病原菌の怜玢のため24病日の患者䟿16件が採取され、うち13件81.3%から耐り菌が怜出された。この事䟋では陜性件13䞭件12から原因食怜出菌株の血枅型ず同じTW型6が分離されおいる。 本事䟋も、事䟋1の堎合ず同様に患者ふん䟿䞭の排菌状態を怜蚎した結果、単䞀菌TW型6の排菌量の優䜍性が認められた 今回経隓したTW型に起因するず掚定された食䞭毒は、著者の血枅型別を応甚しお明らかにされたものである。たた、比范的長い怜査期間でありながら、3䟋のTW型耐り菌食䞭毒が認められたこずは、Hobbs型以倖の耐り菌食䞭毒の発生頻床もかなり高い事が瀺唆される。4食䞭毒事䟋由来りェルシュ菌の耐熱性芜胞圢成胜に぀いお 䞀般に、现菌性食䞭毒の原因菌決定に際しお必芁な条件は、食䞭毒に眹患した患者のふん䟿から、「ヒト」に腞炎起病性のある现菌を分離同定するず同時に、掚定原因食ずなった食品から、患者ふん䟿から怜出されたものず同䞀の菌が分離されたこずを確認するこずが、他の疫孊的傍蚌ず共に必芁䞍可欠の条件である。ずころが、耐り菌食䞭毒の堎合には、ややその趣を異にし、掚定原因食品から、耐り菌を怜出するために、その食品乳剀を単にチオグリコレヌト培地に接皮し、患者ふん䟿からの菌分離の際ず同様に、100℃に1時間加熱したのち菌分離を詊みたのでは、耐り菌の存圚を蚌明する事ができないずいう難点がある。぀たり、遺䌝孊的に耐熱性芜胞圢成菌であっおも、通垞食品䞭に混圚しおいるずきは、必ずしも芜胞圢成菌の圢で存圚せず倧郚分が栄逊型の圢をずっおいる。そのため食品を耐り菌分離の垞法にしたがっお盎接加熱した堎合には、それらの菌が死滅しおしたい、その存圚を蚌明するこずは䞍可胜に近く、原因を明らかになしえない。 そこで著者は、食品からの耐り菌の蚌明には、加熱を行なわない怜䜓からの分離菌に぀いお、それらが遺䌝的に耐熱性芜胞を圢成する胜力があるかどうかを蚌明する必芁があるず考え、次の実隓を行った。 食䞭毒事䟋からの分離菌を甚いた実隓に先立っお、Hobbs型117型別参考菌株に぀いお珟圚りェルシュ菌芜胞圢成培地ずしお報告されおいるEllnerの培地、Kimらの培地、Dancanらの培地、AngelottiらのSECブむペンおよび西田らの肉カスブむペンの5皮類の培地の耐熱性芜胞圢成胜を比范怜蚎した。各型別参考菌株を接皮し、37℃で48時間培逊した䞊蚘5皮類の芜胞圢成培地を、100℃60分間加熱し、冷华埌その1癜金耳を5%卵黄加CW寒倩平板に塗沫しお、䞊蚘の加熱条件に耐える芜胞を圢成しおいたか吊かを怜蚎した。その結果、Kimらの培地が最もすぐれ、Dancanらの培地がこれに぀いで良い成瞟を瀺すこずが刀明した。この成瞟に基づいお、以䞋各皮条件で分離された食䞭毒患者および健康人由来、たた掚定原因食品由来の研究宀保存株に぀いお耐熱性芜胞圢成胜をKimらの培地およびDancanらの培地を䜵甚しお比范怜蚎した。 その結果、われわれの研究宀で経隓した8事䟋のりェルシュ菌食䞭毒の原因食品から、非加熱で分離された53菌株に぀いお耐熱性芜胞の圢成胜を調べたずころ、50菌株94.4%に耐熱性芜胞圢成胜が認められた。 これに反し、健康人ふん䟿から非加熱盎接培逊で分離された96菌株のいずれもが耐熱性芜胞圢成胜を瀺さなかった。このこずは、䞀芋さきに瀺した健康人ふん䟿からの耐り菌怜出の事実ず矛盟するようであるが健康人の腞管垞圚性りェルシュ菌の倧郚分は80℃30分の加熱で死滅する熱抵抗性の匱い芜胞圢成性のりェルシュ菌で占められおおり、たずえ耐り菌が混圚しおいおも、その菌量は極めお少量であるため、健康人の非加熱ふん䟿から盎接分離した菌株の䞭に耐り菌が混入しおくる確率が極端に䜎いこずを瀺したものであるず考えた。 䞀方、䞊蚘8事䟋の患者ふん䟿から非加熱で分離された39菌株のりェルシュ菌の堎合には、非加熱の状態で分離された菌株であるにもかかわらず、その党株が耐熱性芜胞圢成胜を持った菌であり、耐り菌食䞭毒の堎合には、腞管垞圚りェルシュ菌のそれをはるかに䞊廻る状態になるため、前蚘健康人ふん䟿からの分離菌の堎合ずは逆に、耐り菌のみが怜出されたものである。 以䞊芁玄するに、健康人ふん䟿䞭に、「ヒト」の食䞭毒起因菌ず同じ性状を持った耐り菌力広く分垃しおいるこず、および血枅孊的には、それらからの分離耐り菌の玄40%が、埓来から知られおいるHobbsの117型菌で、残りの玄60%が今回著者が明らかにしたTW156型菌から成り立っおいたこずを述べた。 同時に、1968幎から1970幎に至る3幎間の比范的短い期間に、今回著者が健康人のふん䟿䞭に存圚するこずを明らかにしたTW型菌ず党く同䞀の抗原型を有する耐り菌に起因する集団食䞭毒事䟋が3䟋東京郜内に発生したこずを、それらの疫孊的調査結果をも含めお詳现に述べた。 さらに、埓来、耐り菌食䞭毒事件の解明の際に、掚定原因食品ず患者発生の因果関係を蚌明するこずが困難であるずする原因の、食品䞭の耐り菌の蚌明を、非加熱食品の乳剀をいったん芜胞圢成培地に接皮しお培逊したのち、その耐熱性芜胞圢成胜を調べお間接的に耐り菌が存圚したこずを蚌明する方法を確立し、耐り菌食䞭毒の日垞怜査を容易にするこずができた。Among the physiological characteristics of Clostridium perfringens in human feces, survival of the organism from heating at 100℃ for 1-5 hours is said to be one of indispensable characteristics for the identification of its pathogenicity in regard to the ability of the organism to be an etiological agent of human enteritis. Because, there are numerous type of organisms belonging to the species of Cl. perfringens not only in nature including foods but also in human intestine as a normal intestinal flora. On the other hand, since many investigators have reported the fact that the heat resistant Cl. Perfringens exists in the feces of healthy subjects in certain extent, a series of investigations was conducted for clarifing the incidence and serotypes of isolates of heat resistant Cl. perfringens in the feces of healthy Tokyoites, in the period from 1966 through 1970. In the early part of the investigation conducted in the period of 1966-1968, a total of 1,688 fecal specimens was collected from healthy subjects, consisting of 48 of 1-3 years old infants, 1,080 of 6-11 years old pupils, 350 of 15-17 years old senior high school pupils, 145 of 20-50 years old adults, and 65 of 60-80 years old adults, and each 1 gram of them was inoculated into 13 ml of thioglycolate medium, followed by heating at 100℃ for 60 minutes respectively in order to isolate the heat resistant strains. After cooling, they were incubated at 37℃ for 48 hours. Then, 2 loops of the cultures were transfered onto the CW agar plate with 5% egg-yolk and incubated anaerobically at 37℃ for 24 hours. Through the investigation, it was found that 236 (14%) out of 1,688 had involved more or less heat resistant Cl. perfringens in the fecal specimens. However, the detection rate of the organism from specimens in each group was varied from 6.3% to 37.1% according to the groups tested. It was also observed that the detection rate of the organism in particular age group also varied according to the area of dwellings or difference of investigation period. When serotyping was conducted on the 772 isolates obtained through this survey, only 304 (39.4%) isolates could be typed into the known Hobbs\u27 serotypes 1-13 (as of December 1968, there were only 13 serotypes), and remaining 468 isolates were untypable by her serotyping. In addition, the detection frequency of the same serotype of organism from feces of healthy individuals was found to be quite low, when followup investigation was made on the 339 fecal specimens obtained from 113 representative individuals, for the consecutive 6 months with a interval of 1 or 2 months. And in each specimen, there were always variety of organisms consisting of several serotypes of the ones. Since there were so many untypable isolates by the Hobbs\u27 typing procedure, antigenic analysis of the untypable strains was attempted. Discrimination and serogrouping of individual isolates by their antigenic composition were made by using antisera immunized rabbits with representative cultures selected systematically from all these untypable strains. Through the cross absorption and agglutination tests on the prepares immune sera with antigens of these untypable strains, it was found that there were additional 56 serotypes (TW 1-56) of the organisms, other than the ones known to have been classified into Hobbs\u27 1-17 serotypes. The latter half of the same sort of investigation was conducted in the period of 1969-1970, on the fecal specimens collected from 1,091 normal healthy Tokyoites, consisting of 362 of 6-11 years old pupils, 350 of 15-17 years old senior high school pupils, and 379 of adults greater than 20 year of their ages. All the specimens collected were treated and inoculated as in the same way as it was done at the first investigation. In this time, efforts were concentrated for the isolation and discrimination of the new TW-type organisms. Consequently, 487 out of 805 isolates were found to be the organisms other than Hobbs\u27 1-17 serotypes. Of them, 446 (91.6%) isolates were typed into the new 51 TW-types, while the rest of 41 (8.4%) isolates were untypable by the new anti-TW typing sera. Among the isolates typed, TW-1, 6, 11, 20, 44, and 52 were relatively dominant organisms detected. As for the occurrence of food poisoning outbreaks due to these new TW-type organisms, there were 3 proved outbreaks in Tokyo in the period of 1968-1970. In these eases, a total of 518 patients were involved, and most of them developed typical food poisoning symptoms 12-16 hours after the injestion of the incriminated foods. In every case a responsible organism for the outbreak was isolated in the state of pure culture, both from the incriminated food and from the feces of patients simultaneously. They were proved to be caused by TW-4, 6, and mixture of TW-4 and 45 types of organisms respectively. In addition to these surveys, an experimental study was made to establish a practical procedure for the determination of heat resistant characteristics of Cl. perfringens involved in foods, because it has been well known that the evidence of the existence of the heat resistant organism in food is quite difficult to prove, if homogenates of suspicious food stuffs are heated at 100℃ for 60 minutes, as in the case of patients\u27 feces. In the preliminary experiment, comparative studies were carried out on the Hobbs\u27 type pilot strains for the ability of the formation of the heat resistant spores having capable of surviving from heating at 100℃for 60 minutes by using five kinds of spore forming media, such as Ellner\u27s medium, Nishida’s chopped meat broth, Angelotti\u27s sporulation enrichment culture (SEC) broth, Kim\u27s medium, and Dancan\u27s medium. As a result, it was noticed that Kim\u27s medium was the most suitable one for this purpose, followed by Dancan\u27s medium and Angelotti\u27s SEC broth respectively, when all the 48 hour cultures of 17 Hobbs\u27 type pilot strains in the above mentioned 5 media were compared. When it was applied on the laboratory isolates, majority of isolates (144/149) derived from both incriminated food and patients\u27 feces on 13 food poisoning outbreaks due to Cl. Perfringens formed successfully heat resistant spores in Kim\u27s and Dancan\u27s media. While all the 96 isolates obtained from unheated feces of healthy subjects failed to produce any heat resistant spores in the same media. Thus, it was concluded that when it was required to determine the heat resistant characteristics of Cl. perfringens involved in food stuffs, Kim’s or Dancan’s spore forming media were advisable to be used, after the enrichment of the organism in specimens in thioglycolate medium.獣医孊博士麻垃倧

    Factors Relating to Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and Hepatic Damage After Liver Resection

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    A survey of the blood of twenty-two patients who had undergone hepatic resection was performed. Serum levels of α-2 plasmin inhibitor-plasmin complex initially decreased from 1.58 ± 0.31 Όg/ml on the preoperative day (PREOP), to 0.92 ± 0.14 Ό/ml on the first postoperative day (POD 1), and then increased to 3.13 ± 0.92 Όg/ml on the seventh postoperative day (POD 7) (mean ± SE)). Thrombin-anti-thrombin III complex (14.2 ± 4.3 ng/ml on PREOP and 26.0 ± 4.1 ng/ml on POD 7 (mean ± SE)) and D-dimer (335 ± 96 ng/ml on PREOP and 1859 ± 258 ng/ml on POD 7 (mean ± SE)) increased in the early postoperative stage. The level of 6-keto-prostaglandin F1α increased after the operations (from 13.2 ± 1.8 pg/ml on PREOP to 37.8 ± 12.8 pg/ml on POD 7 (mean ± SE)). The level of thromboxane B-2 decreased at first, and then gradually increased and returned to its preoperative level on POD 7 (144.7 ± 43.8 pg/ml on PREOP, 57.6 ± 27.5 pg/ml on POD1 and 152.5 ± 58.4 pg/ml on POD 7 (mean ± SE)). Superoxide dismutase activity increased at first, and then gradually decreased, postoperatively (2.8 ± 0.5 NU/ml on PREOP, 4.8 ± 0.8 NU/ml on POD1 and 2.6 ± 0.3 NU/ml on POD 7 (mean ± SE)). That is, biodefensive reactions which protect patients against the shift to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) were inferred with by the increase in antiplatelet aggregation, despite the activation of coagulation and fibrinolytic mechanisms after hepatic resection

    Mechanisms of reduction in hole concentration in Al-doped 4H-SiC by electron irradiation

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    Abstract From the temperature dependence of the hole concentration in unirradiated lightly Al-doped 4H-SiC epilayers, an Al acceptor with E V + 0.2 eV, which is an Al atom (Al Si ) at a Si sublattice site, and an unknown deep acceptor with E V + 0.35 eV are found, where E V is the top of the valence band. Both the densities are similar. With irradiation of 0.2 MeV electrons the Al acceptor density is reduced, while the unknown deep acceptor density is increased. Judging from the minimum electron energy required to displace a substitutional C atom (C s ) or the Al Si , the bond between the Al Si and its nearest neighbor C s is broken due to the displacement of the C s by this irradiation. Moreover, the displacement of the C s results in the creation of a complex (Al Si -V C ) of Al Si and a carbon vacancy (V C ), indicating that the possible origin of the deep acceptor with E V + 0.35 eV is Al Si -V C

    Sodium benzoate attenuates 2,8-dihydroxyadenine nephropathy by inhibiting monocyte/macrophage TNF-α expression

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    Sodium benzoate (SB), a known D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) enzyme inhibitor, has an anti-inflammatory effect, although its role in renal damage has not been explored. 2,8-dihydroxyadenine crystal induced chronic kidney disease, in which TNF-α is involved in the pathogenesis, was established by oral adenine administration in C57BL/6JJcl mice (AdCKD) with or without SB to investigate its renal protective effects. SB significantly attenuated AdCKD by decreasing serum creatinine and urea nitrogen levels, and kidney interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy scores. The survival of AdCKD mice improved 2.6-fold by SB administration. SB significantly decreased the number of infiltrating macrophages observed in the positive F4/80 immunohistochemistry area and reduced the expression of macrophage markers and inflammatory genes, including TNF-α, in the kidneys of AdCKD. Human THP-1 cells stimulated with either lipopolysaccharide or TNF-α showed increased expression of inflammatory genes, although this was significantly reduced by SB, confirming the anti-inflammatory effects of SB. SB exhibited renal protective effects in AdCKD in DAO enzyme deficient mice, suggesting that anti-inflammatory effect of SB was independent of DAO enzyme activity. Moreover, binding to motif DNA sequence, protein level, and mRNA level of NF-κB RelB were significantly inhibited by SB in AdCKD kidneys and lipopolysaccharide treated THP-1 cells, respectively. We report that anti-inflammatory property of SB is independent of DAO enzymatic activity and is associated with down regulated NF-κB RelB as well as its downstream inflammatory genes such as TNF-α in AdCKD

    The effect of aldosterone and aldosterone blockade on the progression of chronic kidney disease : a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    The progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) cannot be completely inhibited. We first explored factors contributing to CKD progression in patients with CKD in a prospective observational study. In the next phase, we focused on the effects of aldosterone, conducting a single-blinded placebo-controlled study using the selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (MRA), eplerenone (25 mg/day). We recruited patients with CKD stage 2 and 3 whose plasma aldosterone concentration was above 15 ng/dL based on the prior data of a prospective observational study. In the CKD cohort study (n = 141), baseline plasma aldosterone concentration was identified as an independent contributory factor for the future rate of change in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). When the cut-off value for aldosterone was set at 14.5 ng/dL, the decline rate was significantly higher in patients with higher plasma aldosterone concentration (− 1.22 ± 0.39 ml/min/1.73 m2/year vs. 0.39 ± 0.40 ml/min/1.73 m2/year, p = 0.0047). In the final intervention study, in the eplerenone group, eGFR dropped at 6 months after the initiation of the study, and thereafter eGFR was maintained until the end of the study. At 24 months and 36 months, eGFR was significantly higher in the eplerenone group than in the placebo group. In conclusion, MRA can be an effective strategy in preventing CKD progression, especially in patients with high plasma aldosterone
