27 research outputs found

    Altered brain energetics induces mitochondrial fission arrest in Alzheimer's Disease.

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    Altered brain metabolism is associated with progression of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Mitochondria respond to bioenergetic changes by continuous fission and fusion. To account for three dimensional architecture of the brain tissue and organelles, we applied 3-dimensional electron microscopy (3D EM) reconstruction to visualize mitochondrial structure in the brain tissue from patients and mouse models of AD. We identified a previously unknown mitochondrial fission arrest phenotype that results in elongated interconnected organelles, "mitochondria-on-a-string" (MOAS). Our data suggest that MOAS formation may occur at the final stages of fission process and was not associated with altered translocation of activated dynamin related protein 1 (Drp1) to mitochondria but with reduced GTPase activity. Since MOAS formation was also observed in the brain tissue of wild-type mice in response to hypoxia or during chronological aging, fission arrest may represent fundamental compensatory adaptation to bioenergetic stress providing protection against mitophagy that may preserve residual mitochondrial function. The discovery of novel mitochondrial phenotype that occurs in the brain tissue in response to energetic stress accurately detected only using 3D EM reconstruction argues for a major role of mitochondrial dynamics in regulating neuronal survival

    ActuAtor, a Listeria-inspired molecular tool for physical manipulation of intracellular organizations through de novo actin polymerization

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    細胞の中のものを「押す」方法を開発 --細胞内構造体の“かたち”と機能の関係を明らかに--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-09-25.Form and function are often interdependent throughout biology. Inside cells, mitochondria have particularly attracted attention since both their morphology and functionality are altered under pathophysiological conditions. However, directly assessing their causal relationship has been beyond reach due to the limitations of manipulating mitochondrial morphology in a physiologically relevant manner. By engineering a bacterial actin regulator, ActA, we developed tools termed “ActuAtor” that inducibly trigger actin polymerization at arbitrary subcellular locations. The ActuAtor-mediated actin polymerization drives striking deformation and/or movement of target organelles, including mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, and nucleus. Notably, ActuAtor operation also disperses non-membrane-bound entities such as stress granules. We then implemented ActuAtor in functional assays, uncovering the physically fragmented mitochondria being slightly more susceptible to degradation, while none of the organelle functions tested are morphology dependent. The modular and genetically encoded features of ActuAtor should enable its application in studies of the form-function interplay in various intracellular contexts

    Membrane Compression by Synaptic Vesicle Exocytosis Triggers Ultrafast Endocytosis

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    Compensatory endocytosis keeps the membrane surface area of secretory cells constant following exocytosis. At chemical synapses, clathrin-independent ultrafast endocytosis maintains such homeostasis. This endocytic pathway is temporally and spatially coupled to exocytosis; it initiates within 50 ms at the region immediately next to the active zone where vesicles fuse. However, the coupling mechanism is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that filamentous actin is organized as a ring, surrounding the active zone at mouse hippocampal synapses. Assuming the membrane area conservation is due to this actin ring, our theoretical model suggests that flattening of fused vesicles exerts lateral compression in the plasma membrane, resulting in rapid formation of endocytic pits at the border between the active zone and the surrounding actin-enriched region. Consistent with model predictions, our data show that ultrafast endocytosis requires sufficient compression by exocytosis of multiple vesicles and does not initiate when actin organization is disrupted, either pharmacologically or by ablation of the actin-binding protein Epsin1. Our work suggests that membrane mechanics underlie the rapid coupling of exocytosis to endocytosis at synapses

    MIRO-1 Determines Mitochondrial Shape Transition upon GPCR Activation and Ca^(2+) Stress

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    Mitochondria shape cytosolic calcium ([Ca^(2+)]_c) transients and utilize the mitochondrial Ca_2^+ ([Ca^(2+)]_m) in exchange for bioenergetics output. Conversely, dysregulated [Ca^(2+)]_c causes [Ca^(2+)]_m overload and induces permeability transition pore and cell death. Ablation of MCU-mediated Ca^(2+) uptake exhibited elevated [Ca^(2+)]_c and failed to prevent stress-induced cell death. The mechanisms for these effects remain elusive. Here, we report that mitochondria undergo a cytosolic Ca^(2+)-induced shape change that is distinct from mitochondrial fission and swelling. [Ca^(2+)]_c elevation, but not MCU-mediated Ca^(2+) uptake, appears to be essential for the process we term mitochondrial shape transition (MiST). MiST is mediated by the mitochondrial protein Miro1 through its EF-hand domain 1 in multiple cell types. Moreover, Ca^(2+)-dependent disruption of Miro1/KIF5B/tubulin complex is determined by Miro1 EF1 domain. Functionally, Miro1-dependent MiST is essential for autophagy/mitophagy that is attenuated in Miro1 EF1 mutants. Thus, Miro1 is a cytosolic Ca^(2+) sensor that decodes metazoan Ca^(2+) signals as MiST

    MIRO-1 Determines Mitochondrial Shape Transition upon GPCR Activation and Ca^(2+) Stress

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    Mitochondria shape cytosolic calcium ([Ca^(2+)]_c) transients and utilize the mitochondrial Ca_2^+ ([Ca^(2+)]_m) in exchange for bioenergetics output. Conversely, dysregulated [Ca^(2+)]_c causes [Ca^(2+)]_m overload and induces permeability transition pore and cell death. Ablation of MCU-mediated Ca^(2+) uptake exhibited elevated [Ca^(2+)]_c and failed to prevent stress-induced cell death. The mechanisms for these effects remain elusive. Here, we report that mitochondria undergo a cytosolic Ca^(2+)-induced shape change that is distinct from mitochondrial fission and swelling. [Ca^(2+)]_c elevation, but not MCU-mediated Ca^(2+) uptake, appears to be essential for the process we term mitochondrial shape transition (MiST). MiST is mediated by the mitochondrial protein Miro1 through its EF-hand domain 1 in multiple cell types. Moreover, Ca^(2+)-dependent disruption of Miro1/KIF5B/tubulin complex is determined by Miro1 EF1 domain. Functionally, Miro1-dependent MiST is essential for autophagy/mitophagy that is attenuated in Miro1 EF1 mutants. Thus, Miro1 is a cytosolic Ca^(2+) sensor that decodes metazoan Ca^(2+) signals as MiST

    Mitochondrial dynamics in neurodegeneration.

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    Molecular Basis of Mitochondrial and Peroxisomal Division Machineries

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    Mitochondria and peroxisomes are ubiquitous subcellular organelles that are highly dynamic and possess a high degree of plasticity. These organelles proliferate through division of pre-existing organelles. Studies on yeast, mammalian cells, and unicellular algae have led to a surprising finding that mitochondria and peroxisomes share the components of their division machineries. At the heart of the mitochondrial and peroxisomal division machineries is a GTPase dynamin-like protein, Dnm1/Drp1, which forms a contractile ring around the neck of the dividing organelles. During division, Dnm1/Drp1 functions as a motor protein and constricts the membrane. This mechanochemical work is achieved by utilizing energy from GTP hydrolysis. Over the last two decades, studies have focused on the structure and assembly of Dnm1/Drp1 molecules around the neck. However, the regulation of GTP during the division of mitochondrion and peroxisome is not well understood. Here, we review the current understanding of Dnm1/Drp1-mediated divisions of mitochondria and peroxisomes, exploring the mechanisms of GTP regulation during the Dnm1/Drp1 function, and provide new perspectives on their potential contribution to mitochondrial and peroxisomal biogenesis

    SnapShot: Mitochondrial Dynamics

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    Mitochondrial dynamics in neurodegeneration.

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    It has been only 15 years since studies began on the molecular mechanisms underlying mitochondrial fission and fusion using simple model organisms such as Drosophila, yeast, and Caenorhabditis elegans. Beyond the primary functions of mitochondrial fission and fusion in controlling organelle shape, size, and number, it became clear that these dynamic processes are also critical to regulating cell death, mitophagy, and organelle distribution. Now, studies suggest that prominent changes occur in mitochondrial dynamics in a broad array of neurodegenerative diseases, and there is substantial evidence suggesting a key role in disease pathogenesis because neurons are among the most energy-consuming cell types and have a highly developed cell shape. Here, we review the recent findings on mitochondrial dynamics in neurodegeneration