161 research outputs found

    Urbanization and water pollution in China

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    Urbanization, with a focus on cities in China. After controlling the effects of government efforts and socio-economic environments, the regression analysis shows that both population size and population growth have significantly negative impacts on water quality. This suggests that wastewater treatment systems in urban cities in China do not have the capacity to accommodate for both the population size and the population growth

    Occurrence of Type 1 Diabetes in Graves' Disease Patients Who Are Positive for Antiglutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodies: An 8-Year Followup Study

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    Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (GADAs) are one of the markers of islet cell autoimmunity and are sometimes present before the onset of type 1 diabetes (T1D). GADA can be present in Graves' patients without diabetes; however, the outcome of GADA-positive Graves' patients is not fully understood, and the predictive value of GADA for the development of T1D in Graves' patients remains to be clarified. We investigated the prevalence of GADA in 158 patients with Graves' disease and detected GADA in 10 patients. They were followed up to discover whether or not T1D developed. In the course of eight years, 2 patients with high titers of GADA developed T1D, both had long-standing antithyroid drug-resistant Graves' disease. Thus, Graves' disease with high GADA titer seems to be at high risk for T1D

    CD98 and T Cell Activation

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    Upon their recognition of antigens presented by the MHC, T cell proliferation is vital for clonal expansion and the acquisition of effector functions, which are essential for mounting adaptive immune responses. The CD98 heavy chain (CD98hc, Slc3a2) plays a crucial role in the proliferation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, although it is unclear if CD98hc directly regulates the T cell effector functions that are not linked with T cell proliferation in vivo. Here, we demonstrate that CD98hc is required for both CD4+ T cell proliferation and Th1 functional differentiation. T cell-specific deletion of CD98hc did not affect T cell development in the thymus. CD98hc-deficient CD4+ T cells proliferated in vivo more slowly as compared with control T cells. C57BL/6 mice lacking CD98hc in their CD4+ T cells could not control Leishmania major infections due to lowered IFN-γ production, even with massive CD4+ T cell proliferation. CD98hc-deficient CD4+ T cells exhibited lower IFN-γ production compared with wild-type T cells, even when comparing IFN-γ expression in cells that underwent the same number of cell divisions. Therefore, these data indicate that CD98hc is required for CD4+ T cell expansion and functional Th1 differentiation in vivo, and suggest that CD98hc might be a good target for treating Th1-mediated immune disorders


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    本研究は急性期病院の外科病棟に入院し、せん妄症状を発症した患者に対する自宅外泊の効果を検討することを目的とした。外科病棟に入院し医師からせん妄と診断され外泊した5名の患者と外泊しなかった5名の患者に対し、4つの下位項目「話し方」「動作」「見当識」「睡眠」から構成される、せん妄得点調査用紙を用いて、在院群と外泊群のせん妄得点の差をMann Whitney U 検定により分析を行った。その結果、せん妄発症から消失までの平均期間は在院群が11外泊群が5.6日で、外泊群が有意に短かった。また外泊群の外泊前後において有意差のあった項目は「睡眠」「動作」「見 当識」であった。その中で外泊後すぐに改善された項目は「睡眠」で、改善に最も時間を要したのは「見当識」であった。入院という環境の変化に適応しにくい高齢のせん妄患者において、自宅外泊は睡眠と覚醒のリズムが整えられることで、せん妄症状の改善につながることが示唆された

    Feeder Cells Support the Culture of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Even after Chemical Fixation

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    Chemically fixed mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), instead of live feeder cells, were applied to the maintenance of mouse induced pluripotent stem (miPS) cells. Formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde were used for chemical fixation. The chemically fixed MEF feeders maintained the pluripotency of miPS cells, as well as their undifferentiated state. Furthermore, the chemically fixed MEF feeders were reused several times without affecting their functions. These results indicate that chemical fixation can be applied to modify biological feeders chemically, without losing their original functions. Chemically fixed MEF feeders will be applicable to other stem cell cultures as a reusable extracellular matrix candidate that can be preserved on a long-term basis

    A case of surgical resection for well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma arising in a ciliated hepatic foregut cyst

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    Ciliated hepatic foregut cysts (CHFC) are extremely rare, and most are benign cysts of the liver arising from remnants of the embryonic foregut. CHFC is usually found incidentally and as mostly asymptomatic cysts. We report squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) arising in a CHFC in a 50-year-old Japanese woman. She consulted our hospital for upper abdominal pain.A computed tomography and an ultrasound showed a cystic region including calcification and a solid mass in segment 4 of the liver. Left hepatectomy, B6 bile duct resection, and biliary-jejunal anastomosis were performed. Microscopic examination revealed that part of the cyst was lined by a characteristic ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium surrounding a connective tissue, a slightly thick fibrotic smooth muscle stromal layer, and an outer fibrous capsule. The cyst wall contained a low-papillary mural nodule showing atypical squamous hyperplasia with high-grade dysplasia. Stromal invasion was identified at the base of the nodule, leading to the diagnosis of well-differentiated SCC arising from a CHFC. We recommend careful clinical follow-up for patients with relatively large CHFCs as potentially malignant lesions and excision if they show any clinical manifestation

    Perioperative Elevation in Cell-Free DNA Levels in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: Possible Contribution of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps to Perioperative Renal Dysfunction

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    Background. This study aimed to determine the perioperative change in serum double-strand DNA (dsDNA) as a marker potentially reflecting neutrophil extracellular trap concentration in samples from patients undergoing cardiac surgery and to analyze a relationship between serum dsDNA concentrations and perioperative renal dysfunction. Methods. Serum dsDNA concentrations in samples that were collected during a previously conducted, prospective, multicenter, observational study were measured. Eighty patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery were studied. Serum samples were collected at baseline, immediately after surgery, and the day after surgery (POD-1). Results. Serum dsDNA concentration was significantly increased from baseline (median, 398 ng/mL [interquartile range, 372–475 ng/mL]) to immediately after surgery (median, 540 ng/mL [437–682 ng/mL], p<0.001), and they were reduced by POD-1 (median, 323 ng/mL [256–436 ng/mL]). The difference in serum creatinine concentration between baseline and POD-1 was correlated with dsDNA concentration on POD-1 (rs=0.61, p<0.001). Conclusions. In patients undergoing cardiac surgery, serum dsDNA concentration is elevated postoperatively. Prolonged elevation in dsDNA concentration is correlated with perioperative renal dysfunction. Further large-scale studies are needed to determine the relationship between serum concentration of circulating dsDNA and perioperative renal dysfunction