147 research outputs found


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    The present study attempts to investigate Indonesian EFL teachers' and native English speakers' perceptions of mispronunciations of English sounds by Indonesian EFL learners. For this purpose, a paper-form questionnaire consisting of 32 target mispronunciations was distributed to Indonesian secondary school teachers of English and also to native English speakers. An analysis of the respondents' perceptions has discovered that 14 out of the 32 target mispronunciations are pedagogically significant in pronunciation instruction. A further analysis of the reasons for these major mispronunciations has reconfirmed the prevalence of interference of learners native language in their English pronunciation as a major cause of mispronunciations. It has also revealed Indonesian EFL teachers' tendency to overestimate the seriousness of their learners' pronunciations. Based on these findings, the study makes suggestions for better English pronunciation teaching in Indonesia or other EFL countries

    Examining Potentials of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) for English Language Education in Japan

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    CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is a way of teaching and learning subjects in a language other than learners’ mother tongue. It originated in Europe in mid 1990s as a measure to rectify inefficient foreign language education. Supported by the EU’s policy of plurilingualism, CLIL has spread very fast throughout Europe. Today many countries in the world are trying to implement CLIL, especially English CLIL, into their education, from primary to tertiary, recognising its great potentials for fostering a high-level proficiency of English, a most powerful global language. Japan is following suit. It is a little annoying, however, to see language programmes or lessons labeled as “CLIL” simply because some kind of content, not necessarily subject content, is dealt with in their teaching. Still more annoying is the fact that CLIL is now used as a fashionable catchy copy to sell pedagogical services. If CLIL continues to be an educational fashion, it may as well be thrown away and forgotten before its real potentials are fully realised. To avoid such an unhappy scenario, it is imperative to understand what CLIL is, what CLIL says, how CLIL is related to other similar educational approaches, and what CLIL promises to those of us who are struggling to improve our students’ English communication skills. This is exactly what we aim at in this article, hoping for a sustainable development of CLIL as an innovative but promising approach

    Canadian Immersion Education in an Evaluative Perspective : A Synthesis of Research Findings on the Efficiency of French Immersion Programmes (1)

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    The purpose of the present study is to synthesize research findings accumulated by numerous evaluation studies on the efficiency of French immersion programmes in Canada. The synthesis has been attempted in terms of the four different, but related perspectives; effects on French language skills, effects on English language skills, effects on general scholastic achievements, and effects on socio-cultural domains. Out of these four perspectives, the present paper, the first of the series of two, has focused on the first two perspectives of linguistic nature. Accordingly, it has focused, first, on research findings presented by those evaluation studies that compared students\u27 performance in French between French immersion programmes and regular English programmes, between French immersion programmes and programmes for French-speaking students, and between different types of French immersion programmes. Secondly, it has focused on research findings from those evaluation studies that compared students\u27 performance in English in a similar framework. A close examination of these research findings has revealed that in both perspectives the efficiency of French immersion programmes is well attested, endorsing the claim by supporters of French immersion programmes for the achievement of functional bilingualism in French and English among immersion graduates.国立情報学研究所『研究紀要公開支援事業』により電子化

    フィランド ニオケル CLIL ノ ハッテン カクダイ ノ ハイケイ ト カダイ ハッテン カクダイ ニ キヨシタ キョウイクテキ セイドテキ シャカイテキ ヨウイン ニ ショウテン オ アテテ

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    現在、日本のみならず世界的な規模で CLIL への関心が高まっている。1990年代半ばにヨーロッパで生まれた新しい教育的試みであり、正式には Content and Language Integrated Learning、日本語では「内容言語統合型学習」と呼ばれている。現在、CLIL には多様な形態が認められているが、本来は学校で習う教科を通常の教授言語(通常学習者の母語)ではなく、外国語で学習する方法と考えられている。本論では、CLIL 先進国と見なされているフィンランドの CLIL に注目する。小規模な実験的試みから出発して、その後着実に発展・拡大を見せてきた背景を、発展・拡大に寄与した教育的・制度的・社会的要因に焦点を当てて分析する。加えて、CLIL 隆盛の中で、当初想定されていなかった今日的課題も明らかにする

    カナダ ノ イマージョン キョウイク ノ セイコウ オ ササエタ キョウジュガクテキ ヨウイン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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    This paper tries to answer why Canadian French immersion education, in which Anglophone students study all or some of their school subjects in French, has been so successful in developing high-level French proficiency among Anglophone students without concomitant negative effects on the development of their first language proficiency and scholastic abilities. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to identify pedagogical, institutional and societal factors that have contributed to the success of immersion education, because immersion education itself is a multi-faceted educational enterprise. Among those three types of factorsfor success, this paper focuses on pedagogical factors, which are then divided into three subgroups; methodology factors, teacher factors, and learner factors. First of all, as methodology factors, this paper first identifies two subcategories; language learning factors and content learning factors. For the language learning factors, three sub-factors are identified; provision ofample and varied comprehensible input, integration of four language skills, and respect of learners\u27 mother tongue. For the content learning factors, we specify two sub-factors; child-centred or learner-centred approach and integrated experiential approach. It is further postulated that the synthesis of language learning and content learning in immersion has also contributed substantially to the success of immersion education. Secondly, as teacher factors, two factors are identified; bilingual competence of immersion teachers and a sense of professionalism of immersion teachers. Finally, as learner factors, two factors are identified; homogeneity of learners and their high motivation for studying in immersion. This analysis is expected to help us to have a better understanding of why French immersion education has succeeded in Canada and how feasible it will be for us to start immersion education at Japanese schools. The paper concludes that this kind of improved understanding of Canadian immersion education should be essential and enlightening especially for those who are planning to transplant immersion education into their own schools as a way to update their practice of English language education

    ガイコクゴ カツドウ ニオケル モジ ノ アツカイ サイコウ : モジ オ ツカッテノ シドウ ト モジ シドウ オ クベツ シヨウ

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    平成23 (2011) 年度から新小学校学習指導要領が完全実施されるに伴って,小学校高学年(5年次・6年次)において,外国語活動が週1時間の割合で必修化された。さらに,平成25 (2013) 年12月13日に文部科学省から発表された「グローバル化に対応した英語教育改革実施計画」によれば, 2020年度からの実施を目指して,現在高学年で行われている外国語活動を中学年に前倒しし,高学年からは週3時間の割合で英語を教科として指導することになっている。このように,英語の教科化が現実味を帯びてくる中で,外国語活動の実践において,文字指導への関心が年々高まっているが,文字の扱いについては学校現場において必ずしもコンセンサスが得られているとは言えない状況にある。文字の指導は行うべきでないという意見から,中学校から始まるリーディングとライティングの指導がスムーズに行われるように,小学校段階において文字への慣れを醸造しておくべきだとする意見まで,多岐にわたる見解が研究者や現場教師から提示されている。外国語活動における文字の扱いはどうあるべきか。本稿は,この今日的課題に対して,必ずしも学習指導要領や学習指導要領解説に示されている指針にとらわれることなく,建設的な提案を行うものである

    フィンランド ニオケル ショウガッコウ エイゴ キョウイク : ソノ タヨウセイ ト イッカンセイ ニ ショウテン オ アテテ

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    2011 (平成23) 年度から新小学校学習指導要領が完全実施されるに伴って,小学校高学年(5年・6年)において,外国語活動が週1時間の割合で必修化されることになっている。教科としての導入は先送りとなったが,我が国においても,いよいよ小学校英語教育が現実的な形となってきた。本論文では,我が国の小学校英語教育の将来像を見据える意味で,早くから教科としての小学校英語教育を実施し,着実に成果をあげているフィンランドを取り上げ,その小学校英語教育を特徴付けている二つの要素として,多様性と一貫性に着目した。多様性に貢献している要素としては,英語コースの多様性,担当教師の多様性,および指導法における多様性に焦点を当てた。一方の一貫性に貢献する要素としては,学習者のニーズの優先, CEFRの採用,格差是正を通しての質保証,および自律学習の推進に焦点を当てた。最後に,これらの論究から得られる日本の小学校英語教育に対する示唆を提示する中で,小学校英語教育の今後の方向性を示した