15 research outputs found
Emissions scenarios without measures 1990-2030
The goal of this study is to estimate the net impact of all measures implemented in the context of the Swiss energy and climate policies on CO2 emissions from combustion processes between 1990 and 2030. The study provides a projection of CO2 emissions until 2030 under the assump-tion of continuation of existing measures and contrasts these emissions with a scenario exclud-ing all policies and measures introduced after 1990. The study does not estimate the evolution of CO2 emissions from non-combustion processes, other (non-CO2) greenhouse gas emissions and the impact of measures on these emissions. Nor does it simulate a scenario with additional measures that are currently discussed but not decided or that may become necessary in the future if it appears that the emission targets cannot be met with existing measures alone
Pathways to deep decarbonisation An overview of Swiss climate policy and existing simulations of decarbonisation strategies
This report gives an overview of Swiss climate policy and existing simulations of decarbonisation strategies. Report on results from Task A and B in the DDPP related mandate from FOEN
Die Schweiz auf dem Weg zu einer tiefgreifenden Dekarbonisierung
Die Schweiz kann ihre CO2-Emissionen aus dem Energieverbrauch bis zum Jahr 2050 um 4 Tonnen pro Einwohner reduzieren und damit die Vorgaben des international angestrebten Ziels einer globalen Klimaerwärmung von 2°C einhalten. Eine detaillierte Analyse mit ver-schiedenen Szenarien im Rahmen des Deep Decarbonization Pathways Projects konnte auf-zeigen, dass die damit verbundenen Kosten für die Wirtschaft verkraftbar sind
Endogenous Energy Efficiency Improvement
We managed to construct two novel and functional methodologies to depict the evolution of energy efficiency improvements (EEI) in two Swiss sectors, housing and cement. This allowed us to obtain a better representation of EEI triggered by energy and climate policies. Although we use available data to calibrate the models, the focus of this exercise was not to obtain precise quantitative results, but rather to construct a proof of concept. Simulating different policy scenarios over 2015-2050, we showed that it is important to consider the responsiveness to various types of policies. It is, for example, important to not only consider monetary incentives (such as subsidies or taxes), but also “softer” measures such as information campaigns. This is especially true in the building sectors, as many owners suffer from incomplete information. Consequently, a given target can be achieved at lower cost when using a smart mix of hard and soft policies.LEUREThe actual report has 39 pages and two working papers are attached