6 research outputs found

    Antidepresivni učinak Hipericum perforatum L. mjeren pomoću dvije eksperimentalne metode na miševima

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    The pharmacological approach to the treatment of depression includes a long-term employment of antidepressants, either in the form of monotherapy or as a combination of several antidepressants with various mechanisms of action. Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John\u27s wort) is the only natural antidepressant. Several constituents of the extract, such as hypericin and hyperforin seem to be important for this effect. H. perforatum is considered to be an effective alternative to other therapeutic agents in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. The paper describes the investigation of the antidepressant effect of H. perforatum (doses 7, 35 and 70 mg kg-1 b.m.) on mice using the forced-swimming and tail suspension methods. As an indicator of the antidepressant effect, it was shown that the immobility time of animals in the forced-swimming and tail-suspension experiments was shorter, i.e. the activity of the animals was higher. With single doses of extract suspension increasing from 7, over 35 to 70 mg kg-1 of extract suspension, the antidepressant effect increased in proportion by 10.1%, 25.8% and 38.6% in the swimming method, and by 12.7%, 16.5% and 24.5% in the tai-suspension method compared to controls. H. perforatum extract displays a dose-dependent antidepressant effect at a dose as low as 7 mg kg-1. Both models have proved to be equally valuable for demonstration of substances with a potential antidepressant effect.Farmakološki pristup liječenju depresije uključuje dugotrajnu prijmjenu antidepresiva, pri čemu se oni mogu primjenjivati kao monoterapija ili pak kao kombinacija više lijekova s različitim mehanizmima djelovanje. Hipericum perforatum L. (gospina trava) je jedini prirodni antidepresiv koji je djelotvoran u liječenju depresivnih poremećaja blagog i srednje jakog intenziteta. Za antidepresivno djelovanje gospine trave čini se da su najzaslužniji hipericin i hiperforin. U ovom radu ispitivan je antidepresivni učinak niskih doza ekstrakta H. perforatum i to: 7, 35 i 70 mg kg-1 na miševima pomoću metode «prinudnog plivanja» i «vješanja za rep». Kao pokazatelj antidepresivnog djelovanja mjereno je vrijeme mirovanja životinja- što je ono bilo kraće, aktivnost životinja je bila veća, pa je antidepresivni učinak bio jači. Povećanjem doze sa 7 mg kg-1 na 35 odnosno 70 mg kg-1, antidepresivni učinak ekstrakta H. perforatum bio je veći u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu životinja i to za 10,1%, 25,8% i 38,6% u metodi plivanja, odnosno za 12,7%, 16,5% i 24,5% u metodi vješanja za rep. Rezultati ovog rada ukazuju na antidepresivno djelovanje ekstrakta gospine trave već nakon jednokratne primjene niskih doza u oba korištena eksperimentalna modela

    N-ftaloil-glicin-hidroksamska kiselina kao kelator željeza u serumu štakora

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the activity of N-phthaloyl-glycine-hydroxamic acid (Phth-Gly-HA) as a new iron chelator in vivo to be used in iron overload diseases. After intraperitoneal application of Phth-Gly-HA to male rats (1 mg kg1 body mass) once a day for seven days, iron serum level decreased by 21%, whereas the iron value dropped by 32% in female rats (1.5 mg kg1 body mass). The results indicate that the tested substance has the ability to bind serum iron by complexation. Besides transferrin iron release, mobilization of ferritin iron is also possibleU cilju pronalaženja novog efikasnog kelatora koji bi mogao poslužiti u liječenju bolesti izazvanih viškom željeza, u ovom je radu ispitano djelovanje N-ftaloil-glicin-hidroksamske kiseline (Phth-Gly-HA) in vivo. Istraživan je utjecaj kelatora na razinu željeza u serumu štakora nakon intraperitonealne primjene vodene otopine Phth-Gly-HA (0,1 mg mL1) jednom dnevno tijekom 7 dana. Kontrolne su životinje primale fiziološku otopinu. Kod mužjaka injektiranje test supstancije (1 mg kg1) uzrokovalo je pad serumskog željeza za 21%. Kod ženki je nakon tretmana (1,5 mg kg1) izmjereno sniženje razine željeza za 35%. Rezultati pokazuju da ispitivana supstanca ima sposobnost kompleksiranja serumskog željeza, pretežno transferinskog, ali da postoji mogućnost mobilizacije željeza i iz feritinskih zaliha

    Kolesterol u zdravlju i bolesti

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    Cholesterol belongs to the lipid molecule with steroidal structure. It is a constituent of the cell membrane structure in our body. lt also plays an important role as a basic molecule (the source) in the synthesis of different steroid hormones, such as: corticosteroids (glucocorticoid - cortizol and mineralocorticoid - aldosteron), male and female hormones (testosterone, progesterone and estrogens), 1 .25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (vitamin 03), as well as production of bile acids, involved in many different functions (regulatory processes). Endogenous production of cholesterol takes place mainly in the liver (inside the hepatocyte) and represents about 70% of total cholesterol. The rest of 30% of total cholesterol is derived from the food. ln the case of increased intake or increased production of cholestcrol, hypercholesterolemia may occur. High level of cholesterol in the blood is not favorable, because it can be precipitated inside the blood wall, which consequently leads to atherosclerosis and coronary diseases. lncrease of heart attack and other cardiovascular diseascs aIso appears. The cure of this condition is possible by using different approachcs, such as lowering the intake of food containing triglyceride and increasing physical activity. lf that is not enough to normalize the level of serum cholesterol, it is necessary to proceed with pharmacological approach. There are well-known drugs available on our rnarket, under the name statins (fluvastatin, simvastatin, atorvastatin, rosuvastatin), which inhibit endogenous cholesterol production by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase. Also, another drug ezetimib, which belongs to the new class of drugs, inhibits re-absorption of cholesterol inside the gastrointestinal tract by blocking transporter NPCl L1 , responsible far its transfer from lumen to enterocyte. Lowering cholesterol under the normal level is also not favorable, because the appearance of possible side effects, such as depressive symptoms, becomes visible. From another point of view, low level of cholesterol can be reflected in a disbalance (putting out of order) of biological membrane structure, synthesis of steroidal hormones, bile acids production, as well as delayed function of particular organs. Also, changes in brain function connected with lack of cholesterol can be manifested as memory defect, changes in behavior and so on. Far all the above mentioned reasons, it can be concluded that the value of cholesterol must be kept within the normal control level, (i.e. not high and not too low = not hyper or hypo-cholesterolemic state), to prolong human health and life

    Potrošnja lijekova s učinkom na živčani sustav za područje Komiže u 1995. godini

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    The analysis of nervous system active drugs consumption was performed· on the district of town Komiža which is located on the island of Vis. Through the drugstore of Komiža, which provide about 1800 inhabitants older than 50 years of age (in average) and therefore the mortality is double than natality, the evidence about the number of delivered packing boxes (sc.) from every producer by itself, during 1995 was obtained. It was established a fact of the highest consumption of benzodiazepines with anxiolytic actions (3672 sc.), then drugs used in psychosis - neuroleptics (436 sc.), antidepressants (277 sc.), antiepileptic drugs (144 sc.) and hypnotics (130 sc.). By comparing this area with district of Zagreb during the same period, converted to the same number of inhabitants it was observed 50% larger consumption of oxazepam and 100% more of diazepam. Because of numerous particular specifics of that island such as big distance and lack of connection with the land, fifty- years isolation of island from the side of former army, undeveloped tourist trade and consequences of recent war in Croatia are the reason for damage of the health status. Therefore, it is not surprising, so high consumption of those drugs for that period. The better economic, social and other conditions, as those on the land so as more frequent connections with other places and development of tourism would help to increase the number of inhabitants, their better life conditions and bring more mental health and consequently less consumption of nervous system active drugs

    Lijekovi s inhibitornim učinkom na natrijeve kanale

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    Inhibition of voltage sodium channels in peripheral nerve, cardiac muscle and central neurons is the molecular basis of action of local anesthetics, class I antiarrhythmic drugs and a subclass of anticonvulsants, respectively. Sodiuln channels are found to be inhibited in therapeutic concentrations of these agents in voltage- and frequency- dependent manner that selectively blocks excitability of abnormally firing cells while leaving normally functioning cells relatively unaffected. This is probably responsible for the selectivity of action of the antiarrhythmic drugs to block rapid cardiac impulses generated by damaged, depolarized cells and of the anticonvulsants to block seizures without preventing normal neural activity

    The antidepressant activity of Hypericum perforatum L. measured by two experimental methods on mice

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    Farmakološki pristup liječenju depresije uključuje dugotrajnu prijmjenu antidepresiva, pri čemu se oni mogu primjenjivati kao monoterapija ili pak kao kombinacija više lijekova s različitim mehanizmima djelovanje. Hipericum perforatum L. (gospina trava) je jedini prirodni antidepresiv koji je djelotvoran u liječenju depresivnih poremećaja blagog i srednje jakog intenziteta. Za antidepresivno djelovanje gospine trave čini se da su najzaslužniji hipericin i hiperforin. U ovom radu ispitivan je antidepresivni učinak niskih doza ekstrakta H. perforatum i to: 7, 35 i 70 mg kg-1 na miševima pomoću metode «prinudnog plivanja» i «vješanja za rep». Kao pokazatelj antidepresivnog djelovanja mjereno je vrijeme mirovanja životinja- što je ono bilo kraće, aktivnost životinja je bila veća, pa je antidepresivni učinak bio jači. Povećanjem doze sa 7 mg kg-1 na 35 odnosno 70 mg kg-1, antidepresivni učinak ekstrakta H. perforatum bio je veći u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu životinja i to za 10,1%, 25,8% i 38,6% u metodi plivanja, odnosno za 12,7%, 16,5% i 24,5% u metodi vješanja za rep. Rezultati ovog rada ukazuju na antidepresivno djelovanje ekstrakta gospine trave već nakon jednokratne primjene niskih doza u oba korištena eksperimentalna modela.The pharmacological approach to the treatment of depression includes a long-term employment of antidepressants, either in the form of monotherapy or as a combination of several antidepressants with various mechanisms of action. Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John's wort) is the only natural antidepressant. Several constituents of the extract, such as hypericin and hyperforin seem to be important for this effect. H. perforatum is considered to be an effective alternative to other therapeutic agents in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. The paper describes the investigation of the antidepressant effect of H. perforatum (doses 7, 35 and 70 mg kg-1 b.m.) on mice using the forced-swimming and tail suspension methods. As an indicator of the antidepressant effect, it was shown that the immobility time of animals in the forced-swimming and tail-suspension experiments was shorter, i.e. the activity of the animals was higher. With single doses of extract suspension increasing from 7, over 35 to 70 mg kg-1 of extract suspension, the antidepressant effect increased in proportion by 10.1%, 25.8% and 38.6% in the swimming method, and by 12.7%, 16.5% and 24.5% in the tai-suspension method compared to controls. H. perforatum extract displays a dose-dependent antidepressant effect at a dose as low as 7 mg kg-1. Both models have proved to be equally valuable for demonstration of substances with a potential antidepressant effect