1 research outputs found

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Dan Pendidikan Terhadap Perilaku Ibu Rumah Tangga Dalam Mengelola Sampah Rumah Tangga Di Dusun Sigempol Desa Randusanga Kulon Kecamatan Brebes

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    The increasing number of population and changing consumption style of society, lead to increased volume, type and characteristics of waste. Waste that is not managed properly can have a negative impact for the community and the surrounding environment, so a wate management system is needed at the household scale to facilitate the processing of waste for the next steps. The preliminary study results show that on average 11 out of 15 respondents still did not know waste management properly. The purpose of this research is to determine the correlation between knowledge and education with the behavior of housewives in managing household waste. The type of this research is observational analytic with cross sectional design. The population of this research is all housewives in Dusun Sigempol, amounting to 1607 people. The sampling technique using Proportional Random Sampling. The amount of sample size in this research were 71 respondens. The instrument used was a questionnaire to collect data, level of knowledge, education and housewives behavior. Analysis of variable data using the fisher exact test. The results showed that 45 of 55 people (90%) of respondents with a good level of knowledge, had good behavior in managing household waste so that there was a relationship between knowledge and the behavior of housewives (p = 0,000 *). While IRT with primary, secondary and higher education levels, most of them have good behavior in managing household waste, so there is no relationship between education and the behavior of housewives (p = 0.115). So it is very important to increase knowledge to change one's behavior in managing waste, not only through formal education, but can also be obtained through other sources of information