326 research outputs found

    Rimske bronaste čelade republikanske dobe in zgodnjega principata v Sloveniji

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    Archaeological sites in Slovenia have yielded a number of Roman bronze helmets from the Late Republican and Early Imperial periods. More precisely, there are six (nearly) complete examples, several fragments of another helmet, five pieces of five different other helmets and possibly a cheek-piece. Four of the helmets belong to the Etrusco-Italic type, with the bowl and knob made in a single piece and with a polished exterior, of which the latest dated example is from around 70 BC. The other helmets or their parts are of the Buggenum (upper part of one helmet with a crest-knob) and Haguenau types (two helmets, two crest-knobs, two upper part fragments with a crest-knob), one also of the transitory form between the two types; all these date to the Early Principate. The helmets have been subjected to PIXE analyses to determine the approximate elemental composition. The results have shown that the helmets proper are mainly made of bronze with a medium amount of tin (roughly 6 to 12%) and no or very little lead or other elements, the hinges for attaching the cheek-pieces are of bronze and on one helmet of iron, rivets are of copper and on one helmet of iron, while the use of brass and the practice of soldering have been recorded on the helmets of the latest type (Haguenau) and on the helmet of the transitory Buggenum/Haguenau form.K rimskim bronastim čeladam poznorepublikanske in zgodnjecesarske dobe v Sloveniji sodi Ŕest čelad, več odlomkov ene čelade, pet vrhnjih delov petih čelad in morda en lični Ŕčitnik. Štiri čelade sodijo k čeladam etruŔčansko-italskega tipa, med katerimi je najmlajŔi datiran primerek iz let okrog 70 pr. Kr. Skupaj z gumbom so narejene v enem kosu in na zunanji strani spolirane. Ostale čelade oziroma njihovi deli pripadajo tipoma Buggenum (vrh z gumbom ene čelade) in Haguenau (dve čeladi, dva gumba, dva odlomka z gumbom vrhnjega dela čelad) oziroma prehodu med omenjenima tipoma (ena čelada) in so iz zgodnjega principata. Z analizami PIXE ugotovljena približna elementna sestava uporabljenih materialov je pokazala, da je osnovni material obravnavanih čelad bron, ki vsebuje srednje veliko kositra (okoli 6 do 12 %) in nič (ali zelo malo) svinca ali drugih elementov. Zanke za pritrditev ličnih Ŕčitnikov so iz brona ali (na eni čeladi) železa. Za zakovice so uporabili baker, pri eni čeladi železo. Medenina in spajkanje se pojavita na čeladah najmlajŔega tipa (Haguenau) oziroma na čeladi, ki je na prehodu med tipoma Buggenum in Haguenau

    The Role of the Media in Democratic Consolidation of Taiwan and Slovenia

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    The importance of the media in democracies has long been recognized. The media has often been seen as a preliminary mechanism of democratization process. Over the past 20 years, both Taiwan and Slovenia have been undergoing profound political changes, transforming from authoritarianism to democracy. This research will be a modest attempt to portray the significant role that media has played in the two countriesā€™ democratization processes and draw some interesting parallels between them.Ā Ā Ā Pomembnost medijev v demokracijah je že dolgo priznana. Mediji so pogosto videni kot predhoden mehanizem procesa demokratizacije. V zadnjih dvajsetih letih sta tako Tajvan kot Slovenija prestali temeljite politične spremembe in preÅ”li iz avtoritativnega režima k demokraciji. Pričujoča skromna raziskava bo poskusila prikazati bistveno vlogo, ki so jo mediji odigrali v procesih demokratizacije teh dveh dežel in začrtala nekaj zanimivih vzporednic med njima.


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    Å ege in navade kot folklorizem

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    Avtorica v prispevku na primeru raziskav Å”eg in navad predstavi poglede na folklorizem na podlagi treh vidikov: 1. s staliŔča  pogleda na teorijo oz. na raziskovalce, ki uporabljajo Ā»folklorizemĀ« kot koncept ali vsaj terminus technicus (v tem okviru je predstavljen razvoj koncepta v tujini in v Sloveniji); 2. s staliŔča raziskovalcev in njihove raziskovalne prakse, v kateri gre za (ne)zavedanje folklorizma pri obravnavi Å”eg in navad oz. (ne)aplikacijo koncepta v raziskave na Slovenskem, in 3. s staliŔča raziskovancev, ki razgrinjajo nagibe za uporabo Å”eg in navad in drugih elementov dediŔčine v turizmu na izbranem območju. *** This article uses examples of studies on customs and traditions to present views on folklorism from three perspectives: (1) the view of the theory and researchers that use ā€œ folklorismā€ as a concept or at least as a technical term (the development of this concept in Slovenia and abroad is presented within this framework); (2) the viewpoint of researchers and their research practice, which devotes more or less attention to this phenomenon or even overlooks it when addressing customs and traditions (and in this case also demonstrates the lack of use and reflection upon this concept in Slovenian research); and (3) the viewpoint of those studied, who reveal their motives for using customs and traditions as well as other heritage elements in tourism in the selected area

    Participatory urbanism: creative interventions for sustainable development

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    The paper presents the concept of participatory urbanism and analyses its practical implications in the context of the City of Ljubljana. It assesses the potential of participatory methodology for physical and social interventions in public spaces through the case-studies of two creative spatial practices: urban community garden Onkraj gradbiŔča / Beyond the construction site and community-led renovation of Savsko naselje neighbourhood. It indicates how bottom-up initiatives can contribute to sustainable development of an urban area, especially to its environmental and social features. It concludes with the ideas of how cities might engage with bottom-up spatial practices to increase the effectiveness of urban spatial planning, management and administration, and to boost their green creative image

    Oživljavanje javnog prostora biciklizmom i vrtlarenjem. Ljubljana ā€“ Europska zelena prijestolnica 2016.

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    Ljubljana has recently started to accumulate various European and global awards such as the European Green Capital 2016. This article analyses the cityā€™s sustainable living policy that led to this award and assesses non-environmental factors which improve the quality of urban life ā€“ an important indicator for various city rankings. Through case studies of urban cycling and gardening, it focuses on the quality of public spaces as perceived by city-supported initiatives and by grassroots practices that resist the cityā€™s vision. It concludes with a questioning of the efficiency of current urban policies for improving the quality of life of all citizens.Ljubljana je u posljednje vrijeme počela dobivati razna europska i svjetska priznanja, poput Europske zelene prijestolnice za 2016. U ovom se članku analizira gradska politika održivog življenja koja je gradu donijela tu nagradu te se procjenjuju neokoliÅ”ni faktori koji unaprjeđuju kvalitetu života u gradu, kao važan pokazatelj u raznim načinima ocjenjivanja gradova. Kroz studije slučaja urbanog biciklizma i vrtlarenja, fokus se stavlja na kvalitetu javnog prostora, kako je percipiraju inicijative podržane od strane grada te građanske prakse odozdo (grassroots) koje se odupiru gradskoj viziji. Članak se zaključuje propitkivanjem učinkovitosti danaÅ”njih gradskih politika u unaprjeđenju kvalitete života svih građana

    Geodesy Students in Slovenia and Information & Communication Technology

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    The implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in university curricula is important for the development of graduates' competences and their preparation for the labour market. ICT use encourages the development of collaboration, creativity, leadership, and other generic and subject-specific competences. In this paper, the results of a survey among Slovene geodesy students conducted in 2009 are presented. The survey focuses on the modes in which students use ICT in learning and on their views of the impact that ICT use has on their studies. The results cover (1) ICT literacy and competences for learning with ICT, (2) actual ICT use in learning and other activities, (3) preferences for ICT use in learning, and (4) assessment of the impact ICT use has on university studies. The results are significant for higher education policy planners, curriculum designers and for ICT infrastructure-related managerial and administrative decision making in higher education institutions; they are also an important source of information for teachers who want to modify their teaching methods. The results of similar surveys in the UK, Germany, the US and Australia are also presented. Findings of the survey among Slovene geodesy students show that they rank their general ICT literacy higher than their competences for learning with ICT. They believe that ICT literacy and competences for learning with ICT should be further developed. Results show that preferences for ICT use are higher than actual ICT use. The impact assessment of ICT use in the study shows that orientation to ``digital'' approaches to learning and the actual use of such approaches are ranked higher than those in which ICT is used for assisting traditional study approaches

    The gender gap in economic dependency over the life cycle: some theoretical and practical considerations

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    Economic analysis usually defines the period of dependency with arbitrary age limits that are independent of country, year, gender and other factors. This paper uses the National Transfer Accounts methodology, which defines dependency by the life cycle periods in which individualsā€™ consumption exceeds their labour income. The novelty of the paper is the decomposition of the results by gender, as well as the retrospective pre- and post-crisis analysis for the 2000ā€“ 2012 period. Slovenia, an ageing European society with a small, open economy, is used as a showcase. The findings indicate that, in Slovenia in 2012, women were able to finance their consumption through their labour income for 29.0Ā years, compared to 35.9Ā years for men, with a significant decrease in the gender gap in economic dependency over time, from 7.9Ā years in 2000 to 6.9 in 2012. It would seem that the economic crisis interrupted the path to equal periods of economic dependency for both genders. However, overall, the gender gap tends to decrease, despite the economic crisis

    Luxury food tour: Perspectives and dilemmas on the "luxurification" of local culture in tourism product

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    This paper focuses on the Kras/Carso Food Tour to present the challenges of developing a luxury tourism product. The tour's design followed the current strategy of the Slovenian Tourist Board, which defines specific criteria for a luxury experience. Contextualized by the experiential trends in tourism, the paper juxtaposes the bottom-up and top-down perspectives on luxury experiences. The authors argue that mediation by experts familiar with academic discourses and local culture is beneficial for the development of a successful tourism product. The study contributes to the debates on luxury tourism, which have neglected bottom-up perceptions in tourist discourse and overlooked the dilemmas people face when "luxurifying" their traditions and heritage practices
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