12 research outputs found

    The Case for a General and Interaction-based Third-party Cookie Policy

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    The privacy implications of third-party tracking is a well-studied problem. Recent research has shown that besides data aggregators and behavioral advertisers, online social networks also act as trackers via social widgets. Existing cookie policies are not enough to solve these problems, pushing users to employ blacklist-based browser extensions to prevent such tracking. Unfortunately, such approaches require maintaining and distributing blacklists, which are often too general and adversely affect non-tracking services for advertisements and analytics. In this paper, we propose and advocate for a general third-party cookie policy that prevents third-party tracking with cookies and preserves the functionality of social widgets without requiring a blacklist and adversely affecting non-tracking services. We implemented a proof-of-concept of our policy as browser extensions for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. To date, our extensions have been downloaded about 11.8K times and have over 2.8K daily users combined.Comment: In Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Web 2.0 Security and Privacy (W2SP) 201

    Towards A Non-tracking Web

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    Today, many publishers (e.g., websites, mobile application developers) commonly use third-party analytics services and social widgets. Unfortunately, this scheme allows these third parties to track individual users across the web, creating privacy concerns and leading to reactions to prevent tracking via blocking, legislation and standards. While improving user privacy, these efforts do not consider the functionality third-party tracking enables publishers to use: to obtain aggregate statistics about their users and increase their exposure to other users via online social networks. Simply preventing third-party tracking without replacing the functionality it provides cannot be a viable solution; leaving publishers without essential services will hurt the sustainability of the entire ecosystem. In this thesis, we present alternative approaches to bridge this gap between privacy for users and functionality for publishers and other entities. We first propose a general and interaction-based third-party cookie policy that prevents third-party tracking via cookies, yet enables social networking features for users when wanted, and does not interfere with non-tracking services for analytics and advertisements. We then present a system that enables publishers to obtain rich web analytics information (e.g., user demographics, other sites visited) without tracking the users across the web. While this system requires no new organizational players and is practical to deploy, it necessitates the publishers to pre-define answer values for the queries, which may not be feasible for many analytics scenarios (e.g., search phrases used, free-text photo labels). Our second system complements the first system by enabling publishers to discover previously unknown string values to be used as potential answers in a privacy-preserving fashion and with low computation overhead for clients as well as servers. These systems suggest that it is possible to provide non-tracking services with (at least) the same functionality as today’s tracking services

    Towards A Non-tracking Web

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    Today, many publishers (e.g., websites, mobile application developers) commonly use third-party analytics services and social widgets. Unfortunately, this scheme allows these third parties to track individual users across the web, creating privacy concerns and leading to reactions to prevent tracking via blocking, legislation and standards. While improving user privacy, these efforts do not consider the functionality third-party tracking enables publishers to use: to obtain aggregate statistics about their users and increase their exposure to other users via online social networks. Simply preventing third-party tracking without replacing the functionality it provides cannot be a viable solution; leaving publishers without essential services will hurt the sustainability of the entire ecosystem. In this thesis, we present alternative approaches to bridge this gap between privacy for users and functionality for publishers and other entities. We first propose a general and interaction-based third-party cookie policy that prevents third-party tracking via cookies, yet enables social networking features for users when wanted, and does not interfere with non-tracking services for analytics and advertisements. We then present a system that enables publishers to obtain rich web analytics information (e.g., user demographics, other sites visited) without tracking the users across the web. While this system requires no new organizational players and is practical to deploy, it necessitates the publishers to pre-define answer values for the queries, which may not be feasible for many analytics scenarios (e.g., search phrases used, free-text photo labels). Our second system complements the first system by enabling publishers to discover previously unknown string values to be used as potential answers in a privacy-preserving fashion and with low computation overhead for clients as well as servers. These systems suggest that it is possible to provide non-tracking services with (at least) the same functionality as today’s tracking services

    SplitX: high-performance private analytics

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    There is a growing body of research on mechanisms for preserving online user privacy while still allowing aggregate queries over private user data. A common approach is to store user data at users ’ devices, and to query the data in such a way that a differentially private noisy result is produced without exposing individual user data to any system component. A particular challenge is to design a system that scales well while limiting how much the malicious users can distort the result. This paper presents SplitX, a highperformance analytics system for making differentially private queries over distributed user data. SplitX is typically two to three orders of magnitude more efficient in bandwidth, and from three to five orders of magnitude more efficient in computation than previous comparable systems, while operating under a similar trust model. SplitX accomplishes this performance by replacing public-key operations with exclusive-or operations. This paper presents the design of SplitX, analyzes its security and performance, and describes its implementation and deployment across 416 users

    Non-tracking Web Analytics

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    Today, websites commonly use third party web analytics services to obtain aggregate information about users that visit their sites. This information includes demographics and visits to other sites as well as user behavior within their own sites. Unfortunately, to obtain this aggregate information, web analytics services track individual user browsing behavior across the web. This violation of user privacy has been strongly criticized, resulting in tools that block such tracking as well as anti-tracking legislation and standards such as Do-Not-Track. These efforts, while improving user privacy, degrade the quality of web analytics. This paper presents the first design of a system that provides web analytics without tracking. The system gives users differential privacy guarantees, can provide better quality analytics than current services, requires no new organizational players, and is practical to deploy. This paper describes and analyzes the design, gives performance benchmarks, and presents our implementation and deployment across several hundred users

    Large-scale Incremental Data Processing with Change Propagation

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    Incremental processing of large-scale data is an increasingly important problem, given that many processing jobs run repeatedly with similar inputs, and that the de facto standard programming model (MapReduce) was not designed to efficiently process small updates. As a result, new systems specifically targeting this problem (e.g., Google Percolator, or Yahoo! CBP) have been proposed. Unfortunately, these approaches require the adoption of a new programming model, breaking compatibility with existing programs, and increasing the burden on the programmer, who now is required to devise an incremental update mechanism. We claim that automatic incremental processing of large-scale data is possible by leveraging previous results from the algorithms and programming languages communities. As an example, we describe how MapReduce can be improved to ef- ficiently handle small input changes by automatically incrementalizing existing MapReduce computations, without breaking backward compatibility or demanding programmers to adopt a new programming approach.</p