753 research outputs found

    The political economy of healthcare litigation : model and empirical application to Uruguay

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    The political economy of health care is complex, as stakeholders have conflicting preferences over efficiency and equity. This paper formally models the preferences of consumer and producer groups involved in priority setting and judicialization in public health care. It uses a unique dataset of stakeholder perceptions, from Uruguay, to test whether these hypotheses are consistent with empirical evidence. The results suggest that the expectations of the political economy literature are supported: 1) regulators of public healthcare are less concerned with efficiency considerations than consumers; and 2) less organized groups are more concerned about equity than more organized interest groups. With respect to the consequences of health litigation, the findings are only partially consistent with the health care governance literature. Consumers perceive litigation as more beneficial than health care providers and regulators do. Counter-intuitively, powerful interest groups seem less willing to use litigation to shape policy outcomes.Health Systems Development&Reform,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Health Economics&Finance,Economic Theory&Research,Population Policies

    P03-01. The relationship of envelope evolution to lentiviral persistence and vaccine efficacy

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    We recently reported a direct, inverse, significant linear correlation of Env divergence from our live-attenuated vaccine strain (EIAVD9) and protection from disease. This marked effect of Env variation or viral evolution on vaccine efficacy begged the current questions: what is the relationship of Env variation and viral evolution to vaccine efficacy and does the evolution of virus in inapparent carriers differ from the evolution of attenuated vaccine viruses? Hence we further examined this relationship of Env divergence, evolution, and vaccine efficacy via investigations into Env evolution during inapparent infections, the elimination of ancestral viral species in infected ponies, and EIAVD9 day of challenge (DOC) evolution association with vaccine protection

    Measuring Population Care Performance: Development of the Population-Patient Satisfaction Survey for Use with Community Groups

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    Background: Assessing the satisfaction of the “population-patient” requires conceptualizing the dimensions of satisfaction differently from that of individual patients. Purpose: The focus of this study was to develop and pilot test a short questionnaire that can reliably assess satisfaction with the care provided by public health nurses (PHNs) carrying out population-level activities in their communities. Methods: An instrument-development approach was used. With input from five experts, items were developed to assess seven dimensions of population-patient satisfaction, and then refined before use in the community with a convenience sample of community participants recruited by PHNs in six counties across two states. The pilot yielded 134 surveys collected on 28 different dates over 5 years. Analysis included calculating the means and alpha reliability of each satisfaction dimension and the overall satisfaction. Results: All dimensions except communication (alpha 0.68) had an alpha reliability above 0.80. The enthusiasm dimension received the highest rating (mean=4.6, SD=0.60). The respect dimension had the lowest rating (mean=4.3, SD=0.80). Significant differences between the two states (n=32, n=97) were found for values (p=0.02) and communication (p=0.03). Analysis of variance showed significant differences by local health departments (LHDs) on values (p=0.001), enthusiasm (p=0.002), and communication (p=0.02). Although the enthusiasm subscale seemed to be the highest for most LHDs, no clear pattern of strengths and weaknesses per LHD emerged. Implications: Data from using the Population Patient Satisfaction Survey can be used to identify perceptions of the community regarding the quality of population-focused activities and thus areas for improvement which would then enhance community health

    Burnout estudiantil y calidad de vida en estudiantes de la facultad de ciencias económicas de una universidad privada de Trujillo

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    Se ha realizado un estudio correlacional entre burnout estudiantil y calidad de vida en estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de una universidad privada de Trujillo. Para ello se trabajó con una muestra de 247 estudiantes de las carreras de Administración, Contabilidad y Economía y negocios internacionales, varones y mujeres, con edades entre 18 y 23 años, con matricula vigente en el ciclo académico 2017-II., empleando para su evaluación la Escala unidimensional del burnout estudiantil (EUBE) de Barraza (2009) y la Escala de Calidad de Vida de Olson y Barnes (1982). Los resultados muestran, que en los estudiantes predomina un nivel medio de Burnout Estudiantil y sus dimensiones, con porcentajes que oscilan entre 37.7% y 40.5%. Asimismo, predomina un nivel medio de Calidad de Vida y sus dimensiones, con porcentajes que oscilan entre 49.8% y 55.1%. En cuanto al análisis relacional, se encontró una correlación muy significativa, negativa y en grado medio, entre Burnout Estudiantil y Calidad de Vida en los sujetos de estudio. Por otro lado, existe correlación muy significativa (p<.01), negativa y en grado medio, entre la dimensión Indicadores Comportamentales del Burnout Estudiantil y las dimensiones Hogar y Bienestar Económico, Amigos, Vecindario y Comunidad, Vida familiar y Familia Extensa, Educación y Ocio y Salud de la Calidad de Vida. De igual manera, se encontró una correlación muy significativa (p<.01), negativa y en grado medio, entre la dimensión Indicadores Actitudinales del Burnout Estudiantil y las dimensiones de la Calidad de Vida.A correlational study has been conducted between student burnout and quality of life in students of the Faculty of Economics of a private university in Trujillo. To this end, a sample of 247 students from the Administration, Accounting and Economics and international business courses, male and female, aged between 18 and 23 years old, with current enrollment in the academic year 2017-II. Was employed evaluation of the one-dimensional Scale of student burnout (EUBE) of Barraza (2009) and the Quality of Life Scale of Olson and Barnes (1982). The results show that in the students there predominates an average level of Student Burnout and its dimensions, with percentages ranging between 37.7% and 40.5%. Likewise, an average level of Quality of Life and its dimensions predominate, with percentages ranging between 49.8% and 55.1%. Regarding the relational analysis, a very significant, negative and medium degree correlation was found between Student Burnout and Quality of Life in the study subjects. On the other hand, there is a very significant correlation (p <.01), negative and in medium degree, between the Behavioral Indicators of Student Burnout dimension and the dimensions Home and Economic Wellbeing, Friends, Neighborhood and Community, Family Life and Extended Family, Education and Leisure and Health of the Quality of Life. Similarly, a very significant (p <.01), negative and medium grade correlation was found between the Attitudinal Indicators of Student Burnout dimension and the Quality of Life dimensions.Tesi

    « For both Cross and Flag »

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    IntroductionThe separation of church and state has been a central principle of American life since the Bill of Rights became part of the Constitution in 1791. However, the interconnection of politics and religion predated the Constitution by more than a century, and today Americans continue to debate the extent to which religious faith should guide public policy. This essay seeks to recover a forgotten chapter of this aspect of American cultural history by telling the story of the origins, de..

    Liberal and Conservative Visions in United States Politics since 1945: Cultural Politics, the Politics of Inclusion, and Two California Cases

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    Contemporary American political culture is filled with complexity, defies simple characterizations, and manifests an uneasy tension between recognizing (even honoring) cultural diversity and practicing (even celebrating) class inequality.  The belief in social inclusivity has increased and so has the belief in direct democracy, while at the same time increasing numbers of Americans have lost faith in government and converted to the religion of the free market. The half century since the beginning of the Sixties, a decade associated with hyper-liberalism, has witnessed a steady increase in the appeal of conservatism.  In the name of individual freedom, some Americans question government’s right to monitor racial discrimination, while others challenge government’s right to legalize same-sex marriages.  This paper will begin with a review of cultural politics and conservatism in American political culture, and then it will analyze recent research on the use of direct democracy by the opponents and proponents of affirmative action and same sex marriage, with a particular focus on the California experience.  The paper will conclude with a reflection on how these contests may relate to the theory and practice of multicultural citizenship in the United States and other pluralist democracies. La culture politique américaine contemporaine est pleine de complexité, elle met au défi les classifications simples et manifeste une tension forte entre reconnaître (voire honorer) la diversité culturelle et pratiquer (voire célébrer) l’inégalité de classe. La croyance dans l’absence de discrimination sociale, de même que la croyance dans la démocratie directe, ont augmenté, alors que dans le même temps un nombre croissant d’Américains ont perdu la foi dans le gouvernement et se sont convertis à la religion du marché libre. Le demi-siècle qui a suivi les années 1960, une décennie associée à l’hyper-libéralisme, a été le témoin d’une montée constante de l’attrait pour le conservatisme. Au nom de la liberté individuelle, des Américains mettent en cause le droit du gouvernement à contrôler la discrimination raciale, tandis que d’autres contestent le droit du gouvernement à légaliser le mariage homosexuel. Cet article étudie, dans un premier temps, les politiques culturelles et le conservatisme dans la culture politique américaine, puis il analyse, dans un second temps, les recherches récentes sur l’usage de la démocratie directe par les opposants et les partisans de la discrimination positive et du mariage homosexuel, en s’attachant plus particulièrement à l’expérience californienne. En conclusion est proposée une réflexion sur les liens pouvant exister entre ces contestations et la théorie et pratique de la citoyenneté multiculturelle aux États-Unis et dans les autres démocraties pluralistes

    Die verskynsel van aflrnouery in 'n plattelandse laerskool in die Wes-Kaap

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    Doctor Educationis'n Mini-tesis voorgele ter gedeeltelike vervulling van die vereistes vir die Meestersgraad in Opvoedkunde aan die Fakulteit van Opvoedkunde van die Universiteit van die Wes-Kaapland. Hierdie studie was gemotiveer deur 'n toenemende bewuswording dat afknouery in Suid-Afrikaanse hoer- en laerskole emstige afrnetings aangeneem het - soos blyk uit die daaglikse verslaggewing in die media. Die doel van die studie is om die aard en omvang van afknouery in 'n plattelandse laerskool in die Wes-Kaap te ondersoek, asook om die bestaande maatreels te evalueer wat in die skool geYmplementeer word om die effek van die verskynsel te voorkom en in toom te hou. In die literatuurstudie het ek daarop gekonsentreer om 'n historiese agtergrond van die fenomeen deur te gee, asook om die mening van kundiges op die gebied oor wat afknouery behels, die oorsake en gevolge daarvan en moontlike maniere om die probleem te hanteer, te ondersoek. Navorsing op die gebied van afknouery het heel eerste in alle ems in Noorwee en Swede 'n aanvang geneem en is later uitgebrei na antler lande. In Suid-Afrika is die fenomeen tans relatief min nagevors. Oor die algemeen vind navorsers dit uiters moeilik om afknouery akkuraat te definieer en om 'n onderskeid te tref tussen afknouery, geweld en kriminele aanranding. Daar is egter konsensus <lat afknouery in verskillende vorme manifesteer - fisies, verbaal en psigologies - en <lat <lit essensieel die manifestasie van ongelyke magsverhoudings is. Verder stem navorsers saam <lat afknouery sulke verreikende kort- en langtermyn gevolge vir die oortreder en die slagoffer inhou, dat <lit daadwerklike aandag moet geniet

    Women Creators: Artistry and Sacrifice in the Novels of Virginia Woolf

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    This thesis examines different facets of feminine artistry in Virginia Woolf\u27s novels with the purpose of defining her conception of women artists and the role sacrifice plays in it. The project follows characters in Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, and Between the Acts as they attempt to create art despite society\u27s restrictions; it studies the suffering these women experience under regimented institutions and arbitrary gender roles. From Woolf’s earlier texts to her last, she embraces the uncertainty of identity, even as she portrays the artist’s sacrifice in the early-to-mid twentieth century, specifically as the creative female identity fights to adapt to male-dominated spaces. Through a close-reading approach coupled with biographical and historical research, this thesis concludes that although the narratives of Woolf\u27s novels demand the woman artist sacrifice for the sake of pursuing creation, Woolf praises the attempt and considers it a crueler fate to live with unfulfilled potential

    Der Holzbau

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    DER HOLZBAU Das Handbuch des Bautechnikers (-) Der Holzbau (8) ([III]) Einband (-) Titelseite ([II]) Titelseite ([III]) Vorwort ([VII]) Inhaltsverzeichnis ([IX]) Allgemeines ([1]) Bauholz ([1]) Die Fällzeit des Holzes (5) Die Fehler des Holzes (7) Holzprüfung zum Erkennen seiner Fehler (7) Das Arbeiten des Holzes (8) Die Verarbeitung des Holzes (10) Das Beschlagen der Stämme zu Balken (11) Die Ausnutzung des Bauholzes (13) Die nationalökonomische Bedeutung des Holzbaues (14) Der Fachwerkbau (18) Die Wiederbelebung der Holzbaukunst (18) Die Fachwerks- oder Riegelwand (19) Die Balkenlage und die Vorkragung der Stockwerke (35) Die Verkleidung der Zwischendecke (46) Die Giebelausbildung (49) Tafel 1 und 2 (Tafel 1 u. 2) Tafel 3 und 4 (Tafel 3 u. 4) Tafel 5 (Tafel 5) Tafel 6 und 7 (Tafel 6 u. 7) Die Fenster (85) Türen und Torfahrten (92) Die Schmuckmittel des Fachwerkbaues (107) An- und Aufbauten (142) Tafel 8 (Tafel 8) Tafel 9 und 10 (Tafel 9 u. 10) Tafel 11 und 12 (Tafel 11 u. 12) Tafel 13 (Tafel 13) Tafel 14 (Tafel 14) Der neuzeitliche Bohlenbau (198) Der Blockbau (205) Allgemeines (205) Die Blockwand (206) Türen und Fenster (208) Das Dach und die Giebelbildung (213) Seitenlauben und Galerien (218) Die Schmuckmittel des Blockbaues (222) Tafel 15 (Tafel 15) Der schweizerische Ständer- und Riegelbau (230) Der norwegische Stab- und Blockbau (238) Verzeichnis der bei der Bearbeitung dieses Bandes benutzten Werke und Zeitschriften ([245]) Farbinformation (-) Einband (-