101 research outputs found

    Shifting journalistic roles in democratic transitions: Lessons from Egypt

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    While in the case of the Arab Spring the focus of research and debate was very much on the role of social media in enabling political change both during the uprisings and in their immediate aftermath, the impact of traditional national mass media and journalism on framing this political change has been less addressed. In this article, we investigate the role of Egyptian journalists in shaping Egypt’s complex and fast-moving political transition. Based on a thematic analysis of in-depth interviews and a conceptual framework building on Christians et al.’s normative roles of the media, it can be concluded that the monitorial and facilitative roles, which were prevalent in the early stages of the post-Mubarak era, were quickly overturned in favor of a radical and collaborative role. Egyptian journalists working in private media thus demonized their political adversaries, mainly the Islamists, transforming this political ‘other’ into the ultimate enemy. At the same time, the new military regime was being revered and celebrated. This arguably contributed to further destabilize the fragile transition to democracy. It is furthermore concluded that for democracy to succeed in an Egyptian context, antagonistic political conflicts need to be transformed into agonistic ones both at the level of political culture and media culture

    Reforming Fiscal Institutions in Resource-Rich Arab Economies: Policy Proposals

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    This paper traces the evolution of fiscal institutions of Resource Rich Arab Economies (RRAEs) over time since their pre-oil days, through the discovery of oil to their build-up of oil exports. It then identifies challenges faced by RRAEs and variations in their severity among the different countries over time. Finally, it articulates specific policy reforms, which, if implemented successfully, could help to overcome these challenges. In some cases, however, these policy proposals may give rise to important trade-offs that will have to be evaluated carefully in individual cases


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    Cortical Vision Loss as a Prominent Feature of H1N1 Encephalopathy

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    A 20-year-old woman infected with the 2009 H1N1 strain of influenza A developed bilateral visual loss. Brain MRI showed restricted diffusion of the parietal and occipital lobes, and her spinal fluid did not contain inflammatory cells. This report describes an unusual case of H1N1 influenza A virus infection primarily affecting the posterior visual pathways

    Daily Life in the Shadow of Empire

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