4 research outputs found

    Seeing Through the Data: A Statistical Evaluation of Prohibited Item Detection Benchmark Datasets for X-ray Security Screening

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    The rapid progress in automatic prohibited object detection within the context of X-ray security screening, driven forward by advances in deep learning, has resulted in the first internationally-recognized, application-focused object detection performance standard (ECAC Common Testing Methodology for Automated Prohibited Item Detection Systems). However, the ever-increasing volume of detection work in this application area is highly reliant on a limited set of large-scale benchmark detection datasets that are specific to this domain. This study provides a comprehensive quantitative analysis of the underlying distribution of the prohibited item instances in three of the most prevalent X-ray security imagery benchmark and how these correlate against the detection performance of six state-of-the-art object detectors spanning multiple contemporary object detection paradigms. We focus on object size, location and aspect ratio within the image in addition to looking at global properties such as image colour distribution. Our results show a clear correlation between false negative (missed) detections and object size with the distribution of undetected items being statistically smaller in size than those typically found in the corresponding dataset as a whole. For false positive detections, the size distribution of such false alarm instances is shown to differ from the corresponding dataset test distribution in all cases. Furthermore, we observe that onestage, anchor-free object detectors may be more vulnerable to the detection of heavily occluded or cluttered objects than other approaches whilst the detection of smaller prohibited item instances such as bullets remains more challenging than other object types

    Region-based Appearance and Flow Characteristics for Anomaly Detection in Infrared Surveillance Imagery

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    Anomaly detection is a classical problem within automated visual surveillance, namely the determination of the normal from the abnormal when operational data availability is highly biased towards one class (normal) due to both insufficient sample size, and inadequate distribution coverage for the other class (abnormal). In this work, we propose the dual use of both visual appearance and localized motion characteristics, derived from optic flow, applied on a per-region basis to facilitate object-wise anomaly detection within this context. Leveraging established object localization techniques from a region proposal network, optic flow is extracted from each object region and combined with appearance in the far infrared (thermal) band to give a 3-channel spatiotemporal tensor representation for each object (1 × thermal - spatial appearance; 2 × optic flow magnitude as x and y components - temporal motion). This formulation is used as the basis for training contemporary semi-supervised anomaly detection approaches in a region-based manner such that anomalous objects can be detected as a combination of appearance and/or motion within the scene. Evaluation is performed using the LongTerm infrared (thermal) Imaging (LTD) benchmark dataset against which successful detection of both anomalous object appearance and motion characteristics are demonstrated using a range of semi-supervised anomaly detection approaches