2 research outputs found

    Expansion of Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup C Clonal Complex 10217 during Meningitis Outbreak, Burkina Faso, 2019

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    During January 28ā€“May 5, 2019, a meningitis outbreak caused by Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C (NmC) occurred in Burkina Faso. Demographic and laboratory data for meningitis cases were collected through national case-based surveillance. Cerebrospinal fluid was collected and tested by culture and real-time PCR. Among 301 suspected cases reported in 6 districts, N. meningitidis was the primary pathogen detected; 103 cases were serogroup C and 13 were serogroup X. Whole-genome sequencing revealed that 18 cerebrospinal fluid specimens tested positive for NmC sequence type (ST) 10217 within clonal complex 10217, an ST responsible for large epidemics in Niger and Nigeria. Expansion of NmC ST10217 into Burkina Faso, continued NmC outbreaks in the meningitis belt of Africa since 2019, and ongoing circulation of N. meningitidis serogroup X in the region underscore the urgent need to use multivalent conjugate vaccines in regional mass vaccination campaigns to reduce further spread of those serogroups

    Profil de sensibiliteĢ des souches de pneumocoques aux antibiotiques avant lā€™introduction du vaccin anti pneumococcique conjugueĢ aĢ€ treize valences (PCV-13) au Burkina Faso

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    Introduction: Streptococcus pneumoniae constitue un pathogeĢ€ne important des meĢningites bacteĢriennes aigueĢˆs au Burkina Faso. Cela a justifieĢ lā€™introduction du vaccin pneumococcique conjugueĢ en Octobre 2013 dans le programme eĢlargi de vaccination chez les enfants de moins dā€™un an. Lā€™objectif de ce travail consiste aĢ€ eĢtablir le profil de sensibiliteĢ aux antibiotiques des souches de S. pneumoniae isoleĢes du liquide ceĢreĢbro-spinal. MeĢthodologie: Du 1er Janvier 2010 au 30 DeĢcembre 2012, 37 souches de pneumocoques ont eĢteĢ collecteĢes du reĢseau national de surveillance de la meĢningite du pays. Ces souches, repiqueĢes sur de la geĢlose au sang frais, ont eĢteĢ confirmeĢes par le test de sensibiliteĢ aĢ€ lā€™optochine. Le test de Quellung a deĢtermineĢ les seĢrotypes de pneumocoques et lā€™antibiogramme a eĢteĢ reĢaliseĢ selon la meĢthode de diffusion et interpreĢteĢ selon le standard Ā« European Committee of antibiotics susceptibility testing. ReĢsultats: Sur 37 isolats seĢrotypeĢs, 77% appartenaient aux seĢrotypes vaccinaux. Lā€™antibiogramme a reĢveĢleĢ que 92% des souches sensibles aĢ€ lā€™oxacilline, 97% aĢ€ lā€™eĢrythromycine et 73% aĢ€ la clindamycine. Le cotrimoxazole a eĢteĢ actif dans 14% et la teĢtracycline seulement 5% des souches. Conclusion: La majoriteĢ des souches de pneumocoques isoleĢe des meĢningites au Burkina Faso appartiennent aux seĢrotypes vaccinaux. Mots cleĢs: SensibiliteĢ; Antibiotiques; Pneumocoques; PCV-13 English Title: Profile of antibiotics susceptibility testing of pneumococcal strains before the introduction of the thirteen-valent conjugate pneumococcal vaccine (PCV-13) in Burkina Faso English Abstract  Introduction: Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important pathogen of acute bacterial meningitis in Burkina Faso. This justify the introduction of the thirteen-valent pneumococcal vaccine in October 2013 in the expanded program of immunization in children under one year old. The aim of this work is to establish the antibiotics susceptibility testing profile of strains of S. pneumoniae isolated from cerebrospinal fluid. Methods: From January 1st, 2010 to December 30th, 2012, 37 strains of pneumococci were collected from the country's national meningitis surveillance network. These strains, subcultured on fresh blood agar, were confirmed by the optochin susceptibility testing. The Quellung test made it possible by determining the pneumococcal serotypes and the antibiogram carried out according to the diffusion method and interpreted according to the standard "European Committee of antibiotics susceptibility testingā€. Results: Of the thirty-seven typed isolates, 77% belonged to the vaccine serotypes. Susceptibility to antibiotics reports 92% of strains susceptible to oxacillin, 97% to erythromycin and 73% to clindamycin. Cotrimoxazole was active in 14% and tetracycline only 5% of the strains. Conclusion: The majority of pneumococcal strains isolated from meningitis in Burkina Faso belong to vaccine serotypes. Keywords: Antibiotics; susceptibility testing; Pneumococci; PCV-1