2 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection in Children from One to Fifteen Years Old in Basra City in 2014

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    A descriptive cross-sectional study carried out  in Basra  city to assess the prevalence of urinary tract infection depending on the result of urine culture in the central five hospitals(Al Basra Maternity and Pediatrics Hospital,Al Basra General Hospital ,Al Mawaniaa Hospital ,AlFaihaa Hospital and Al Shifaa Hospital) that was done to the attendance of pediatrics outpatient clinic  and their age range  from one year to fifteen years .From total 38841 patient recorded as an attendance to the pediatrics outpatient clinic in the year  2014 ,urine culture was done for 824 patient  of them and it was positive in 321 (39%) and negative in 503 (61%). From the 321 patients with positive urinary culture 142 patients (44.33%) were male and 179 patient (55.67%) were female with significant association between the result of urinary culture and sex (p=0.042).Patients with positive urine culture were divided into three age group and the result was that 84 patients (26.16%)  were in the first age group (1-5years),151 patients (47%) in the second age group (6-10years) and 86patients(26.8%) in the third age group(11-15years) .Five type of bacteria were found in the result of patients with positive urine culture , the most common type of bacteria was(Escherichia Coli ) (73.83 %),followed by Staphylococcus aureus (17.13%), Klebsiella pneumonia (4.36%), and  Pseudomonas aeruginosa (0.64%)The prevalence of urinary tract infections in Basra city at years 2014 was  (8.26/1000children attending outpatient clinics in Basra city hospitals ).The  Prevalence of urinary tract infection in the five major hospitals in Basra in  2014 was calculated  and the  result  was  that the prevalence of urinary tract infection   was highest  in Al Basra Maternity&  Pediatrics  Hospital  (13.96) followed  by Al Mawanaa Hospital   ( 9.86 ) , Al Faihaa Hospital  ( 8.34 ) AL Basra General Hospital (7.44) and AlShifaa Hospital(3.18).Then the Prevalence of urinary tract infection in Basra city  for every month in2014 was calculated to compare the prevalence for each month and the result was that there was high prevalence in March (10.17), April(13.72), July (11.58)August (10.11) comparing with the other months.This study conclude that in Basra city the urinary tract infection is more common in female than in male and mostly in age group from (6-10) years ,and that (  Escherichia Coli ) is the most common  type of the  causative microorganisms, high prevalence of urinary tract infection was found in Al Basra Maternity and Pediatrics Hospital, the prevalence increase mainly in March ,April,  July, August

    Association overweight and obesity with dietary habits and some socio-demographic variables among students in Southern Technical University

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    Overweight/obesity is a health problem that many young people suffer from, as a result of their unhealthy eating habits and changing their lifestyles, especially when they move to university life and makes them responsible for preparing their food meals. This study aims to find out the relationship between the dietary habits of university students and body mass index. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 384 randomly selected students (simple random sample) from Southern Technical University (College of Health and Medical Technology, Administrative Technical College, Technical College of Engineering, and Basrah Technical Institute). Data collection lasted for .6 months that started on November   2021 and ended on April 2022. Data were collected by direct interview with students by the researcher, using a detailed self-report questionnaire form .Use the height and weight scale to determine the body mass index .Regarding of food habits, use a questionnaire containing items related to the food habits and lifestyle that followed by the student. The results of our study showed that the lifestyle and dietary habits of Southern Technical University students, in addition to some demographic variables, had a significant effect on body mass index.&nbsp