83 research outputs found

    Relativistic dynamics of cylindrical shells of counter-rotating particles

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    Although infinite cylinders are not astrophysical entities, it is possible to learn a great deal about the basic qualitative features of generation of gravitational waves and the behavior of the matter conforming such shells in the limits of very small radius. We describe the analytical model using kinetic theory for the matter and the junction conditions through the shell to obtain its equation of motion. The nature of the static solutions are analyzed, both for a single shell as well as for two concentric shells. In this second case, for a time dependent external shell, we integrate numerically the equation of motion for several values of the constants of the system. Also, a brief description in terms of the Komar mass is given to account for the gravitational wave energy emitted by the system.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Junction Conditions and Consequences of Quasi-Spherical Space-Time with Electro-Magnetic Field and Vaidya Matric

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    In this work the junction conditions between the exterior Reissner-Nordstrom-Vaidya space-time with the interior quasi-spherical Szekeres space-time have been studied for analyzing gravitational collapse in the presence of a magneto-hydrodynamic fluid undergoing dissipation in the form of heat flow. We have discussed about the apparent horizon and have evaluated the time difference between the formation of apparent horizon and central singularity.Comment: 8 latex pages, RevTex style, no figure

    A new wrinkle on the enhancon

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    We generalize the basic enhancon solution of Johnson, Peet and Polchinski by constructing solutions without spherical symmetry. A careful consideration of boundary conditions at the enhancon surface indicates that the interior of the supergravity solution is still flat space in the general case. We provide some explicit analytic solutions where the enhancon locus is a prolate or oblate sphere.Comment: 19 pages, no figure

    Gravitational Collapse of Cylindrical Shells Made of Counter-Rotating Dust Particles

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    The general formulas of a non-rotating dynamic thin shell that connects two arbitrary cylindrical regions are given using Israel's method. As an application of them, the dynamics of a thin shell made of counter-rotating dust particles, which emits both gravitational waves and massless particles when it is expanding or collapsing, is studied. It is found that when the models represent a collapsing shell, in some cases the angular momentum of the dust particles is strong enough to halt the collapse, so that a spacetime singularity is prevented from forming, while in other cases it is not, and a line-like spacetime singularity is finally formed on the symmetry axis.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Dynamics of Viscous Dissipative Plane Symmetric Gravitational Collapse

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    We present dynamical description of gravitational collapse in view of Misner and Sharp's formalism. Matter under consideration is a complicated fluid consistent with plane symmetry which we assume to undergo dissipation in the form of heat flow, radiation, shear and bulk viscosity. Junction conditions are studied for a general spacetime in the interior and Vaidya spacetime in the exterior regions. Dynamical equations are obtained and coupled with causal transport equations derived in context of Mu¨\ddot{u}ller Israel Stewart theory. The role of dissipative quantities over collapse is investigated.Comment: 17 pages, accepted for publication in Gen. Relativ. Gra

    Non-adiabatic collapse of a quasi-spherical radiating star

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    A model is proposed of a collapsing quasi-spherical radiating star with matter content as shear-free isotropic fluid undergoing radial heat-flow with outgoing radiation. To describe the radiation of the system, we have considered both plane symmetric and spherical Vaidya solutions. Physical conditions and thermodynamical relations are studied using local conservation of momentum and surface red-shift. We have found that for existence of radiation on the boundary, pressure on the boundary is not necessary.Comment: 8 Latex pages, No figures, Revtex styl

    Measuring Black Hole Spin in OJ287

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    We model the binary black hole system OJ287 as a spinning primary and a non-spinning secondary. It is assumed that the primary has an accretion disk which is impacted by the secondary at specific times. These times are identified as major outbursts in the light curve of OJ287. This identification allows an exact solution of the orbit, with very tight error limits. Nine outbursts from both the historical photographic records as well as from recent photometric measurements have been used as fixed points of the solution: 1913, 1947, 1957, 1973, 1983, 1984, 1995, 2005 and 2007 outbursts. This allows the determination of eight parameters of the orbit. Most interesting of these are the primary mass of 1.841010M1.84\cdot 10^{10} M_\odot, the secondary mass 1.46108M1.46\cdot 10^{8} M_\odot, major axis precession rate 39.139^\circ.1 per period, and the eccentricity of the orbit 0.70. The dimensionless spin parameter is 0.28±0.010.28\:\pm\:0.01 (1 sigma). The last parameter will be more tightly constrained in 2015 when the next outburst is due. The outburst should begin on 15 December 2015 if the spin value is in the middle of this range, on 3 January 2016 if the spin is 0.25, and on 26 November 2015 if the spin is 0.31. We have also tested the possibility that the quadrupole term in the Post Newtonian equations of motion does not exactly follow Einstein's theory: a parameter qq is introduced as one of the 8 parameters. Its value is within 30% (1 sigma) of the Einstein's value q=1q = 1. This supports the nohairtheoremno-hair theorem of black holes within the achievable precision. We have also measured the loss of orbital energy due to gravitational waves. The loss rate is found to agree with Einstein's value with the accuracy of 2% (1 sigma).Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, IAU26

    The Enhancon, Black Holes, and the Second Law

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    We revisit the physics of five-dimensional black holes constructed from D5- and D1-branes and momentum modes in type IIB string theory compactified on K3. Since these black holes incorporate D5-branes wrapped on K3, an enhancon locus appears in the spacetime geometry. With a `small' number of D1-branes, the entropy of a black hole is maximised by including precisely half as many D5-branes as there are D1-branes in the black hole. Any attempts to introduce more D5-branes, and so reduce the entropy, are thwarted by the appearance of the enhancon locus above the horizon, which then prevents their approach. The enhancon mechanism thereby acts to uphold the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This result generalises: For each type of bound state object which can be made of both types of brane, we show that a new type of enhancon exists at successively smaller radii in the geometry, again acting to prevent any reduction of the entropy just when needed. We briefly explore the appearance of the enhancon in the black hole interior.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, latex, epsfig (v2: Fixed trivial typos.

    Dynamical Stability of Six-Dimensional Warped Brane-Worlds

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    We study a generalization of the Randall-Sundrum mechanism for generating the weak/Planck hierarchy, which uses two rather than one warped extra dimension, and which requires no negative tension branes. A 4-brane with one exponentially large compact dimension plays the role of the Planck brane. We investigate the dynamical stability with respect to graviton, graviphoton and radion modes. The radion is shown to have a tachyonic instability for certain models of the 4-brane stress-energy, while it is stable in others, and massless in a special case. If stable, its mass is in the milli-eV range, for parameters of the model which solve the hierarchy problem. The radion is shown to couple to matter with gravitational strength, so that it is potentially detectable by submillimeter-range gravity experiments. The radion mass can be increased using a bulk scalar field in the manner of Goldberger and Wise, but only to order MeV, due to the effect of the large extra dimension. The model predicts a natural scale of 10^{13} GeV on the 4-brane, making it a natural setting for inflation from the ultraviolet brane.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure