2 research outputs found

    The Job Satisfaction of Non-Civil Servant Nurses in Indonesia Public Hospitals

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    Nurse’s job satisfaction ia an important factor that must be strived by the management of hospital because the impact of job satisfaction is not only on the nurse itself bu also have an impact on the patient and  hospital’s image also. This is a descriptive quantitative research with cross sectional approach. This study was conducted involving 74 non-civil nurses who worked in  surgery inpatient care of “X” public hospital in East Java, Indonesia. The result show that career development affect nurses’s job satisfaction through organizational commitment as mediating variables. Compensation  affect nurses’s job satisfaction through organizational commitment as mediating variable

    Pengaruh Pengembangan Jenjang Karir Dan Kompensasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Melalui Komitmen Organisasional Pada Perawat Badan Layanan Umum Daerah Instalasi Rawat Inap Bedah RSUD Dr. Soetomo

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    Career path system for nurses at the Regional General Hospital Dr. Soetomo only has four levels of clinical practice nurses who generally had five levels of clinical nurses. In addition to the limited career paths of nurses, the Regional Public Service Agency was available at Dr. Soetomo, will also affected the compensation that will be received by the nurses themselves. High job satisfaction is expected to make nurses become more loyal to the organization, more motivated to work, feel happy at work, and in turn wouldl increase productivity and organizational commitment to themselves. This study aimed to explain the effect of career path development and compensation on job satisfaction through organizational commitment on Nurses of Regional Public Services Inpatient Surgery at the Regional General Hospital Dr. Soetomo. This research used a quantitative approach with an explanatory type. The sampling technique was using a total sampling of 74 people. The data analysis technique used path analysis. The results of this study concluded that: 1.) Career path development had a significant positive effect on job satisfaction; 2.) Compensation had a significant positive effect on job satisfaction; 3.) Career path development had a significant positive effect on organizational commitment; 4.) Compensation had a significant positive effect on organizational commitment; 5.) Career path development had a significant positive effect on job satisfaction through organizational commitment; 6.) Compensation had a significant positive effect on job satisfaction through organizational commitment; 7.) Organizational commitment had a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. Simultaneously, this shows that organizational commitment is an intervening variable that can mediate the influence of career development and compensation on job satisfaction of Nurses in the Regional Public Services Inpatient Surgery at the Regional General Hospital Dr. Soetomo