12 research outputs found

    Analisis Peran Pemerintah Desa dalam Penyusunan Anggaran Dana Desa untuk Pengembangan Program Kesehatan di Posyandu Kecamatan Srengat Kabupaten Blitar

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    Since 2015 source of village income increased, it was because getting allocations from the central government called (the village fund). However, the budgetary funds provided for Posyandu as one of the basic services in the village center was still low, while there are many health problems that occur. This is possible because of the lack of concern for the government in improving the utilization of the village fund for Posyandu. This study aims to determined the government's role in the preparation of the budget for the development of health programs in the Posyandu. This study used a qualitative method by which data were obtained from 4 (four)- depth interviews with the village chief. The results showed that interpersonal's role in participation and evaluation budgetary had not been good. This is indicated by the exclusion of Posyandu cadres in the preparation of the budget in one of the villages and the lack of coordination in evaluating the budget in several villages. The village chief related to informational's role in the preparation of the budget was also not optimal, it was indicated by the complaints of cadres in Posyandu who felt the village chief did not find out about the clarity of targets, difficulty of targets, and evaluation of the existing budget in Posyandu. In a decisional's role was also not going optimally, as indicated by the complains of the secretary of the village who said in decision-making related to difficulty of targets and evaluation of budgets submitted to him. Where the village chief should also be required to had decision making skills in solving problems that exist within the organization he leads. This is expected village chief can improve coordination and good communication both with the village secretary and cadres in order to avoid misunderstandings and differences of perception related to the budget given to Posyandu

    Factors influencing students’ intention to use internet for academic purposes

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    This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing students’ intention to use the Internet for academic purposes amongst 204 final year business students in public universities in Malaysia.This study integrated theory of planned behavior (TPB) and theory of acceptance model (TAM) as the base model toward that purpose.The research model employs the variables from both theories namely attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, intention, and behavior.A multiple regression analysis provides empirical support for the applicability of integration of TPB and TAM in predicting students’ intention to use the Internet for academic purposes.Results of the study show that attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and perceived usefulness are statistically significant in influencing intention to use the Internet for academic purposes.Based on the results, it can be concluded that students’ intention to use the Internet for academic purposes could be predicted from their attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and perceived usefulness at 49% level.In view of the results, several implications and recommendations are discussed

    Implementation of Performance Assessment to Determine Employee Performance

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    This study has a purpose to determine the implementation of performance appraisal to assess employee performance conducted at PT. XYZ Sampling is done by using the census technique, namely taking samples from the total population. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Then test the validity and reliability to test the data requirements. The weighting of the questionnaire uses a Likert scale. The data analysis technique used a correlation test and t-test (hypothesis test).From the research results, the implementation of work performance to assess employee performance is carried out based on the work performance form with an assessment based on a rating scale. Employee performance has been included in the "good" category. This is known from the majority of employees who have assessment results with scores that fall into the good category. Employee performance has also produced good results. It was concluded that there is a strong and positive relationship between work performance and employee performance. It is known from the acquisition of the value of r = 0.722. A positive and strong relationship means that if the work performance variable increases, it will be followed by an increase in employee performance. Vice versa, if there is a decrease in the work performance variable, it will be followed by a decrease in the performance variable

    Analisis Pendapatan Petani Budidaya Bandeng di Desa Labuhan Bontong Kecamatan Tarano Tahun 2015-2017

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    Sektor perikanan yang ada di Desa Labuhan Bontong Kecamatan Tarano perlu digalakkan guna untuk meningkatkan perekonomian, mengingat besarnya potensi yang dimilki oleh Desa Labuhan Bontong. Besarnya luas lahan tambak yang dimiliki, keadaan alam dan letak geografis yang mendukung serta jumlah penduduk yang tinggal di desa dan bermata pencaharian sebagai petani tambak. Petani tambak adalah orang yang aktif melakukan pekerjaan mengelolah tambak untuk memperoleh pendapatannya, yang tinggal di desa pesisir atau berdekatan dengan lokasi tambak. Bagi petani tambak, kebutuhan fisik minimum atau kebutuhan konsumsi keluarga sangat ditentukan oleh pendapatan yang diterimanya. Penelitan ini menggunakan data primer dengan populasi 212 petani budidaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode wawancara dan dokumentasi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu penilitian deskriptif. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui berapa pendapatan petani budidaya bandeng di Desa Labuhan Bontong Kecamatan Tarano pada tahun 2015-2017 dan Data yang dianalisis menggunakan rumus pendapatan NR = TR–TC. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pendapatan petani budidaya bandeng di Desa Labuhan Bontong, bahwa Pendapatan Petani Budidaya Bandeng Di Desa Labuhan Bontong Kecamatan Tarano tahun 2015 yaitu sebesar Rp.61.827.574. Pendapatan Petani Budidaya Bandeng Di Desa Labuhan Bontong Kecamatan Tarano tahun 2016 yaitu sebesar Rp.65.029.485. Pendapatan Petani Budidaya Bandeng Di Desa Labuhan Bontong Kecamatan Tarano tahun 2017 yaitu sebesar Rp.72.810.441

    Anaerobic digestion of mercury phytoextraction crops with intermediary stage bio-waste polymer treatment

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    © 2020, © 2020 Loughborough University. Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. In laboratory experiments, Lepidium sativum L. and Mentha spicata L. were grown in compost spiked with mercury. After cultivation for 20 and 68 days, respectively, translocation factors of 0.05 ≤ TF ≤ 0.2 (Lepidium sativum) and accumulation factors of 2.2 ≤ AF ≤ 12 (Mentha spicata) were recorded. Plants were then harvested and used as feedstock for bench-scale anaerobic digesters. The reactors operated in continuously-stirred batch mode for a period of ten days. Inhibition of anaerobic biogas production was apparent with one sample set evidencing mercury-induced bacteriostatic toxicity. Otherwise, ex-situ characterization of digestate showed that the reactors were within stable operating range. A canola oil-sulphide polymer derived from bio-waste was also used as an intermediary treatment stage to test its capacity for extracting mercury from half the samples prior to anaerobic digestion, and also from the post-experimentation reactor digestate. The polymer removed mercury from digestate with a 40–50% efficacy across all samples, suggesting its potential as a sludge clean-up option. Anaerobic digestion combined with staged polymer extraction offers a potential route for the disposal of phytoremediation crops and ultimately the recovery of mercury, coincident with the production of a bioenergy vector