5 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Antifungi Ekstrak (Centella Asiatica (L.) Urban terhadap Fungi Patogen pada Daun Anggrek (Bulbophyllum Flavidiflorum Carr.)

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    Aktivitas antifungi Centella asiatica (L.) Urban (ekstraksi akuades dan etanol) telah diuji secara in vitro terhadap jamur patogen BF 5.1.1 (jamur patogen pada daun anggrek (Bulbophyllum flavidiflorum Carr.) dengan metode difusi agar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak akuades dan etanol 96% C. asiatica dapat menghambat pertumbuhan koloni jamur patogen BF 5.1.1. Ekstrak air C. asiatica dapat menghambat pertumbuhan jamur patogen BF 5.1.1 pada konsentrasi 1%, 2%, dan 4%, dengan diameter pertumbuhan koloni jamur secara berurutan 26, 20mm, 22, 93mm, dan 25, 30mm, dan ekstrak etanol 96% pada konsentrasi 10% dengan diameter 30,87mm

    Micropropagation of Rubus Chrysophyllus Reinw. Ex Miq. and Rubus Fraxinifolius Poir.

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    Rubus chrysophyllus and Rubus fraxinifolius are a native species in Indonesia, which has highly potential to be developed as fruits crops. Propagation is an important factor in developing a fruit cultivation. In vitro micropropagation is an important instrument to improve the quality of seedling. Our experiment was aimed to study the micropropagation of R. chrysophyllus and R. fraxinifolius. The shoot tips were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 10 mg/L indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for enhancing roots of R. chrysophyllus and R. fraxinifolius in the in vitro condition. Then, the rooted plantlets were transplanted into cocopeat media for acclimatization. The results showed that R. chrysophyllus and R. fraxinifolius gave a different response on the medium contain 10 mg/L of IBA. The R. fraxinifolius shows the best results compared to R. chrysophyllus on 14 days after subculture. The roots length and roots numbers of R. fraxinifolius and R. chrysophyllus were 9.13 cm and 11.25; 2.20 cm and 2.00, respectively. Although R. fraxinifolius was growing better than R. chrysophyllus, but after acclimatization R. chrysophyllus were able to grow faster than R. fraxinifolius. Moreover, on the parameters of plant height shows that R. chrysophyllus (9.20 cm) were growth higher than R. fraxinifolius (4.05 cm) during acclimatization

    Fruit Nutrients of Five Species of Wild Raspberries (Rubus Spp.) From Indonesian Mountain\u27s Forests

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    Rubus spp. (wild raspberries) is one of genera belongs to Rosaceae, also distributed in the mountain forest of Indonesia. It has a high potency to be cultivated plant. Although, some of the potential of Rubus has already known, information of about fruit nutrients of species that distribute in the mountain forest of Indonesia are not known yet. This study was aimed to determine the fruit nutrients of five species of wild raspberries that was collected in Cibodas Botanical Garden. The results of our experiments demonstrate that the fruits nutrients contents varied among five species of wild raspberries from Indonesian mountain\u27s forests. Rubus fraxinifolius has the highest content of sugar (5.05 g sugar per 100 g fruits) compared to Rubus rosifolius, Rubus chrysophyllus, Rubus lineatus and raspberry. During the ripening and ripe period, there were a different value of vitamin C and iron contents. The highest vitamin C of R. fraxinifolius (83.65 mg/100 gram) on the ripening fruit stage II. On the other hand, the highest vitamin C of R. rosifolius (54.30 mg/100 gram) found on the stage of ripe fruit

    The Effect of Seed Weight on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Loquat (Eriobotrya Japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.

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    Loquat, a fruit crops, has been naturalized in Indonesia. Moreover, seed quality is an important factor for generative propagation of loquat. Based on field observation, there was variation on seed size of loquat. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the effect of seed size on the germination and seedling growth of loquat. This research was compiled using a Randomized Complete Design with four different seed groups as treatments. The loquat seeds were obtained from Danau Toba region and grouped based on the weight of seeds, i.e. Grade I ( 1.2 g). Percentage of germination, abnormal seedling, plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, root length, fresh and dry weight of plant were observed during experiment. The results showed that seed size affected all the observed parameters, except the roots length. In order to obtain the high quality seedling of loquat, suggested to use loquat seed with seed weight more than 1.2 g