554 research outputs found

    Turfgrass species response exposed to increasing rates of glyphosate application

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    To investigate the response of nine turfgrass species exposed to increasing rates of glyphosate application, the dry matter production, visual leaf injury symptoms (e.g., chlorosis and necrosis) and the concentrations of shikimate and mineral nutrients were determined in shoots. The rates of foliar glyphosate application were 0%, 5% (1.58 mM), and 20% (6.32mM) of the recommended application rate for weed control. In general, there was a negative and weak correlation between the intensity of visual injury and relative decreases in shoot dry matter production caused by glyphosate application. The decreases in shoot dry matter production and the severity of leaf damage pronounced by increasing glyphosate rate showed a substantial variation among the turfgrass species. Of the turfgrass species tested, Festuca arundinacea ‘Falcon’ and Buchloe dactyloides ‘Bowie’were selected as the most tolerant and sensitive species to applied sublethal rates of glyphosate as judged from visual injury ratings, respectively. At the highest glyphosate rate, shoot dryweightwas decreased by 4-fold in Bowie and only 1.6-fold in Falcon. When glyphosatewas not applied, shoot shikimate concentration of all species was very low and below 2.8mol g−1 FW (fresh weight). Glyphosate applications resulted in increases in shoot shikimate concentration with substantial variations among species. At 6.32mM glyphosate treatment, shikimate concentration ranged between 156.1mol g−1 (F. rubra, Ambrose) and 16.5mol g−1 FW (F. rubra, Cindy Lou). However, the highly sensitive and the tolerant genotypes were not different in shoot shikimate concentrations. Even, in the case of some genotypes, high glyphosate tolerance is accompanied by higher shoot concentrations of shikimate. Depending on the turfgrass species and mineral nutrients tested, increasing glyphosate application either did not affect or reduced mineral nutrient concentrations. In the case of decreases in shoot concentration of mineral nutrients, the decreases in Ca, Mg, Mn and Fe were most distinct. The results obtained indicate existence of a large genetic variation in tolerance to glyphosate toxicity among the turfgrass species. This differential variation in tolerance to glyphosate could not be explained by the changes in shoot concentrations of shikimate and mineral nutrients

    Glyphosate reduced seed and leaf concentrations of calcium, manganese, magnesium, and iron in non-glyphosate resistant soybean

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    Greenhouse experiments were conducted to study the effects of glyphosate drift on plant growth and concentrations of mineral nutrients in leaves and seeds of non-glyphosate resistant soybean plants (Glycine max, L.). Glyphosate was sprayed on plant shoots at increasing rates between 0.06 and 1.2% of the recommended application rate forweed control. In an experiment with 3-week-old plants, increasing application of glyphosate on shoots significantly reduced chlorophyll concentration of the young leaves and shoots dry weight, particularly the young parts of plants. Concentration of shikimate due to increasing glyphosate rates was nearly 2-fold for older leaves and 16-fold for younger leaves compared to the control plants without glyphosate spray. Among the mineral nutrients analyzed, the leaf concentrations of potassium (K), phosphorus (P), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were not affected, or even increased significantly in case of P and Cu in young leaves by glyphosate, while the concentrations of calcium (Ca), manganese (Mn) and magnesium (Mg) were reduced, particularly in young leaves. In the case of Fe, leaf concentrations showed a tendency to be reduced by glyphosate. In the second experiment harvested at the grain maturation, glyphosate application did not reduce the seed concentrations of nitrogen (N), K, P, Zn and Cu. Even, at the highest application rate of glyphosate, seed concentrations of N, K, Zn and Cuwere increased by glyphosate. By contrast, the seed concentrations of Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn were significantly reduced by glyphosate. These results suggested that glyphosatemay interfere with uptake and retranslocation of Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn, most probably by binding and thus immobilizing them. The decreases in seed concentration of Fe, Mn, Ca and Mg by glyphosate are very specific, and may affect seed quality

    Grain zinc, iron and protein concentrations and zinc-efficiency in wild emmer wheat under contrasting irrigation regimes

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    Micronutrient malnutrition, and particularly deficiency in zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe), afflicts over three billion people worldwide, and nearly half of the world’s cereal-growing area is affected by soil Zn deficiency. Wild emmer wheat [Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides (Körn.) Thell.], the progenitor of domesticated durum wheat and bread wheat, offers a valuable source of economically important genetic diversity including grain mineral concentrations. Twenty two wild emmer wheat accessions, representing a wide range of drought resistance capacity, as well as two durum wheat cultivars were examined under two contrasting irrigation regimes (well-watered control and water-limited), for grain yield, total biomass production and grain Zn, Fe and protein concentrations. The wild emmer accessions exhibited high genetic diversity for yield and grain Zn, Fe and protein concentrations under both irrigation regimes, with a considerable potential for improvement of the cultivated wheat. Grain Zn, Fe and protein concentrations were positively correlated with one another. Although irrigation regime significantly affected ranking of genotypes, a few wild emmer accessions were identified for their advantage over durum wheat, having consistently higher grain Zn (e.g., 125 mg kg−1), Fe (85 mg kg−1) and protein (250 g kg−1) concentrations and high yield capacity. Plants grown from seeds originated from both irrigation regimes were also examined for Zn efficiency (Zn deficiency tolerance) on a Zn-deficient calcareous soil. Zinc efficiency, expressed as the ratio of shoot dry matter production under Zn deficiency to Zn fertilization, showed large genetic variation among the genotypes tested. The source of seeds from maternal plants grown under both irrigation regimes had very little effect on Zn efficiency. Several wild emmer accessions revealed combination of high Zn efficiency and drought stress resistance. The results indicate high genetic potential of wild emmer wheat to improve grain Zn, Fe and protein concentrations, Zn deficiency tolerance and drought resistance in cultivated wheat


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    The impact of Foreign Direct Investment, export, economic growth and total fixed investment on unemployment in Turkey for the period of 1987-2007 was examined. Johansen cointegration technique was applied to determine long run relationship. The empirical findings suggest that there are two cointegrating vectors during the concerned period of time in Turkey

    Differences in absorption and distribution of foliarly-applied zinc in maize and wheat by using stable isotope of 70Zn and Zn-responsive fluorescent dye Zinpyr

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    Zinc (Zn) deficiency is an important health problem worldwide, affecting about two billion people, especially children and women. Zinc deficiency related diseases are more prevailing in developing countries because populationa rely on cereals (i.e., wheat, rice and maize) as a staple food which are inherently low in micronutrients. Zinc concentration in cereal grains can be improved by genetic or agronomic biofortification. Optimized applications of soil and foliar Zn fertilizers has been found effective for cereals like wheat and rice but not significantly in maize. Current study focuses to elucidate the physiological reasons behind the poor response of maize to foliar applications compared to wheat. Experiments with stable isotope of Zn (70Zn) revealed the differences in leaf uptake, root and shoot translocation of foliar-applied Zn in wheat and maize. The results suggested that wheat has greater capacity for leaf absorption and translocation of foliarly applied Zn compared to maize. The increased leaf Zn uptake and localization in wheat was confirmed by a visual demonstration using Zn-responsive fluorescent dye Zinpyr and fluoresce microscopy. This study provides valuable information to maximize the uptake and deposition of foliarly applied Zn to cereal grains

    Foliar-applied glyphosate substantially reduced uptake and transport of iron and manganese in sunflower (helianthus annuus L.) plants

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    Evidence clearly shows that cationic micronutrients in spray solutions reduce the herbicidal effectiveness of glyphosate for weed control due to the formation of metal-glyphosate complexes. The formation of these glyphosate-metal complexes in plant tissue may also impair micronutrient nutrition of nontarget plants when exposed to glyphosate drift or glyphosate residues in soil. In the present study, the effects of simulated glyphosate drift on plant growth and uptake, translocation, and accumulation (tissue concentration) of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) were investigated in sunflower ( Helianthus annuusL.) plants grown in nutrient solution under controlled environmental conditions. Glyphosate was sprayed on plant shoots at different rates between 1.25 and 6.0% of the recommended dosage (i.e., 0.39 and 1.89 mM glyphosate isopropylamine salt). Glyphosate applications significantly decreased root and shoot dry matter production and chlorophyll concentrations of young leaves and shoot tips. The basal parts of the youngest leaves and shoot tips were severely chlorotic. These effects became apparent within 48 h after the glyphosate spray. Glyphosate also caused substantial decreases in leaf concentration of Fe and Mn while the concentration of Zn and Cu was less affected. In short-term uptake experiments with radiolabeled Fe (59Fe), Mn (54Mn), and Zn (65Zn), root uptake of 59Fe and 54Mn was significantly reduced in 12 and 24 h after application of 6% of the recommended dosage of glyphosate, respectively. Glyphosate resulted in almost complete inhibition of root-to-shoot translocation of 59Fe within 12 h and 54Mn within 24 h after application. These results suggest that glyphosate residues or drift may result in severe impairments in Fe and Mn nutrition of nontarget plants, possibly due to the formation of poorly soluble glyphosate-metal complexes in plant tissues and/or rhizosphere interactions

    Iron and zinc grain density in common wheat grown in Central Asia

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    Sixty-six spring and winter common wheat genotypes from Central Asian breeding programs were evaluated for grain concentrations of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn). Iron showed large variation among genotypes, ranging from 25 mg kg1 to 56 mg kg1 (mean 38 mg kg1). Similarly, Zn concentration varied among genotypes, ranging between 20 mg kg1 and 39 mg kg1 (mean 28 mg kg1). Spring wheat cultivars possessed higher Fe-grain concentrations than winter wheats. By contrast, winter wheats showed higher Zn-grain concentrations than spring genotypes. Within spring wheat, a strongly significant positive correlation was found between Fe and Zn. Grain protein content was also significantly (P < 0.001) correlated with grain Zn and Fe content. There were strong significantly negative correlations between Fe and plant height, and Fe and glutenin content. Similar correlation coefficients were found for Zn. In winter wheat, significant positive correlations were found between Fe and Zn, and between Zn and sulfur (S). Manganese (Mn) and phosphorus (P) were negatively correlated with both Fe and Zn. The additive main effects and multiplicative interactions (AMMI) analysis of genotype × environment interactions for grain Fe and Zn concentrations showed that genotype effects largely controlled Fe concentration, whereas Zn concentration was almost totally dependent on location effects. Spring wheat genotypes Lutescens 574, and Eritrospermum 78; and winter wheat genotypes Navruz, NA160/HEINEVII/BUC/3/F59.71//GHK, Tacika, DUCULA//VEE/MYNA, and JUP/4/CLLF/3/II14.53/ODIN//CI13431/WA00477, are promising materials for increasing Fe and Zn concentrations in the grain, as well as enhancing the concentration of promoters of Zn bioavailability, such as S-containing amino acids

    Physical and chemical grain properties of new registered common bean cv. ‘Kantar-05’

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    Moisture-dependent physical grain properties of a new registered common bean cultivar ‘Kantar-05’ were determined. Some important chemical parameters of the grain were also investigated. The average length, width and thickness of the grain were 12.48, 7.92 and 5.00 mm at 7.82% db (dry basis) moisture content. The values of bulk density and true density of the grains decreased from 793.37 to 683.62 kg/m3 (P<0.01) and from 1269.37 to 1206.55 kg/m3 (P<0.05) with increasing moisture content. The coefficients of dynamic friction increased from 0.180 to 0.316, 0.173 to 0.276, and 0.226 to 0.331 on steel, plywood and wood friction surface, respectively with increasing moisture content. The force of rupture decreased from 121.88 to 68.93 N with increase in moisture content. Phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium contents were 5020 ppm, 5576 ppm, 3562 ppm, 780 ppm and 372 ppm, respectively wb% (wet basis) at the initial moisture content. The antioxidant activity and phenolic content of the grains were found to be 56.62 % and 24.82 μg GAE/mg db., respectively at the initial moisture content


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    Case Report: A 25-year-old female patient was admitted to the family medicine clinic with complaints of sore throat, fever, and right ear pain that persisted for 15 days despite receiving ant biotherapy treatment. In her medical history, she had a COVID-19 infection 30 days ago. The thyroid examination revealed painful palpation with a slight increase in the size of the thyroid gland. The patient's blood tests and thyroid ultrasonography were evaluated as subacute thyroiditis.Although it is impossible to establish a definite causal relationship between COVID-19 and subacute thyroiditis in this case, we think such a relationship is possible.Since thyroid-related diseases should also be considered in case of sore throat that persists despite treatment and thyroid examination should not be skipped during a physical examination, it is deemed appropriate to present this case with literature.A 25-year-old female patient was admitted to the family medicine clinic with complaints of sore throat, fever, and right ear pain that persisted for 15 days despite receiving ant biotherapy treatment. In her medical history, she had a COVID-19 infection 30 days ago. The thyroid examination revealed painful palpation with a slight increase in the size of the thyroid gland. The patient's blood tests and thyroid ultrasonography were evaluated as subacute thyroiditis. Although it is impossible to establish a definite causal relationship between COVID-19 and subacute thyroiditis in this case, we think such a relationship is possible.  Since thyroid-related diseases should also be considered in case of sore throat that persists despite treatment and thyroid examination should not be skipped during a physical examination, it is deemed appropriate to present this case with literature
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