5,720 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam Muslim Minoritas: Pesantren Nurul Yaqin Papua Barat

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    Since the founding of Indonesia as a nation, madrasah already contribute to education. This history reflcts madrasah to accelerate people need on education. After long time, madrasah not only stimulate muslim society in education but also at large fild of life. Therefore, this paper explores how the process in madrasah to enhance curriculum. In addition, the study will focus how the administrator of madrasah activate curriculum to extend theenvironment in minority muslim. This study was conducted in qualitative approach. To step up the process of analysis, case study was implemented. During data collection, in-depth interview and non-participant observation were employed. Interview guidelines and observation sheet were carried out to direct the study. Research fidings shows that madrasah in minority muslim, in this study is Pesantren Nurul Yaqin, formulates some programs and activities to develop the madrasah curriculum. Some programs werepracticed to accumulate information from parents, practitioner, and decision maker. There are several processes to enlarge participation and invite people to contribute to the learning material in curriculum. The institution on multiethnic and multicultural society has challenge to synchronize aspiration form different side. On this opportunity to contribute, madrasah accelerate its curriculum in expanding this environment condition. Finally, this research conclude that madrasah in minority muslim on curriculum advancement has chance to encourage students competency that differ from other majority muslim

    Religious Education and Empowerment: Study on Pesantren in Muslim Minority West Papua

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    : Islamic education in Indonesia is one pilar in national education whis has a long history. In the course of time with development dynamics, pesantren (Islamic boarding school) proves as a nation-wide important element. Therefore, this paper will explore dicsuccion on activity and madrasah movement in Muslim minority in term capacity building through enterprenurship learning. This study was employed qualitative approach with miscellaneous case study. Observation and in-depth interview were conducted on collecting data. This research shows that daily-need based training and learning encourages students to enhance their skills during day after day activities. Pesantren Roudhatul Khuffadz enlarges learning cycle according to students\u27 environment. Finally, it can be concluded that Islamic education can develop students\u27 skill acquicition, although it is practiced with community limitation in Muslim minority area

    Islam Dan Adat: Tinjauan Akulturasi Budaya Dan Agama Dalam Masyarakat Bugis

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    Islamic studies and adat (tradition) tend to enhance discourse to see how religion encounters with local culture. Recently, it shows that there are harmony and interaction between them. In addition, there is acculturation in performing religious practice in daily life. Therefore, this study will explore the interaction between Islam and adat in Bugis society in term culture acculturation. Qualitative approach was conducted during circle of research. Non-participant observation and in-depth interview were employed in collecting data. This research shows that there is synergetic on adat understanding with religious expressions. Adeq (adat) and saraq (Islamic law) both were placed as part of panggaderreng (social law). As a result, this combination gathers to rule society life. Moreover, many adat activities adapt to Islam principles. Islam was translated to local life round in preserving ethnicity existence then transform to belief spirit. Using this local potency convert a strategy to develop spirituality without Arabic characteristics. Islam in Bugis adat context interprets to norm and tradition in expanding identity Bugis society. Finally, adat and religion encounters in Bugis society culture demonstrate that there was a dialogue between them and construct a new tradition in local environment

    Analisis Semiotika Kekerasan Terhadap Anak Dalam Film Ekskul

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    This research to aim for knowing the representation symbol\u27s of children abuse on theEkskul movie, and than for knowing the ideology\u27s meaning what was gived from this movie.Kind of this research is a qualitative interpretive research by using the analysis of semiotic method.The analysis of semioticmethod is a research method to learn the questions of sign, until the signgive the means of something. This research used the analysis semiotic by Roland Barhes. Thepoint of Barthes theory is order of signification. Barthes devide by two order of signification,denotation meaning and contation meaning. The file analysis is a explain descriptive of explorativeaspect to represent and explain the phenomenon. The test of file validitation using sourcetriangulation by interview the trusted informan, to confirm the analysis in this research.Founded from research result and by explained the all indicator below, finded the representationof Ekskul movie bring the ideology\u27s meaning from his producer, that is the messageagainst of violent. Ekskul movie try to be aware us that\u27s the children abuse is exist and stillgoing in our social life. Conscious it or not, like it or not, thats stil doing by the parents, teachersor the friends. Representation the symbol\u27s of violent is variation. That\u27s like striking stroke,ill-treatment, dressing-down, discrimination, let a way, and sexual violent

    Curriculum Development in Madrasa: Exploration From Muslim Minority of West Papua

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    Muslim minority educational development was left behind to explore. The existing researches on the publication are only about Muslim majority. Therefore, it is a need to discover the existence of Muslim minority in the eastern part of Indonesia. This research was conducted in West Papua Province. In-dept interview and non-participant observation were conducted to collect data. Focus group discussion was circulated to ensure data triangulation. This study shows that environment neighborhood is one of the factors to consider in curriculum formation. Educational establishment is the breakthrough to fulfill the need of religious education. In addition, the standard to achieve is not only the national average but also there is vision to inaugurate social harmony and cultural situation. Finally, this article concludes that educational management board and teacher panel tried to perceive and hear the sound of milieu. This practice shows a progress of improvement and enhancement in improving relevant curriculum

    Lingkungan Belajar Bahasa Arab dan Konstruksi Karakter Santri: Tinjauan Pesantren Minoritas Muslim

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    Madrasah or pesantren reflect a long history of development in Indonesian society. It is not limit to minority muslim to engage in enhancing religious institutions. It ranges from religious activities to community empowemernt. Therefore, this article explores how language learning would construct a character of learner. During a process of teaching and learning, santri (student) will have some behaviour to master the language. Furthermore, this study shows that the Arabic language learning conducted in environment sorounding pesantren (boarding school) as a source of learning. It will function as media as well. In addition, those activities will benefit in nearfuture for the contextual of living in society. Finally, as the premier program, Arabic language will expands students’s skill and confident to explore Islamic horizon of knowledge.   Madrasah atau pesantren menggambarkan perjalanan sejarah yang panjang dalam masyarakat Indonesia. Termasuk tidak dibatasi pada keterlibatan minoritas muslim dalam pengembangan institusi keagamaan. Hal itu menjangkau kegiatan keislaman sampai kepada pemberdayaan masyarakat. Untuk itu, artikel ini akan menkaji bagaimana pembelajaran bahasa dapat mengkonstruksi karakter pembelajar. Selama proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, santri (siswa) akan mempunyai kebiasaan tertentu dalam menguasai bahasa. Selanjutnya, kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran bahasa dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan lingkungan pesantren sebagai sumber belajar. Itu juga berfungsi sekaligus sebagai media. Selanjutnya, aktivitas tersebut akan memberikan manfaat di masa datang dalam kehidupan kontekstual di masyarakat. Akhirnya, sebagai program utama, bahasa Arab akan mengembangkan ketermapilan siswa dan kepercayaan diri untuk mengkaji cakrawala pengetahuan keislaman

    Pengembangan Pembelajaran Keagamaan dan Bahasa Arab di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Minoritas Muslim

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    Arabic is the compulsory subject of elementary school in Ministry of Religious Affair, Indonesia. Therefore, it is a need to identify the Arabic teaching and learning in extending the new curriculum. This article discusses the development of Arabic teaching and learning in Muslim minority of West Papua. Qualitative approach was applied during research. It was started from focus group discussion to identify research problem among elementary school teacher. Observation and in-depth-interview were conducted to collect data. Three months serial observation and interview to students, teacher, and school management were employed in ensuring data collection was stimulated. This article shows that Arabic language teaching and learning in Muslim minority of West Papua was developed to articulate environmental need. In addition, there are circumstances during program acceleration. Therefore, there are programs to develop and extend classroom achievement. Finally, this article discusses initiatives from teachers and school management in expanding and enlarging learning opportunities not only in school area and time, but also outside school hours

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Harga Ikan Layur (Trichiurus SP) Pada Alat Tangkap Pancing Ulur Di Ppn Palabuhanratu, Jawa Barat

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    Ikan layur (Trichiurus sp) merupakan ikan ekonomis penting di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Palabuhanratu. Pancing ulur merupakan alat tangkap dominan yang digunakan dalam menangkap ikan layur. Total produksi ikan layur (Trichiurus sp) pada tahun 2013 sebesar 83.936 kg. Harga merupakan salah satu penentu keberhasilan karena harga menentukan seberapa besar keuntungan yang akan diperoleh dari penjualan produknya baik berupa barang maupun jasa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah adalah identifikasi distribusi pemasaran ikan layur (Trichiurus sp), menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi harga ikan layur (Trichiurus sp) dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan harga ikan layur di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Palabuhanratu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari – Februari 2014 di PPN Palabuhanratu, Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode studi kasus yang bersifat deskriptif, dimana data yang mula-mula disusun, dijelaskan dan kemudian dianalisa. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda dan korelasi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi harga ikan layur (Trichiurus sp) adalah jumlah produksi, mutu dan berat ikan layur. Hairtail (Trichiurus sp) is one of an economical and important fish at Palabuhanratu Fishing Port. The most dominant fishing gear using handline for catching hairtail. The total production of hairtail (Trichiurus sp) in 2013 is equal to 83.936 kg. Price is one of the indicators to determine the success because the price influences the profit of the product selling, either for selling goods or providing service. The purpose of this research were to identify the marketing distribution of hairtail (Trichiurus sp), to analysis the factors that affected to the price of hairtail (Trichiurus sp), and to analysis the most factors influence the price of hairtail (Trichiurus sp) at Palabuhanratu Fishing Port. This research was conducted in January – February 2014 at Palabuhanratu Fishing Port, West Java. The method used descriptive case studies. The data was classified, described, and then analyzed. The sampling method used purposive sampling. The data was analyzed using multiple linear regression and multiple linear correlation. The result proved is the factors that affected to the price of hairtail (Thrichiurus sp) are total production, quality and size of hairtail
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