6,466 research outputs found
Cost effectiveness analysis of using different monitoring modalities in treating severe traumatic brain injury (CESTBI) in neuro-ICU, HUSM, Kelantan
Introduction: There are two schools of thought in practicing neurotrauma monitoring for patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI); the application of the baseline neuro-monitoring (BNM) and the use of multiple modalities neurotrauma monitoring (M3) which is very expensive. The answer of which of the two monitoring systems is more eflicient and worth doing should be sought. Objective: To determine the cost effectiveness analysis between BNM and M3 monitoring modalities in the management of severe TBI. Methodology: Sixty-two patients with severe TBI admitted to Neuro-ICU, USM who fulfilled the predetermined criteria were selected using systematic random sampling. The macro and micro costing were performed on each of patient. Barthel Index was used to measure physical performance as an outcome six months after discharge. The analyses used were the Independent t- test, ANCOVA, and Repeated Measure ANOVA. Results: The mean total equipment cost of M3 was significantly higher at p = 0.049 (mean difference of RM23.74) after controlling other variables. The mean difference in Barthel Index after six months was significance between the two groups (p = 0.031), patients that were treated with M3 had higher score 163.7 (SD 30.03)J compared to those who were treated with BNM 146.83 (SD 30.36)]. However, the cost-effectiveness ratio of using M3 was significantly lowered (p=O.031) with a mean of RM476.29 was needed to increase a unit improvement in mean Barthel Index compared to RM629.12 if we used BNM. Conclusion: Although M3 is more costly, the outcome of patients treated with M3 was better than that of BNM. Therefore we can conclude that the used of multiple neuro-monitoring was more cost effective than the use of only baseline neuro-monitoring in treating severe traumatic brain injury
Development and performance evaluation of a natural draft mixed-type solar dryer for agricultural products
Reduced moisture content enhances storage properties of agricultural products and reduces post-harvest losses. Effective drying can be achieved using solar dryers in regions with abundant solar radiation. In this study, a natural draft mixed-type solar dryer suitable for rural communities of developing countries was developed. The performance of the solar dryer was also investigated using pepper, okra and tomato. The temperature taken at different points of the drying chamber and the auxiliary collector show that the temperature within the drying chamber is higher than the ambient temperature. The temperature within the drying chamber was also found to depend on the atmospheric conditions. The maximum drying rate was obtained at periods between 1200 and 1400 hrs Nigeria local time during which the temperature within the solar dryer is also maximum. Temperature within the solar dryer reached up to 62°C. The solar collector efficiency was 52.0% while the drying efficiency was 21.9%.Peer reviewe
Analisis Tingkat Keuntungan Nelayan Gillnet ¾ Inchi (Jaring Wader) dan Nelayan Gillnet 3 Inchi (Jaring Arang) di Perairan Rawapening Desa Bejalen Kecamatan Ambarawa Kabupaten Semarang
Profit is the quarrel of total revenue and total cost in the production process. In the Bejalen village there are 2 kinds gill nets are gill nets ¾ inch (net Wader) and a 3-inch gill nets (net arang).Differences of mesh size affect The catch, more high of cath can afford income higher. The purposes of this study were to identify differences kind of catch, profit difference between Wader nets and arang nets, analyze the income of fisherman compared to UMK Semarang district, identifying the technical and financial aspects at Wader nets and arang net .Descriptive method based on case studies used in this study. The sampling method used census. The method of analysis used were financial analysis and feasible study analysis. The results showed a net profit of Wader Rp2.298.345,10, arang nets profit Rp3.510.373,43, wader net income was Rp5.233.129,41, arang nets was Rp6,722,368.421. feasible study analysis showed R/C 1,8 wader net,PP one years NPV Rp804.732,5128, B/C 1.05, IRR of 19,21 . While R/C for arang net 2,2, PP seven month, NPV Rp7.026.351,44, B/C 1,52, IRR 29,00. Conclusion effort arang nets composition of catches more varied and have greater profits. Fisherman\u27s income were still under the UMK of Semarang district. From the financial analysis for both of fishing commerce were feasible to run
Properties of dense strange hadronic matter with quark degrees of freedom
The properties of strange hadronic matter are studied in the context of the modified quark-meson coupling model using two substantially di erent sets of hyperon-hyperon (Y Y ) interactions. The first set is based on the Nijmegen hard core potential model D with slightly attractive Y Y interactions. The second potential set is based on the recent SU(3) extension of the Nijmegen soft-core potential NSC97 with strongly attractive Y Y interactions which may allow for deeply bound hypernuclear matter. The results show that, for the first potential set, the hyperon does not appear at all in the bulk at any baryon density and for all strangeness fractions. The binding energy curves of the resulting N system vary smoothly with density and the system is stable (or metastable if we include the weak force). However, the situation is drastically changed when using the second set where the hyperons appear in the system at large baryon densities above a critical strangeness fraction. We find strange hadronic matter undergoes a first order phase transition from a N system to a N for strangeness fractions fS > 1.2 and baryonic densities exceeding twice ordinary nuclear matter density. Furthermore, it is found that the system built of N is deeply bound. This phase transition a ects significantly the equation of state which becomes much softer and a substantial drop in energy density and pressure are detected as the phase transition takes place. PACS:21.65.+f, 24.85.+p, 12.39B
Analisis Kebutuhan Perbekalan Dan Fasilitas Fungsional Di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (Ppp) Tegalsari, Kota Tegal
Perbekalan dan fasilitas fungsional adalah kebutuhan yang dibutuhkan untuk kegiatan perikanan. Penelitian ini membahas dua komponen dalam perbekalan yaitu solar dan es pada kapal Cantrang dan Gill net (10-30 GT) dan fasilitas fungsional. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperkirakan dan menganalisis kebutuhan perbekalan selama lima tahun (2015-2019) dan kebutuhan fasilitas fungsional di Pelabuhan Perikanan Tegalsari. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober–November 2014 di PPP Tegalsari. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni deskriptif, analisis tingkat pemanfaatan dan analisis time series dengan metode pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Hasil Perkiraan kebutuhan solar pada Kapal Cantrang pada tahun 2015-2019 tertinggi pada tahun 2019 yaitu 18.236.000 liter. Pada tahun 2015 yaitu 13.236.000 liter,dan meningkat 11,2% pada tahun 2016. Hasil Perkiraan kebutuhan es pada Kapal Cantrang selama 5 tahun tertinggi pada tahun 2019 yaitu 88.991 ton. Pada tahun 2015 yaitu 64.442 ton,dan meningkat 10,6% pada tahun 2016. Perkiraan kebutuhan solar pada Kapal Gill Net selama 5 tahun (2015-2019) tertinggi pada tahun 2019 yaitu 2.392.000 liter. Pada tahun 2015 yaitu 1.988.000 liter,dan menurun 9,2% pada tahun 2016. Perkiraan kebutuhan es selama 5 tahun tertinggi pada tahun 2018 yaitu 7.771 ton, dan menurun 0,6% pada tahun 2019. Kebutuhan fasilitas tempat pelelangan ikan menurut hasil analisis tingkat pemanfaatan yaitu 39,8%maka memerlukan pemanfaatan yang optimal. Hasil perkiraan kebutuhan perbekalan untuk 5 tahun yang akan datang, maka fasilitas pabrik es sangat dibutuhkan, dan fasilitas stasiun pengisian bahan bakar nelayan diperlukan penambahan daya tampung tangki. Supplies and Functional Facilities are the basic needs of fisheries activities. The research discussed two components of supply, diesel fuel and ice, in the Cantrang ship and Gill net ship (10-30 GT) and functional facilities. This study aimed to estimate and analyze the supply needs for five years (2015-2019) and the need of functional facilities in Tegalsari Fishing Port. This study was conducted in October-November 2014 at Tegalsari Coastal Fishing Port. Methods used in this study were descriptive, utilization rate analysis, and time series analysis with purposive sampling method. Results estimated the need of diesel fuel for Cantrang ship in the year 2015-2019 peaked at 2019 is 18.236.000 litre. In year 2015 is 13.236.000 litre,and increase 11,2% in 2016. Results estimated the need of ice for Cantrang ship for 5 years peaked at 2019 is 88.991 tons. In year 2015 is 64.442 tons,and increase 10,6% in 2016. Estimation of diesel fuel need for Gill Net Ship for 5 years (2015-2019) peaked at 2019 is 2.392.000 litre, In year 2015 is 1.988.000 litre and decreased 9,2% in 2016. Estimation the need of ice for 5 years peaked at 2018 is 7.771 tons, and increase 0,6% in 2019. The need of Fish Auction Facility according to the result utilization rate analysis is 39,8%, hence in need of optimum utilization. Results estimated the supply need for 5 years ahead, then ice factory facility is highly needed, and Fishermen Refueling Station facility is in need of increased tanks capacity
Analisis Pengembangan Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (Ppp) Asemdoyong Pemalang Jawa Tengah Ditinjau Dari Fasilitas Fungsional Dan Penunjang
Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Asemdoyong merupakan pelabuhan yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan dimana sebelumnya pelabuhan ini adalah pangkalan pendaratan ikan. Mengingat fungsinya yang sangat strategis sebagai pusat kegiatan dan perekonomian masyarakat sekitar, sehingga perlu adanya pengkajian pengembangan fasilitas yang berkelanjutan sehingga Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Asemdoyong dapat melayani kegiatan di pelabuha secara maksimal. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi fasilitas-fasilitas, menganalisa estimasi perkembangan kebutuhan di pelabuhan, dan melakukan analisa strategi pengembangan Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Asemdoyong Pemalang untuk diterapkan dalam pengembangan PPP Asemdoyong dengan kondisi saat ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif serta menggunakan analisa data yaitu analisa tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas, analisis estimasi dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa fasilitas-fasilitas yang ada di Pelabuhan Perikanan Asemdoyong kondisi fisiknya masih baik namun ada beberapa yang kurang berfungsi, dengan tingkat pemanfaatan alur pelayaran 75%, dermaga 81%, TPI 90% dan luas parkir 91%. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa Optimalisasi fasilitas dasar dan fungsional keseluruhan belum termanfaatkan secara optimal. Hasil analisis SWOT didapatkan hasil 3,63 ; 2,63 sehingga penerapannya menggunakan strategi S-O (Strength-opportunity). Strategi ini dibuat dengan memanfaatkan seluruh kekuatan untuk merebut dan memanfaatkan peluang sebesar-besarnya. Asemdoyong Coastal Fishing Port is the under development port where previously was a fish landing base. Considering the highly strategic function as a center of economic activity and the surrounding communities, so it is necessary for continuous study of the facility development that Asemdoyong Coast fishing port can serve maximally. The research aims to determine the condition of the facilities, to estimate the development requirement in the port, and to analyze the strategy of port development of Asemdoyong Coastal Fisheries located in Pemalang to be applied in the development of PPP Asemdoyong with current conditions . The method used in this research is descriptive method, using the data analysis of the level of facilities utilization, SWOT analysis, and its estimation. The result showed that the existing facilities at the fishing port Asemdoyong is still good , but there are some less function, with a utilization rate of 75 % shipping channel , pier 81 % , TPI 90% and parking area 91 %. From these results, it can be concluded that the optimization of the overall function and basic facilities have not utilized optimally. The results of the SWOT analysis showed 3.51 ; 2.57 so that the application using the strategy SO ( Strength - opportunity) , which means strategy in its application to take advantage of an opportunity
Neutron star properties in the quark-meson coupling model
The effects of internal quark structure of baryons on the composition and structure of neutron star matter with hyperons are investigated in the quark- meson coupling (QMC) model. The QMC model is based on mean-field description of nonoverlapping spherical bags bound by self-consistent exchange of scalar and vector mesons. The predictions of this model are compared with quantum hadrodynamic (QHD) model calibrated to reproduce identical nuclear matter saturation properties. By employing a density dependent bag constant through direct coupling to the scalar field, the QMC model is found to exhibit identical properties as QHD near saturation density. Furthermore, this modified QMC model provides well-behaved and continuous solutions at high densities relevant to the core of neutron stars. Two additional strange mesons are introduced which couple only to the strange quark in the QMC model and to the hyperons in the QHD model. The constitution and structure of stars with hyperons in the QMC and QHD models reveal interesting di erences. This suggests the importance of quark structure e ects in the baryons at high densities. PACS number(s): 26.60.+c, 21.65.+f, 12.39.Ba, 24.85.+
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