4 research outputs found

    The effects of Situational Interview (SI) and Patterned Behavior Description Interview (PBDI) on applicant reactions

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    Background: Using interview as one of the selection methods for recruitment, organizations not only aim to select the best candidates for the job but also want to attract them to work in their organizations. This suggests applicants‟ reactions to job interview do matter. Objective: This study sought to examine applicant reactions to different types of structured interview content by comparing between Situational Interview (SI) and Patterned Behavior Description Interview (PBDI). Method: Fortysix job incumbents, as samples, were given transcripts of interview content for SI and PBDI which were counterbalanced in the order of their presentation. After completing them, the participants were asked to answer a short questionnaire on applicant reactions to the two types of structured interview content. Results: The results demonstrated a significant effect of structured interview content on applicants‟ fairness or procedural justice perception, with the mean for PBDI is significantly greater than the mean for SI. Conclusion: The findings showed that using interview transcript, job incumbents reacted more positively to PBDI than SI, which indicated that participants regarded PBDI to have a higher perceived procedural justice or perceived fairness than SI. These findings have contributed better understanding to the contradicting findings in earlier empirical researches

    The effects of Situational Interview (SI) and Patterned Behavior Description Interview (PBDI) on applicant reactions

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    Using interview as one of the selection methods for recruitment, organizations not only aim to select the best candidates for the job but also want to attract them to work in their organizations. This suggests applicants‟ reactions to job interview do matter. Objective: This study sought to examine applicant reactions to different types of structured interview content by comparing between Situational Interview (SI) and Patterned Behavior Description Interview (PBDI). Method: Forty six job incumbents, as samples, were given transcripts of interview content for SI and PBDI which were counterbalanced in the order of their presentation. After completing them, the participants were asked to answer a short questionnaire on applicant reactions to the two types of structured interview content. Results: The results demonstrated a significant effect of structured interview content on applicants‟ fairness or procedural justice perception, with the mean for PBDI is significantly greater than the mean for SI. Conclusion: The findings showed that using interview transcript, job incumbents reacted more positively to PBDI than SI, which indicated that participants regarded PBDI to have a higher perceived procedural justice or perceived fairness than SI. These findings have contributed better understanding to the contradicting findings in earlier empirical researche

    Etiket bahasa dalam perutusan khas COVID-19

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    Masyarakat harmoni menitik beratkan elemen etiket bahasa sebagai peraturan sosial untuk mengekalkan perpaduan. Etiket bahasa dalam suatu masyarakat dilihat mempunyai beberapa elemen yang menjadi ikutan dan amalan dalam masyarakat tersebut. Ini kerana elemen dalam etiket bahasa adalah merupakan elemen yang mempunyai perkaitan dengan elemen budaya suatu masyarakat. Pelanggaran etiket bahasa hanya memberi kesan dan pandangan buruk kepada masyarakat. Ini kerana masyarakat hari ini banyak melakukan perlanggaran tersebut yang menjadikan suatu peristiwa bahasa tersebut tercemar. Justeru, suatu masyarakat itu perlu memberi tunjuk ajar penggunaan etiket bahasa kepada komunitinya pada peringkat awal usia lagi. Bahkan dengan mewarisi dan mewariskan peraturan sosial ini dapat membentuk keperibadian yang menjadi cerminan individu tertentu. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kualitatif deskriptif iaitu dengan melihat penggunaan bahasa dalam lapangan. Dalam kajian ini, tumpuan diberikan terhadap ungkapan yang mempunyai elemen etiket bahasa dalam teks wacana sempurna daripada Perutusan Khas Covid-19 oleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Muhyiddin bin Haji Mohd Yassin. Terdapat enam teks wacana sempurna perutusan Covid-19 yang merupakan data utama dalam kajian ini. Manakala analisis data dalam kajian ini dilakukan dengan mengikut pendekatan Asmah Omar (2010). Penelitian dan huraian dilakukan daripada elemen etiket bahasa yang terdapat dalam setiap struktur peristiwa bahasa ini iaitu pada bahagian pembuka, perjalanan peristiwa, dan penutup. Objektif kajian adalah untuk mengenal pasti elemen etiket bahasa dan menghuraikan elemen etiket bahasa berdasarkan ungkapan yang diujarkan oleh pemeran. Berdasarkan kajian didapati bahawa elemen etiket bahasa diujarkan mengikut kesesuaian situasi dan mengikut peraturan sosial dalam masyarakat negara ini

    Language Assessment Literacy of Malaysian School English Teachers

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    The idea that assessment is essential in teaching and learning process is of course not new. In the recent years, most educational systems in the world have experienced or are experiencing a shift from focus on summative to formative assessment. Malaysia is one of the countries that has recently started making major changes in its educational system including the way assessment is supposed to be practiced at schools. However, very few studies are available on how teacher training programmes train future English language teachers on principles and practice of assessment. The present study investigated language assessment literacy of 48 Malaysian school English language teachers. Quantitative method was applied in collecting and analysing the data. More specifically, survey method and a questionnaire adopted from Fulcher (2012) was used by the researchers to elicit the data. Descriptive method was used to analyse the data. The results of analysis showed that 44 (92%) of teachers indicated that they were somewhat prepared in developing useful language tests. Furthermore, the findings also presented several language assessment trainings needed by the teachers. These findings are expected to have important implications and recommendations for better development of language assessment literacy in the context of Malaysia